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Fantasy Apocalypse Rising


Love is Stronger Than Evil, It Will Protect You.




Physical Description:

Clothing and Equipment:


Life Story:

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  1. Name:
    Age: Around 40 (It's very rare for someone to live that that long nowadays, but the reason he has, will be explained
    Gender: Male
    Physical Description: Hooray for being bad at explain crap :D
    Maverick is 6'1 and weighs 203 lbs. He has a fit body type. His left eye is missing, and has a large fresh scar going from his forehead and down, over his eyebrow and eye, and across his lips and to his chin. The scar is very jagged. He is also missing his left right finger (Right at the second joint)
    Clothing and Equipment: Mav' wears a black leather bomber jacket (Like a pilot jacket. look it up) with a makeshift leather shoulder pad on his right arm, pained black, a metal plate on his bicep, also painted black and a leather bracer on his right forearm, painted black as well. He has military bandoliers on his chest and belt. He carries a small knife (Looking like a throwing knife) and a Remington shotgun, with makeshift sword duct taped to the end as a bayonet. (And because I can't really explain this, here ya go)
    He wears black fingerless leather gloves on his right hand, and on his left he wears a linen bandage, wrapped around his hand and over his missing finger. He carries a black WWII looking backpack with a lantern dangling from it. In his pockets he has 42 pistol shells (Which equals to about 20 dollars) and 5 AR casings (5 dollars)
    Occupation: Scavenger
    Life Story: Maverick was born in 2014 to a woman named Annie. He had no father, and if he did, he doesn't' remember him. His mother and him travelled with a small group of survivors. When he was 3, they were attacked by the BRS. Him and the other children were kidnapped, along with all the woman. Maverick was raised to fight, while his mom was used for breeding. Hew as trained to survive and fight. (Which is why he's lasted so long alone) By the time he was 22, He had already seen many raids, but that was mostly a few gun fights and gunning down fleeing farmers. During a raid, he found a man and his wife and baby hiding in a closet. They begged him not to kill them, and he didn't. Instead, Mav' killed his team and went back alone, saying they had defenses. He helped his mother and the other slaves escape, but they were all gunned down. He was 25 at this time. Mav' escaped, though, pretty sad that his mom died because of him, but also satisfied, since she was set free from a crap life of living in a cage and being used for making soldiers (Maverick has tons of siblings, he doesn't now any of them, though) Ever since then he has been hunted down by the BRS.

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