Ancient Order of Angels

the only thing is My character and Frontline's character don't even know they are angels and that angels and demon's exist as you can tell from the posts lol 
yall are goofy lol I love it
*eats the slap, regurgitates it as an army of Hollow minions* because screw metaphysics!
Or we could just go get him :3 I'll post after you do, I have an idea, but I can adapt it around your post *takes the ticket number right after Leg's*
>w> is a face, looking off to the side with a smug grin, like this (<.<) mixed with (^w^)... Afk is Away From Keyboard, meaning he's gonna be away for a bit
I just posted. I'm just bullying' the imps at this point and I'm loving it. Lol 
We should totally have the four horsemen in a hotel room together.

Actually scratch that, we're the four horsemen we deserve the entire hotel complex. I say we "Borrow" it from the humans.
Haha, the four horsemen going into the human world together. Let's not try to start the Apocalypse early, shall we? xD *charrie is totally getting her own hotel room... <.<*
Just because a hotel room is too small and Morbi would probably get angry because he's cramped in a tight space. 
Well enjoy your hotel room. I will enjoy my personal condo. And I won't start an apocalypse, I'll just entertain myself with room service couriers and whatnot.
I can picture you eating your way through an entire restaurant buffet and asking if there's any more, then start on the random dogs in the alleyways and such xD
And i would just be sitting at a side watching u all go crazy before i finally rage out :D

I would be acting all mannered xD

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