Antonio Luca DiLeo "Torpedo"


Gentlemenly Gentlemen

Antonio Luca DiLeo

Age: 30

Role: Solider 

A role Luca takes great pleasure in working as hitman, thug, racketeer and all around tough guy, though he is particularly  good a interrogation.  


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Biography: Now Antonio hails form good old Sicily. He grew up a poor boy with a mother and farther who seemed to enjoy having an argument rather then doing anything useful, like raising there bleeding kid. Around the time he got a little older, Luca became a shoe shine boy, after all school wasn't gonna get him anywhere, so day after day he would shine those shoes while also swiping the occasional wallet. Ya see that the thing about Luca he catches on quick. Eventually there was this cop and this criminal who came to get there shoes shined, joined by cuffs. Now this cop had shown up before and weren't very nice, so as he shined the pigs shoes, Luca grabbed the gun from his pocket. After that the criminal or as it turned out to be, boss of a local gang, took the young Luca under his wing. How to fight, how to hurt, how to get by in life. As Luca reached his mid twenties the gang split up, so with his skills and his funds, Luca set sail for the land of opportunity. America.  At first he took odd jobs, a few broken bones here, a cut throat there. He then came to Marinello family doorstep. He liked the way they operated, the people and especially the leader. Sizing the opportunity he began his new career. If only mom and dad could see him now.

Brief Personality Synopsis:  You could call Antonio a heartless bastard after all, he only cares about having a good life. He has no worries or guilt over hurting people, you do what you must to survive after all,  which makes him come across as cold. He is rather sly and quick, despite having little actual education. He is really what you would call a charmer, preferring to let his skills do the talking, but he can have his moments. He isn't what you would call a people person, but can put on the front for the job. He also holds high respect for the don. 

Weapon of Choice: Beretta model 1915, a modified Carcano Modello, an combat knife and a wire. 

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