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Fantasy and causal. :3 the hunted, and the hunters.... ᕦ[ •́ ﹏ •̀ ]⊃¤=[]:::::: ::> ( ALWAYS ACCEPTING,)

Katy had a pop tart in her mouth as she saw some lady as she got scared she felt scared for her life as she tried to grab her katana" who" she say scared that she drink from her as she just was too scared to scream for help" y-y-your v-v-vampire" she say stuttering @Aragon
" Sweetie, i am just here for ur blood, i could always snack off your new freind" Mika said coldy Mika was one to be cold and curel, Or i could turn you into a vampire..But That would be to soon...Mika said already behind katy ( dont worry ur character isnt gonna die) And having her hands on her neck...." lets see whare is the strongest vein" Mika said coldly as she touched katys neck with her nails and bit katy in the neck, deeply and drank from katy. ( dont panic your character wont die.) @Zeldafangirl
A silver blade quickly cut in front of the vampire queen's throat, just barely scratching her skin. "Back off the kid, now." The vampire hunter spoke, his voice cold and strict. He was glad he wasn't hungry, of else the smell of the blood would have drove him to take over where the queen had bit into. Still, Claude tensed uncomfortably, though no one on the outside could tell. "You're getting pretty bold, just breaking into a vampire hunter's place." He growled out.

@Aragon wait I'm confused. Hisho said the queen of the vampires gives the humans food? I thought they hate vampires? Wat? 0-0 )
( mika gives the humans accual food but in return they have to give the vampires their blood, But mika dose it behind the kings back. .-. ) mika smirked and stopped feeding off of katy, " Tsk tsk tsk....young hunter i would keep your temper in controll." Mika said coldly. " Thank you for the meal, katy" Mika moved the sword and took out her sword, " i would be careful, whare you put that. " Mika said angrily.


Hisho walked in to see mika, "
WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Hisho asked with anger in his voice as he pulled out his pistol. " You souldnt have come here, queen mika." Hisho said with a an angerd tone in his voice. " Leave now, otherwise i will shoot." Hisho said preparing to fire. @Zeldafangirl @Cherrywitch
The dark haired man glared roughly at the queen, not seeming even slightly frightened. His eyes turned to Hisho. "Stay there." Claude ordered, grabbing Katy and pulling her behind him. "Go over to Hisho. Hisho, watch her."

Claude turned back to Mika. "If you don't leave, I will have to use force." He could feel his vampiric blood boil inside of him, ready to fight.

@Aragon oh okay.
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Katy just held her neck as she didn't like being bitten as she looked at the girl who saves her" thank you miss for saving me" she say as she looked' how does the vampire queen know my name' she thought
Avalon lunged from the shadows and latched onto hisho from behind.

"Human filth"

He said before he dug his fangs into his neck

" i see, well lets take this outside..we shouldnt ruin such a lovely home. " Mika said she was already on the couch. " i wouldnt take off your guard." Mika said coldly. " ah, avalon come to join the party eh?" Mika said coldly as her eyes glowed a deep red. @Cherrywitch @Alaster Von Grim


Hisho felt some sort of pain before he noticed another vampire. " 2 VAMPIRES?! HOW?!" Hisho said with a suprised tone before he kicked the vampire in the gut and held his neck as he shot at the vampire, holding his neck. @Alaster Von Grim
"This one's blood is bitter"

Avalon said as he walked over to Mika and stood at her side

"You could never find any good tasting prey could you"

He added as he wiped the blood from his mouth

Yukki was behind everyone as she was really scared she just looked at the vampire queen she just placed her hand on her neck where the vampire queen as she just smiled looking around she just wanted the vampire queen to leave she was fine but the bite was hurting like crazy @Aragon @Cherrywitch
" oh? katy has sweet blood, from my taste." Mika said coldly as she smirked. " well mr. vampire hunter..i take my leave. " Mika said coldly as she walked out. " lets go, Avalon. the sun will rise soon." Mika said as she walked out slowly glaring at the vampire hunter. " I will see you again...soon" Mika said coldy as she vanished. @Alaster Von Grim @Cherrywitch


Hisho was holding his neck the pain was unbearable. "
hey...katy you alright?" Hisho asked with concern in his voice. The sun began to rise and the vampires had just left..damn it was a crazy night. @Zeldafangirl
Katy just looked at him" yeah it just the pain it just hurts like crazy" she say as she closed her eyes trying to breath in and out as she looked at him" what about you are you okay" she asked him" thank you Mr. Hunter for helping me out by any chance do you know anyone named Emilia she's a hunter like you" she say determined as it was hurting @Aragon
Avalon nodded and looked at Katy before he followed Mika and disappeared into the shadows

"My queen why did you spear those hunters"

He asked as he worried the queen had gone soft

Claude looked back at the bleeding humans, gritting his teeth. Idiots... It's just as dangerous around me... "No, I don't. It's my job, you don't have to thank me..." He tossed Hisho a first aid Kit, quickly turning to leave. "Bandage yourselves up... I have to go." He ran out, stopping in the forest.

Once he felt he was far enough away, he bared his fangs and panted. "My thirst... Is getting worse... This is bad..." Claude growled, holding his head as it throbbed from hunger. He swallowed thickly, standing to look for non-human blood to satisfy him.

" i give people mercy, besides we may turn one of them." Mika said as the sun began to get higher. " we need to hurry otherwise we will become nothing but ash. " Mika said as she ran and soon came across the castle. " lets get some rest" Mika said as she headed to her room and went on her bed and soon fell asleep with the curtins in the way of the sun. @Alaster Von Grim


Hisho grabbed the first aid kit and helt with katys wounds first. " we should both be fine. " Hisho said smiling as he applyed the bandaid. Hishos wound was bleeding badly from that one vampire. @Zeldafangirl
Orzo walked into a forest seeming blind but using a stone to see to observe he smiles and sat near a tree and took something out to eat a small salad as he was hunting down another vampire the young boy was only 18 he ate his lunch and was packing up

Katy just looked at him as she smiled" hey thank you" she say as she smiled looking around" ow its hurt so much" she say looking at him
Aragon said:
" i give people mercy, besides we may turn one of them." Mika said as the sun began to get higher. " we need to hurry otherwise we will become nothing but ash. " Mika said as she ran and soon came across the castle. " lets get some rest" Mika said as she headed to her room and went on her bed and soon fell asleep with the curtins in the way of the sun. @Alaster Von Grim

Hisho grabbed the first aid kit and helt with katys wounds first. " we should both be fine. " Hisho said smiling as he applyed the bandaid. Hishos wound was bleeding badly from that one vampire. @Zeldafangirl
Avalon retired to his room and sat on the window sill getting lost in his thoughts, his window was facing away from the rising sun

"Humans are fragile and weak but I long to be one once more"

He said to himself as he stared off at the moon as it vanished behind the horizon and he closed the curtains then went to bed
Mika soon woke up to see it was sunset, she decided to sneak out and soon saw a hunter..." damn.." Mika thought to herself as she hid in the shadows " hello, vampire hunter" Mika said in a calm voice. The sun began to set and it was getting pitch black. Mika soon left and went after the next vampire hunter. she was gonna prepare for a battle. @Cherrywitch @TheSourPunchLime
Claude trembled, looking at the trail of dead animals he had sucked the life from. "...I'm a damn monster..." He muttered, his fangs receded and irises back to normal. The vampire hunter stood, sensing Mika.

"...just in time, Queen Mika." He sighed.

@Aragon gtg soon
He turned pretending to not see her and him being really blind said "Hello is it a great night the stars do you want to see the moon with me? It's a beautiful view I hear mostly because I can't see." He laughed clucking the stone in his hand smiling his white hair glistening like the moon that is why his last girlfriend a vampire chosen him to trick into feasting on.

" i see your a vampire and a hunter..how intresting." Mika said as she cut herself, mika always carried a vile around with her, mika soon let the blood pour into the vile and gave him the vile. " i see you only feed of animals..not humans them selves." mika said coldly. @Cherrywitch

Mika smiled " it is a beatiful night for the stars and moon, but if you saw me you would want to kill me." Mika said as she stayed hidden in the forest. @TheSourPunchLime
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" Would I? I'm a blind guy " He smiled and said "Come on I don't care I heard it's more enjoyable with someone." He looked around and got his bag


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