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(Andraus and Robyn Banks)


The last survivor of the Freelands

Map of the Kingdom of Draodus @Robyn Banks




Male Character


Yaro Azarus









The eldest son of a impoverished family, Yaro used to be your average town/farm boy in the dragon's desert.. He would tend the animals, the farm, and practice sword-fighting with his father, a noted conscripted soldier in His Majesty's Royal army. However, at age 14, His elder sister managed to catch the eye of a High-rising Court member. She was allowed to marry him, but only if she 'cast off the shackles of her peasant family'. Needless to say, Yaro never saw her again.

Feeling as though the only way to earn a living in this world was to think for yourself, Yaro ran away from home at 15, joining up with a passing mercenary band, known as the 'Band of the Scarlet Edge'. Nearly a month later, Yaro killed his first man in combat. For the next six years, Yaro had learned to use a variety of weapons and tactics to decimate his enemy, always going where the pay was biggest. 

During one battle, however, things changed for Yaro.

His band was hired on by the current military adviser for the Royal family of Kingdom of Draodus, to defend the village known as Jangevik, which was a mining town blocking a pass towards the mainland, as the Kingdom of Jhoira was advancing intent on conquering it. During the first five days of the fighting, Yaro's company commander was killed. Without clear leadership, Yaro assumed command, and devised a clever plan of attack. 

Abandoning the town proper, Yaro allowed them to claim their 'victory' and thus commence with their celebration. While they were celebrating, drunk, and unaware, the forces under Yaro attacked the town, surprising and overwhelming them. Yaro himself killed General Baheir Heimlock, thus scattering their forces. Along this, they had found a young woman who the soldiers had intended to use for 'Entertainment' but had not had the chance too thanks to his timely attack.

While Yaro expected to be paid and to leave the town, it was not that simple: The Military Adviser had not expected the Mercenaries to survive, merely using them to buy time for the Royal forces on the other side of the pass. Not only that, but Yaro discovered the woman he rescued was the Princesses Cousin. Earning the eye of the court, Yaro has been called to the capitol, the Floating city of Proni, for what reason he's yet to discover.....
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Yaro and his men were riding into the capitol, practically being paraded by the Nobles present as he returned the Queen's cousin home. In truth, the only reason Yaro was doing this was to collect his pay, and return to the field with the rest of his band. It was still odd to call them 'His band' however. It seemed like only a week ago, he was being bossed around by their company commander Tegrin. Now he was six feet under in that mining town, and Yaro was in charge. When Yaro had wanted to make it big, he didn't expect it to be like that. It stung, but Yaro refused to shed tears for the man: His boss knew the risks of this lifestyle, and he took it. Now it was up to Yaro to make the best of it.

The city itself was stunning: Shining marble and verdant gardens as far as the eye could see. For the returning 'heroes' it was almost like a story-book setting. Yaro himself had to keep from being awestruck to the marvelous site of the capitol. The Floating city was reminiscent of a fortress. Whatever magic that held it in the sky still remained strong today as it did years ago. So long as it remained in the sky, it was nigh impossible to conquer for any soldier on land. It was an honor to be allowed into the city, so Yaro wanted to ensure he looked cleaned.

He had his armor on, polished and stamped to look new, as well as his red blade, cleaned and sharpened. His helmet was behind him, on his horse, a Draodian Saddlebred.

In the Band of the Scarlet Edge, you had to wield a sword, or bladed weapon, made of red metal. It allows the legend that the weapons are bathed in the blood of their enemies. In truth, it was just red ink and dye soaked into the blade, but Yaro wasn't about to debuke this to anyone. The legend breed fear into their enemies, and that is just the way he wanted it to stay.

Yaro really didn't know why he was called to the capitol itself. Surely they didn't need him to play escort to the young woman in the carriage, did they? In fact, the entire time he'd been travelling with them, Yaro could swear that the royal knights had been doing nothing, but glaring at him. What, was he supposed to have died there or something? he thought, shaking his head. Little did he know how spot on he was.

Yaro would dismount his horse, as he looked towards the band. "Alright! All of you, I want you on your best behavior! We've been invited here personally by the Queen, and I don't want to bail any of you out of the dungeon. You get drunk and stupid, you're on your own!" Yaro said, as he stepped towards the throne room.

His second, a woman named Jasmine Cousland, would walk up behind him. "Sir! I think it would be best if I am with you."

Yaro would turn around, and walk towards her, before placing a hand on her shoulder. "Jazz, I need you to keep an eye on these louts. They know you, and they respect you. I won't be long, I'll collect our pay, then we can leave. "He said, patting her shoulder. "Go and stand with our brothers and sisters in arms. For the Red Dawn."He said to her, knowing she knew the mantra.

The woman would nod, before responding. "For the Scarlet Edge."

Yaro would nod, before he began walking. The name 'Scarlet edge' came from a phenomenon that happened whenever the moon turned red. Tegrin founded the mercenaries and named them such when he saw such a moon, in the form of a crescent. It was their symbol, and their honor-bound code. They fought for the Red dawn, the burning sun that rose every day, and they fought for the Scarlet edge, the Wilting moon that rose every night, to light their way.

It was almost poetic.

Yaro would approach the throne room, and wait to be called in, his red blade at his side, and his head straight. He had to make himself look presentable to collect his reward. He could look drunk AND stupid tonight with his band when they celebrated, after he collected his pay. He didn't know the first thing of the fate that awaited him.

@Robyn Banks hope this is enough.)
Yaro would follow after Greer, helmet in one arm, shield in the other. Doing a small courtesy, Yaro would take his blade off his belt, before handing it to the guard along with said shield, to show that he meant no harm. Yaro knew many people did not put much stock in Sell-swords. They were seen as undisciplined, unreliable, and often extremely chaotic, often little more than bandits. Yaro was lucky that his band held their own code of honor and self-discipline, otherwise he'd likely be the same exact way. When entering the throne room, Yaro found himself in awe of the place.

'By the Old gods, this place is amazing. This is what my whore of a sister gets to live in?....Completely unfair.' He thought to himself, before being brought back to reality by the Queen. Even in her old age, she was a marvelous looking woman. Then again, the entire family from what he'd seen (Queen, Daughter, and Cousin) were all beautiful women, it must be something in the air here in Proni. Stupid floating city, having everything nice...

Yaro would then begin practicing to himself in his head, a common sign of nervousness. 'Alright, just like Tegrin said. Show fealty, be polite, show you mean no harm, and above all else, DON'T say anything stupid!' Yaro thought to himself.

Yaro would kneel before the Royal family, placing his head down and his right arm over his raised knee. "My Queen, I am honored to be welcomed into your home. I do not deserve such kind praise." Yaro said. The last thing he wanted to do was end up in the dungeon because he said something he didn't know would be considered offensive to the Queen or her family. "I was merely doing what my job entitled of me. As a member of the Scarlet edge, I would be ashamed if I did not show a proper work effort in fighting for your kingdom. " He said.

"If I may ask though, my Queen....why have I been called here?" Yaro asked. It was still curious as to why the Military Advisor didn't just pay him, instead being called by her Majesty herself.

@Robyn Banks
"You show me great favor, My Queen. Out of gratitude, I will humbly accept your kind gift. " Yaro said, knowing that refusing such could result in immediate head-off-shoulders. Yaro would then stand, before signalling for the men and women of his company to stand present. Though quite fearsome by themselves, Yaro's band was merely a single company of the Mercenary Guild, the Scarlet Edge- Only fifty two men and women. There were seventy five, but some had died during the siege. "Alright everyone! Her Majesty has kindly given us quarters for the time being. I expect everyone to be on their best behavior! I will not tolerate anyone doing something stupid, and insulting her Majesty. " Yaro said, in a commanding voice. The Mercenary band stood in salute, and bowed.

Yaro would then walk over to Jasmine. "Jazz, you're my second- Keep an eye on these people, and make sure that nothing happens, understood?"

"Yes sir! " Jasmine said, before bowing towards him. She would then bow towards the Queen, before taking her leave. The woman had scars dotting her face and neck, mostly covered by her hair. Obviously, she had been in the band for quite some time.

Yaro would then take his weapons back, before strapping his sword to his side, and his shield on his back. He would then look towards Kuvira and Greer. "My Ladies, after you?" Yaro asked, being polite and courteous as possible. Inside, he was panicking. He knew he could control himself for the night, as could Jasmine, but the rest of his band? Once alcohol set in, they could get stupid, and he didn't want that happening. He prayed to the old gods that Jasmine could keep them controlled.

@Robyn Banks

Kuvira couldn't help but feel a little intimdated and intrigued all at once. It scar seemed to posses a different tale, their eyes were fierce from facing war head on. Greer on the other hand treated it as she did before this time with her cousin linking their arm together. Their smiles became more sincere as they whispered amongst themselves. Kuvira made quick eye contact with Catherine, the two we're obvious talking with their eyes which ended in a nod from both parties. Kuvira knew what she was set up for to act as a typical socialite, flattering her guests and maybe even gaining information. She watched Jasmine leave, she knew for a fact that she would be one of her targets for tonight. 


Kuvira and Greer thank him prior to Kuvira stopping to address a few of the guards who wished to follow them. "Your protection won't be required, I assure you we are in safe hands." The guards bowed, walking back to their post, Giving the mercenary glares while at it. "Follow me, I can give you a tour if you would like." She offered. Knowing the man would possibly agree, she started by making him look out the nearest window. "There's the lake, we usually have boat rides during festivals on it but It's very relaxing in my opinion. There's the garden beside it,  I do warn you to be careful. I got lost in it more than once." Greer giggled at her comment, walking on memory lane. 


Kuvira continued on. Showing him the portait halls, dining room,  the wine cellar, etc. She turned back to him. "You seem like a good man. high moral codes,  a heart of gold and iron fist to go with it.  I think I should give you caution of what you are going to experience tonight. 
Yaro would just send a smirk towards the guards. Though he didn't know why they were glaring at him, he enjoyed pissing off the arrogant. It was a little joy in his life that made this line of work so worth it. Yaro would then watch as they were lead through the castle. It was subtle, and most wouldn't be able to see it, But Yaro could see whoever built this place, meant for both class...and defense. Every notch and crane could be useful in defending the castle, and every such notch could also be used to show power and worth. This place was built by an expert. The Theron family must've had a wise founder.

As he heard her compliment him, Yaro would let out a small chuckle. "I doubt that very much, My lady. A Moral code, yes, but that is what was instilled in me as a child. Iron fists? I'll take that as a compliment. A heart of gold, though? I am a soldier of fortune, I fight for whoever pays the most. Doubt it very much. I will thank you though, for you kind words. It is not often I get complimented by two lovely young ladies like yourself. Most see me as a simple warrior, no better than a paid bandit." Yaro said. He was trained in combat from a young age, this was true, but Tegrin enforced a view that the mind was the most reliable weapon you could ever have. It did not break, it could not be lost, and it could used in multiple ways. Yaro took this to heart, and studied as much as he could.

It was why he was among the few people in his company capable of casting magic. Not all mercenary companies could do so. To demonstrate this, when they passed by an unlit torch, Yaro would hold up his hand and snap his fingers. Fire would spring from his fingers, and the torch would be lit. "My Commander, the one who died, encouraged us to use our minds as a tool....I may have taken it a bit farther, but it is not something I regret. " He said. He couldn't see, however, what game he was in, what experiment was happening around him. The price he paid for not being one for politics. 

@Robyn Banks
"Well the Queen in not most and her opinion is the ine that truly matters most, rest assures not a lot of people is worth praise in her eyes,  Though I respect your humble responses." She commented. "Your commander sounds very wise, May he rest in peace." He wasn't like what she expected when thinking of a mercanary,  perhaps he was that way due to her position in the hierarchy. 

It was evident that he didn't know what was in store for for him. There's was another battlefield. One more cutthroat,  deceitful, and corrupting. It was politics.

 "The East wing belongs to you and your men, if the rooms here aren't enough we will expand. I suppose since you are commander,  the one on the end is yours." Kuvira stated,  leading him to his room.  It was spacious and decorative, almost made someone curious if all the rooms were like it. "A servant will send you and your some clothes to choose from for the banquet. It starts at sundown in the grand hall." Kuvira told him. "We'll look for you."Greer added as they exited,  leaving the man to his own devices. 
Yaro would bow to the two. "I shall have us prepared accordingly. I hope to see you two again soon, you are quite pleasant company. " Yaro said, before finally arriving into the room. Yaro knew the others needed clothes, but he himself did not- He had a set prepared himself, given to him by the Moon Priest, the spiritual leader of the Scarlet Edge. They were his rite of passage gift when he took command of the company during the fighting. His regal clothing (except black main and gold embroidery, it was Red main and Black embroidery.) was packed into a parcel of leather with some rose petals, giving it a fresh scent. Though this was the case, Yaro still preferred to bathe. He had not had the chance too since before the battle, and he knew that the hot air could leave one....pungent.

Using the directions given, Yaro would proceed towards the Bath House, holding his clothes and something else: A bottle of Expensive Aben Wine, made from carefully selected mages, sorcerers, and alchemists. The stuff was hard to get, but Yaro managed to get it from Tegrin years ago, promising to only drink it after his first major victory. Now was better than never.

Yaro would finally find the bath house and would settle into the water, after finding appropriate swimming attire, relaxing with wine in hand. He was exhausted, honestly- They had barley stopped to rest since they found Greer. Almost an entire week without sleep, and honestly, The cleansing water was a welcomed reprieve. "By the old gods, I could get used to this. " He said, rubbing his eyes. "Come on, Yaro, stay awake....Once this is done, it's back on the front." He said to himself, knowing he shouldn't get used to it. He didn't believe it would last long.

@Robyn Banks
Greer looked at Kuvira,  who was silent due to her mind drifting off into thought. "Well at least you know what I've been dealing with for the past week,  it was very uncomfortable yet entertaining all together." 

"I'm glad your safe Greer, I won't ask you what you were doing at Jangevik since I have a feeling it would not be an answer I would like to hear. So instead I will ask you this. What do you know about him? "

Greer blinked hard at this question, She wondered why she was so fascinated with this man. "On our quest here, I did not ask him much though I did hear about that he has no noble lineage. We also joined the Scarlet edge at age 15. That's all I know. "

"Thank you Greer,  I was just curious that's all." Kuvira decided to change the subject. "I'm excited to spend this banquet with you, you're always on the countryside. We should get ready,  I can go with you."

"No No it's fine. I'm home now, perfectly safe.I can reunite with my lady and we will get prepared." Greer gave her another embrace. "I'll see you soon." 

Kuvira watched her go, fiddling with her fingers. She knew that it would begin soon and there were people to impression including the foreign countrymen. She strolled to the west wing alone. 

~Time Skip~

Catherine was in her room,  the same room her brother was in before and what would be Kuvira's Eventually. Two of her ladies helped her fit into her  dress whilst the others combed her hair. A Guard knocked on the door then opened it when he gained the Queen's permission to come in. "Princess Kuvira wishes to speak to you." 

"yes, Let her in. "

Kuvira walked in with her hands clasped in from from of her silk Dress.she was greeted with Catherine opening her arms and giving her a warm embrace. "Ah my dear niece, You look so beautiful. You resemble your father, How handsome he was and your mother-" 

Kuvira face stayed stern as she turned to Catherine's ladies. "Give us a moment please. " The ladies nodded letting themselves out.  "That wasn't necessary." Catherine commented taking a bite of a stawberry from a fruit tart. "Hmm... Delicious. "

"What are you planning with him? What can you possibly do with him other than give him money and thank him from sparing Greer from her fate?"

"Much more dear,  you will see. There's nothing to worry about Kuvira. "

"Nothing to worry about?" She scoffed. "Jessari wants me dead so they can claim my throne since they think if they don't they think I will use my right to theirs. What do you want with him,  He's a mercenary other than warfare what can he offer us."

"I plan to use him because of his deeds. We make him a hero.  he gives speeches, coerce some of the unstable houses, set fear into the eyes of our competitiors. "

"How will we that? I'm sure after the banquet is all said and done, he'll want to return back to the rets of his men. " 

Catherine seemed unfazed by this only taking another bite of her tart. "I have a way... This is a two woman job though. Find out whatever you can about him.You're a smart girl, You'll find out especially with what I taught you." Catherine placed her hands on kuvira's arms. Before Kuvira could reply, Catherine lead her out."Now let's go, we can't keep our guests waiting. "

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(Hey, big favor to ask, I know, but would you mind playing Yaro's Sister, Solia? I am sorry, but you play the role of manipulative, evil women nicely xD Plus, it would give them something to leverage on.) @Robyn Banks

Yaro would stretch as he got out of the water, freshly clean, and would notice that while relaxing, he had yet to open the bottle of Aben Wine. Yaro knew he'd like to drink it tonight though, but then an Idea came up to him- What if he presented it to the Royal family? The stuff was hard to get, it's scarcity would make it a fine gift, wouldn't it?....Okay, Yaro knew he shouldn't try to butter up to people that'd likely send him away with a simple pat on the back, but it couldn't hurt to build bridges between his band and the Royal Family. After all, He had saved one of their family members! They couldn't forget about that soon, could they?

Placing on the rose scented clothing from earlier, Yaro admired the red and black color palette on his clothing. He actually for once looked respectable. He then heard a knock on his door, before tying a sash over his body. "Come in?"

Jasmine would walk in, sporting a vivid red and black gown, and she had a concerned look on her face. "Sir! Request permission to speak freely?" 

Yaro would sigh, before looking over. "Speak."

"Why is the noble family treating us like honored guests, sir? We all did our job back there, nothing more. Now I am not complaining, but doesn't this seem a bit....off to you?" Jasmine asked, her nerves telling her it was bad to stay here.

"I understand your concern, Jazz, but it's not up to me. When the Queen asks you to stay for the day....well, you can't outright refuse it. Don't worry, we should be back on the front by tomorrow. " Yaro said, fixing the finery on his outfit.

Jasmine still looked concern, but gave a curt nod. "Understood, sir.....By the way, you should take this. " She said, before placing on a small necklace. "In our band, every leader wore this on events such as this. It is a sign of Lady Xquic, the Blood Moon Goddess. It is now yours to keep." Jasmine said.

Yaro would take this blade, before strapping his sword, Blood-Whistler, onto his side. "I shall bear this with honor....Come, we should not keep the Lords and Ladies waiting." He said, as the two would join up with the rest of the band, and make their way to the banquet hall.
Yaro would pay close attention to the speech, keeping a scanning eye for the crowd of nobles. It would be obvious he was tense, as if he was hoping not to see someone. After the Queen spoke, Yaro and Jasmine would walk over towards her, and bow. "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kind words....On behalf of the Scarlet Edge Mercenary Company, please accept this as a gift. "He said, handing the wine to a guard. "Aben Wine, crafted by the Alchemists and Mages of the Sorcerous City of Aben. It was not easy to lay my hands on the vintage, but I hope it is pleasing to you. " Yaro said, before they stepped away

As the two would walk, Yaro would be confronted by the young Princess Kuvira. "Thank you, Lady Kuvira. It is tradition for those in leadership to wear these. For being invited to such an event, especially as an honored guest, I thought it would be best to dress my best. " Yaro said, his face heating up from the compliment. He swore, everywhere he went he ran into her. It was like she was following him.....not that he really minded, Kuvira was a very attractive woman, but it was still a bit odd.

Jasmine would bow her head lowly. "Thank you, Lady Kuvira. " Jasmine said. Obviously, her social etiquette more refined than Yaro's. "I am Commander Azarus's Second, Jasmine Cousland, of House Cousland. My father is Baron of the Allossis, City of Spires. " She said. She was a minor noble, but still a noble herself. No wonder she was paranoid around others here. What was a noble doing amongst a band of mercenaries? Though it would explain where they got some of their support form.

Yaro would then turn towards her, before nodding. "Of course, My lady. It would be a...delight, to see who could attend. Please excuse us, Jasmine?" Yaro asked, before Jasmine would nod, and walk away to speak to the other Mercenaries, obviously keeping things in check. Yaro seemed hestitant to follow, as if he was avoiding the main floor. Was there someone he wasn't eager to see?" Well....best to get a move on, correct? Should find Lady Greer." Yaro said, following after her. 'Lord Dawley, huh?.....Sounds familiar. Where have I heard that before?....probably just another contract.' He thought.

@Robyn Banks
Yaro would sigh, taking the wine glass. "It's not that.....You haven't seen someone with fair skin, chestnut brown hair, an accent like mine, and is a noble, have you?" Yaro said, tapping the wine glass. "I have....I had a sister. Solia is her name, perhaps you know of her? She abandoned my family when I was 14, to marry the Duke of the Dragon's Desert, can't remember his name. " Yaro said, still having into taken a drink of wine. "Let's just say she was always a manipulative person when we were kids. Being the eldest, she got away with bossing me around, and I try to say something to her? Put on the water works, and got me in trouble. "Yaro said, shaking his head. He knew it was a childish thing, but they were kids.

"I know it was years ago, and I myself abandoned my family to seek my fortune by way of warfare., but It's not someone I am eager to see again. Now that I am, as your mother called me, a 'Hero', whats to stop them from using this to raise their House's position?" He asked Kuvira. "I don't want to insult the hospitality that you and your mother have awarded us, but.....I've been known to have a temper. "Yaro said, which explained why he wasn't drinking. He wanted a clear head.

So he had family that were noble by marriage, and there were old wounds there....an interesting tidbit. Also notable is that he said he left his family. That meant he had reason to leave.@Robyn Banks
Yaro looked towards her, before pulling out a small waterskin. Pouring the refreshing liquid down his throat, he'd speak. "My best friend told me....Don't forget who you are, for the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it cannot be used to harm you.....smart little dwarf, he was. " Yaro said, placing it back in his inner coat. "Maybe they can't, but that doesn't mean they won't try...One thing I hate myself everyday? I have a nasty tendency to carelessly throw my life away to protect others. " Yaro said, shaking his head. "Why, the old gods only know, but I do know this- It can get rather annoying."

Yaro would listen to her speak about her aunt, before nodding. "I can respect that....Not many would do the same. Your aunt is a strong woman. " Yaro said. He did, however, keep his eye out for Greer, his sister, or Narcisse. It would be best to keep from drawing too much attention to himself. Kuvira would see Yaro instinctively grasp his sword, as if he was expecting an attack, though this was just out of reflex. In an environment like this, where there were daggers and hidden knives anywhere, Yaro's self-preservation instincts were kicked into over-drive.

@Robyn Banks
Yaro would keep quiet most of the time, tapping his finger on the blade, before Kuvira asked him to dance. To her surprise, Yaro would let out a small smile. "a dance with such a lovely lady as you? The old gods must favor me. " He said, his posture relaxing, hinting at him beginning to let his guard down. 

"My father had me learn basic dances, said that it would be useful for when i got married....turns out, I am rather quick on my feet." Yaro said, before walking in front of her, and holding out his hand. "Most Lovely Lady Kuvira, may I have this dance?" He asked her, as if he had experience on the dance floor.

@Robyn Banks
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She smiled in return. "You may." She said taking his hand. She let Yaro lead her to the dancefloor. The other guests stepped out of way, whispering amongst themselves trying to find out who the man was. " she gave him a curtsy before reuniting their hand. "You're father seems like a wise man. I can lead the dance then and If we both don't know the way, we can make our own.  " she teased.  Due to her status, she was taught all the popular dances throughout the kingdom however she was willing to put her training aside for him. 

Catherine turned to the dancefloor to see kuvira and Yaro. She was satified to see that Kuvira was doing her task without problems, she had taught her well. Catherine went towards the Jaressi ambassadors "Ah gentlemen, thank you for coming. I believe this will be the best time to converse. Come with me, I promise we'll leave the violence in the battlefield tonight. " the men were hestitant to accept but did anyways. 
@Robyn Banks

Yaro would give her a smile. "Thank you. You are honestly not what I was expecting when I first came to the Capitol. You are considerably the only person I can relax around....Greer kept on giving me weird stares, and no offense meant my lady, but the excitable nature can be a bit....grating when you have little to no sleep. " Yaro said. He would take her hand.....began moving in a waltz form. He actually was managing the steps properly. Yaro would let out an amused smile ."I learned early on that a young lady loves to dance...you may be a noble, but you have the eyes of a wandering dragon. Your Curiosity is only matched by your ferocity....." Yaro said, before that smile turned into a cheeky grin. "-and that ferocity is only matched by your beauty. Your family contains many fine women it seems, but you hold a....captivating nature around you. Honestly, how could I ever say no to you?" He asked aloud to her.
 "Makes me wonder what you thought of me beforehand." She laughed. "I understand both sides, the men and Greer I mean. She's usually more open,  I suppose after her experience wasn't as trusting as she would be." She was impressed with his skills, maybe she underestimated him. He seemed as if he was a master of the arts. Her eyes was drawn to his as he went on to give her compliments. She felt her cheeks started to turn rosy red. "No one has such an analogy, Thank you. You certainly have more tricks up your sleeves than I expected. You are mesmerizing, evident from the events today. Makes me wonder what we could achieve together."

The song soon ended,  the audience applauded the musicians for their fine performance. Queen Catherine called everyone to attention. She hid her loom of frustration with a smile."Lords and ladies of the court,  let us continue the banquet with this. Members of the scarlet rose come forth. " Kuvira was confused on the Queen's plan,  she knew she wanted go find a way to make him stay but what exactly was she planning? The crowd went back to their murmurs,  Kuvira gestured Yaro to go. 
Yaro would let out a laugh. "Believe me, what I lack in skills of politics, I make up for a quick mind and adaptation." He said, before spinning her. "Had to learn things quick in my line of work. This Waltz? Learned it to impress a Noble who had her hand in the slave trade. Made blending into everything a lot easier." he said. Yaro obviously wasnt the most skilled person on the planet, though he did possess a lot, but Yaro could do what many others couldn't: Adapt. He acted likd a chameleon- blending into the environment around him and using it to his advantage.

This made him a resourceful individual....but also a useful one. If he could turn his enemies own weapon against them, given time, there was quite a lot of damage he could cause. Pointed at the crown's enemies, he would be a powerful weapon.

When asked to step forward, Yaro would do so, though obviously confused.

@Robyn Banks
 A knight handed her a sword, crafted with the gold.  The handle was covered in rubies and silver, simbolizing the colors of their nation. Citizens of the Draodus knew that it was only used for special occasions. "Yaro of House Azarus. Commander of the Scarlet rose and Hero of Lady Greer. For your actions and bravery in battle,  I name thee. Yaro Azarus, Earl of Merdeen." she gently placed the sword on both of his shoulders prior to handing it back to the knight. "You will be granted land and all the wealth that you and your men will need. "

Kuvira was shocked, giving him such a high position in the court. She looked at Yaro before shifting her attention to her aunt. Before she could say anything, her voice was drowned by cheers. She made her way towards Greer, who was applauding with the crowd. "Greer did you what would happen? " Greer turned to her cousin with a smile. "Aunt Catherine asked me what I thought about it when I changing for the banquet, I told her it was a good idea." Kuvira nodded, how come she was the last to know? 

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Yaro had to keep himself from choking. An Earl?! He was an Earl now?! Yaro thought about the Territory of Merdeen. That was where the Charle Vale and the Blackstone Mountains were. Not a lot of settled territory, but Yaro had the forces to settle it. Then it hit him- Yaro was.....Nobility, now. He was in charge of land, he was a member of the court....Holy shit, Yaro actually did it! He actually reached the top ranks......Yaro now felt something different in his chest. It was....a hollow feeling. As if he didn't know what he was doing, how he was acting.

Yaro, for the first time since he was fourteen, felt.....Lost.

Yaro quickly crushed the feeling down, deciding to worry about that later, but stood quickly. "I am honored, My Queen....I shall defend this Kingdom to my dying breath. " Yaro swore to her, before standing, and turning around. He saw that most of the nobles were clapping and praising, obviously for show of support to the Queen. However, from his elevated position, Yaro saw 'her' in the crowd. Were he to talk to her, it would end bad, he knew it. So Yaro decided it would be best to find Kuvira or Greer. If they saw the 'Noble Knight' talking to them, they wouldn't in their right minds interrupt, right?.....

Yaro quickly stepped down, and began looking, hoping he had time.

@Robyn Banks
Kuvira sighed in relief, he accepted it. That didn't mean her mission was over yet, she still had to coerce him though know she figured it'll be easier than expected. "Would you like to dance with me? " Greer asked. "...I don't see why not." Kuvira responded. Greer laughed, pulling Kuvira to the dancefloor. 

Solis eyes widened when she heard his name. She knew  of the commander of the Scarlet rose and hero of the Queen's niece, how didn't expect her brother to be it. She moved the other nobles out of her way before painting a smile on her face. "Yaro? If that you? When her Highness said your name I was in such disbelief. I can't believe it's really you. " Solis said,  she gave him a warm embrace with or without his consent. "Look how you grown, You became such a handsome young man, Yaro. I missed all of you."
Yaro saw the two dancing. Honestly, they looked like two dragons in a dance of fire. Yaro thought it was beauty in itself. However, Before Yaro could finally make his way over, He heard Her voice. The Scarlet Edge Mercenary in him wanted to draw his sword and cut her down. However, Yaro reigned in this desire. Yaro would turn around to face his sister....No, she did not deserve the title. Yaro faced Solia with a stoic military face, expected from a student of war. Yaro would return the hug, though he was rather stiff about it. Every muscle in his body told him to leave.

"Ah....Solia Narcisse. It has been almost eight years, hasn't it?.....You look as fine as ever. " He said, bowing his head. 'Be polite, but do not be weak. Be Courteous, but do not roll over. She is no longer your elder. She is no longer your blood.' Yaro thought to himself. He would then turn around, as if looking for someone. "I do not see the Count of Dragon's Desert with you....is he busy with the Queen's court?" Yaro asked, trying to make polite conversation, staying away from personal matters. He hoped Kuvira would be done with her dance soon.

@Robyn Banks
"No, he's here. Conversing with the other nobles as usual." She then realized how stiff he was and gave a scoff. "Is that the way you're going to treat your sister?  I know you're mad about me leaving but I had a good reason to but don't worry we'll see eachother more often especially since you are the Earl of Merdeen now. Just be careful little brother. It's a big bad world out there and I might be the only one who can save you from it."

Before she could go on, she heard a voice. "Lady Solis." Solis immediately turned her head to see Kuvira. "Ah, Kuvira how -"

"I'm fine, thank you.  I see you have met Count Azarus. "

"I do actually in fact we are related."

"Oh really?  I think not,  You gave up your past for a starstruck future years ago including him. There for you will not tell anyone that you are associated with this man because it is evident that he don't want to be associated with you. If I ever hear anything of it, there will be consequences. We may be 'Related' by marriage but let's not forget who really has the bloodline of Theron, and I will not hestitant to show you my power. Tell that to Lord Narcisse as well. " Kuvira gave her a nasty glare as if she was going to attack her all on her own. Solis was caught of guard but only returned a smirk. 

"Full blood of Theron, huh. We'll see... " it was obvious she was mentioning the rumors that were brought upon Draodus likely by the monarchs of Jaressi. Using the advantage of her parents death,  they brought up speculation do to both of her parents infidelity that she was actually a bastard child. This gave Jaressi more ammunition to try and claim ger throne as well as some of her her own court. Solis turned her make her leave until she said. "Remember my warning Yaro, I'm always here for you." with that she was gone. 

(Just a note- It's Earl. Count for the Dragon Desert, Earl for Merdeen)

Yaro stayed quiet in the exchange. His expression softened when he heard the Princess approach, and when she spoke up in his defense, he sent every prayer of thanks to the old gods he knew how. When Solia gave his last warning, Yaro gave her one as well. "We were once both children....But where as you thrived in the life of a noble, I was forged in the fires of war. Do not forget that, Solia." Yaro said.

Once she was gone, Yaro let out a shaky sigh of relief. He would then walk towards Kuvira, take her hand, and kiss it. "You do not realize what you did for me....I am in your debt. Should you ever need anything, I do all in my power to grant it." Yaro said. Though it was likely unintentional, Kuvira had managed to gain influence with Yaro. As the honor-bound individual he was, he'd likely not forget that. This would give Kuvira and the Queen sway in his domain, as well as his support. That would likely prove beneficial later.

@Robyn Banks
Kuvira only chuckled when he gave her thanks. "I appreciate that, I will keep that in mind for the future. I was nothing really,  I would want someone to do that for me in my time of need. " she smiled. "Congratulations on your position. I'm sure you will serve Merdeen with pride." Kuvira was beginning to become truly fond of his company, he was by the most sincerely humble and generous she had met thus far. She concluded that Greer nor the queen needed her for the rest of the night and if there was a Noble to converse with she would do it promptly when the time arose. 

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