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ANTM: Season 28

A FABULOUS day to you!

You are cordially invited to take part in the latest season of A's Next Top Model. Compete to be the very best, like no one ever was. So bring your FLAWSOME self and join us. And don't forget to prepare your SMIZE, TOOCH and BOOCH.

Love, Lyra​
Matthew sipped his cookies and cream frappe as he indifferently clicked opened another email. So far, he'd read that pills for virility is now on sale, a girl wants to chat with him on a dating site (sorry, girl, you're barking at the wrong tree), a guy wants to send him money for being a generally "good" guy (goodness knows how he got that idea), and...

Matthew choke on his coffee, regurgitating some of it. Forgetting that he was in a coffeeshop, he whooped and stood up and danced in a weird wriggly way. Who cares?! He got accepted into ANTM!

And now, he's here! Matthew shook his head as he remembered that moment when he got the letter. Now, with a funky bag in tow, he's standing right in front of the house, with fellow contestants inside. This is what he'd been dreaming about since he first saw the show. He stepped inside.
Leo stared at the email in on the screen, eyes widening with each fabulous word. What...? What was this? When did he ever sign up for this!?

But a moment later, Leo's shock turned into a knowing frown. He had an idea, actually.

"Grandma...?" Leo asked cautiously, picking up his laptop and sliding on his socks until he reached her kitchen. He put the paper on the counter in front of her as she chopped green onions. "Grandma, do you have anything to do with this?"

"Hmm?" his grandma peered up at the email, placing her reading glasses upon her nose. After scanning the email she smiled. "Oh! Well look at that. Congrats, dumpling." She kissed him on the cheek.

"Grandma, you know I love you, but what did you do?"

She laughed mischievously before scooping up the green onion slices and dumping them into a bowl. "Ahahaha, well I suppose now that everything went through, I'll tell you! Remember Carol Lee?"

Leo thought for a moment. "You mean, your friend from the senior center? The one who likes to design things?"

Leo's grandma smiled. "Mmhm~ Remember that little fashion show she needed your help with? You had to model everything?" Leo's eyes widened.

"You mean, where I clowned around with every piece I modeled...?" Leo covered his face, slowly realizing that all was not as it appeared. "That. That was...!?"

"An audition~" his grandma finished. "I didn't want them to tell you! That way you could be yourself, and you soared! Ooh hoo hoo!" She gave Leo's shoulder a slight shake when he didn't budge. "Oh come on, dumpling! This is a really big opportunity for you! Do you plan on making cookies and cream fraps all your life? Eh, Mr. Barista??"

Leo sighed and peeked through his fingers at the email at the screen.


And then he was there, fresh from the airport and standing in front of what he would call his place of residence for a whole season of this... "American Model," was it?.......Yeah.

His heart pounded as he stepped closer to the door, closer... These... These guys were models with experience. He pulled his five-paneled cap down a little lower on his forehead, blushing a bit as his fingers closed around the door handle. The only experience he had was what he thought was a minor comedy-fashion show. But he was here now, so that was something.

With a deep breath, Leo pulled open the door and looked up.
When he pushed open the door, Matthew was greeted with a sight that was beyond his expectations.

The bag dropped and with a big smile on his face as he twirled and looked around with wonder in his wide eyes. "This is so amazing!" He screamed, not able to contain his delight. Before he came out, he had watched countless of episodes on his laptop, late at night, when everybody's asleep, like it was a deep dark secret. And look at him now, standing in the middle of thw glistening marble floor and chic black and white walls.

A few meters away was the glistening pool, separated from the inside by glass. Leaving on a corner where all their luggage seemed to be placed, he stepped out of the glass backdoor into the pool where all beautiful men and women seemed to be mingling with each other. He'd bet his ass these were his fellow contestants. He grabbed a tall glass with some tropical fruit juice in it and then he talked with those nearest him.

The door swung open behind him.
Whatever Leo had expected to be behind that door, it was not a person.

The smack of the door against the young man had caused his drink to spill all the way down his white shirt. Leo dropped his bag in the doorway and rushed over, saving the sites for later.

"Ohmygosh, I'm so, so sorry!" He said, bowing his head and blushing. Great. Greaaaat. Not even one step in the house and he was already a hurricane. He scrambled back the door and dragged it so it was in front of the young man. Leo squatted to unzip it and then hopped back to his feet. "Here pick any shirt you want to replace it for now. They're really casual, and they might be a little small but uh--here!" He whipped out his hand, not meeting the other man's eyes. "Hand me your shirt, and I'll wash off what I can in the pool before the stain sets in. And then we can clean it properly late--!" He'd been backing up a bit ever since he mentioned the pool, to show him, oh, he didn't know, that he meant that big pool in front of them. But he'd underestimated the distance. And now? Now his foot was in the water, and he was falling back...!
Matthew watched and participated as the train wreck happened before his eyes. His eyes widened and his mouth opened in amazement as the guy before him did...all those things without anybody's help. He did not know whether to be horrified or amazed.

As the guy started falling down, he finally snapped out of his daze and tried to catch him. Stepping forward, he caught an arm. But the combined weight of two grown men focused on one side was the straw that broke the camel's back. Or something along that line.

He felt the shock of cold water as they landed with a splash. Some nearby girls shrieked as their lookbook worthy outfits got wet. He looked around for the guy.

Forcefully, the door opened once more. Now with dread, he stared at it.

"My, oh my! Aren't you all so excited?" A woman in stunning Rio de Janeiro parade costume stepped in, the gold long feathers on her headdress quiviring in the wind. "...Oh! Someone seems a bit too excited. Come on you two, get up here. Take off those clothes and show us some entertainment! Wohoo!"

The rest of the crowd cheered. If he was not getting chilled, Matthew would have combust in shame.

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