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Fandom And now all your love will be exorcised {S.o.P. - Private w/ Urzula} And we will find you saying it's to be better now


Your local trans writer femboy.

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Wᴀʀʀᴇɴ Bᴜʀɴs


ʙᴜɢʙᴇᴀʀ ʙᴀʀᴅs ᴡɪᴛʜ
ʙᴀɴᴊᴏs ʏ'ᴀʟʟ

((Private with Urzula Urzula , cannon within the Streets of Panem universe!))

The morning air of fall crept into the steel building when Ciccro led Seth down the cold hallway and into the elevator. He skillfully tapped in the keys to send them to one of the basements, the one that held the medical ward as he went on about how much he missed the District 10 girl he took in and trained because her mentor never showed.

“Don’t worry, dude, I know I only met you this morning but I promise you’re gonna like it in here. Total knockout. Way cooler than what us trainers get.” The blonde boy pushed the large, swinging door open to make it scream as it moved too quickly and rebounded off the wall. He cringed at the bang, feeling a bit of guilt wash into his face because he didn’t mean to make that much of a ruckus and he knew Sibyl’s head wouldn’t be able to take it.

Sure enough, as the doors hit the wall and the room produced an extremely loud bang, one loud enough to hurt his own ears, let alone the super sensitive ones of his fondly regarded roommate. The room came into view, exposing the genetic machines lining all of the walls and the medical benches and healing machines and medicines staggered throughout the room in curtain-clad stations evenly placed so you could get around all of them. In the middle, a woman with pretty black hair pinned up into a bun dove for the nearest open-curtain bed as the sound wrecked her head and made her dizzy. Her hands slammed over her ears, and she let out a pained, loud yell while she tried desperately to keep any of the sound out.

Sibyl hunched herself over the bed and felt tears prick at the edge of her eyes while surges of over-whelming pain surged from the outside of her head in, through a few waves, before it calmed with the absence of the bang. When it finally subsided, she laid there with her head on the mattress. The calming, lo-fi music she always kept playing through the soft aerial speakers in the room made her feel empty where usually it helped fill the void of silence that crept through the room. This way, at least she had something that didn’t hurt her ears. Her head spun and she had trouble thinking.

“Shit, shit, sorry, Sib. I forgot, really, I didn’t mean to-” Ciccro apologized, pulling in Seth and trying to figure out what he needed to do in the first place. When he saw how she flinched, he quieted his volume, making sure he didn’t make any noise as he crept forward.

“I uh, I don’t know if they told you when they hired you, but our head medic, my friend, she’s uh,” Ciccro stumbled into his words, kicking about phrases as he tried to figure out what to say while also trying to deal with the problem. He just couldn’t control both lines of thought well at the same time, and because of that, his speech turned into an unorganized train wreck. “She’s got some sensory issues, like, everything’s too intense for her.”

♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡
Seth smiled to himself as he approached the building. The fall air was crisp but the sun was bright making it what he would call a purrfect day, his first day in the real world. Running a hand through his hair he hoped he at least looked presentable, many long nights were spent studying and losing sleep over the obsession to get a good spot or all this work the past 4 years in med school would have been worthless. The anxiety of not being good enough ended today....

or at least he hopped.

Seth had just graduated and had his pick of all the medical facilities around the capitol, but he had decided to as a nurse work in the heart of things, to actually feel of use for once. So when Ciccro greeted him and started to chat right away, it put Seths mind at ease and he couldn't help but chuckle a bit. The chatter actually helped to calm his nerves just a bit.

Wincing slightly as he shoved his hands deeper into his pockets he followed, happily listening to what the other male had to say.
"Sounds like you have quite a lot of-"


The sharp loud sound resonated throughout the sterile space making Seth's own ears hurt. Squeezing his eyes shut and waited for the pain in his own slightly hungover head to subside he chuckled. Maybe he shouldnt have gone out and drank…. As much. "You really know how to make an entrance." The light tease lost all it's spunk when Seth opened his eyes to find the horror on Ciccro's face.

Following his gaze, Seth spotted a small form curled up and seemingly in pain. The chopped and butchered statement coming from Ciccro confirmed this. Glancing from Ciccro to Sib, Seth quietly made his way over to the bed, Silently kneeling beside it. Looking her over his heart twosted at the amount of pain she must be in.

"Is there anything I can do to help make the pain stop?" His own voice was a mere whisper as if he were talking to a hurt animal or a small child. Taking his hand out of the jacket pocket, he placed it on the bed. Trying not to be too embarrassed about the mess of bandaids, cuts and bruises on it Seth continued to patiently wait for a response.

His habd was a mess due to last night, some guy kept harassing a girl at the arrows split. Seth was one known there for getting into fights and the larger male wouldnt let up. He couldnt remember all of the details but somehow glass was involved? All he could remember was the guy leaving with a broken nose, as well as Seth's hand being fucked up afterwards. He wanted to keep his hands tucked away safely until he got the proper supplies but now was not the time to care about trial stuff like that. Calmly waiting, Seth was panicking silently on the inside as he waited to see if he could be of any use.

art by

Wᴀʀʀᴇɴ Bᴜʀɴs


ʙᴜɢʙᴇᴀʀ ʙᴀʀᴅs ᴡɪᴛʜ
ʙᴀɴᴊᴏs ʏ'ᴀʟʟ

“Nope, just gotta let it pass. It’s the sound being too loud,” Ciccro tried to explain as his voice also shifted to match the volume of Seth’s. He had trouble managing things like that, as sometimes he didn’t know how loud he sounded, so he followed other’s cues. His volume remained relatively quiet around Sibyl (other than his bursts of excitement) for this reason, lulling into a quieter tone that Ciccro usually talked at.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, Sibyl’s breathing regulated, and she removed her hands off of her ears. She took a deep breath with shaking hands, and slowly straightened her back so that she could stand up straight. She worked her fingers around her temples with one hand and took her medicine with the other. Eventually, she turned, with strained eyes.

“Ciccro, who’s your friend?” The woman whispered, wiping tears budding at her eyes from pain in her head now lessened to a gentle, steady throb.

"Sib, uh, this is Seth," Ciccro began, and apologized again for the door. "Seth, this is Sibby. She's in charge of the Med Bay, probably one of the smartest people I know. He's the new medical assistant." He waved his hand at the woman, just now regaining her posture and image, and smiled as best he could despite his own worries about her, and then Seth.

"Nice to meet you, Seth." Sibyl's voice came out as a low, quiet whisper through the lavender face mask she wore. "My name is Sibyl Watson. I'm the Head Geneticist here, authorized to take care of any of the genetic editing or creation machines here in the facility, fix and repair them, as well as teach and instruct people on their operation." The woman extended her hand to him so he could shake it, but continued with the normal introduction she usually gave. "I'm also in charge of the Medical Bay here as Head Medic, keeping track of injured staff and tributes and helping them. We also do work on Victors, from mental health assistance to fixing their wounds obtained in the arena."

(Sorry for the shortness, I have a paper due!!)

♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡
A greatful sound escaped Seth's throat as he gave a head nod to Ciccro, greatful that the boy had lowered his voice. Seths focus went back to the woman on the bed and when it was stated that there was nothing he could do, helplessness squeezed at his heart. Now that was an emotion that followed him like a shadow.

Images flooded in his mind. The screams from his mother being beaten when he was young and his father leaving. Then the image shifted to modern day. His mother in a hospital bed, wires and tubes running everywhere. The doctors said that the cancer had spread too far and she didnt have long and the treatment was more than the house itself. He visited her every day and the same feeling seemed to overwhelm him, he had all this knowledge about medicine he was still as helpless when he was little.

His trance was broken by someone speaking. Shaking his head slightly and blinking, Seth realized that Siblys spell had passed and she was introducing herself. Gently grasping the outstretched hand Seth shook it. Sibyl had a very quiet but soothing voice and this put his own fears at ease.

"Seth Britt." He returned the introduction with a small nod. His hand stung even with the soft grip, lookimg down at his hand he saw some exposed wounds that he didn't cover in his haste. guess I didn't do as well of a job as I thought. "I'm your new nurse and am very glad that you accepted my application." After the hand shake he chuckled and rubbed the back of his head in slight embarrassment. "Please don't let my patch up job be a show case of my talent. I really did graduate at the top of my class. Speaking of which... Professor Heartwell may have mentioned that she spoke to you?" The aniexty climbed up his spine as he spoke the witches name, he had no idea why she had enjoyed makimg his life an utter hell until he left.

Professor Amilia Heartwell was well known among the community for producing the best doctors that the capital ever had. She was known for making and breaking many careers with just her opinion, so the reason for Seths fear wasn't unwarranted.

"Whatever she said, I dont do drugs and I don't gamble.... I just have a slight problem of starting fights at a... Well known bar, heh." Seth felt as if he were drowning and couldbt find an escape. He very badly wanted to be here and it shown in his eyes but that women could have already sank his chances before he even got here.

art by

Wᴀʀʀᴇɴ Bᴜʀɴs


ʙᴜɢʙᴇᴀʀ ʙᴀʀᴅs ᴡɪᴛʜ
ʙᴀɴᴊᴏs ʏ'ᴀʟʟ

“Quite the pleasure to meet you, Mr. Britt.” Sibyl paused while the name rolled off her tongue and she recognized it from somewhere else. Heartwell? Oh, yes, surely this was the boy Heartwell spoke of. Of course, she knew better than to take someone’s word at face value. Everyone had a story, and she was sure that he had his, too. After all, the amount of times that Ciccro narrowly escaped jail and then in turn execution for his tattoos remained in the hundreds, but she loved him, didn’t she? Ciccro grinned at her. Yeah, she did.

“I did hear about you graduating at the top of your class. Don’t mind Heartwell, of course. She did speak to me, and her words did not go upon deaf ears, but I understand there’s always more to a story than what one person can show.” Sibyl’s face shifted into a light, carefree smile underneath her homemade lavender mask. The air felt sharp and painful on her throat, as if she hadn’t had a drink in years despite the wetness of her tongue, but it always felt like that if she stepped outside her filtered home. If only she could fix her own genetic errors. “Her opinion is valued, but if you’re here, you must’ve done something right.”

“That’s okay,” A small, quaint laugh like a twinkling bell escaped Sibyl’s throat and she smiled slightly brighter, one that could be seen despite the mask and in the highlights of her eyes. “That one,” She indicated Ciccro, whom now found himself more interested with some of the utensils left out on the table that he knew he wasn’t supposed to play with. He dropped them immediately when he was pointed out, scalpel clattering to the tray while he looked up with stark, wide eyes at possibly being in trouble. “Does too, plus gambling and drugs. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

“You make it sound like I do meth. I smoked weed with Aeron and Rena a few times.” Ciccro whined and forced his face into a scrunched, faux angry scowl at his caregiver and friend before laughing. He knew from her own expression that she wasn’t upset with him over it, at least.

“So, how much experience do you have with genetic code and muttations?” Sibyl asked after the chatter died down. “I know that your medical skills are quite something to behold, at least, so I’ve heard.”
♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡
Listening to the near idle chatter, Seth couldn't help but smile at it. It was nice to be around people who cared about one another for once. laughing at Ciccro's antics, Seth looked back towards Sibyl.

"I know enough to teach a basic course." clearing his throat, Seth rubbed the back of his neck. "m-my mom has a very rare cancer that.... can't be cured. Has been in the hospital now for a couple of years. thought if I could get into medicine and learn what I needed to and learn genetics I could alter some cells and...…" sighing the blonde boy shook his head. this subject was always too painful to talk about. the estimated time she had left wasn't long and his mother wanted to see him in a stable job before she left. That's why he worked so hard to get here.

"lets just say that the doctors know what they're talking about and I don't want to shorten her time. She doesn't have enough as it is." shrugging and clearing his throat he gladly changed the subject. "but I know a little about most things here so I should be able to do what you need. My specialty is wound care, first aid and simple surgery." giving a confident smile he put his hands behind his back. "I chose to apply here because that's what happens to a lot of the tributes, they tend to get over confident and get hurt. I could use my skills here better than at any hospital." that was only a part of the truth, but no one needed to know that.
“Then you’ll do fine. Anything super advanced can be navigated with my help, and anything really experimental I’ll handle personally, as those are generally a case-by-case basis thing.” Sibyl began, but as Seth started to speak about his mother, she silenced and listened. She said nothing until he was done, and then she gave him the best reassuring smile that she could behind her mask. “I apologize, my condolences. I am dealing with a similar problem in altering my own genetics, so perhaps during your study here we might find something.” A little bit of hope was worth something, Sibyl figured, even if that’s all it was.

“Absolutely. I think you’ll fit in wonderfully here, especially near the end of the Games. We sometimes have to pull the Victor out just before they die, if the final fight is close enough. It’s grisly business.” Sibyl felt the words on her tongue and thought they tasted disgusting. As much as it was true, she hated the thought that they sometimes had to save the life of a kid that just finished murdering someone else and almost got killed themselves. After all, she wanted to save their life, but she wanted to save the life of the Tribute who was murdered in that scenario, too.

“Unfortunately during the summer we don’t have a lot of work. You’ll just be doing organizing, help with menial tasks, if any of the staff gets hurt, and dealing with my personal project.”

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