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Fantasy Anything Goes Reboot


Maiden of Destruction
In this roleplay, literally anything goes. Be what you want to be, do what you want. It is set in a modern town call Liondil in England. You may come and go as you please. You may also go on adventures to other parts of the world. Seriously, do whatever.

And just don't be a jerk, that's my only rule.
Chrono Promium sat in his bedroom, upon a grand bed that seemed fit for a prince. Technically, he was a prince and all of these charms blessed to him were usually exceptional. A knock on his door disrupted him from his book. He gave a low growl and walked to the door to unlock it. It was one of the higher-class servants Chrono's father owned. If this was the case the new lent to him was surely important.

"What is it Fletcher?" Chrono grumbled. The servant bowed and slipped an envelope from under his formal suit. Chrono took the letter end opened it,

Dear Brother,

I have arrived in Loindil on the pursuit of our bounty. I believe you will enjoy the participation on this goose chase and I usher you to join me on my hunt.

Best Regards,

Hunter got off the bus in Liondil, "It feels good to be back, I wonder what's changed." He said as he started to walk through the town, looking at the buildings.
"It's my older brother...ugh. Guess I should help him." Chrono said. "Fletcher. Get the Whizzrotor ready. I'm leaving Lisbon..."
Soma continued down the sidewalk of the foreign town of Loindil. This will suffice as a resting spot. She couldn't tell what it was about this place, but something felt familiar, comforting. She made her way into one of the local cafes, sitting in a seat not to close to the front and not too far in the back as to look as normal and inconspicuous as possible.
Ren and Alice were sitting on a bench near central park looking at the flower field nearby. "Such a nice day out here. Though, nothing exciting has happened yet." Ren said "The status quo IS relaxing, actually" Alice said to Ren
Hunter saw a couple on a bench as he walked down the side walk, and waved as he walked by, "Morning."
Ren and Alice notice the young man talking to him. "Oh, hello!" Both of them said to him "I'm Ren, I can shapeshift without limitations!" "I'm Alice and I can control the earthly elements."

Hunter looked at the two with raised eyebrows, "Dear god this is new York all over again." He mumbled to himself, "Hunter, it's good to meet another shape shifter."

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"Hee hee hee..." Zodiac angled himself onto his scythe he weilded. He was sitting upon the rooftop of a large building, looking down at the vast metropolis. He smirked, floating down onto the asphalt of a road below. He was glad to cause havoc on the sinister beings of Liondil. A soul reaper just arrived in town.

"Good to be back after all these years..."
After sitting in the deafening silence for quite some time Soma stood up from the seat she occupied in the cafe and stepped out onto the sidewalk. Her brown hair whipped around her face. She quickly buried her hands deep within her jacket pockets as she continued along. Maybe this place was the right one.
(Sorry for jumping in so late. Senior trip was yesterday. xD )

Victoria soars above the town of Liondil. After leaving town for a while, she had learned to control her beast side. But now she was back. She wasn't exactly sure what had happened of Shinu, but she forced herself to move on. She still lived alone in the small house and every surface was still littered with art supplies. She kept things a little cleaner, but not much. After finding a good place to land, Victoria swoops down from the sky and lands in the town park.
"There, much better, isn't it?" Valerie asked, setting the small mole creature back on the ground. Sitting back, she watched it run off and down its hole. "That should be the last of them," the girl muttered, picking up the bag and standing. She was only in town for a few years, planning on researching the underground burrows of the local moles. Now that she had tagged the last of them, she began back to her temporary home.

Matsuda grinned, sitting on the park bench and pulling out the small notebook. ((Aaaaand, WB))
The dragon lands gracefully on the ground. When standing at her full height, Victoria easily dwarfs the surrounding trees and buildings. The dragon begins to shrink, wrapping its wings around its body. Soon the black wings disappear, revealing the young woman. She was clothed in a simple, white sundress and her hair was pulled back into a long braid.
Hunter realized he wasn't going to get a reply, and walked away, until he saw a familiar dragon land, and walked over to greet her, "Do my eyes deceive me? Is that really you Victoria?"
Victoria blushes at the sight of Hunter. She hardly ever forgot a face. "The one and only," she says and smiles. She smooths out the folds of her dress and brushes a few stray hairs from her face.

"How have you been?"
"Good, good. Been working, and I'm actually the head of A.R.T.I.F.A.C.T. now! But that's for another time, what about you?" He asked with a, smile before finding a bench to sit at.
Victoria sits down next to him, tucking her skirt beneath her. "I did some traveling. Not much, but some. I got my dragon side under control, for the most part."
"That's great! So any adventures worth noting?" He asked as he leaned back and looked at the sky, which had a few clouds floating lazily.
Victoria shakes her head. "I'm afraid not. I met some interesting people, but they didn't have a huge impact on anything."
Hunter nodded, "Ya know the offer into ARTIFACT still stands right?" He said randomly, before pointing at a cloud , "That one looks like a bunny."
Hunter nodded, "I understand it's something you shouldn't just jump into, but if you ever feel your ready to find me. But on to something else, how is Shinu?" He asked curious looked gracing his features as he turned to look at the dragoness.

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