Anyone here play FFXIV?

Eevee - Chan

Junior Member
I use to love, love this game but with school and work I had to stop playing. It's a long time but I'm really wanting to get back into it as a way to unwind after working 50+ hours a week, something about the music, game play and setting + FF-esque storyline makes it amazing for that. Anyone here play? If so, what server and class? I'd love to find some people to play with and maybe a nice free company since none of my friends play. Thinking I'm gonna go Arcanist/Scholar or black mage this time, wasn't crazy about archer. I was playing on Goblin which seemed a little dead, too - I like to see players running about and such, any suggestions?

Thanks! (*U*)
Awesome timing. I resubbed about a week ago. Over on Exodus with almost all classes at 50 and a few at 60. In my experience it's a fairly well populated server - recently spent some time on Cactuar which felt rather...inactive for the amount of people I've seen. Lot of bodies but no real movement.

Bouncing between Warrior and Monk at the moment since they're capped and decently geared, though I'm also working on leveling Astrologian with plans to grind up White Mage, Ninja, Dark Knight, and potentially Paladin. Bit of everything really.

Can't help with the free company unfortunately. I'm a bit displaced at the moment. So! If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears. Open to paying for a server transfer if it comes down to it.
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I run one of the oldest RP FCs on Balmung, though we're in a sort of scaled down/transitional setting at the moment due to a major health crash I've experienced over the past year (it's been a progressive thing). My main classes are Machinist and Astrologian, though I'm bringing up Black Mage due to liking their Animus weapons better than the others - I've literally liked the entire BLM Zodiac weapon line the entire time, while I've hated every single one of the MCH weapons and the AST weapons have been kinda meh and not super excitable.

Of course, the downside to my server is that you basically have to server transfer onto Balmung. I played 1.0 and Besaid merged onto the server that became Balmung so, I severely lucked out in that regard - the RPers were moved there, and that's where the RP ended up remaining centred for 2.0 when it launched. While there is some dramaz now that we're in 2.0 (compared to the 1.0 scene), there's plenty of RP on Balmung, and a pretty large server population beyond the RPers if you are looking for getting content done and don't end up in a FC that does both RP and PvE/PvP/PvX - pretty much, whatever you're looking for, you can find on Balmung as long as you go and look.

I can provide guidance on the RP groups as far as some of the older groups. A lot of the newer groups I'm unfamiliar with, as my group was so involved in its huge plot arcs (which are part of what I can no longer manage with my current state of health) that we rarely had time to get out into the community, though our door was always open to anyone interested in our plots who were already members of other FCs via our Alliance system - we just really couldn't up and run out to other events with how many we used to have! I was aware of the older groups due to them being around before we got super busy, or from them being around in 1.0 and coming over into 2.0 after the reboot.

So, there's a summary of Balmung. :0/5:
Is there room on balmung? Ive stopped playimg because I cant find anyone to play with :/ atm im a lvl 35 BLM on leviathan. I THINK. I wanted to get om Balmung cuz it was an rp server tho :/
Balmung has very limited windows of time in which you can make new characters - that's why most people just transfer onto the server. You basically can only make characters when the server is going down for maintenance or immediately as it comes up from maintenance. As for room otherwise, transfers are available all the time, but I think they run them in batches, so you submit the request, and have like a fifteen or so minute wait? Sometimes when someone moves too close to a maintenance window, it can take up to forty-ish minutes - my boyfriend knew someone who tried to move a couple hours before a patch downtime and he ended up taking about forty minutes to move over, but everyone else we've known has taken way less than that.

They haven't had the character move restrictions since the very start of the game and the transfer system when people went nuts with moving.
No, generally there's not much of a queue, and you can get around it by hitting the 0 key on the number pad a few times, so there's really not much of a queue. Even when there's like a server crash for some reason, there's not a huge queue - at most it'll hit around 700 - 800 people and then it clears up relatively quick after a crash. We have about the same amount of crashes as every other server, so that's not a normal issue. Getting onto the server is something that you can do whenever you want, despite how we're like the second highest population server - so it's all good there. (:3)
Sweet. When I get some extra cash Ill see about a server change, that seems the easiest bet, plus I dont want to do the msq all the way back to 35 just yet :/
If you do, send a message to me here, and I'll help you get set up with people. Also, you can look through the RPC's linkshell/FC list to try and find a compatible guild and such. My character's name is Claire Brea IG, although ICly she's going by an alias and has transfigured into an entirely different race (Miqo'te) right now. >.>
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AngelDarkfae said:
If you do, send a message to me here, and I'll help you get set up with people. Also, you can look through the RPC's linkshell/FC list to try and find a compatible guild and such. My character's name is Claire Brea IG, although ICly she's going by an alias and has transfigured into an entirely different race (Miqo'te) right now. >.>
I want a social guild first before I can get into rp on an mmo, never done that before. Everytime I tried, it always fell apart, and I just got confused by how its supposed to work out :/ but def. Will do
Typically, there's a lot more social linkshells over FCs listed on the RPC, but there are a couple of social FCs on there. I'll have to take a look again, because there's been quite a bit of shuffling of FCs in the past few months. There's only a handful of really old FCs like mine left, and it seems like every 4 - 6 months there's a bit of a massive shuffling of FCs about, so I end up playing catch up on whose who.

I do know that Sancti-Tea is both an RP guild and social guild, and they're run by a really awesome couple. I know several people in the FC, so they're someone you might want to consider to get the best of both worlds. They're invitation only via sponsorship by their members, but I can help you get around that, because I'm friends with people and can get you hooked up with them - and they know me anyway. xD

Something to consider rather than just a flat social guild.
Sounds awesome thanks a lot!!!! Ill hopefully get started up again in a week or two :) but social +rp def. Sounds like what im looking for
And I'm just sitting here on Phoenix with the rest of the Europeans trying to get in a dungeon when I'm being a total night owl.


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