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Fantasy Animal Crossing Role Play (:<

How many rooms will our houses be? I'm assuming one or two but wanted to ask.
j.e.s.t.e.r j.e.s.t.e.r Such greetings! I was wondering if you remained of such interest at Animal Clossing Role Play. :3

ThAtGuY101 ThAtGuY101 Nice character~

and i am unsure if you guys have seen, though i posted the main role play.
I'll update my bio later today with two room pictures for hone interior and probably post in the actual RP afterwards.
Are there a list of villagers? Can we pick sone, cause I wanna add my best bud, Sterling 🤔
ThAtGuY101 ThAtGuY101 You can pick few villagers.

j.e.s.t.e.r j.e.s.t.e.r Such greetings. If you wish as picking certain character or characters, you can. Simply saying.

Oh, and I shall update few things either tomorrow or such next day. We can also describe the village together if it is wished.
Name: Willow
Age: 16
Gender: Non-Binary
Personality: Very shy, does not talk to many of the villagers, is very helpful around the island
island name:Fern
store name:Willow's Clothes
It's a clothing store similar to Able Sisters, they make the outfits themself and own the store. They are the only one that works there.

I hope this is okay!

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