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Anyone want to do a 1x1

Scottish Cupcake

The Ruler and Savior of All Cupcakes
We can do whatever I just want to do a 1x1 RP. Fantasy, Slice of Life, whatever you choose.

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Hi there, I am up for a roleplay if you are. I can do anything, but i normally do roleplays that are realistic. So slice of life may be the ideal genre?
I'm okay with Slice of Life. Where and when are my only questions. Also do you want to make it school, summer camp, competition, or what? Sorry if I sound rude in anyway.
I'll play if you want. I prefer fantasy. if you don't want to play or get busy you just do your thing. I won't be offended. If you ever want to play send me a PM.
[QUOTE="Scottish Cupcake]I'm okay with Slice of Life. Where and when are my only questions. Also do you want to make it school, summer camp, competition, or what? Sorry if I sound rude in anyway.

You are not rude in an way. Schools are a good and easy way of starting up a roleplay, so i think that might be a good starting point, as for when, somewhere areound the 1940 in England or America maybe? I am a bit in the WW2 mood at the moment. So maybe this is an officer school? I will let you decide on that.
Oh My Gosh 1940 that'd be awesome!! I absolutely @IllusiveShade I just love World War II it's so interesting!! I'd prefer England because there was more action going on there compared to America...I think.

Also @Joshdog as I said to @Thewarsword I can always set up another private RP.
Scottish Cupcake]Oh My Gosh 1940 that'd be awesome!! I absolutely [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6073-illusiveshade/ said:
@IllusiveShade[/URL] I just love World War II it's so interesting!! I'd prefer England because there was more action going on there compared to America...I think.
Sounds good to me. So how do you want the setup to be? Is it field officers we are being trained as (Meaning we are gonna have physical exercise, field command training etc.) or is it the "war-room" officers (Meaning tactics training.)

Also characters, should we make a quick sheet as well?
Yes @IllusiveShade that's fine. Can you please make a quick character sheet for character and I'll just reflect off of that? 
Also @Joshdog I just need to know if you want it to be a Mature or Teen RP so I can set up another 1x1.
(Ill use this to just make my character straight away

Name: Malcolm McGreggor

Age: 17

Skillset: Fast changing tactics, maneuvering in shallow terrain, outnumbered combat

Anti-Skillset (Or those things you are bad at.): Frontal assault, Retreats, Flanking.

(Its best if the skillset and anti-skillset is a 1 to 1 balance)

Physical traits: Agile, trained in use of revolvers, endures long runs.

Looks: Tall young man with a determined look on his face, he has blond hair cut short, glasses and always wearing a red beret in class. He wears the typical Officer uniform http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa304/schphgochi/Yavin Honor Guard/BritishUniform200.jpg (Just with a beret instead, as i stated.)
Alright Scotty, I will have to continue later today, I had hopes we could have started today, but we used a little too much time on the setup, and that is partly my fault as well, so we will have to continue when I get back later today. But I think this Roleplay is gonna be fun.

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Okay but it's not you're fault at all it's mine I have a lot of stuff that I'm doing right now so it's getting hard to set up.
Scottish Cupcake]Sounds awesome [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6713-kazhaya/ said:
@Kazhaya[/URL] I'll ask you the same as everyone. Are you here for Mature or Teen?
I honestly don't mind. Depends on what kind of plot we are aiming for. I suppose I'm in the mood for something light, but striking, so put me down in that teen category.
And he is back (insert more selfish statements in 3rd person here)

If you are up to start this RP I am ready to go.

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