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Realistic or Modern Anyone interested in role playing with my asexual/aromantic OC?


Arrow Ace Aro Ace
Yo! So, I've come to realize that most every role play on this site either includes romance at some point, or requires romance. Which is okay with me, but I think that it would be interesting if, say, a relationship didn't work out because the other person didn't feel romantic love? What's more dramatic and emotional than someone trying to feel these feelings for someone, but they can't?

Anyway, reply below if anyone's interested! :D  


* No one-liners. I don't mind the occasional three-liners if you really can't think of anything more to put down, but I really don't like it when I write a detailed reply and someone just replies with one sentence

*Be okay with asexuality/aromanticality. Because they are not well known orientations, it is okay for your character (or even yourself in OOC) to ask questions about it. But please don't be rude or mean about it, just as you shouldn't for any orientation.

*Have fun! No one likes a role play where the other person's not into it. If you find that it just isn't the role play for you, please let me know :)  I don't mind if you want to stop for any reason. I'm a very understanding and flexible person, so I don't mind working something out to make an RP that we can both enjoy :)  

Oh, and don't worry. I don't use emoji's while RPing XD 
I love this idea! I'm in that sort of situation right now (I'm aro and one of my best friends asked me to consider going out with him, so it's a really difficult situation) and I'd love to write about/see people write about it.
Awesomeness! :D  Yeah I'm ace and aro, so I went through it before :/  Let me know whether you like RPing through PM or on a thread :)  
Hi, I am too, both ace and aro! So nice to see our community on here! I usually only work with aces and aros as my characters (mostly because love is such a strange concept for me) so I woiuld love trying on the other side of the coin (so to speak)!
I'm pansexual, but I do have a very low drive. It'd be interesting to try out an RP with this OC.

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