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[Anime] Idol x Manager x Ex-Fan

Sayuri gasped and ran over holding her hands out. "No one must ever cross that line." She shouted loudly and angrily at the crowd mainly at the girl who did such unspeakable deeds. She pointed at the bold red line of duct tape that said, DO NOT CROSS on the floor infront of the desk. She motioned for the guards to usher the people away then ran off. She knew she wouldn't make the situation better fr Tomori if she (a woman) was the one to go help him. She sighed. What did she do. Wait...She got in her phone and called someone.

Later on Tomori's old manager (Insert name here) showed up and ran to Sayuri. "I got here as fast as I could." He said and walked up to the door where Tomori was. He knocked. "Tomori? It's me....are you okay?" He asked with concern coating his face and his voice.
"No I'm not okay. I've had something horrible happen to me, I just want to end this goddam nightmare." Tomori came out of the storage room a little later with a sick look on hos face. "Thank you for coming down" Tomori just headed to his car and waited for Sayuri to come andride with him back to his home sonhe could calm down.
The male walked with him to his car and waited there with him to comfort him. Sayuri didn't take long to get to the car. She was right behind them. Her indigo eyes landed on the man who was Tomori's old manager. "I'm sorry you had to get involved." He shook his head. "Things like this has happened before." She looked at Tomori through the dark window. She just felt so helpless in that moment. "I'm sorry for your troubles. Thank you so much for coming." She bowed at him and he bowed back then left. She sighed and put her hand on her forehead. She felt so awful. Finally she got in the car and buckled up. "Are you feeling better?"
Tomori shook his head and put another message on his phone "SOmedays I just feel like ending this stupid career and going somewhere to be alone for the rest of my life. Even when I walk by a girl I freak out and get nervous. I just want to be able to go out into public and walk by women without having a panic attack but I know that will never happen." Tomori looked out the tinted windows and stared at the passing landscape when some tears ran down his eyes.
{I'm so sorry. It's been a crazy few days for us. We are being transferred into another apartment complex so I may not respond a lot but I promise I will do my best between packing}

Sayuri read the message and frowned. Tomori must really be having serious trouble with this. There had to be some way to help him. "Tomori...are you receiving any therapy or help for this? If you aren't then maybe we can get someone to help you." She suggested. She just wanted to help him. She didn't want to see Tomori like this.
"No I'm not getting anything for this, I've tried it before but they all told me the same thing and tried to give me some type of medicine. It didn't work one bit, I never go back. I'm willing to try some new things if you promise not to bring me back to one." Tomori had a small smile on his face when he gave her the phone but still didn't pay any attention her way, still nervous.
Takeru Koizumi

“Yes and No?”

Takeru raised a brow as he read the contents of the text.
“What does she mean by that?” More than anything, this raised his anxiety over the matter. However, worrying about that wouldn’t be productive! Going over Tomori’s agency would probably the best choice, however, he still had to finish the draft of the chapter he was working on. After deciding to go to Tomori’s agency after work, Takeru offered a short prayer that everything will be fine before proceeding to finish all of his tasks.

Two hours have passed and somehow, Takeru managed to finish all of his tasks. With a quick sigh of relief, he stood up and left his office, scrolling his phone as he walked through the streets. Not too long after, he came across an update that Tomori was going to do a fan signing today which got him extremely excited that he dashed through the fan signing event.

There were a lot of people when he reached the place and they were mostly women. Sneaking through the crowd, Takeru managed to catch a glimpse of the idol who seemed to be looking pale than usual, then noticed his best friend who was slightly distant with Tomori.
“Something did happen.” Takeru mumbled under his breath. That was when suddenly, the woman next to him leaped and planted a kiss on Tomori. Surprised, Takeru watched as Tomori broke into tears and retreated after the event.

“Kyaaaa, I kissed him! I kissed him!” was the squeals of the girl who did such an indecent thing. Of course, the other fans started to corner the girl, then, war ensued. The bodyguards started to calm the enraged fans down and the girl who kissed Tomori slipped away. Takeru followed after her, “Hey! Hey, you! Miss!” which eventually made the girl stop from running.

“What do you want?” The girl asked, irritation was evident in her voice.

“Why did you do that?” Takeru asked in a soothing voice. He didn’t want her to be more enraged, really. He just wanted her to realize that what she did was wrong.

“Because I wanted to!” The girl grumbled at him, “Who are you to talk to me like that?”

Takeru smiled earnestly,
“I’m nobody. I just wanted to say that what you did was wrong. The satisfaction you receive from such actions, is it really worth the pain your loved one suffers from?”

This silenced the girl and after a while, she started bawling her eyes out, probably because of guilt. Panicking, Takeru gave her his handkerchief which she used to wipe her eyes and blow her nose. After a few minutes, Takeru went back to the fan event together with the girl who was convinced and determined to beg for Tomori’s forgiveness.

Hmm..Is the event cancelled?, Takeru wonders.

((OOC: I'm sorry for taking such a looong time to respond! The week's been very hectic for me, because of continuously piling schoolwork. Again, I apologize!))
[oh yeah I've had quite the busy schedule as well. I'm back though]

Sayuri looked at him and nodded.
"Okay, I promise not to take you back to a psychiatrist." She smiled promisingly at him. She wished she could just hug him and make him feel better, but instead she folded her hands together and put them in her lap as they made their way back to the building. She opened her phone and sent a quick message to Takeru.

"Sorry, something happened at the Signing and we had to cancel. :( " She pressed send
"Thank you, Would you like to go out for some lunch now. There is a good place down the street that I've been going to for a few years now and I know the owner real well." Tokomi left the room and made a reservation before returning to the room and sitting in front of the desk and petting his dog.
Sayuri nodded. "Sure that sounds great." Her stomach growled at the mention of food and she giggled and blushed, putting her slender hand over her flat stomach.
He gestured her along as he left the building and went to a very small Korean restaurant a few blocks away. It was a tiny building with a few tables and was inhabited by the family that ran it. He greeted them in fluent Korean and sat down across from her and looked around the building, everything was still the same to him.
She followed him. When they arrived she was surprised at how small it was. She smiled. So quaint. She had time to put her silky black hair up before they left so that it wasnt in her way when she ate. She sat down with Tokomi but still respected his boundaries. She smiled politely and bowed at the people. "You must come here alot." She said for conversation.
He pulled a small piece of paper from the table next to him "I came here everyday when I first started singing. It was like my second home, I came here after every concert with my old manger and ordered the same thing. No need to worry, you're doing a perfect job and I'm happy that you became my manger and nobody else did." He smiled a little bit and began to drink a small bit of tea.
Sayuri smiled at him and blushed. What sweet words. She picked up her glass of tea and sipped it. It was very delicious. "I appreciate your words." She blushed deeper and waited to order herself some food. The smells filled her nose. She couldn't wait to eat.
Tomori smiled a bit before ordering his food, speaking in more fluent korean and ordering Sayuri's food for her. When the large trey of meats and noodles came out, he dug in and filled his stomach after 6 bowls of food later.
Sayuri was impressed with the Korean. When she food came out she could had clapped. She ate two bowls and was done. She looked over at Tomori and blinked in surprise. "You must have been starving!" She giggled, seeing all his bowls.
Tomori nodded his head when she asked him. "Would you mind walking with me home, It's not to far and it would be nice to have the company. Never have people near me except my guard and my dog. Could be nice to speak with someone other than myself." Tomori got up and headed towards the door holding it open Sayuri
She smiled and nodded. "I would love to." She blushed then stood up and followed him out. She bowed slightly when he held the door and walked out. She folded her hands together and waited for Tomori and walked with him. "So other than being a star, what do you do?"
"I paint sometimes, I read and write some poetry. Nothing interesting really." He walks a few more blocks down the street and reaches a nice flat that has two floors and a few rooms. He walks in and leaves his shoes at the door. The house is decorated in a nice korea/japanese theme with some writings on the wall and a vert nice samuri armor in the main hall.
Sayuri walks with him listening. "You paint? I love art." She smiled. She actually loved to go to art galleries and see pictures and painting. She stood at the door. "I would live to read some if you like." His house was beautiful.
"Go right ahead, It's in my room on the the table next to my bed. Just be careful, she had some pups and she gets very protective when new people step near them." Tomori walked to his small studio and finished his painting that he's been working on for a few months now.
She blinked. Oh.....she wasn't expecting to stay. She looked around a bit then slowly took her shoes off. Was this okay? Being here in his home like this? She blushed and walked in, appreciating the decor. In his room? She followed the hall to where she assumed was his bedroom. Of course it took her a couple of tries between the bathroom and the closet to get the right door.

She opened up his bedroom door and looked in. There she say the pups and their mother. She smiled softly. How cute! She cautiously walked in and went to the bedside table. A small protest came from the mother dog but not much more than that. On his bedside table was the notebook. Sayuri smiled and sat on his bedside then picked it up. She was curious what kind of mind he had. She blushed. They had only just met and he was already letting her read his poems. She cracked it open.
Tomori finished his painting a hung it in the kitchen over the counter. He stood there staring at it for a while before heading back up to his bedroom to check up on his pups and Sayuri. The mother ran over to him and wagged her tail rapidly when she saw him enter. Holding one of the pups, he walked and handed it to Sayuri.

"Here, she's a few months now and Is very happy to see new people and loves everybody." The mother could be seen standing on the side of the bed growling at her but Tomori gave her a stern look and she left them alone laying on the floor next to them.
Sayuri looked over when Tomori walked into the room then watched as he picked up a pup and brought it over to her. She smiled and reached out taking in. "Oh she's so cute!" She exclaimed softly and hugged it to her chest. When momma dog growled at her she looked at her with wide eyes but then she was scolded and went to go lay down. She looked at Tomori and smiled softly at him then looked at the pup again. She nudged it's nose with her own and laughed softly when he pressed a paw to her cheek.
"If you want her, you can take her. Mama won't be to upset, I'm going to keep the rest and breed them with other purebreds." Tomroi let the mom on the bed and watched as she licked the puppy in Sayuri's hands to clean her off. Tomori laughed a little bit and watched as she grabbed the puppy out of her hands and carry it back to the bed and began to circle it. Trying to keep Sayuri away from her.

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