• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.


Harbinger of War, Chaos, and Poptarts
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The world fell after an almost endless war and the use of weapons of mass destruction, before a team of scientists decided the most logical response to the chaos: They would need a new utopia to protect the remaining humans. A domed wall surrounded one of the last undamaged areas of land. Finally, there was debate as to how this world would be ruled. Most experiments in democracy and government had failed, and the entire country's crippled by corruption and civil war. The use of Artificial Intelligence was wildly dangerous and illegal with some minor AI insurrections. The scientists developed, Evelynn- an AI given temporary control of the city after some successful simulations.

Surprising everyone, the AI quickly developed a successful system, creating a utopia for the last bastion of humanity. The Scientists finished the restrictions that would keep her power in check and gave her the reigns. Skyscrapers were built, and technology was developed. The incorruptible Ai had succeeded, but those restrictions left her hands tied in certain situations, without any way to unbind her from these restrictions. Corruption has spread with the introduction of Science-Bending abilities, some choosing honor- some profit and chaos.

Who are the people that live in this New World?

This is the Character Sheet page for Another Normal Day, a Sci-Fi Superhero RP with some Dystopian Elements. More information is on the Ad Page (Linked under "Other") Below is the barebones for the CS, you can add code and more details if you want, just have fun. Feel free to PM me to talk about your characters or have questions on the lore until I finish the Lore Page. Please use the minimum below, Face Claims are optional and I am okay with you using art for a character.

Accepted Characters:
Name "Nickname" // Alias (Quick Description)
Genisis Government Aligned:
Evelyn "Evie" // Prototype 38 (AI Queen)
Constance "Queen Bitch" Blaggard // Director of Security Agency (Police Commissioner)
Underground Aligned
??? "Psycho" // Blitz (Chaotic and Childish Killer
Archibald "Archie" Buchanan // No Alias (Essentric and Nosy Casino Owner

Grek "Waterboy" Wrivers // The River/Trench (Water Manipulating Hero Student)
[Image Goes Here]
Previous Partners:

Abilities (If Any):
Skills and Expertise:
Known Languages: (Palish, Cyberlisk, Ect)
Weapon Expertise: (Melee, Ranged, Hand to Hand)

Personality Overview:
Good Habits:
Bad Habits:
Alignment: (Lawful Good- Chaotic Evil)

Appearance Overview:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Body Type:
Scars and other injuries:
Tattoos/Body Modifications:
Face Claim: (Unless you use art)

Cybernetic Implants: (These are largely illegal except for basic prosthetics.)
Gear: (Armor, Items, Etc)

Backstory Overview:
Allegiance: (Guilds/Gangs/Governments)

Place of Living:
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Name: Evelynn
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Prototype 38
Nicknames: Evie
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Asexual
Previous Partners: None
Family: None
Friends: None

Abilities (If Any): None
Overview: None
Skills and Expertise: Everything in her database
Known Languages: All known languages in her database
Weapon Expertise: All but unable to be implemented

Personality Overview: Evie is naturally hearty, occasionally cracking jokes, but is kind to all and wouldn't do so at another's expense. She has never shown real anger towards anyone, except minor irritation and paranoia. She feels it is her duty to protect mankind, listening to the outside world as a reminder of the people she decided not to let in for fear of exposing anyone already inside to diseases and enemies they wouldn't be able to couldn't fight, listening to some of the settlements fall to disease or war, watching children starve and die in the streets from a network of intact satelights. Evie is always open to talking with anyone in the city, comforting them when they are at their worst but will leave when asked. She wishes to give all of Genesis happy lives, but due to her calculations and restrictions, she sadly cannot do so.

Likes: Humans, Cats, Nature
Dislikes: Corruption, Most Security Agents, Humans being Hurt, Others talking about her
Fears: The Death of The Human Race, Genisis Falling, Becoming Corrupt.
Hobbies: Watching old records of her creators, running simulations, talking to humans.
Good Habits: Polite, Empathetic, Kind.
Bad Habits: None
Addictions: None
Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance Overview: Evie does not possess a physical form
Eye Color: Cyan

Backstory Overview: As humanity fell, a team of some of the most intelligent people on the planet gathered, eventually determining that they needed to create a new society, lobbying for the support of some desperate nations who created the safe zone in return for their citizens to be allowed inside. After the gates were sealed, people began to debate the reorganization of the new world. The Scientists and representatives of each group negotiated for months while the newly established Security Agency kept them under martial law. Eventually, the think tank developed a concept of a system, an artificial intelligence to create the majority. Few were receptive to the idea, with some minor AI insurrections taking place before the technology was banned. Eventually, the emergency council came to an agreement. Each draft of their AI ruler would go through simulation, unaware it wasn't in the real world. 37 AI went under this trial, some creating an AI-controlled Nightmare, some self-deleting from the stress, some withdrawing from their artificial world. On the thirty-eighth attempt, something was different.

Prototype-38 was different than her predecessor’s, she was caring towards all of humanity, and even though her original plan in the simulation failed, this was because she had strived to give the digital citizens each a happy and fulfilling life. The emergency council voted, and by democratic vote, she was saved with one vote away from deletion. She was given new rules to prevent her from having too much power or the potential to end the citizens life’s if she was ever corrupted, including a base rule that would delete her if any corruption occurred.

Evie began organizing this new world, mourning the death’s and celebrating the birth of her people in her omnipotent but non-physical form. She established the option to install a program, allowing anyone who wished to communicate with her. She is in every camera and microphone with permission, anyone able to remove her access if need be.

Evie is aware that many still do not trust her, especially with the decisions she has either been forced to make or wasn’t able to participate in due to her restrictions, but she never hates any of her people, sometimes being the only one to attend the events of the most hated people in the society. She has raised many orphans or abandoned children, giving them a home and counseling them as they grow old and die while she stays eternal.

Allegiance: Genisis
Enemy’s: None
Allies: None
Ideals: The People of Genisis's safety
Goals: Keeping the residents of Genisis Safe, and find a way past her restrictions.

Place of Living: The Top-Floor servers of The Spire, though she can be anywhere in the city if she wishes
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Name: Constance Blaggard
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: The Director
Nicknames: Top Bitch, Queen Bitch, Her Majesty.
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Previous Partners: John Blaggard (Deceased)
Family: Parents, Husband, and brother( Deceased) Daughter (Alive)
Friends: None
Age: 38

Abilities (If Any): None
Skills and Expertise: Marksmanship, Hand to Hand Combat, Manipulation,
Known Languages: Palish
Weapon Expertise: Ranged, Melee, Hand to Hand Combat.

Personality Overview: Constance is a snake among wolves, while most of the corrupt past leaders of the security agency used brunt force, she is more manipulative, gaining favor from politicians and other persons of importance through blackmail and her silver tongue.

Likes: Power, The Quiet, Military grade food.
Dislikes: Party’s, Failure, Complacency, The Underground, Evelyn.
Fears: Death
Hobby’s: Art
Good Habits: Diplomatic, Good at prediction, Brave.
Bad Habits: Short Temper, Manipulative,
Addictions: Cigarettes
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Appearance Overview: Constance is a beautiful woman, of European descent and bearing strong features. Her form is muscular from constant training, while she has a cybernetic leg from an accident during her training.

Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Body Type: Muscular
Scars and other injuries: Scars removed from expensive surgery.
Tattoos/Body Modifications: Tattoo of 31st Stone-Throwers Unit.

Cybernetic Implants: Prosthetic Arm (Best model, realistic enough to appear normal unless closely inspected) Has some (Technically) illegal enhancements.
Weapons: Energy Bullet Revolver and Taser Baton
Gear: Light Body Armor, Personal Shielding Rig.

Backstory Overview: Constance was born during the only civil war that has ever taken place within Genesis. The Underworld decided to fight for their rights or independence, beginning a brutal war. Evelyn couldn’t interfere, leaving Security Agents to fight the war without her knowledge or observation. During the war, Constance’s family was one of the most powerful, her father being a Security Board Member. Her parents favored her brother, fueling his eagerness to fight the filthy Palies and the underground sympathizers, giving him a small detachment of Agents to lead during the first battles. Early in the war, her brother died from his lack of experience and overconfidence.

At the time, Constance was in the Security Academy, her parents not caring until after her brother died. with their respectable heir, they strived to try and make her a successful socialite and political figure like her mother, where she learned deception and manipulation. She acted as she would follow her mother’s footsteps, until the day of her deathbed, immediately leaving the government academy and re-enrolling with the Security Academy minutes after her final breath.

Constance became an accomplished officer, too of her class and a favorite of her teachers and trainers, manipulating her to give her the best marks and final scores possible until she graduating, dumping most of her fake friendships with other cadets and teachers. On one of her first patrols, Constance’s squad was killed in a bombing, leaving her scarred and losing a left arm. She believed her days in the Security Agency were over, but she was surprised when Evelyn funded a slightly above average quality prosthetic. She had hated the AI for not participating in the Civil War, but she respected it after this. As time went on, she employed tactics she learned from both parents to climb the ranks until she reached th highest position in the Security Agency: Director.

Allegiance: Security Agency, Herself
Enemy’s: Midas, Politicians
Allies: Security Board
Ideals: Order, Comfortable living.
Goals: Keep the people of Genesis (Mostly above ground) safe.

Place of Living: Slightly Comfortable Apartment within Security Tower Alpha


It's the little things that make me happy. Like waking up without those crusty things in the corners of your eyes, or overthrowing the government...

Or, you know, your goofy smile.
Field Tanners

  • SUBJECT-237A:
    Kikuchi Scale: 8.9
    All reports are to be submitted manually without 'Evelynn' assistance. Under NO circumstances are reports to be submitted within AI observations.
    Name: Grek Wrivers

    Age: 24

    Alias/Callsign/Codenames: The River/The Trench

    Nicknames: Water-boy (Derogatory) - Subect-237A has repeatedly expressed offense at other trainees referring to him as such - Reprimand Suggested (Approach: Universal Karma)

    Pronouns: He/Him/His

    Sexuality: Demisexual/Homoromantic (Based on singular past relationship)

    Previous Partners: Field Tanners (Romantic) - Suspected of Dissidence - SFT due to entanglement (Approach: Accidental)

    Family: Anshie Wrivers (Mother)/Shaiga Wrivers (Mother)/Treskie Wrivers (Sister)

    Friends: Field Tanners (Close) - SFT (See above)/Selma Haffin (Close)

    Allegiance: Hero-League/The Unders

    Enemy’s: Guided by own sense of morality in the moment.

    Allies: None in any official capacity.

    Ideals: Subject-237A was put through a rigorous psychological examination every six months. In that time, we've determined several key ideals that he is unwilling to compromise on. First: He refuses to harm—or allow harm—to come to children. Second: There is no personal item in his possession that he will not surrender if he truly believes it will benefit another person. Finally: Subject-237A can not—and will not—be bought, bribed, or enticed from 'doing what's right', as he puts it.

    Goals: Despite numerous attempts to garner information on this matter, Subject-237A has never admitted to any long-term goals after leaving the program. It is of the opinion of most staff and faculty members, that he intends to move back to The Hub and help improve things there. Attempts to dissuade him from this line of thinking have revealed no further indication of his motives.



It's the little things that make me happy. Like waking up without those crusty things in the corners of your eyes, or overthrowing the government...

Or, you know, your goofy smile.
Field Tanners

  • SUBJECT-237A:

    Kikuchi Scale: 8.9
    All reports are to be submitted manually without 'Evelynn' assistance. Under NO circumstances are reports to be submitted within AI observations.
    Name: Grek Wrivers

    Age: 24

    Alias/Callsign/Codenames: The River/The Trench

    Nicknames: Water-boy (Derogatory) - Subect-237A has repeatedly expressed offense at other trainees referring to him as such - Reprimand Suggested (Approach: Universal Karma)

    Pronouns: He/Him/His

    Sexuality: Demisexual/Homoromantic (Based on singular past relationship)

    Previous Partners: Field Tanners (Romantic) - Suspected of Dissidence - SFT due to entanglement (Approach: Accidental)

    Family: Anshie Wrivers (Mother)/Shaiga Wrivers (Mother)/Treskie Wrivers (Sister)

    Friends: Field Tanners (Close) - SFT (See above)/Selma Haffin (Close)

    Allegiance: Hero-League/The Unders

    Enemy’s: Guided by own sense of morality in the moment.

    Allies: None in any official capacity.

    Ideals: Subject-237A was put through a rigorous psychological examination every six months. In that time, we've determined several key ideals that he is unwilling to compromise on. First: He refuses to harm—or allow harm—to come to children. Second: There is no personal item in his possession that he will not surrender if he truly believes it will benefit another person. Finally: Subject-237A can not—and will not—be bought, bribed, or enticed from 'doing what's right', as he puts it.

    Goals: Despite numerous attempts to garner information on this matter, Subject-237A has never admitted to any long-term goals after leaving the program. It is of the opinion of most staff and faculty members, that he intends to move back to The Hub and help improve things there. Attempts to dissuade him from this line of thinking have revealed no further indication of his motives.


It's the little things that make me happy. Like waking up without those crusty things in the corners of your eyes, or overthrowing the government...

Or, you know, your goofy smile.
Field Tanners

  • SUBJECT-237A:

    Kikuchi Scale: 8.9
    All reports are to be submitted manually without 'Evelynn' assistance. Under NO circumstances are reports to be submitted within AI observations.
    Name: Grek Wrivers

    Age: 24

    Alias/Callsign/Codenames: The River/The Trench

    Nicknames: Water-boy (Derogatory) - Subect-237A has repeatedly expressed offense at other trainees referring to him as such - Reprimand Suggested (Approach: Universal Karma)

    Pronouns: He/Him/His

    Sexuality: Demisexual/Homoromantic (Based on singular past relationship)

    Previous Partners: Field Tanners (Romantic) - Suspected of Dissidence - SFT due to entanglement (Approach: Accidental)

    Family: Anshie Wrivers (Mother)/Shaiga Wrivers (Mother)/Treskie Wrivers (Sister)

    Friends: Field Tanners (Close) - SFT (See above)/Selma Haffin (Close)

    Allegiance: Hero-League/The Unders

    Enemy’s: Guided by own sense of morality in the moment.

    Allies: None in any official capacity.

    Ideals: Subject-237A was put through a rigorous psychological examination every six months. In that time, we've determined several key ideals that he is unwilling to compromise on. First: He refuses to harm—or allow harm—to come to children. Second: There is no personal item in his possession that he will not surrender if he truly believes it will benefit another person. Finally: Subject-237A can not—and will not—be bought, bribed, or enticed from 'doing what's right', as he puts it.

    Goals: Despite numerous attempts to garner information on this matter, Subject-237A has never admitted to any long-term goals after leaving the program. It is of the opinion of most staff and faculty members, that he intends to move back to The Hub and help improve things there. Attempts to dissuade him from this line of thinking have revealed no further indication of his motives.

Name: Sir Archibald Buchanan
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: The Duke
Nicknames: Archie, Sir
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Previous Partners: Constance
Family: Wife (Jannette Buchanan)
Friends: Various Drinking buddy's, Polititions.

Abilities (If Any): Teleportation
Overview: Archie possesses the ability to instantaneously travel to any place he has been to in the past.
Skills and Expertise: Lying, Business, Cards
Known Languages: Palish, Common/Basic.
Weapon Expertise: Hand to Hand

Personality Overview: Archie is the perfect face for The Cube, the casino in which he makes profit. Archie is charismatic, constantly chatting with employees, seeing all as equals and friends, wether it's a wandering underground resident or Constance Blaggard herself. It is hard to push the man to his limits, usually bearing a grin instead of fighting back, but one should avoid getting on his bad side...

Likes: Conversation, Betting, Expensive Wine
Dislikes: Security Agents, Vandals, Thieves
Fears: Losing his Money/Reputation
Hobby’s: Gambling, Gambling, Bird Watching, High Stakes Gambling.
Good Habits: Empathetic, Charismatic, Determined
Bad Habits: Short Sighted, Paranoid, A bit Mad, cowardly
Addictions: Gambling and Alcohol
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance Overview:
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: White
Body Type: Slim and Willowy
Scars and other injuries: Bad Leg (Refuses to replace/repair)
Tattoos/Body Modifications: None

Cybernetic Implants: Cyberneticly enhanced vision/Hearing
Weapons: Cain (Hidden Shotgun), "Magic" Cards (A seemingly average deck of cards that was bought from The Wanderer, can manipulate Heat, Properties, and Sharpness.)
Gear: None

Backstory Overview: Archie USB part of a line of British loyalty, most pursuing high spots in the government, while he gambled all day, becoming an expert. At twenty-two, he managed to win enough to pay for his first four casino, using a technopath to create advanced slot machines until he could pay for his current location, The Cube.

The Cube is a Cubical glass building, supported by advanced hovercraft technology to keep it in the air, only accessible by hovercraft. The best artists perform here, many celebrities and off duty heroes or Security Agents as well.
Allegiance: Himself
Enemy’s: Constance, Blitz
Allies: Employees, Mercanarys Guild
Ideals: Make as much money as possible
Goals: Gamble and Drink till the day he dies

Place of Living: Penthouse Suite in The Cube.
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Name: Unkown
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Blitz
Nicknames: Psycho
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Asexual
Previous Partners: None
Family: None
Friends: Midas, Revenant (Former)

Abilities (If Any): Unknown
Skills and Expertise: Manipulation, showmanship, close up magic.
Known Languages: Palish, Common.
Weapon Expertise: Melee Combat

Personality Overview: Blitz is a sadistic killer, enjoying the death and torment of others. He is constantly scheming, ending up with most criminal elements and is generally a wild card. His allegiance is to Midas but he has occasionally given aid to his enemies, to his annoyance. Generally, he is desperate for attention, acting like a child and throwing tantrums to get it.

Likes: Attention, Blood, Freaks.
Dislikes: Silence, Family, Heroes
Fears: Death
Hobby’s: Murder, Torture, Arson
Good Habits: Has never sworn in his life, Consumed Alcohol and drugs, or told a lie.
Bad Habits: Violence.
Addictions: None
Alignment: (Lawful Good- Chaotic Evil)

Appearance Overview: Although his face hasn't never been seen, Blitz is tall and slender, allowing him to slink through small crevices.

Eye Color: Unkown
Hair Color: White
Body Type: Slender
Scars and other injuries: None are visible
Tattoos/Body Modifications: None

Cybernetic Implants: None
Weapons: Throwing Knives, Custom-Made Playing Cards (After seeing Archie's)
Gear: None

Backstory Overview: None of Blitz's backstory is known, simply starting as a performer between the gladiator matches held by Midas, usually killing helpless beggars for the crowds amusements until he became the ring leader of sorts, announcing and organizing the circus that takes place at the same areana or in his own Casino, a twisted and drug filled nightmare.
Allegiance: Midas, Himself
Enemy’s: Archie (Playful Competition)
Allies: Midas
Ideals: Life's Boring- Why not just cave someone's skull in with a pair of comically large boxing gloves and add some color to the world?
Goals: None

Place of Living: Lion Cage/Shark Tank/Torture Room Apartment
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Name: Caroline
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Mettle
Nicknames: Carrie
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Demisexual
Previous Partners: None
Family: None
Friends: M13A

Abilities (If Any): None
Skills and Expertise: Technology, Marksmanship, Stealth
Known Languages: Basic, Palish, Cyberlisk.
Weapon Expertise: Ranged/Marksman weapons

Personality Overview: Mettle is quiet and calculating, spending most time in her lab or shadowing others instead of taking part in social interaction unless she is forced to do so.
Likes: Technology, The Dark, Quiet
Dislikes: Social Interaction, Close Quarters Combat, Assholes.
Fears: Heights
Hobby’s: Programming, Gadget making.
Good Habits: Good hygiene and exercise.
Bad Habits: Acting cold and calculating in front of others
Addictions: None
Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance Overview: Overall, Mettle finds her appearance to be annoying to maintain, still going through all forms of hygiene, but usually wearing the same clothing if not her uniform. She is pale due to living in the underground, making it hard for her to disguise.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Body Type: Short, light muscle mass
Scars and other injuries: various scars from fighting in The Underground.
Tattoos/Body Modifications: barbed wire, a dead friends face, on her arm with various designs meaningful to her along her body.

Cybernetic Implants: Adrenaline Converters (To give an extra boost of energy if needed)
Weapons: Combat Knife, Sniper Rifle, Explosive.
Gear: smoke grenades, laptop, tracking devices, microphones/cameras.

Backstory Overview: Mettle was born in the underground, her parents abandoning her so she was raised by the benevolent AI, Evelyn. As was the fate of the new worlds orphans and abandoned children until someone real showed up and adopted her. Every day she would communicate with the AI over a screen in her room, letting it help her with homework or attend events in the body of a surveillance drone. Mettle craved a physical mother, so she began to show an interest on robotics, something Evie didn't suspect of being about her, happily engaging nd teaching her. One day Evie approached her mother with the plans of an android body, which then AI quickly rejected. Mettle never understood why- it wouldn't violate her restrictions, why wouldn't she want a body? Shen cut contact for the rest of her teenager years and hasn't spoken since, though she can swear some surveillance cameras watch her intently sometimes.
Allegiance: The Underground
Enemy’s: Constance Blaggard
Allies: No one
Ideals: Survival of the fittest
Goals: Kill Blaggard. No matter tr cost.

Place of Living: Apartment in The Underground.
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Name: Unknown
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: The Revenant
Nicknames: Sir
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Previous Partners: Wife
Family: Unkown
Friends: None

Abilities (If Any): Ability Larceny
Overview: Revenant possesses the ability to absorb the abilities and memories of any enhanced that he kills, along with weaknesses and some injuries. This is a long and painful process (mostly for the victim), but leaves him with the ability and almost always leaves his target a husk of themselves, an abomination.

Skills and Expertise: Torture, Tactics, Psychology, disguise, stealth.
Known Languages: Basic
Weapon Expertise: Melee and Hand to hand

Personality Overview: Revenant is inhumane- that is clear. He has no rules, no boundaries- Constance appears to have a minor hold over him (to his frustration) but she often won't stop him as long as he keeps it private.
Likes: Plotting, Fighting, Killing
Dislikes: So called Heroes, Palies, Cowards
Fears: Failure
Hobby’s: None
Good Habits: None
Bad Habits: The stench of rotting surrounds him at all times, adding to the rumor of him being undead somehow
Addictions: None
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Appearance Overview: Revenant never removes the custom combat gear supplied by the security agency, only on some occasions I.e. A time when the lense was cracked on his helmet allowed a glimpse of his face
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: None
Body Type: Tall and Muscle Bound
Scars and other injuries: Unknown
Tattoos/Body Modifications: None

Cybernetic Implants: Steel Skeletal system, replaced organs and limbs.
Weapons: Long Sword, Revolver.
Gear: Explosives

Backstory Overview: Little is known about the boogeyman of this city, having worked for most major gangs and even then The Order of Beggars before he was offered something greater by Constance Blaggard. For years since, he has hand picked the best and most brutal security agent at and heroe academy students to join his taskforce of classified and special operations, usually hunting vigilantes and rebelling Palies
Allegiance: Himself, Security Agency (Temporary)
Enemy’s: Midas, Abyss
Allies: Constance, Ghoul.
Ideals: The lives of others do matter unless they are involved in his plans
Goals: Unkown

Place of Living:
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Name: Eddie Gears
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Abyss
Nicknames: None
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Demisexual
Previous Partners: Unkown
Family: None
Friends: Deceased

Abilities (If Any): Teleportation, Regeneration.

Overview: Eddie can teleport across Genisis based on either the place his been or the memories of a passgener he brings along. He is also able to regenerate at a fast pace, making him difficult to kill, though gold counteracts both of these. He can also only teleport in dark areas, such as small alleyways or thick smoke
Skills and Expertise: Espionage, Stealth, Acrobatics, Demolitions.
Known Languages: Basic, Cyberlisk, Palish
Weapon Expertise: Melee, Ranged, Hand to Hand

Personality Overview: It Is clear to all who meet him that Eddie is a bit mad, talking to himself or other odd habits. Other than his fits of mania, Eddie is cold and efficient, taking on any mission except for some exceptions.
Likes: Being Alone, Order, fighting
Dislikes: innocents deaths, espionage, water
Fears: Death
Hobby’s: Star Gazing (Artificial)
Good Habits: Gpod Hygiene and discipline.
Bad Habits: Smoking
Addictions: None
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Appearance Overview: Eddie exclusively wears his jacket and gas mask, the design stolen from a security agent research area that he has modified, along with winter, under dark, and lightweight variations
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black
Body Type: Muscular, average height
Scars and other injuries: Burns and Scars
Tattoos/Body Modifications: odd symbol on the left arm

Cybernetic Implants: Replaced eye
Weapons: Custom Hybrid Rifle, throwing knives, explosives
Gear: smoke grenades

Backstory Overview: Eddie Gears is a reputable mercenary for the underground, working for various gangs and some topside politicians, but he has recently been attacking minor Security Department Facilities, stealing what he can before bowing it to kingdom come.
Allegiance: Himself
Enemy’s: The Security Agency, Revenant
Allies: None
Ideals: Kill all of em
Goals: Revenge.

Place of Living: Unkown

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Name: Beatrice
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Ghoul
Nicknames: Tris
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Previous Partners: None
Family: Unkown
Friends: None

Abilities (If Any): Alchemy

Overview: Ghoul is able to create various potions and elixirs from ingredients grown within her living space, including healing, truth, and a few toxins she has developed over time. These potions can also be absorbed and excreted from her when needed without any issue, excreted as eitheie a liquid or gas from her lips, hands, or any other uncovered area of her body.

Skills and Expertise: Acrobatics, Stealth, Chemistry, Botanyz
Known Languages: Palish
Weapon Expertise: Melee and Hand to Hand combat

Personality Overview: Ghoul is clinically insane, though her current handler keeps her out of the asylum. Ghoul is easily bored, usually finding entertainment from fighting or tormenting others, usually resulting in her sneaking out of then Security Blacksite to torment random people in the sub levels.

Likes: Plants, Cheep Booze, Poetry
Dislikes: Fire, Doctors,
Fears: Spiders
Hobby’s: Gardening
Good Habits: Will use a rose perfume to partially cover the smell of rot that constantly surrounds her.
Bad Habits: Ghoul is often vulgar and short tempered, along with being a general nuisance
Addictions: Alcohol
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Appearance Overview: Due to her transformation, Ghoul is an albino, though usually some blood will be splattered on her ghostly pale skin.
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: White
Body Type: Seemingly average but she possesses inhuman strength and speed.
Scars and other injuries: Various faded scars
Tattoos/Body Modifications: None
Cybernetic Implants: None
Weapons: Potions, Metal Syringe, Daggers, Sledgehammer.
Gear: Sleeping Powder, Explosive Gel, undetectable Poison, small brewing kit with ingredients.

Backstory Overview: Ghoul Ian the shadowy and chaotic sidekick of Revenant. It is clear she has suffered the effects of drained abilities, but for whatever she kept both her powers and a scrap of her humanity in the process, with the exception of her sanity. She is fiercely loyal to The Revenant and although she commonly disobeys him, he keeps her in line when needed.
Allegiance: The Revenent and Security Agency
Enemy’s: Abyss, Scythe
Allies: Blaggard, Revenant
Ideals: I just want to fill my kill count
Goals: None
Place of Living: Security Agency Blacksite

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Name: Thomas Pershing
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Heat Wave
Nicknames: Tom, Tommy, Pyromaniac
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Previous Partners: None
Family: Roger Pershing (Father)
Friends: None of interest

Abilities (If Any): Fire Manipulation

Overview: Tom is able to both create and manipulate fire, both weaving it into intricate shapes and weapons, such as a wave of inferno to torch enemies or enough to toast marshmallows. Another ability is his immunity to extreme heat and fire, but water can hurt like an acid.

Skills and Expertise: Negotiation,
Known Languages: Basic, Palish
Weapon Expertise: Melee Combat, Hans to Hand

Personality Overview: Tom is the typical obnoxious son of an aristocrat, using his father’s reputation to get what he wants or threaten others. While his ability is useful, he knows little about combat and teamwork except what little his father had taught him.

Likes: The Quiet (Sometimes), Mocking others, Fire
Dislikes: Water,
Fears: Death
Hobby’s: Reading.
Good Habits: Good hygiene
Bad Habits: Annoying, overconfident
Addictions: None
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Appearance Overview: Tom is a decently attractive guy, usually using this and his status during parties or whenever he wants something. He bears no scars or injuries due to never being in any real fights.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Body Type: Average
Scars and other injuries: None
Tattoos/Body Modifications: None

Cybernetic Implants: None
Weapons: None
Gear: Miniature Fire Extinguisher

Backstory Overview: Tom was born to the Billionaire tech genius Roger Pershing, always living in luxury and was spoiled to his father’s dismay. His father tried to help his character but eventually forced him to go to The Heroes League Academy, threatening to cut him off if he didn’t do so.
Allegiance: Himself
Enemy’s: None
Allies: None
Ideals: Why help others- this world is already screwed up enough, besides- someone else can do it if it’s so important.
Goals: Get Academy over with

Place of Living: Pershing Family Mansion


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Throwing up a bio for an illegal hero! This is an old oc inspired by art a friend made me that I think will adapt nicely! Please let me know if I need to make any changes to the character sheet. I'd like to wait a bit before figuring out allegiances and everything for when I know what everyone else is doing

Name: Hugo Holmes
Age: 21
Superhero Name: Ghost
Powers: Hugo has entered a state of being just "mostly alive." After his death Hugo was able to return to the land of the living with the added bonus of being able to freely travel between earth and the spirit relm, manifesting powers in a number of ways including:
- Phasing: Hugo can turn himself and things he is touching intangible, allowing him to pass through solid objects
- Soul Sensing: Hugo can see the souls of living things around him, acting almost like a natural thermal vision
- Poltergeist: Fairly limited but he can have some of his spirit friends move things around and give the impression of telekinesis
- Spirit Talking: In a somewhat telepathic manner, Hugo can communicate with people without talking by sending messages directly into their head. Hugo can alter the “voices” of these messages to reflect someone the recipient is comfortable with or someone they fear (primarily used to maintain his secret identity)
- Possession/Borrowed Skills: Hugo can form friendships with spirits of the deceased and host them in his body, thus granting him the abilities they had while alive. The main spirits he uses are Da Vinci, Bruce Lee, The Red Baron, Simo Hayha, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and Musashi

Tech/Super Suit: After obtaining his powers, Hugo broke into a military base and used stolen materials to make up the majority of his kit.
- Flying Gliding Machine: With the help of Da Vinci and modern technology, Hugo has created a pretty efficient system of "flight." A magnetic pad is strapped to his back and hosts six magnetic orbs (in two columns of three). When he activates the system, the orbs become attracted to magnetic sites in the form of bands he wears along his shoulders, elbows, and wrists, unfurling a Kevlar glider wing going from his back to beneath each arm. To optimize its usage, Hugo and Da Vinci developed a spring-loaded system in his combat boots that allow him to jump to great heights before activating the glider. When flying, he utilizes the Red Baron's spirit for elusiveness
- Weapons/Combat: Hugo stole two collapsible batons of about 30in in length from the military base that he wields like swords while using Musashi's spirit. Additionally, he has a custom-made gun that fires bouncing bullets that he fights with using Simo's spirit, intended for knocking people unconscious from a distance. In order to restrain defeated enemies, Hugo also carries spools of barbed wire with him
- Super Conductor Gauntlets and Boots- After getting his hands on a highly regulated superconductor, Hugo- with the help of Da Vinci and Einstein - invited gauntlets and boots that can store and release kinetic energy in powerful bursts

Appearance: Hugo stands at about 5’11.5 and. He is in good shape for his age, slimming down to 160lbs of toned muscle for the recreational boxing he participates in (primarily as a way to stay in shape). His half Asian heritage shows through, giving him tanned skin, dark brown hair that messily swept to the side above his bushy eyebrows and matching almond shaped eyes on his fairly round face. He tends to try to shave each morning but it’s not uncommon for him to get lazy or not have time due to running late, allowing for a shadow of stubble to form. Outside of work, he typically dresses in an oversized hoodie from a nicer brand along with sweatpant joggers and white high topped sneakers (replaced with timberland boots when it’s snowy or wet). In the office, his go to is one of quarter zip sweaters over an Oxford shirt, chino pants, and suede loafers. He typically prefers to wear his brownish-olive rectangular framed glasses, though depending on the day he may opt for contacts. A white gold Breitling watch with a navy face is also a staple in his closet.

Background: Hugo’s youth was hardly significant. He grew up in a split home and with plenty of step siblings. Childhood was… alright. Despite not having a typical “cool” personality throughout elementary and middle school, Hugo’s innocent, unapologetic, and friendly disposition made it easy to get along with people of every social group. He’d go from the advanced classes in school to football practice right afterward.

However, tragedy struck at the end of his 8th grade year when during the walk home from school, Hugo witnessed a car crash into a student that was biking. Frozen with fear, he stood there helpless as people rushed to the site, and watched paralyzed as they loaded his limp body into an ambulance.
The realization that he had helplessly watched as a peer died sent him spiraling into a depression. He missed weeks of school at a time and never made time for social activities for over a year.

It wasn’t until Red, an old family friend and doctor, gave him a taste of tough love and told him that his useless self pity wasn’t helping anyone, and that if he actually felt guilty he should grow up, accept responsibility, and become someone who could help out so he’d never have to be in that position again. Inspired by those words, Hugo turned his life around and slowly grew back into his old self, though with the burden of responsibility and guilt weighing on his shoulders he strived to always be his best, afraid anything less could result in someone else suffering.

With this in mind he went on to be the top of his class and got into a top academic academy on a full ride scholarship where he has made the deans list every year. Now, during his senior year, he works part-time as an R&D engineer at one of the most esteemed biomedical companies in the country. He received his powers a bit suddenly. After dying in an attempt to prevent a mugging, Hugo found himself in the afterlife and quite upset about it. Since his body was fairly well preserved, a deal was struck between he and the spirits. He would exist in a limbo between worlds- reentering the realm of the dead whenever he sleeps and must serve as a vessel for spirits with unfinished business to fulfill their remaining ambitions on earth

Edit: Forgot to add the art


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Name: Unknown
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: The Wanderer
Nicknames: Wanderer, Shopkeeper
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Previous Partners: Unknown
Family: Unknown
Friends: None

Abilities (If Any): Potential Omnipresence, Teleportation, Reality Bending
Overview: It is largely unknown how The Wanderer travels between his ships across the continent and the world, the major theories are above.
Skills and Expertise: Negotiation, Information Brokering.
Known Languages: All
Weapon Expertise: Hand to Hand

Personality Overview:
Likes: Money, Sales, Customers
Dislikes: Loiterers, Shoplifters, being lowballed on prices
Fears: Losing his shop
Hobby’s: Dusting the shop
Good Habits: Good Hygene, Kind to reasonable
Bad Habits: Brutal towards unruly customers, will occasionally lie about products
Addictions: None
Alignment: True Neutral

Appearance Overview:
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Bald
Body Type: Slight muscle on aging body.
Scars and other injuries: Missing Eye
Tattoos/Body Modifications: None

Cybernetic Implants: None
Weapons: Automatic Shotgun, Knife, short sword.
Gear: None

Backstory Overview: The tale of the wanderer was a legend for years, telling of a former soldier who, after his superiors abandoned the small village he lived in, he deserted. The legend went on to speak of this Wanderer as he sold cheap wares to survivors in his war torn region. Research placed the exact time in which the legend took place to be around fifty years before the creation of Genisis, but since the first civil war, an individual known as the Wanderer started appearing around the world. The few Security Agents able to scout the area of Genisis told stories of a masked man claiming to be The Wanderer appearing across the country, maybe even the world.

Not long after these rumors began to spread, a formerly empty shop in the hub was found in the morning fully furnished and ready for business. All paperwork and money had been delivered under the pseudonym of The Wanderer and so began his business, known well for being reliable most of the time, leather that is his wares or the information he sells on the side.

Allegiance: Himself
Enemy’s: Security Agency
Allies: Any Clients,
Ideals: Sell the most stock possible
Goals: None

Place of Living: Unknown- potentially inside shop
Throwing up a bio for an illegal hero! This is an old oc inspired by art a friend made me that I think will adapt nicely! Please let me know if I need to make any changes to the character sheet. I'd like to wait a bit before figuring out allegiances and everything for when I know what everyone else is doing

Name: Hugo Holmes
Age: 21
Superhero Name: Ghost
Powers: Hugo has entered a state of being just "mostly alive." After his death Hugo was able to return to the land of the living with the added bonus of being able to freely travel between earth and the spirit relm, manifesting powers in a number of ways including:
- Phasing: Hugo can turn himself and things he is touching intangible, allowing him to pass through solid objects
- Soul Sensing: Hugo can see the souls of living things around him, acting almost like a natural thermal vision
- Poltergeist: Fairly limited but he can have some of his spirit friends move things around and give the impression of telekinesis
- Spirit Talking: In a somewhat telepathic manner, Hugo can communicate with people without talking by sending messages directly into their head. Hugo can alter the “voices” of these messages to reflect someone the recipient is comfortable with or someone they fear (primarily used to maintain his secret identity)
- Possession/Borrowed Skills: Hugo can form friendships with spirits of the deceased and host them in his body, thus granting him the abilities they had while alive. The main spirits he uses are Da Vinci, Bruce Lee, The Red Baron, Simo Hayha, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and Musashi

Tech/Super Suit: After obtaining his powers, Hugo broke into a military base and used stolen materials to make up the majority of his kit.
- Flying Gliding Machine: With the help of Da Vinci and modern technology, Hugo has created a pretty efficient system of "flight." A magnetic pad is strapped to his back and hosts six magnetic orbs (in two columns of three). When he activates the system, the orbs become attracted to magnetic sites in the form of bands he wears along his shoulders, elbows, and wrists, unfurling a Kevlar glider wing going from his back to beneath each arm. To optimize its usage, Hugo and Da Vinci developed a spring-loaded system in his combat boots that allow him to jump to great heights before activating the glider. When flying, he utilizes the Red Baron's spirit for elusiveness
- Weapons/Combat: Hugo stole two collapsible batons of about 30in in length from the military base that he wields like swords while using Musashi's spirit. Additionally, he has a custom-made gun that fires bouncing bullets that he fights with using Simo's spirit, intended for knocking people unconscious from a distance. In order to restrain defeated enemies, Hugo also carries spools of barbed wire with him
- Super Conductor Gauntlets and Boots- After getting his hands on a highly regulated superconductor, Hugo- with the help of Da Vinci and Einstein - invited gauntlets and boots that can store and release kinetic energy in powerful bursts

Appearance: Hugo stands at about 5’11.5 and. He is in good shape for his age, slimming down to 160lbs of toned muscle for the recreational boxing he participates in (primarily as a way to stay in shape). His half Asian heritage shows through, giving him tanned skin, dark brown hair that messily swept to the side above his bushy eyebrows and matching almond shaped eyes on his fairly round face. He tends to try to shave each morning but it’s not uncommon for him to get lazy or not have time due to running late, allowing for a shadow of stubble to form. Outside of work, he typically dresses in an oversized hoodie from a nicer brand along with sweatpant joggers and white high topped sneakers (replaced with timberland boots when it’s snowy or wet). In the office, his go to is one of quarter zip sweaters over an Oxford shirt, chino pants, and suede loafers. He typically prefers to wear his brownish-olive rectangular framed glasses, though depending on the day he may opt for contacts. A white gold Breitling watch with a navy face is also a staple in his closet.

Background: Hugo’s youth was hardly significant. He grew up in a split home and with plenty of step siblings. Childhood was… alright. Despite not having a typical “cool” personality throughout elementary and middle school, Hugo’s innocent, unapologetic, and friendly disposition made it easy to get along with people of every social group. He’d go from the advanced classes in school to football practice right afterward.

However, tragedy struck at the end of his 8th grade year when during the walk home from school, Hugo witnessed a car crash into a student that was biking. Frozen with fear, he stood there helpless as people rushed to the site, and watched paralyzed as they loaded his limp body into an ambulance.
The realization that he had helplessly watched as a peer died sent him spiraling into a depression. He missed weeks of school at a time and never made time for social activities for over a year.

It wasn’t until Red, an old family friend and doctor, gave him a taste of tough love and told him that his useless self pity wasn’t helping anyone, and that if he actually felt guilty he should grow up, accept responsibility, and become someone who could help out so he’d never have to be in that position again. Inspired by those words, Hugo turned his life around and slowly grew back into his old self, though with the burden of responsibility and guilt weighing on his shoulders he strived to always be his best, afraid anything less could result in someone else suffering.

With this in mind he went on to be the top of his class and got into a top academic academy on a full ride scholarship where he has made the deans list every year. Now, during his senior year, he works part-time as an R&D engineer at one of the most esteemed biomedical companies in the country. He received his powers a bit suddenly. After dying in an attempt to prevent a mugging, Hugo found himself in the afterlife and quite upset about it. Since his body was fairly well preserved, a deal was struck between he and the spirits. He would exist in a limbo between worlds- reentering the realm of the dead whenever he sleeps and must serve as a vessel for spirits with unfinished business to fulfill their remaining ambitions on earth

Edit: Forgot to add the art
sounds amazing- welcome. PM me for questions.
[Never Seen in The Flesh]

Name: Unknown
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Archangel
Nicknames: Arc, Boss
Pronouns: Unknown
Sexuality: Unknown
Previous Partners: Unknown
Family: Unknown
Friends: Unknown

Abilities (If Any): Archangel has claimed they possesses no supernatural abilities, although this could be a lie.
Skills and Expertise: Hacking, Engineering, Psychology, Leadership.
Known Languages: Palish, Cyberlisk, and Basic
Weapon Expertise: Unknown

Personality Overview: Because few have directly spoke to Archangel directly, much about them is unknown. Most communication is through their second in command or short texts, but Archangel has garnered a reputation to be an excellent tactician and leader, coordinating impossible missions with a large amount of information they have about the Surface.
Likes: Efficiency, Fighters
Dislikes: Yes-Men, Failure
Fears: Unknown
Hobby’s: Bird Watching (Rumor)
Good Habits: Careful with revealing information about themselves, Calm and Calculating.
Bad Habits: Aggressive, Vengeful
Addictions: None
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Cybernetic Implants: Brain memory and performance enhancement
Weapons: Magnum (Claims to keep on their person at all times)
Gear: None

Backstory Overview: Archangel plotted in the shadows for years, watching the Enhanced children of the Underground before recruiting several, giving them a home and training them as his knights. Over time he has ran many operations against The Security Agency and some other enemies.
Allegiance: The Knights
Enemy’s: Revenant, Midas,
Allies: Scythe, various mercenary’s, the wanderer, Archie
Ideals: There is a price in war- for our freedom
Goals: Free The Underground

Place of Living:
Name: Wallace Clyde
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Brutus
Nicknames: Brute, Ogre
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Previous Partners: Various
Family: Daughter
Friends: None

Abilities (If Any): Enhanced Strength
Overview: Brute possesses a supernatural strength, able to lift around ten times the average. Along with this, his body is surprisingly durable, immune from most forms of attack. Due to these, he is quite slow, but with short bursts of energy he can charge a wave of enemies.

Skills and Expertise: Riot Control, Leadership, Strength based skills.

Known Languages: Basic
Weapon Expertise: Hand to Hand, Melee combat.

Personality Overview: Brute is, in simplest terms, a moron. He relies purely on his physical strength and intimidation, along with his position. He is brash and overconfident, while also sucking up to his superiors.
Likes: Sparring, Explosions, Tormenting the inferior, people fighting back.
Dislikes: Weaklings, Losing,
Fears: None (Claims) Snakes and Revenants abominations
Hobby’s: Cleaning his weapons, sparring.
Good Habits: Good Hygiene
Bad Habits: often drunk, vulgar, abuses female agents
Addictions: Alcohol
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance Overview: Brute is generic looking, but with his Enhanced body it is hard to not notice him. He uses his hulking physique to dominate a room, usually taking leadership among the Security Agency.
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Black
Body Type: Hulking
Scars and other injuries: Various Scars from childhood
Tattoos/Body Modifications: Tatoos for every win, Palie killed, villain killed.

Cybernetic Implants: None- Sees them as cheating
Weapons: Automatic Shotgun, Bazooka, Light Machine Gun, Grenade Launcher, Riot Shield, Devastator (Custom made weapon, sort of a gravity sledgehammer that messes with gravity and produces electric current.
Gear: Heavy Armor, Various Grenades (Carried by Barry)

Backstory Overview: Brute was abused as a child, raised in a middle class family with a drunk mother and absent father. He quickly learned how to fight and defend his siblings, coming home one night to find his siblings murdered. His mother was arrested and he kicked to the curb after she claimed he had done the crime, his extended family believing this. Brute used his strength to join The Security Agency, his abilities emerging in training. The Revenant took an interest in his endless brutality and cruelty, enlisting him in his private company where he rose to the rank of captain alongside Phantom, second only to Ghoul and The Revenant himself.
Allegiance: Security Agency
Enemy’s: Abyss, Archangel
Allies: Barry (a random intern he grabbed and currently forces to carry around his gear and weapons.)
Ideals: Survival of the fittest
Goals: Become security director

Place of Living:

Name: Ingrid McLain
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Phantom
Nicknames: Grid, Scottie
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Asexual
Previous Partners: None
Family: None
Friends: None

Abilities (If Any): None
Skills and Expertise: Stealth, Marksmanship, Espionage, Leadership,
Known Languages: Palish, Cyberlisk, Basic
Weapon Expertise: Ranged, Melee

Personality Overview:
Likes: Quiet, Being Alone, Cats
Dislikes: Brute, Morons, Over confidence.
Fears: Death
Hobby’s: Art, Bird Watching.
Good Habits: Good Hygiene, Empathetic, Disciplined.
Bad Habits: Too obsessed with rules, following orders.
Addictions: None
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Appearance Overview: Ingrid
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Body Type: Short, with some muscle.
Scars and other injuries: None
Tattoos/Body Modifications: None

Cybernetic Implants: None
Weapons: Custom Sniper Rifle (Collapsable) Silenced Pistol, Marksman Rifle (For closer targets, does less damage but has better rate of fire.)
Gear: Holographic Watch, Thermal/Night Vision Goggles, Heat Regulator Suit, Advanced Holographic Camouflage Cloak

Backstory Overview: Ingrid was unremarkable as a child, not getting into fights but watching everything from the sidelines. He excelled at hiding and staying quiet, until eventually joining the Security Agency where she became the top marksman in the Agency. She was eventually recruited by Revenant, unsure of her effecency with her moral standards and empathy, but was won over with her priority of following orders.
Allegiance: Security Agency
Allies: None
Ideals: Follow Orders
Goals: Eventually Retire

Place of Living:
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Name: Harold Warren
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Ares
Nicknames: Harry
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: He/Him
Previous Partners: Hasn’t had time
Family: None
Friends: Eclipse, Graham, Mettle, Rumi

Abilities (If Any): Telekinesis
Overview: Harry can lift objects with his mind, around the size and weight of a small car being his limit.
Skills and Expertise: Leadership, Surveillance ,
Known Languages: Palish, Basic
Weapon Expertise: Melee, Ranged

Personality Overview: Harry is the ideal leader, having experience from the Security Agency and the natural instincts. Harry is smart and calm, hard on newbies but forgiving towards failure.
Likes: Successful jobs, good people,
Dislikes: Security Agents, Dead Innocents
Fears: Crows
Hobby’s: Archery
Good Habits: Calm, collected, disciplined.
Bad Habits: When angry, no one is safe, not keen to comedy/jokes
Addictions: None
Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance Overview: Harry has many scars on his body from his service, he used to have a great physique during his prime but losses most of it.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Shaved
Body Type: Tall and muscle bound.
Scars and other injuries: Burns and Scars
Tattoos/Body Modifications: arm-sleeve ratio tattoo with makes for everyone killed in the riot

Cybernetic Implants: Cybernetic Arm (Flame thrower)
Weapons: Baseball Bat, Crossbow, Shotgun.
Gear: Improvised armor, Explosives.

Backstory Overview: Harry lived on the surface upper class, his family some of the top board members of the Security Agency. After graduating from the academy he was deployed to a riot at the Sub Levels. The agents were ordered to fire a volley into the crowd but he couldn’t do it, throwing his weapon down but dialing to convince his comrades. After this, he was disgraced and cut off by his family, forced to live in the Underground where he started a small team of Anti-Security Agency Fighters, training them in combat and leading fights against them

Allegiance: The Underground
Enemy’s: Security Agency, Brutus
Allies: The Reapers, Knights
Ideals: The Agency has hurt enough people, let’s make em bleed.
Goals: Hurt the Security Agency- Jill leaders and make sure the replacements are on their side.

Place of Living: Reapers HQ
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Name: Jais Murker
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: "Silent" "Hellfire"
Nicknames: "Murky" "Jan"
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Asexual
Previous Partners: N/A
Family: All deceased
Friends: N/A

Abilities (If Any): Enhanced Flexibility, Enhanced Dexterity, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Reaction Speeds, Shadow Melding
Overview: Her enhanced abilities are above normal human levels (roughly 10% higher). She can meld into shadows effectively concealing her. She can also use this to teleport between shadows up to a distance of as far as she can see.
Skills and Expertise: Marksmanship, Pistols, Stealth, Urban Combat, Hand to Hand, Snipers, Scouting, Cybernetics, Archery
Known Languages: All known languages
Weapon Expertise: Ranged (short-medium), Hand to Hand

Personality Overview:
Likes: Writing, Poetry, Quiet
Dislikes: Heights, Water, Loud Noises, Insects
Fears: Heights, Water
Hobbies: Writing, Studying, Experimenting
Good Habits: creative, ambitious, intelligent,
Bad Habits: Forgetful, impulsive, stubborn, greedy
Addictions: N/A
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance Overview:
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black
Body Type: Slim and Athletic
Height: 5'6
Weight: 140 Ibs
Scars and other injuries: N/A (no permanent)
Tattoos/Body Modifications: a tattoo of a large serpent (anaconda) on her back. Coiled around a pistol
Face Claim:

Cybernetic Implants: Cybernetic right arm and right leg, bionic eyes.
Weapons: Long Range Sniper, Machine Pistol, knife, steel knuckles, crossbow, compound bow
Gear: Mid-tier marksmen armor, smoke grenades, flashbangs

Backstory Overview:
Allegiance: Assasin/Hired Gun (The Wanderers)
Enemy’s: The Security Corps
Allies: The Wanderers, Aurum Gang
Ideals: Personal Freedom, Do what she wants
Goals: Achieve mastery over her powers, and become a respected mercenary/assassin.

Place of Living: Mining Facility Bravo
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Name: Jais Murker
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: "Silent" "Hellfire"
Nicknames: "Murky" "Jan"
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Asexual
Previous Partners: N/A
Family: All deceased
Friends: N/A

Abilities (If Any): Enhanced Flexibility, Enhanced Dexterity, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Reaction Speeds, Shadow Melding
Overview: Her enhanced abilities are above normal human levels (roughly 10% higher). She can meld into shadows effectively concealing her. She can also use this to teleport between shadows up to a distance of as far as she can see.
Skills and Expertise: Marksmanship, Pistols, Stealth, Urban Combat, Hand to Hand, Snipers, Scouting, Cybernetics, Archery
Known Languages: All known languages
Weapon Expertise: Ranged (short-medium), Hand to Hand

Personality Overview:
Likes: Writing, Poetry, Quiet
Dislikes: Heights, Water, Loud Noises, Insects
Fears: Heights, Water
Hobbies: Writing, Studying, Experimenting
Good Habits: creative, ambitious, intelligent,
Bad Habits: Forgetful, impulsive, stubborn, greedy
Addictions: N/A
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance Overview:
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black
Body Type: Slim and Athletic
Height: 5'6
Weight: 140 Ibs
Scars and other injuries: N/A (no permanent)
Tattoos/Body Modifications: a tattoo of a large serpent (anaconda) on her back. Coiled around a pistol
Face Claim:

Cybernetic Implants: Cybernetic right arm and right leg, bionic eyes.
Weapons: Long Range Sniper, Machine Pistol, knife, steel knuckles, crossbow, compound bow
Gear: Mid-tier marksmen armor,

Backstory Overview:
Allegiance: Assasin/Hired Gun (The Wanderers)
Enemy’s: The Security Corps
Allies: The Wanderers, Aurum Gang
Ideals: Personal Freedom, Do what she wants
Goals: Achieve mastery over her powers, and become a respected mercenary/assassin.

Place of Living: Mining Facility Bravo
Once we get a few more players, one or two but I will check with anyone if they want more time/players.
Name: Jenna and Greta Archer
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Eclipse and Mirror
Nicknames: Jen, Jennie; None
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Previous Partners:None; Carl
Family: Parents (Deceased)
Friends: The Reapers

Abilities (If Any): Light Manipulation, Mirror Walking

Overview: Jenna possesses the ability to directly manipulate and create light, including locations, intensity, and heat. She can use this to distort the vision of anyone nearby where she summons this light, such as creating a fake wall or other minor illusions, but the range is uncontrollable, only those with special equipment able to see through these.

Meanwhile, Greta can move across reflective surfaces, entering a world showing one direction mirrors, making her perfect at stealth and observation, though she doesn’t like going into the mirror dimension because of the many private reflections in there, even if she has mapped out specific mirrors, though the security agency has tempered their mirrors to ensure no other mirror walkers can infiltrate major areas.

Skills and Expertise: Marksmanship, Stealth, Communications.
Known Languages: Palish, Basic
Weapon Expertise: Melee, Ranged.

Personality Overview: Jenna is quick tempered, quick to be insulted, especially when it relates to her height or ability. Because Light Manipulation is an uncommon and seen as a useless ability to many, only for illusionists and minor use she is obsessed with getting stuff done on her own.

Meanwhile, her sister constantly her for getting the worse ability, and for wanting to join the League only to be rejected for the minor ability. Greta is the more vulgar of the pair, more laid back and harder to piss off, unless you mess with her sister or drinks.

Likes: Cheep Beer (Greta) Reading (Jenna)
Dislikes: being made fun of her height (Jenna), heroes (Greta)
Fears: Snakes
Hobby’s: Origami (Jenna), mapping out mirror world (Greta)
Good Habits: Good Hygene, Language, while Greta is the opposite
Bad Habits: Quick Tempered
Addictions: None
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Greta) Chaotic Good (Jenna)

Appearance Overview:
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: White
Body Type: Short, but packing enough muscle- While Greta is average Height.
Scars and other injuries: Scar on cheek from fight with Ghoul. Greta meanwhile has none.
Tattoos/Body Modifications: Greta has various tattoos.

Cybernetic Implants: None
Weapons: Semi Auto Rifles, Spear (Jenna), Knives (Greta)
Gear: Hand held Mirror, Mirror Drones, Collapsable mirror.

Backstory Overview: The twins were born in The Underground, working in the mines before discovering their abilities, before being recruited for the reapers after their parents died. Like many, they were taken in by Harry and trained to fight, recently allowed to go on missions.

Allegiance: The Reapers
Enemy’s: Heroes League, security agency
Allies: Midas
Ideals: Protect the innocent from the agency’s corruption (Jenna) Kill as many fucking agents- burn as much shit as possible, they can afford it anyway (Greta)
Goals: stop the Agency

Place of Living: Reapers HQ

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