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Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

"Thank you," I say quietly, "I just hope I dont disappoint." I look around to the amount of damage the other zombies caused.
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SaintRaven367 said:
*Walks down the street casually, body illuminated by a flickering street light. This street was the street where Alistar was captured. He'd left Max to loot apartments while he 'searched' also. A tire iron in hand, Alistar begins hitting a old post box with it. Making incredible noise.*
"Dinner is served!!!!"
The 2 walkers whirled around and charged you, while the walkers slowly shuffled towards you. Max started taking shots at the runners, killing one of them before it could reach Alistar.
After the situation ended and it seems like I froze for a few minutes. I see Felix talking to Marcus and the young girl. I had over heard what was said. So I go over by them start to clean the mess up and as I do I say to Felix "I am not going to pretend to understand your urges or rage. But I do know that if you haven't been around most of us would be dead. You have saved Addie tons of times. You also saved my ass a few times like the time with the big zombie from the other city I am pretty sure I would be dead right now if you went their. So as far as I am concerned I owe you and Marcus my life. And I trust not only you but this little rag tag family of ours with my life."
"Addie!" Marcus called, trying to find the girl. He let out a sigh before continuing to look, the girl could fit nearly anywhere if she wanted to.

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I had been hiding for the past situation, not wanting to go through what happened last time. I crawled out of my hiding spot when everything went quiet except for voices, especially Marcus's voice.
Hearing gun shots and noise in the distance Dmytri started off in the direction from which it came, keeping mostly to what shadows he could and talking it slowly. He kept the high ground as best he could getting withing scope range of the voices. Sitting from atop a multistory building perch, propping up a nice sniping roost from which to peer at the nameless voices through his scope. He sat watching through his scope, round chambered sitting what he would roughly say about 600 meters from the nearest voice. He wasn't sure any human was left, he's mostly seen the inhumans in his ten year seclusion till the forest which he resided became over ran with inhumans, forced Dmytri towards the city.

Peering through the scope of his grander father's rifle, he could make out that a conversation was taking place between the voices...but how could he know for sure if they were inhuman, or human...without risking his life. Maybe a warning shot, no...he knew, he'd pull off a nice little trick. he'd spell out "S.O.S" by shooting out simple windows of the building behind he voices.

Dmytri loaded his rifle, and starting shooting away. silencer affixed, made a nice little sound. he shot precisly five windows to spell reversed block letter S.O.S. He chuckled to himself as he lit a cigarette and waited peering through his scope to see what the voices did.
Hearing the gunfire I stand up and ready my bow, peeking out the window to see if it came from a long or short distance
Seeing how the group reacted, Dmytri concluded that they were human, seeing as how they feared for their lives. He was surprised why no one looked at the glass though. He was certain though that he was hidden well enough to not be seen, he let of a few more rounds, this time obviously over the heads of the group into the building windows again in the same five shot pattern spelling "S.O.S"

"hm, ten rounds wasted on a group...i may need to go find more" he said under his breath.

He surveyed the surroundings of where the group was and noticed an alley way, he followed it with his rifle and saw it connected to a few alleys nearby. he decided thought that he'd make an appearance. he wrapped his rifle and slung it over his shoulder, uncliped his takarov and started traversing the alleys. "hopefully they are not to mad about the shots." He lit another cigarette for the road and started off creeping in the shadows.
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As the shotts went off I grabbed my ax and ran into the street and was ready for a fight. As I stood their I thought I am so tired of all the commotion as of late and if this person better have a good reason for this action.
Marcus sighed as he stood up. Another five bullets had entered the room and spelt out a message on the wall. "S.O.S? Why do they need help if they obviously have enough ammo to waste spelling out a message?" He questioned aloud, leaning down next to Addie and offering his hand.
I took his hand and came out of hiding. "Wait what?" I looked at the window and saw the message myself and made a slightly surprised sound, "Huuh... That is really weird."
Some time passing, and a few close calls for Dmytri he finds a door leading into the building. he sneaked in and positioned himself in a dark corner behind the group, lighting a cigarette shielding the match from the draft. "The answer is simple privjet. The shots were merely to get your attention. The pattern, well, i've been secluded in the woods for nearly ten years now. I have little to no knowledge of the worldly situation, i've only reached the city the other night." He took a few drags from the cigarette, the embers glowing red. Standing casually leaning against the wall. He looked up at the people. "Oh, I'm Dmytri Petrovich. And you are human I hope, either that or I have signed my own death certificate."
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I stand out in the street for a few minutes and then hear a core more shots. So I run back into the fire house to where Addie and Marcus are. And behind them I see a guy standing behind them. I say "look out behind you."
I quickly look where he pointed and I practically fell from surprise. "What the..?" I stared at the person leaning against the wall and backed up a bit.

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