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Realistic or Modern Answers

Side note guys....

wtf is a book club? xD

we don't have that here...

is it where you guys sit around and talk about a book?

(we don't have those sorts of clubs in kiwi schools .-.)

Missykay said:
Lol. Basically the group all reads the same book and goes by chapters and meets to discuss it
this is what old single females do here...

but meeh makes sense
So where do you all want to go from here? Would Willow or Alez even be interested in investigating the case?
Kencen said:
So where do you all want to go from here? Would Willow or Alez even be interested in investigating the case?
Alez is doing her own thing, with blackjack and strippers...
@Missykay @Kencen @Sharkiee

Maybe Willow could be suspected of the crime because she despises Tyler? And/or maybe there are a few other characters that might seem to want Tyler gone? Or maybe one of them could act suspicious towards Julian or Matt?

Those are just some of my ideas.
I'm gonna try to get a post in as soon as possible. Could I possibly get a recap of everything that happened so far?

It's okay.

And here's what happened so far:

Julian (me) meets Matt (Kencen). Matt asks him a few questions regarding the Earnhart case and for his help. There are reveals that Tyler's GF (me) and teammates ( one of which is ReverseWells) weren't loyal to him. Meanwhile, Grace (Missykay) is grieving for what could have been between her and Tyler, but goes to cheer practice anyway. Bella, the aforementioned GF, goes too.

At the same time, Matt and Julian head to book club (Julian asked if he could observe) and meet Willow (Missykay) and Alez (Sharkiee). The club members decide to read Watership Down, and Willow leaves for a smoke break.

@Kencen @Missykay @Sharkiee

@ReverseWells , is that OK?
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Here is what happened up to this point.

Julian (me) meets Matt (Kencen), who asks him for information about the Earnhart case and his help with solving it. A reveal is made, and it turns out that Bella (the GF, played by me) and his teammates (Chad is one of them) weren't as loyal as they seemed. Meanwhile Grace (Missykay) grieves for Tyler, and goes to cheer practice. Bella follows her, while reminiscing about the past. At the same time, Matt and Julian head to book club, and meet Willow (Missykay) and Alez (Sharkiee). The club decides to read Watership Down. Then Willow leaves book club.

Is that OK?
Perfect thanks!

The football team skipped practice that day to those who were grieving for Tyler. Which he was totally fine with, he needed to speak with a few people anyways. Chad sat against the goalpost, jotting away in his yearbool journal. The seniors had to do a special project for the yearbook, and his job was to think of the captions for the pictures. That was his job in yearbook. After finishing his sentence, he set the book down, and pulled out his phone from his jacket. He scrolled through his texts, and stopped on Bella's contact. *We need to talk, now.*

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