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Fandom Another Story...

Heroes also don't turn over to the evil guys and nearly kill their friends, so it's not like I can even judge. Not that I ever wanted to be a hero though.
Yoshiro said:
Heroes also don't turn over to the evil guys and nearly kill their friends, so it's not like I can even judge. Not that I ever wanted to be a hero though.
gotta point there too, bro. though at least you're not trying to kill us anymore.

i think so, anyway.
Amerikia1126 said:
Fine! Get me a burger from Grillby's then! Just don't drown the thing in ketchup and I'll be happy.
you got it, bro. soon as we get back to my world i'll take ya straight there.
So we kick Asura's ass, rob McDonalds, and then head on over to Skeleton-dude's place to grab burgers. ... Welp, the hero's gonna sit this one out, everyone. You guys can handle it, right?

Amerikia1126 said:
So we kick Asura's ass, rob McDonalds, and then head on over to Skeleton-dude's place to grab burgers. ... Welp, the hero's gonna sit this one out, everyone. You guys can handle it, right?
sounds like a good plan to me. mind if i join ya?
Yoshiro said:
America, when we get done kicking Scarf-Boy's ass, it'll be your turn to defeat the next villain.
long as i don't have to do anything else. that display was real tough to pull off, y'know.
Yoshiro said:
America, when we get done kicking Scarf-Boy's ass, it'll be your turn to defeat the next villain.
Dude! I'm mind controlled! Cut me some slack here!

*mumble mumble* Killed the metal-dragon-thing all on my own.
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I might have to go "Centipede", but other than that we should be good.

(Ha! Got him to actually say it!)
Yoshiro said:
I might have to go "Centipede", but other than that we should be good.
(Ha! Got him to actually say it!)
cool. thanks, bro.
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Yoshiro said:
Have you guys seen the Sausage Party trailer yet?
*types "sausage party trailer" in the YT search bar*

*clicks on first video*

(Thoughts: A SONY movie? Oooo, me likey.)

*Some time into the trailer*

(Thoughts: So this is another one of these cute kids movies?)

(Thoughts: ...Wait, they're happy to be bought and eaten? ...Alright, then.)

*Gets to 0:58*




SHIT this is dark!

Edit: It's amazing.

Edit 2: I should probably stop with the gifs.

Edit 3: Whose turn is it?
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Amerikia1126 said:
(Disclaimer, just barely at the Muffet battle. Or as I like to call her, spider bake sale lady.)
I hate that battle so much. Really, I ended up skipping it by spending hours selling Clodglasses at Temmie Village to buy one of those overpriced items. That's how much I hate her.

At the moment I'm at the Asgore battle... Have been there since the weekend... I really suck at this game. Really, it took me, like, over two weeks to defeat Mettaton...
amybri18 said:
I hate that battle so much. Really, I ended up skipping it by spending hours selling Clodglasses at Temmie Village to buy one of those overpriced items. That's how much I hate her.
At the moment I'm at the Asgore battle... Have been there since the weekend... I really suck at this game. Really, it took me, like, over two weeks to defeat Mettaton...


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