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Fandom Another Story (REBOOT)

I'm really sorry I haven't been around, it turns out I wasn't actually watching any of these threads O.o I'll bring Kyouko in after things have calmed down a bit - There's no way she's getting into a fight between a robotic megalomaniac and some kind of demon with hundreds of arms xD
LegoLad659 said:
I'm really sorry I haven't been around, it turns out I wasn't actually watching any of these threads O.o I'll bring Kyouko in after things have calmed down a bit - There's no way she's getting into a fight between a robotic megalomaniac and some kind of demon with hundreds of arms xD
I'm sure she can handle it... I mean the Witches are way tougher than Doom...
theManCalledSting said:
I'm sure she can handle it... I mean the Witches are way tougher than Doom...
Yeah, but would she try and get in the way of two Witches fighting each other?

That, and so far both of them look really powerful, even if they aren't.
LegoLad659 said:
Yeah, but would she try and get in the way of two Witches fighting each other?
That, and so far both of them look really powerful, even if they aren't.
that and... I'm not sure how OP this Doom is...
theManCalledSting said:
Silver age Doom?
Yeah. Tomorrow after I finish Swamp Thing, I'm going to go get some more comics with Doom in them since I only read a few of them.
apoliseno said:
How do I do that on? I'm on mobile myself.
Okay, so the way you'd put something in a spoiler is this:

Spoiler text.

And it'd show up like this:

Spoiler text.

Amerikia1126 said:
Okay, so the way you'd put something in a spoiler is this:

Spoiler text.

And it'd show up like this:

Spoiler text.

How didn't that first bit show up like the second bit?

apoliseno said:
How didn't that first bit show up like the second bit?
The S in "
" and "
" needs to be typed in uppercase. It doesn't work otherwise. She did it on purpose to show you the code.
apoliseno said:
How didn't that first bit show up like the second bit?

Now I'm curious. What would happen if I did.. this.




[COLOR=#333333][FONT='Didact Gothic'][SIZE=12px]Mood: [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

[COLOR=#333333][FONT='Didact Gothic'][SIZE=12px]
Interacted: Char @Play[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]


[/column][column=span6][border=2px dashed #52769a][COLOR=#333333][FONT='Carrois Gothic'][justify]Gibberish. Stuff. Potato![/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=#333333][FONT='Carrois Gothic']
[/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#333333][FONT='Carrois Gothic']" "[/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=#333333][FONT='Carrois Gothic']
[/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#333333][FONT='Carrois Gothic'][B]" "[/B][/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=#333333][FONT='Carrois Gothic']
Skychild said:
The S in "
" and "
" needs to be typed in uppercase. It doesn't work otherwise. She did it on purpose to show you the code.
Nope. As far as I know any capitalization works works as long as the word is there. But putting an underline code in there, like you did, also works to sprevent the spoiler.
Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen

Edit: Welp, you were right. Nevermind what I said. I'll just go back to my corner now.
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