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Another search!


Haunted by the idea I'm wasting my life.
Hoping to give this another shot, I'm looking for one other roleplaying partner! At the moment, I'd prefer maybe a Realistic or Slice-of-Life RP at the very least. I also like the Sci-Fi, and Fandom genres, but I'm open to trying a new one as long as I can work with the plot! Just some things to mention:

1.I'd prefer to have my partner be a bit more advanced at RPing and literate.

2.I write about three to four paragraphs and there's always room for more if the RP picks up momentum and I'd like for my partner to write about the same or at least match.

3.Just to reiterate, I'd like a partner with good grammar, and is able to match my posts in length. It's also nice if my partner works with me to help make the plot interesting! If you're not having fun or not liking the plot we're coming up with, let me know and I'll try to work with you!

4.I prefer my main character being male, but I can always make side characters who are female. As a side note, if it's discussed and romance material is going to be added to the RP, I only do MxF.

Now, onto the fandoms I'm interested in:

•Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

•Valkyria Chronicles

•Fallout 3 or New Vegas

•Far Cry

•Last of Us

•Sword Art Online

•Black Lagoon

That's about it for fandoms for now, but if you'd rather we do something original, we can. Well, that about does it! If any of these interest you, PM and we can figure something out and discuss!
I'd be interested in an original role play, if you're still looking. I prefer female characters, so that would work out well!
I would be interested in an original. Mainly because I'm not too familiar with those fandoms, but PM me.
I'd more interested in doing Realistic or Slice of Life maybe? When I RP I generally write 2-5 paragraphs depending on the previous post the other has done. However, back to your fandom lists, I could do Fallout New Vegas, but I honestly might prefer to do a realistic or slice of life. (Up to you.)

Anyways, if you're interested as well I'd be happy to contact you or vice versa!
I know you have a lot of realistic/slice of life rps on your hand right now, but would you still be interested? At the very least, I think that it'd be worthwhile to share ideas with each other.
This sounds really interesting however I am new to the forums, and so I am not entirely sure if that omits me from being what you'd consider an "experienced role-player." However, if you're willing to role-play with me I'd be interested in doing a Sword Art Online role-play?
Far Cry is my drug. I'm relatively new to this website but not to roleplaying, so if you're up for that kind of roleplaying, shoot me a message about it.

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