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Fantasy Another Chance (Always accepting!)

[QUOTE="Rei Itsukaya]Hikaru was walking towards the cafe, draping his hand around his neck, confused of why it was snowing there. He rubbed his eyes, thinking that it was his imagination, but...well, nope. He ran there, looking left and right. Snow was everywhere, and it was weird and strange, since it was summer.
He looked around, walking to the nearest person he could ask, a girl with weird purple hair. We ran to her, panting, "E-excuse me," He apped her shoulder, looking down at her, "...Why is there..snow? Plus, there are different colors of them..." . Well, there were colorful snowflakes, somehow all around the girl. He couldn't believe it. It was summer, and..snow, really colorful snow.

Shiori glared at Hikaru, slapping his hand away, to prevent him from touching her, "I don't know," She hissed, "Leave. Me. Alone. Don't you dare touch me.". Well, Shiori wasn't really a people person, and she hates people who randomly touch her, or even get near her, or talk to her!
The kids in the cafe whooped and hollered, many of them running outside to check out the castle. Even the majority of teenagers and adults in the establishment went outside to see all the ice.

"Can we go play at the castle?" Leilah asked, tugging on Amina's sleeve. Amina's eyes flickered towards the boy causing all of this before she nodded towards her siblings.

"Yes, just be careful, okay?" The kids agreed then quickly dashed out the cafe to play with the other kid at the snow castle in the parking lot. Immediately after they left, Amina wasted no time in walking to the teenager to confront him.

"Excuse me," she said to him to get his attention.
[QUOTE="XxBouncy BunnyxX]Shiori glared at Hikaru, slapping his hand away, to prevent him from touching her, "I don't know," She hissed, "Leave. Me. Alone. Don't you dare touch me.". Well, Shiori wasn't really a people person, and she hates people who randomly touch her, or even get near her, or talk to her!

Hikaru slowly backed away, "... Jeez" He crossed his arms, "Don't you think you're being too harsh, shorty?..." He sounded lie he was teasing her, for being shorter than himself. He glared back at her, secretly being afraid of how she would react.
When Marcus felt the girl tap him to get his attention he turned around. "Yeah. How can I help you." Marcus said as he looked at he girl with his deep electric blue eyes. When Marcus was facing her he pushed some of the whit and black hair out of his eyes to see her fully.
Amina looked up at the boy with a blank, unreadable expression.

"Good morning, sir," Amina politely greeted him with a small bow of her head, "I am wondering how you're able to do all of that. Surely something like that is much more than what magicians could do." Her sharp eyes were carefully observing him, analyzing and assessing him, looking out for even the slightest twitch in his body language.
Asterisk rolled his eyes at his sister's remark, but then the two heard a loud shout and turned over to see a purple haired girl yelling at a boy. The two were shocked for a bit, but they quickly turned away out of politeness. "Yeesh," Astrid muttered. Despite the slight cold, she pulled a hair tye from her wrist and began to tie up her hair into a high ponytail, revealing the lyre symbol on her neck. Asterisk took notice of this, and raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure you should be doing that? People are gonna think that it's a tattoo," he said, referring to the birthmark. Asterisk had one as well, one that represented a crescent moon and arrows, except that it was on his upper right chest. "Oh it'll be fine, no one's going to care," she replied, before looking at him. Then she smiled. "Seeing this cold weather, I kind of want to play something...ahh, I should have brought my violin." Suddenly, as if her thoughts were answered, she saw an elderly man enjoying the flowers, carrying a guitar on his back. She perked up, and grinned.

"Excuse me! Sir?" Astrid called as she approached him. After exchanging a small conversation, the man allowed her permission and holding the guitar, she strummed on it a little to warm up. Pretty soon, she began to play cheerful music that could be heard throughout the plaza, humming along to the tune as she played for fun.
Would you believe it if I told you I was a god." Marcus said this as he formed an ice rose in his hand, and handed it to you. "Just kidding though. Yeah you probably wouldn't believe that even if it was true." Marcus said this as he laughed and looked in to your eyes, because he couldn't help but think you were pretty.
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AnarchyReins said:
(Ok I edit it. Sowwy )
((Meh, it's okay. Sorry my previous post was a bit harsh, I think. :P ))

[QUOTE="Rei Itsukaya]Hilarious gulped. Well, who wouldn't? With a furious girl yelling at you like that, she could've killed him, "HEY! LOOK! It..eh...WAS A..-...J-Joke, okay?!?!" He tried to turn things around...by...lying?....


Shiori could see the look in his eye,
"ARE YOU TRYING TO GET OUT OF THIS BY LYING?!?!" She stopped, seeing other people stare at them. She sighed, "...Look," She glared up at him, "...Just because I'm short, you can't just treat people that way. Got it, punk?!" She tried to stay calm, keeping her voice monotoned
Amina took the ice rose with small words of gratitude. Listening to his words, she could feel a strange sensation lingering in the back of her head. It was just barely noticeable and already escaping her mind. Like a dream almost.

Suddenly, the girl flinched as she heard harsh yelling right outside the cafe. Curiosity getting the better of her, and also worry that the yelling was directed at her siblings, Amina rushed outisde to see what the ruckus was.
[QUOTE="Delila The Deity]((...The ship has sailed!!!...#ShiAru...HUEHUEHUEHUE))

((..W-...How...Okay, I'm not even gonna ask...))

[QUOTE="XxBouncy BunnyxX]((Meh, it's okay. Sorry my previous post was a bit harsh, I think. :P ))

Shiori could see the look in his eye,
"ARE YOU TRYING TO GET OUT OF THIS BY LYING?!?!" She stopped, seeing other people stare at them. She sighed, "...Look," She glared up at him, "...Just because I'm short, you can't just treat people that way. Got it, punk?!" She tried to stay calm, keeping her voice monotoned

Hikaru shivered, "Y-Yes....." He backed away slowly, "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME NOW!!!"
[QUOTE="Delila The Deity]((...The ship has sailed!!!...#ShiAru...HUEHUEHUEHUE))

((Okay, one, why da heck do you keep shipping my character with another one's?!?! Two, WTAF?! Three, because you are my cousin, I will spare you, and NOT kill you, for shipping my characters with so many other's))

[QUOTE="Rei Itsukaya]((..W-...How...Okay, I'm not even gonna ask...))
Hikaru shivered, "Y-Yes....." He backed away slowly, "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME NOW!!!"

Shiori fell down, breaking into a hysterical laugh, " YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE!!" She pointed at him, not getting up from the ground, a little mix of manical and hysterical laugh, "...How gullible.....But still, you shouldn't do that to people. And...YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN THE EXPRESSION ON YOUR FACE!!..." She laid there, with non-stop laughter. Tears formed the corner of her eyes, as she couldn't stop. It's been years since she cared like this, the childish Shiori breaking out her shell... She couldn't stop laughing hysterically.
[QUOTE="XxBouncy BunnyxX]((Okay, one, why da heck do you keep shipping my character with another one's?!?! Two, WTAF?! Three, because you are my cousin, I will spare you, and NOT kill you, for shipping my characters with so many other's))
Shiori fell down, breaking into a hysterical laugh, " YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE!!" She pointed at him, not getting up from the ground, a little mix of manical and hysterical laugh, "...How gullible.....But still, you shouldn't do that to people. And...YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN THE EXPRESSION ON YOUR FACE!!..." She laid there, with non-stop laughter. Tears formed the corner of her eyes, as she couldn't stop. It's been years since she cared like this, the childish Shiori breaking out her shell... She couldn't stop laughing hysterically.

Aru stood there, confused, "...I'm not even gonna ask..." He sighed, looking at a small pouch on the floor, belonging to the weird girl that seems to have split personalities, "REVENGE!!!!" He grabbed it, running to..wherever! But, it seems like the direction he's headed to is the mall. He ran, looking back at her. Oh, revenge..sweet, sweet revenge...
[QUOTE="Rei Itsukaya]
Aru stood there, confused, "...I'm not even gonna ask..." He sighed, looking at a small pouch on the floor, belonging to the weird girl that seems to have split personalities, "REVENGE!!!!" He grabbed it, running to..wherever! But, it seems like the direction he's headed to is the mall. He ran, looking back at her. Oh, revenge..sweet, sweet revenge...

Shiori stood up, with a dark, murderous aura surrounding her, "...Don't you dare..." She ran after him, cursing under her breath. Who would even steal a small pouch? Well, an idiot would. Plus, Shiori can be a bit of a...well, murderer? Sometimes. She glared straight at him, trying to NOT get caught by a murderer girl who has purple hair, wit a dark murderous aura around her....
Kazuichi yawned walking out of the mall with a bag of groceries when something bumped into him making him drop all his stuff eggs fell smashing on the ground milk spilled onto the ground. He glared at the guy who made him drop his stuff and grabbed him by his shirt. "Hey watch where your walking." He saw a girl was chasing after the guy and look back at him. "Seems you got a problem with making people mad buddy." He kept a tight grip on the guy's shirt.

@XxBouncy BunnyxX
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Kazuichi yawned walking out of the mall with a bag of groceries when something bumped into him making him drop all his stuff eggs fell smashing on the ground milk spilled onto the ground. He glared at the guy who made him drop his stuff and grabbed him by his shirt. "Hey watch where your walking." He saw a girl was chasing after the guy and look back at him. "Seems you got a problem with making people mad buddy." He kept a tight grip on the guy's shirt.
@XxBouncy BunnyxX

Shiori didn't stop running as Kazuichi grabbed Aru. She ran hastily, eventually jumping up and punching Aru's face, causing both of them to slam onto the ground. She laid there, trying to get up as she grabbed her pouch, glaring at Aru while doing so.
[QUOTE="XxBouncy BunnyxX]Shiori didn't stop running as Kazuichi grabbed Aru. She ran hastily, eventually jumping up and punching Aru's face, causing both of them to slam onto the ground. She laid there, trying to get up as she grabbed her pouch, glaring at Aru while doing so.

[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Kazuichi yawned walking out of the mall with a bag of groceries when something bumped into him making him drop all his stuff eggs fell smashing on the ground milk spilled onto the ground. He glared at the guy who made him drop his stuff and grabbed him by his shirt. "Hey watch where your walking." He saw a girl was chasing after the guy and look back at him. "Seems you got a problem with making people mad buddy." He kept a tight grip on the guy's shirt.
@XxBouncy BunnyxX

Aru sat up, rubbing his left cheek, that bad a hand mark on it, left by Shiori. Well, atleast he has a souvenir now! Yeah, a souvenir FOR GETTING BEAT UP BY A SHORTY WHO HAS PURPLE HAIR AND SPLIT PERSONALITIES. Crap, his cheek really hurts. Plus, he also hated the guy who grabbed himself he shouldn't have got revenge, if it weren't for some damn guy interrupting his escape.
Amina watched the girl run after the guy with a look of surprise.

"Well okay then," she shrugged, deciding it was best to not get involved. Besides, she still had to take her siblings to their weekly classes at the mall. This causes a quiet, tired sigh to escape her lips. They were already late enough as it is.

"Emir, Samir, Leilah!" she called out to the children, who immediately made their way over to where she stood. Once together, the family went back into Amina's car and drove off for the mall.
Marcus decided it would be bad if he left the snow here. So he clapped his hands together and all the snow disappeared. Marcus then looked around to see if there was anyone around to talk too.
Kazuichi didn't get what was going on but he did know one thing Yukari was gonna kick the crap out of him if he didn't make her breakfast and without eggs and milk he couldn't do that. He grabbed the guy who had just gotten decked in the face and pointed at the eggs and spilled milk. "So unless you want a matching mark on the other side of your face I suggest you pay for the eggs and milk!"

@XxBouncy BunnyxX
Lisanna ran to the mall at a very fast pace, trying to find Shiori, after leaving her alone in the plaza. Eventually, she found Shiori, and ran towards Shiori, who is currently laying on the ground, "HELLO, SHIORI!" Lisanna waved her hand in front of Shiori's face, smiling, "What are you doing? Why are you on the ground? Who are these two fellows? Ooh, I get it!"She jumped up and down, pointing at Hikaru, " IS THAT STUPID YELLOW-HAIRED BOY YOUR BOYFRIEND???" She asked wit excitement.

(((I'm making mah ship happen, whether you like it or not.
:P LOL))
[QUOTE="Delila The Deity]Lisanna ran to the mall at a very fast pace, trying to find Shiori, after leaving her alone in the plaza. Eventually, she found Shiori, and ran towards Shiori, who is currently laying on the ground, "HELLO, SHIORI!" Lisanna waved her hand in front of Shiori's face, smiling, "What are you doing? Why are you on the ground? Who are these two fellows? Ooh, I get it!"She jumped up and down, pointing at Hikaru, " IS THAT STUPID YELLOW-HAIRED BOY YOUR BOYFRIEND???" She asked wit excitement.
(((I'm making mah ship happen, whether you like it or not.
:P LOL))


Shiori stood up and sighed, "As if." She crossed her arms, glaring at Lisa. She looked back at Kazuichi, "...No, it's fine. I'll pay for that." She opened her purse, and took some money, handing it to Kazuichi. Well, she needed to help out, it's not like she wanted Aru to suffer..well, maybe she did a bit, but...It was cruel if she...well, let Kazuichi put a another mark on his face, since she already got her payback, "...Put him down please."Her voice sounded innocent, as her eyes looked innocent, too.
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