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Fandom Anima Warfare


( ~ Mainly based on the manga; Flow ~ )

Everyone living in this world, has its own god, and they have only one chance to wish for something. However, everything comes at a price. Depending on how strong these gods are, the price a person has to pay is not equal. Stronger gods ask for higher price, and they are not restraining themselves to take away lives just so that they would fulfill the wish of the person.

Because these gods disguise themselves as animals, not a single person knows how they look like in their real form. In the high schools of this world, students learn how to .........

For those who have read the manga: I know this RP is not loyal to the manga in every detail, but I tried to be so as much as possible. As the manga is yet to be finished where I read it or at all, I tried to build up an environment that will not be in the manga.

~ No god modding.

~ Romance is allowed, but nothing more.

~ Sometimes I agree that a one liner is more suitable, but please try to write at least 3 lines.

~ No swearing heavily. You can write a few offensive words if you are having a conflict with someone else, but be warned! If I don't see the point behind swearing words, I may delete your character from the RP.

~ As a sign of you, reading the rules and regulations, I would like to ask you to write their opinion of noodles somewhere into your character sheets. Your opinion will not matter, so you can either write the truth, or just think of something, but your characters will not be accepted until you fulfill this requirement.

~ I would like to ask you to keep in mind that people who create the characters don't do something in order to offend you as a person, so please try to hate the characters but not the people behind them.

~ I would like to ask every applicants, for this RP, to be considerate with your opponents during the RP, and let them decide how they would react for an action. For an instance, I would like you to avoid doing an action, and writing that it was successful. Let them decide whether for example a shot got them full, just barely scratched or completely missed them.

~ Following the thought behind the rule above, I would take the chance to warn every of you that you should try to be realistic and in case you would act in the opposite way, after a warning your character might get punished either in the RP, or by deleting her/him.

~ I will personally talk with the applicants before accepting them. I am planning to create an active RP, and as a result of it, not all the applicants might get accepted. I am really sorry for those who will be rejected.

~ Please try to be considerate with your fellow mates in the RP, and don't be a main character wannabe.



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