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Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

I lean and whisper into Addie's ear, "It has to be Leon, but I should talk to him, about her."
"HEEEEEEEEY NOW!" Dice would literally scream into the mic! "I'm getting lonely down here....ooooh I heard this is a nice city I think I'm gunna come in and get some local flavor!" He'd chuckle at the end before setting the mic down, he'd go inside and grab a few shotgun shells and his bat waiting now for any reaction.
"And when you come, I'll have an arrow aimed out the window at your head." I say aloud
The other Zombie started whispering.


What reason did he have to whisper? They probably knew her father. He was sure of it, so he didn't expect them to kick Kat out.

He didn't regret opening that door for one second. It would be inhuman if he hadn't opened it.

Yeah... It would be inhuman...


The guy from earlier started yelling again. He literally screamed into the mic, causing Simon's ears to start ringing.

"Arrrgh! Jesus, who is that guy?!" He asked, covering his ears with his hands.
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Dmytri, bag packed, weapons loaded and at the ready, he set off on a supply run. Maybe he'll find what he needs or better. His old pistol has been needing repair or replacement for some time now. He noticed some other zombies as the others called them...though as human as they were...had entered in. he figured he would be better alone, less noise, easier to sneak through the shadows however, he figured he'd like the company. He walked near the group, and said aloud "Well I'm off to find ammunition for my rifle, and maybe a new pistol...If any one wants to join me or needs anything..." he paused and thought speaking to the little girl who seemed to love candy. "Maybe I can bring some candy back for the little girl?" he also mumbled something about shooting the microphone the loud man had to help keep the noise down...surely a horde has gathered by now and it might be a good gesture to the group who he doesnt know as a sign of friendship. "Well, any takers? I leave now." He said and turned to leave the building into the night.
"Yes, actually. If you don't mind, that is." Simon responded, approaching Dmytri. "I could use a weapon. Can i come with you? I could go by myself, but some company would be awesome." He smiled, walking to the door.


As I stood their watching the older people whisper in front of me I get a little annoyed and say "so do you know many daddy or did I miss him again." She says with a sad face.


I pull up to the entrance and honk my horn to see if any body will come out to open the garage door.
I hear the honking and say, "Everybody stay here, I'll get it." I say walking to the garage and opening the door
I was slightly annoyed at being called a little girl, but I wanted the candy. Candy was one of my biggest weak spots, I just loved it so much! I awkwardly approached Dmytri. "Could I come?"

I see Felix and say "man the guy on the docks is crazy.oh and I managed to find a convenient store and score some stuff. So anything interesting happen while I was gone."


"Where is that guy going oh that smell is daddy."
Then I look at Leon and ask quietly, "Did you ever have a, daughter, named kat?"
(Pretty much all of us are in a firehouse in a big city with a few people who aren't in the city, but those peeps haven't posted in forever, so yeah. Oh, plus Dice is at the docks of the city. So basically everyone but a few are in the firehouse)
(( Geez, i thought it was a school this whole time xD ))

"Take all the time you need." He said as he left through the entrance. He took a deep breath, enjoying the cool air of the night. His eyes adjusted to the darkness, and his night vision kicked in, letting his eyes glow slightly.

He stretched and let out a yawn, snapping his fingers.

He felt energized again.

It felt good to be back among the shadows. Staying awake during daytime sucked.
((Got it))

I sit on the roof of a building in my foldable chair, upgrading my sniper. I observe the zombies on the ground around the building. "Man... It's just a few minutes till they get up here..." I mumble, hearing zombies running up the stairs. I get up and start running to the wooden plank bridge to another building. The zombies break through the boards I set up and I shoot a couple, making loud bangs. "I'm sorry chair..." I throw it down the building, helping me speed up.
I went over to the window and glanced around nervously, seeing if I could find who fired the rounds, but I didn't see anything.

(Gtg for a lil bit)

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