Ancient Order of Angels

And,@Stickdom yes all demons can come and go add they please but centurions don't unless a chief tells them and strongman don't unless someone of higher power tells them but some do on their own will but to me it sounds like the chiefs would kill they if they went without their permission lol I love the posts so much
Ok, so, Legion, the minions that got "abducted" are pretty much invisible and apparently in a mission from "powers thy be", so let's just meet up with the other chiefs, maybe some centurions, and go up to find our missing troops. Since we're from Infernum ourselves, we should be able to see them, it's just the humans that don't notice them.. :3
exactly Stickdom 
only people from Caelum and Infernus can see anyother forms besides humans. Also thrones can see them as well.
Just call me Stick, we're in an RP together, we don't need no fancy tags or full names, we friends now xD
@ProcFailures @Madi

just posting this here to let all Infernals know that we're up and started :) I included myself so everyone's tags are here, feel free to copy-paste as we add people to the group, nice to see the whole team :3
<.< *is a fancy pants hero*

Nice to see you, Div :) I'll have another post from Sid up in a little while, you creeper shadow dude xD
I need to edit my post! (If it's allowed?) I didn't know demons and angels were invisible in there true forms. 
Even though it isn't really allowed. Just imagine that Morbi is a little bit on the slow side when it comes to information like that. Lol
Invisible to humans in their demon form. And your fine even though they are invisible that doesn't mean they can't reek havoc. Lol I loved your post.
Well, I suppose that they can choose to be seen, since I suppose demons can appear in order to frighten the humans, and the angels can deliver messages from above, but that's probably reserved to the higher levels of both sides..
*hasn't watched much Bleach* so, they're technically there, and they can appear to haunt/curse someone, (or bless and stuff if an Angel, etc.)?
Now I imagine massive demon stalking the streets and angels chasing them down with the intent to kill them, while humans have no idea whats going on.
And yes the demons of chief and higher rank can show their demon forms to humans but lower levels can not. and since chiefs are the strategists of the demons they probably would think better not do that.
Yeah, but I sometimes even I get the urge to literally scare some random civilian to death...

*uses a Grande LAZOR on Div's newspaper* BZAARRR!!!

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