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Realistic or Modern Another zombie rp

Shayne nodded, he knew how many issues could come up with pregnancy but they had to work with what they had available to them and right now his doctor friend was the best he could do. He pulled up to a country house and jumped from the car. lifting Lexi into his arms he ran inside and 2 doctors were there waiting , putting her down on the bed he left her with the doctors and left them in the bed room.

Going back downstairs he met Alex bringing things in. He went to help and bought in the last of the things before catching Alex's hand and moving to stand outside.

"Can we speak?"

@The Dragon Rider @Shimakage Thunder
Lexi tried to relax herself as she allowed the two doctors who were there to care for her. Although the pregnancy was so far healthy for her and the baby, she hasn't really been examined by a doctor in quite some time due to the apocalypse going on. She sighed as she relaxed in bed, still holding her belly. As she started caressing it, Lexi also started feeling around the on the Material of the Dress she currently wore. Lastly, she took a deep breath before allowing the doctors to examine her.

@The Dragon Rider
Victoria gave up, she walked over to the back door quickly and quietly. Once she got out she was finally not in a tight space. When she walked down the block around the corner there where about 10 zombies looking in space. She then backed up and seated in a piece of glasses and said "Oh shit". She was runing as fast as she can, she couldn't take them all out at once she the only thing she can do was ran. She was about 50 feet away from the zombie. While she was running she saw a little country cabin. She didn't care what the hell it was, she went up the stairs and started banging on the door and said "If anyone is there please open the door before I died please" one of the zombie where coming up the stairs and said "Please hurry!!" She yelled. She gets out her sword and get ready to cut off some heads. One zombie came up and she cuts the head off and turned to the door "Open the door" she said banging on it.
Tabitha had continued her pursuit in chasing after harley but while she was running down the back alley she heard someone back in the grocery store yelling to open up the back door leaving Tabitha in distraught deciding what to do, Tabitha just stood there not managing to get her mind together before finally her cats meowed snapping her back in to reality as she closed her eyes and she continued to chase after harley leaving the person in the store behind "I hope she will be alright" Tabitha thought to herself as she raced to catch up with harley taking sharp turns left in right, Tabitha saw harley in the distance but she was so far behind it would take her forever to catch up "Harley wait!" Tabitha called out trying to catch her breath for a split second before continuing her pursuit as she tried to take another path to intersect with harley, finally Tabitha had manged to catch up as she jumped out in front of harley from another intersecting path "H-harley finally I manged to catch up to you I had to leave another person behind back in the grocery store just so I wouldn't lose you" Tabitha coughed bent over trying to catch her breath while her three cats did the same beside her. @Amanda Cromwell
There's a crash, and some people yelling, and frankly, Kevin doesn't need to hear what's being said to know some bad shit's going down. He just wanted food! He turns to Frankie apologetically, and says, "Well, this has been fun, but I gotta go. If you live, I'll be on the rooftop." He ran off, away from the directions of breaking things, thank you very much, trying to remember what that damn paper he'd done with Martie had said. He'd need a key, probably. This would be easier if he was in a gas station- just grab the key, run into the restroom and wait until they leave. He'd be fine as long as they couldn't break down walls, then. But nope, instead he was stuck searching for a dead employee.

Eventually, to his relief he found one, and with a mumbled apology took their keys. He'd grown up in this town, and he knew where the staff only doors were, and if he were lucky, he'd be able to climb to the ceiling from there. Alas, luck couldn't be one hundred percent on his side, because when he came into the room, there was no roof access, and in it's place was a zombie. Just great. Thinking fast as it began to shamble towards him, picking up speed, he picked up a chair- which wasn't that impossible a feat, because, hey, it was a cheap plastic chair- and bashed it into the zombies head, hard, careful to turn away and keep any face openings covered, twisting his waist and adding to the push to get further away. The zombie went down with a thunk, and he shoved the blade in between the bones of the spinal cord to effectively put it down.

He backed away from it slowly, making sure the door was locked. He couldn't seem to keep his eyes off it. Hell, he wasn't even sure if it was dead. Sure, it was dead enough it couldn't hurt him, but that didn't mean it wasn't just paralyzed. He set one of the weak chairs that probably wouldn't do anything against the door, and began placing any furniture that would fit on it that he could carry there. When he was determined his barricade was good enough to pass, and also that it was dark in here, he stepped away from the door and focused on being as quiet as possible.

Victoria turned around and saw a cat that was not to far away. She then remember that cat that was in the store she then ran to it and saw the girl that locked her in the store. She went up to her and said "What the fuck, I could of died in there and you left a real person for a cat" she said looking at her with a angry look on her face.

Right. Redoing intro because I fucked up.

Mitchell was in big trouble and he knew it. Being caught out in the open like this was never good, especially if living was a top priority. He needed shelter, and he'd gone too far from anywhere to get to a town. I'm going to die here, and there's nothing I can do. The thought came unbidden into his mind, and it wouldn't shake back out. He needed to keep moving; who knows what there is out here? A slow march became a quick, hustling jog as zombies came after him. No point shooting at them. He'd never get the arrow back, and there'd always be more zombies. Fate needed to give him a break, already.

It did. A country-looking house, slap-bang in the middle of nowhere. Perfect. Now he just needed to get in. The excitement got to his head, and he started a dead sprint towards the door, and payed for it by tripping over a root. That lost him precious time, and he cautioned himself to go slower, as none of the zombies were coming at him in anything other than a walk. The house was bigger than he thought it was. He practically collided with the door, and knocked hurriedly on the door, trying to compose himself. The zombies were getting closer all the time.

@Shimakage Thunder @The Dragon Rider @giraffesarebetter
Shayne heard a knock at the door. Telling Alex to stay where he was, he went to the door, grabbing his Shotgun. Holding it up he pointed it out.

"Step back and put your hands up!"

Shayne pulled open the door and checked Mitchell over, looking for any sign of infection. When he saw none he grabbed Mitchell by the hand and dragged him inside before killing the few undead that were around and barricading the door before turning to him.

"You infected?"

He asked looking mitchell over.
Victoria saw the door open from behind and ran to it but he closed the door already, she knocked on it again "Can you please open the door, I am not one of those asswholes eating each other up" she said talking though the door and holding up her crossbow just in case.
Mitchell could hear footsteps behind him, but they sounded human. Before he could do anything about it, the door opened. When he heard the order, he complied. Now is not the time to pick fights. When he got dragged in, he felt a mixture of confusion and relief. At least he was alive. "No, I'm fine. Thanks for opening the door." This guy's good. He's worth sticking with. At that moment another knock came from the door, and a woman's voice came from the other side asking for the door to open again. He didn't move. This guy was probably in charge, so he was the one who should decide to open the door or not.
With everything currently going on, Lexi was just laying in bed, resting. Although she did start out with a lot of energy, she was now worn out by contractions. The baby was not full-term yet, so there could be complications. While waiting for the Doctors there to give some Medical Advice...If they had any...She just relaxed in bed, caressing her belly and taking easy, deep breaths every so often.

@The Dragon Rider
Alex Carter

Alex stays put, just as he was told, watching the door warily. "Yo, maybe we should let her in." He says, taking a step forward. "That's a girl out there, we should help her." One thing that was always pounded into his head as a kid was helping girls. His father was of the mindset that they were the weaker sex, and because of that they always need help. It was wired into his mind.

@The Dragon Rider @Amanda Cromwell
Shayne nodded and instructed Mitchell and Alex to arm up and wait just in case. Moving to the door he peeked out and roughly opened the door and dragged Victoria inside and unloaded the shot gun before closing the door. Panting he called everyone to the living area. Looking around he made a difficult choice.

"Ok guys look we are restricted on resources here so we cannot be bringing everyone and everything inside we won't survive long if we do so we... we have to agree that the 5 of us are together in this"

He looked around the room for any input from the others.

@Shimakage Thunder @Amanda Cromwell @giraffesarebetter
Mitchell raised his hand. "I can hunt. Doing it since I was a child." He hoped that was able to take some stress of this guy, whatever his name is. That reminded Mitchell of something, but it could wait with what was happening right now. Right now, people needed to come together. "My bow will let me kill without drawing zombies. I volunteer to hunt." He looked expectantly at the others around the room.

@Shimakage Thunder @The Dragon Rider @Amanda Cromwell @giraffesarebetter
Victoria looked at him and said "Agreed" she said with a small smile and added "The name is Victoria and I can also help with the hunting as will with my husband which is my sword and my cross bow" she Dias with a small laugh.
Mitchell returned the gaze. "I can teach you to hunt, come with me when I go hunting. Three rules. First, stay out of trouble, I don't want to have to pull a rescue, and I WILL if you're in trouble. Second, stay with me at all times. That way I can keep an eye on you, and you can watch me and learn. Lastly, you'll be learning, so pay attention and do what I tell you to do. Follow those and you'll do just fine, kid. Still in?" His voice was stern and cold, letting her know just what he was about, and that he meant every word. He didn't seriously expect her to follow those rules, but he said it anyway.
Victoria looked at him and said "First of all, I am not a kid I am eighteen, Secondly I would get in any trouble and Last, what ever you say" she said looking at him with a smile on her face and went to go seat down somewhere because her feet were hurting her. She sat on some table and went and put her bag and her weapons down. She want to check out what was up with her. Victoria then took of her shoes and said "Oh it's not bad at all it's just hurt for me running all over

the place
" she puts her shoe back on and said "Okay so what do we have to do know"
"I'm nearly double your age, you're kid to me." Mitchell shot back, determined not to give her the last word. "I don't think anybody was going to ask about your feet, and what we have to know is each other. Let's do introductions." He looked around at the others, waiting.
Victoria looked at him and said "I was talking to my self" she said to him and added "Fine, I am Victoria Parker, Eighteen years old. I grow up with out my Mom and my Dad and I was alone for 10 years. I had experience of doing Kick boxing ever since I was a little girl and I grow to throw knifes at the walls. I also have my own training center not to far from here that still has weapons in it" she said to them.
Blaine sighed and packed some food into his bag. "Well! I'm off again, see you guys!" He said to whomever was still in the grocery store. He spotted a window on the roof and went to the back room to get a ladder. "Seems to be the safest way out.." He muttered to himself.

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Shayne sighed at Mitchell and Victoria's bickering and he rubbed his eyes. He was no leader but with Lexi laid up getting examined by a doctor friend of his it was on Shayne.

"Guys cut it out!, Mitchell thanks man always good to have a hunter, especially one that can see long distance. Victoria if you dont cut out the crap I swear im kicking you back out that door"

Shayne closed his eyes and took a deep breath

"ok so we have enough supplies for a few weeks but we have to move before then. I heard some chatter from some Army buddies about a safe zone we can get too but I want Lexi checked out and possibly after her baby before we make a move"
Victoria looked at him and said "I didn't do anything I was just trying to help him out" she said looking at the guy that has approached her.
"So, when do you want me hunting?" Mitchell asked Shayne, who seemed to have been wordlessly appointed leader. Fair enough, he's doing a good job of it. Mitchell looked out the window; he'd just missed seeing sunset. Damn he hated when he missed that. Nevertheless, that raised a good point. "It's getting late. We should sleep while we've all got a safe place to sleep."

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