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Fantasy Apocalypse Rising


Love is Stronger Than Evil, It Will Protect You.
History (semi brief): In 2010 America went into another cold war. Because of this, riots broke out everywhere. people were getting murdered, entire cities went on lock down. Society began to crumble. People that were able to get out of the cities started gangs that preyed on refugees. Through 2013-present time, a gang called The Black Rain Syndicate began raiding settlements. They killed the men, kidnapped the women for breeding slaves, and raised their children as soldiers. 2015 is when society had officially collapsed. The riots were so bad, cities were bombed, squads were sent out to destroy settlements, hoping that somehow they could bounce back from this. This happened all over Earth. Many countries were destroyed by nuclear fire. The BRS (Black Rain Syndicate) went from a feared gang, to the new government. They now control the east coast (which is where this RP is taking place). Most settlements now work for them, and follow their laws. If any laws are broken, the BRS send a convoy to grab the criminals and take them to an arena (which is just an old hockey stadium) and are forced to fight for their freedom. Some settlements known as Merc Villages (The most popular is Ashshore) do not work for the BRS, but they are truced with them. Even the thought of going against the BRS is stupid and considered treason. The current year is around 2051, and the rebellion is starting to form.

(Also something I couldn't really fit in there is, the currency. They use bullet casings. The rarer the case, the more it's worth. It goes from pistol casings - common AR casings - uncommon shotgun shells - rare and sniper casings - super rare )

    • Three months later:


Maverick walks down a road, clutching his machete. He's wearing a black ragged hoodie and black pants with a big backpack on, and has the hood on. He comes across a gas station. Mav' smirks and notices a dead man laying next to a can of gasoline. Maverick turns the body over, seeing a glock under him. He picks up the block and checks the clip. No ammo. He tosses the gun to the side and picks up a shell, sticking it in his pocket. "Poor bastard. Guess he couldn't take it.." He grabs the can and shakes it, hearing a liquid jiggle around inside. He stood up, looking around. He then hears screams, and the sound of s car. He drops the can and runs into the gas station, the gas pooling out. He hops through a window, hoping the car will pass by. After a few seconds, the screams stop, but the car gets louder and louder, until it stops. He places a hand on the wall and peeks up slowly, seeing a red, familiar looking truck with spikes on the front, having 5 men in it, all wearing make shift tire armor. One has a spear, another a shotgun, an axe wielder and a pistol man. The shot gunner stood up in the bed of the truck, which looked like a makeshift home. The pistol man and the axe wielder run to the gas station laughing. The BRS found him again. He shuffles over to the door, readying his machete. The pistol man walks in and Mav' pops up, swinging his machete at his head. he makes contact and them an screams, something flying off his head and he falls, holding his wound, shouting. The axe wielder swung the axe at Maverick, but he moves his machete up and blocks it, the handle of the axe just below the head, gets stuck on the machete. Maverick kicks him in the stomach, the axe getting ripped off and them man falling. The bleeding n fires at maverick, a bullet grazing his shoulder. He screams in pain as he falls, everyone standing up and kicking him. He crawled towards he truck, then turned, seeing a foot fly towards his face then blacking out.

He wakes up in the back of the truck, seeing the man he stabbed sharpening his machete with a bandage tied around his head, blood stained where his ear is. Maverick looks down. seeing all e's wearing is pants, and his hands are tied. He tilts his hand to the right, seeing he's missing a finger. his breathing picks up, alerting the bandaged man he's awake. He turns, laughing. "I'm gonna cut your ear off like you did too mine!" He then turns around and continues sharpening. Maverick stood up and wrapped the rope around the mans neck and began to choke him out. The man squirms and gags. He brings the mans head down and bashes it against the truck (His life sucks. Poor bandaged man
:( ) then dropped him. The axe wielder and shotgunner climb onto the top. the axe man jumps, screaming, bringing his axe down to Maverick, but he moved, and kicks him in the jaw. He picks up the axe and climbs onto the roof with the shot gunner and stabs him in the shoulder. He screams, shooting. Mav' grabs the shotgun and kicks him off the car (Its driving at high speeds) He then turns and fires off the last shot, hitting the axe wielder in the leg and blowing it off. He slings it across his shoulder and the spear man climbs onto the roof. Mav' grabs the spear and rips it from his grip and slashes him across the face, cutting both his eyes. The man screams and falls onto the hood, squirming, and Maverick turns, leaping down into the bed. The earless man stood up grabbing the machete and the two get in a sword fight like fight. After a few seconds of clashing, the earless man swung the machete up, butt hen switches and brought it down. Mav went to block it, but the machete goes across his face, giving him the scar and messed up eye. Maverick screams and he smashed the mans face with the butt of the spear, breaking his jaw. He turns and jams the spear through the window, right through the drivers head. The car goes out of control and turns around, knocking Maverick off. He hangs onto the spear, his feet scraping the ground, until he lets go and rolls, flying off with the earless man. The truck drives off a hill and collides into a tree, exploding because explosions are cool. Maverick stood up weakly, holding ah and over his bleeding eye and limps (his leg was dislocated). he sees the earless man dragging himself away, mumbing stuff, though it's impossible to tell what he's saying due to his broken jaw. Mav' sits on his back and brought the shotgun own on his neck, breaking it, the second hit killing him. he grabs the mans knife and money and limps to Ashshore...


Ashshore. A merc city in a truce with the BRS. This place is widely known throughout the wild lands (The wasteland) and is home to many successful trading companies, such as Inland Goods, a group that sell items from the cities (Which are known as inlands) This is where the RP will be at.

3 months ago, a wounded man showed up at the gates. He was let in and cared for. He left every week for a few days, coming back with goods that he sold to the merchants. Noone knows his name, but there are rumors he is the one the BRS are hunting down. No one knows why he sticks around, since this is mostly a stop-by-and-leave settlement built for weary travelers making there way to NYC, the BRS head quarters, filled with large settlements under their rule. Maybe he's a merc that can't find a client, or maybe he's planning something bigger. Who knows. As long as he supplies everyone with goods, no one really cares. Everyone has their own story, and most aren't important...
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