Angie Corbett


Occasionally Active
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This character was originally made for:

Your Literal God Parent

This character has appeared in:

Your Literal God Parent

This character has been completely redesigned
1 time.

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Angie Corbett


no slide
Basic Info
I'm a pretty simple girl. No need for detail.

Name: Angela Corbett

Nickname(s): Angie

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Human

Nationality: American

Spoken Languages: English

Occupation: Part-time Grocery Clerk

Alignment: Good-Neutral

Average enough.

Angie has long, light brown hair that cuts off a bit before below shoulder level. Her nose is a bit on the pointy side,and her eyebrows are mostly straight, except for a small downwards curve towards the sides of her face. Her face is triangle-circle shaped, kind of like an oval. Angie's eyes are a
greyish-blue color and are relatively average size. Her skin is a light variation of peach all around, except for her hands, which are a lighter color for unknown reasons. She measures up to 5'5" and weighs 125lbs, which is about average for her height.

Angie tends to dress in flowy outfits, usually layered outfits that revolve around a dress and are typically light colors.





Around the house she tends to wear tank top and short combos, though she does branch out to sweaters sometimes.



During the colder months she's known to wear jeans and sweatshirts, though she does add her own style to them. She's partial to layered jackets, and during the real cold months, she wears the same sorts of things but with an overcoat slapped on top.





That about sums me up.

Imaginative Internet Resident Motivated

Angie's pretty laid-back, except for when someone starts a flame war. In that case, she can get pretty aggressive, but those people have either been blocked or scared off. She enjoys to write fanfiction in her spare time and is also a lucid dreamer. She's into the whole mythology thing, and comes up with pretty crazy ideas in her free time, like the fact that the voice in her head is her unborn sibling. On a semi-related note, she is an aspiring writer.








Her Stepmom

Flame Wars


Being Ignorant

Power Surges


Easily forgets peoples' names

Has an obsession with potatoes


Checks her phone every five minutes

Twirls hair when thinking

Crosses legs when sitting


Failing Expectations

Car Accidents



Beat her Rival blog on Tumblr

Finish school

Get published





I prefer not to talk about my past, but I feel comfortable telling you for some reason.

Angie's parents were students fresh from college when they had her. They had promising futures, and she ruined them. Well, she wasn't the only one; she was going to have a twin brother, but Angie absorbed him in the womb. Anyway, Angie was born and her dad ended up getting some crappy office job to support his family; her mother on the other hand was attempting to reach her dream by being a struggling writer. They raised her pretty well with the resources they had, taking her to the park and the dollar movies in the summer.

When Angie was seven, her mom got published with some big company, her series became a hit, and they were suddenly rolling in the dough. Her dad went back to school to accomplish his dream of being an engineer, and all seemed to be going well for about a year or so. Then Angie's mom decided to go to the store one day and never came back; she was killed in a hit and run. While Angie and her dad grieved, they lost the house, her dad's tuition put them in debt, and they were back to struggling again.

Fast forward 4 years and they were stable again, more or less. Angie was in seventh grade, getting her straight B's, when one of her friends dragged her into the world of the internet. After learning the basics, she came across the realm of tumblr, anime, and fanfics and hasn't looked back since. Meanwhile, during Angie's internet journey, her father was going through a journey of his own; He met someone new.

Two years later, Angie was running a relatively tumblr-famous writing blog, turned out she inherited her mother's creative streak. her dad then decided it was a good time to reveal that he'd gotten engaged, two months before the wedding. Many things happened all at once; her soon-to-be stepmom moved in, who brought some serious money to their house, or at least enough to get faster internet.

For reasons unknown, Angie doesn't like her stepmom, even though her stepmom was actually a nice person. Maybe its because she got pregnant, and had twins, with none of them dying....

I don't really have many friends.. but I'd like to make some. Some day....

Familial Relationships
Angie was rather close with her mom, though never got all the girl-to-girl talks that she would have gotten due to her mother dying in a car-accident when she was around 8.
She's kind of distant with her dad nowadays, perhaps because he's got a new family? Back in the grieving days, Angie practically never left her father's side.
For some reason, Angie doesn't particularly enjoy spending time with her step mother. Her step-mom's a nice person, but Angie just doesn't feel the same connection she felt with her mom, and this deters her from having a close relationship with her stepmom.
The older of the twins is a bit of a rascal, he always gets into Angie's room and steals her blanket from time to time, usually breaking something in the process. Angie has a bit of a love-hate relationship with this little guy.
The younger of the twins is much more mellow, preferring to spend time on the sofa watching cartoons with his stuffed bear. Angie sometimes sits next to him, explaining the things happening on the screen and making him laugh. Angie almost adores this twin, if it weren't for his temper tantrums when someone takes away his toys.

Interpersonal Relationships
Since her mother died, Angie's had this voice in her head. She's never mentioned him to anyone, fearing she'd be classified as a nutcase or something. They don't really talk much, this voice just makes a witty comment every once and a while and makes Angie laugh at very inconvenient times.
Angie was friends with this girl in middle school. They were pretty close, and the friend dragged Angie on quite a number of adventures, but then high school came and they got separated. They promised to keep in touch, but neither one texted the other.
Angie has a friend in the tumblr-verse. They share largely the same interests, and they complain about life to each other, but they've never met in person; And both of them are okay with that, or at least Angie hopes so.
Her writing blog has competition, a similar blog that posts more often, but is of lesser quality. Angie's characters are more developed, the enemy's plots are more elaborate. They constantly fight over whose the better writer, but in the end it's just friendly competition and bickering.

Extra Info
I don't necessarily know why I like the color orange; I guess I just do.

Color: Sunset Orange
Drink: Iced Tea
Food: Sugar Cookies
Excuse: "I forgot..."



Since Mom died, I've felt this... this voice inside of me. But it's not mine; it's like- a conscience of some sort. I usually ignore him, but he's got a wicked sense of humor.


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