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Fantasy Ancient Gods

~Amadeus Vestige~

"The sun was shining so bright, Having beat the clouds in the fight.

From the light I could barely see, All the many scenes around me.

The beautiful birch, With which I lie.

Or the deep blue sea, To my side.

Maybe the many birds, Over my head.

Or the many horses, Roaming the stead.

In any sense, It's plain to see.

The skies are light, A sight to me."

Amadeus' voice echoed over the dirt path in front of him, the trees seemingly shaking with the rhythm. The melody was slow, in no rush exiting from Amadeus in a mellow tone; sounding sweet and supple, but not too deep to change the course of the song. With the beat, Amadeus' feet meticulously marched down the path. Wherever he was going, Amadeus seemed in no rush, and his song seemed endless with it's lyrics that seemed to continue and continue til Amadeus deemed himself done.

Around him formed a manifestation of the forest, besides the already moving trees. Birds did plant themselves on the tree, following the sweet tone as if it was inevitable. And in a sense it was for the birds, as Amadeus had spent years learning how to attract the many types of species, and birds followed easy to this sound. With another song, another beat, or another melody, Amadeus could find him surrounded with any animal that naturally lived in the Tenebrarum Forest. This would be many, considering his position between the Dives and Mineralis, heading towards the Adtonitus Peak would hold all types of wildlife.

Why Amadeus was heading to the Adtonitus Peak isn't important to anyone besides the trees, as they are the only ones who know. But, Amadeus walked as if he wasn't needed anywhere or had a purpose, through the beaten path and onto a more beaten goal. (
@Atom COME AT ME!)

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somewhere in the Tenebrarum Forest

Sindyle had been travelling aimlessly for days. He honestly didn't know where to look for Princess Alvera and relied mostly on Maribel's sense of direction. The girl knew where she was going but he couldn't tell what she was thinking every time she'd fly above the foliage and then back down. On a brighter note, however, Sindyle got relatively far by using Celeritas and assisting an older man not long ago. The man was making his way to his cabin near the Secretarium Lake from Ligneum Town. The elder had offered Sindyle a ride on his carriage to that point as long as he provided protection.

A rustling near a bush caught his attention. The 16 year old immediately brought out one of the dual blades he carried on his back and stood in a guarded position. Two men walked out, both around their mid twenties. A clicking sound came from one who wore a red bandanna over his greasy black hair. "Is that who I think it is B?" he asked as he began circling the boy. The other one who was slightly shorter and had his blond hair in a pony tail grinned, his teeth rotten from poor dental care. "I think so A."

A... B? Sindyle thought as he watched the two adult men circle him like he was their prey. Ah... those two idiots. When Sindyle was part of the famous group of thieves, The Night Eyes, A and B were the dynamic duo. They used to have names but in order to "sound cool" they changed them to A and B. They were the real idiots of TNE, always causing trouble that everyone else had to clean up. It'd be no surprise if they were kicked out now.

"It's young Sindyle." A began, bringing out a short sword. "I'm surprised he hasn't died yet." B chuckled lowly as he followed his partner's actions. "You're right, A. Wait... he's 16 now isn't he? Doesn't that mean we can bring him back to the hideout for a reward? Maybe even execute him ourselves?" Both of the men laughed ugly laughs.

"Leader will be quite happy to see Sindyle. Don't you agree, rogue?!" A exclaimed as he and B ran with their swords in hand. Sindyle immediately brought out his other blade and adjusted his feet, dodging the slow attacks.

Celeritas!" Sindyle yelled, allowing his speed to increase by double. He really didn't need to increase his speed but these men wanted a show and he was willing to give it to them. The ash-haired boy quickly took a step to the left and did a low kick against B's leg, making the blond fall to the ground with an "oof." Sin then slid on his left hand and gripped B's body, making sure he couldn't move. "I'll kill him if you come closer," Sin warned, his eyes no longer gentle, the tip of his black blade pressed against the male's sweating throat.

"O-oi... A..." choked B. Sin pressed the blade closer until a speck of blood dripped.

A putrid laugh escaped the black-haired man's lips. "Do you really think I care? Sin, young Sin. You've been gone for two years and you have forgotten our ways already." The man stepped closer as he readied his blade.
"We fight for ourselves." He stabbed B, the blade going into Sin's side.

The young boy cried out in pain and threw the fresh corpse away from him. He quickly scrambled to his feet and placed a hand to the wound. It wasn't deep but that didn't make it hurt any less. "That's all you got,
Jiji(old man in Japanese)?" Sin taunted, both blades in hand. A grinned. "Oh, no. You see Sin... my blade was laced with poison. You don't feel it now, but it will slowly become more and more painful until finally... ploop." A made an example of how Sindyle's body will just fall to the ground.

Sindyle gritted his teeth. "Bastard." The boy had enough with the games. While Celeritas was still in act, he quickly moved left and then right, forcing the male to step back from the confusion.

"Wa-wait Sindyle..." A muttered when Sindyle was suddenly behind him, blade pressed against his throat. "We can talk abou-"
SLICE. A's corpse fell to the ground.

A screech came from above, Maribel coming and sitting on Sin's shoulders. "Where have you been, girl?" he asked before he winced from the wound on his side. Another screech came from the majestic bird. "Don't worry, I'm fine." Sindyle got a bandage from his pack and wrapped it tightly around his torso. He didn't have the ingredients to make an antidote so a makeshift bandage would do. "Let's go, Maribel."

They walked for a relatively long time. Well... more like Sindyle dragged his feet and Maribel cawed every now and then to make sure her master was alright. Sindyle would just give her a small smile and continue on. After a mile or so, he believed they were between Pravus City and Mineralis. He noticed a few animals, all different types, heading a certain direction. That usually meant water or maybe someone who could help him. No.. if they helped, they'd have to remove his clothing and see his scars and the rogue mark on his back. For all he knew, there could just be more thieves on the other side. Sindyle just gritted his teeth. It was not the time to be hesitating.

He struggled through the nature, only to find a man singing while being surrounded by animals of all species.

"O-oi...." Sindyle fainted and fell to the ground, the faint cry of a hawk being the last thing he heard.

@Huntrey Please look at Sindyle's CS regarding the scars. It'll give more info. LOL
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((I'm not sure what the mods opinions on potions are, I'm pretty sure they're fine as long as you don't use them for anything other than like, things like basic healing, but I would ask Roo, because we ran into some problems last time we had this rp with stuff like that))

"Ah, understandable." Jem nodded his head politely as the girl talked, not paying attention to anything in particular until she mentioned the God's, and he gave a small frown. He would have to be careful around her.

"That's pretty daring of you." He added, absentmindedly picking at the sleeve of his shirt as he walked.

"My names Jamal, but most call me Jem. You?"

"Anywhere that's not on my list..." Alabaster said before finishing off her stew and walking to the door. She swung it open and stepped through it before starting to look for the things that she needed for her trip. "Alright, steed, supplies and gunpowder, steedsuppliesgundowdersteedsuppliesgunpowder." She repeated as she walked through and quickly scanned through stores.
~Amadeus Vestige~

The path was now lined with birds chirping at Amadeus, truly enjoying his voice echoing through the forest. They fluttered from branch to branch, keeping up with the merry man. A few other animals followed; rabbits, foxes, porcupines, hedgehogs, squirrels, and even a few deer. The well practiced voice was truly a stunning skill, one that must have been trained for Amadeus' entire life. It was, and this was a testament to it's power and why Amadeus knows the magic he does.

Sadly, the animals sensed something that Amadeus couldn't, and promptly fled to one side of the forest. The sense was accompanied by a bird cawing, not one of Amadeus' followers, but of another descent. He continued walking, still singing and glancing around at every sight of nature he loved. When the man was a few meters away, Amadeus finally honed in on his steps crackling against the forest floor.

Watching the man finally appear from out of the forest caused Amadeus' eyes to widen, especially the hawk perched upon the man's shoulder before he fell. Amadeus waited a moment, looking at the freshly unconscious body on the ground. It's not as if he wasn't going to help, but he had to make sure the man wasn't just a part of some thieves' plan to rob what little he had. After a few minutes of waiting for ambush, nothing came and Amadeus slowly made his way to the body.

Picking up the boy with relative ease, Amadeus carried him off the path and over to a nearby stream. The hawk seemed as if it was the boy's, "Bestia." A relevant magic word, just to keep the bird's attention on him and the boy. Setting him down against a tree, propping him snug against the many roots that made their way out of the ground. Amadeus felt him for sores, blood, or fever; finding a small area on his side with a continuous stream of blood. It had long since slowed down, but his hike had kept the blood flowing.

Amadeus took a knife from the man's back, using it to cut open his shirt. Although the man would be mad at his clothing being destroyed, he would be grateful for the bandage over his wound. After removing all of the clothes from his upper body, Amadeus began to put a bandage made of the shirt onto the wound. After a small whiff of the air after removing the shirt, Amadeus stopped in his tracks. The poison covering the wound was obvious, and Amadeus recognized it as a few mixes of medicinal roots and berries.

After leaving the boy for some time and heading into the woods, Amadeus returned with ground up leaves in his hand. They wouldn't stop the pain, but the concoction would most likely act as an antidote and stop further infection with the poison. Sticking the solvent in the wound and then using the shirt to cover up the wound as a bandage, Amadeus turned his attention to the hawk. Whistling sweet tunes, Amadeus hoped to get some reaction from the bird.

((@fivin We shall save the markings for when he gets up. Sorry for the post, not as detailed as I'd like. But I'm going to sleep, I'll reply in the morning.))
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Kirsten stood in a town, one which she had not cared enough about to remember the name of, packing up a wagon with a sign above it that had in large capital letters "KIRSTEN'S KONTRAPTIONS". She was silently hoping that someone would stop her, asking if she could still sell them something. She continued packing the wagon, thinking of what she would do afterwards. She'd probably spend the night in the small empty spot in her wagon that was only big enough for a person her size to sit in, or, as she preferred, curl up in a ball and sleep in. It was the only place in the wagon not covered by a cluster of homemade machines, besides the drivers seat of course. Then, in the morning, she'd get something to eat and be on her way to the next city.

@Son of Crota
((Ah! Of course. I had no intentions of making them something that could pretty much save the world.))

The White Witch didn't let it show on her face that she didn't want him to ask but it was to be expected. If someone tells you there name they usually expect to do the same. She sighed and fixed her hat a bit opening her mouth to speak. "I don't remember my name. At all. I simply address myself as 'The White Witch' for the simple fact that I don't remember my name and because well, look at what I'm wearing." She stared at Jem for a moment before looking away. "I just wish I knew how, why and when I had forgotten my name."

UnwantedTruth said:
Kirsten stood in a town, one which she had not cared enough about to remember the name of, packing up a wagon with a sign above it that had in large capital letters "KIRSTEN'S KONTRAPTIONS". She was silently hoping that someone would stop her, asking if she could still sell them something. She continued packing the wagon, thinking of what she would do afterwards. She'd probably spend the night in the small empty spot in her wagon that was only big enough for a person her size to sit in, or, as she preferred, curl up in a ball and sleep in. It was the only place in the wagon not covered by a cluster of homemade machines, besides the drivers seat of course. Then, in the morning, she'd get something to eat and be on her way to the next city.
@Son of Crota
Kotsu and Rin

Kotsu and Rin walk through the town, desperately looking for something to do.
"Kotsu, when are we gonna see or find something cool and exotic? Weren't we on an adventure?" She asked. Kotsu looked around as they walked. "Alll in the timing. Something'll cach our eye soon enough." He replied to her. They searched until they saw a wagon with capital letters on it that said "KIRSTEN'S KONTRAPTIONS". He smiled, thinking it seemed like the girl pulling it came from far away and probably had something interesting to sell. "Hey Rin, let's go see what she has." He suggested. She thought for a moment, then nodded with a smile. "Sure, let's go." She replied. They walked over to the girl with the wagon. "Excuse me miss, are you selling anything?" He asked politely.

Kirsten heard the voice of a stranger behind her and grinned. One last sale, to cap off the day. She spun around with a giant grin. "Yes I am! I sell any number of things! Everything from trinkets to knickknacks is all here!" She said enthusiastically. "So what are you two looking for?" She asked, still with the large grin on her face.
Kotsu and Rin had a look of surprise on their face, not expecting her to be so...sprightly. They looked back to her and smiled. "Well we don't really know. Maybe you could show us some cool items? We're not from here and figured you might have something exotic or unique to sell." Kotsu replied.
"Unique, yes, everything here is unique. Besides ma and pa, I don't know anyone else in this business! And they're dead!" She said quickly and excitedly. She opened one crate and rummaged through it. A few seconds later, she pulled a ball the size of a tomato. "This is what I call a Steam Sphere. When you throw it against something, it explodes hot steam!" When she got to the word 'explodes' she threw her arms up and yelled the rest of the sentence. She then set that down and did more rummaging. She then pulled something out that resembled a wind-up toy ball with a bell on top of it. "Need a destruction? Well this will surely throw people off!" She wound it up and let it roll as it made loud clanging and ringing sounds before turning around and coming back to her. "Either of those interest you?" She asked with a casual smile as if she had not just given them the most hyper sale's pitch in the world.


Somewhere in Tenebrarum between Pravus City and Mineralis

A quiet groan escaped Sindyle's lips. His body felt stiff as he attempted to stretch his limbs. Opening his eyes slowly, he realized he was in a jumble of roots that seemed to make a natural bed. He shot up quickly, a cry filling the open area. The boy placed a hand to his side and noticed his wound had been bandaged. He also realized that the sick feeling he got from the poison was gone.

"How did I get here..." Sindyle muttered as he scanned his surroundings, his memory a bit fuzzy. There was a stream not too far. He took the liberty of pulling himself up and slowly walking to it. As he splashed water on his face he suddenly realized Maribel wasn't with him.

"Maribel!" Sindyle called, a sense of panic filling him. The girl never left his side, especially when he was injured.
No... she couldn't have...

A loud screech came from beside him and Sindyle relief filled the young boy as he stretched out his arm so the hawk could land on it. "Geez... you scared me for a second, Mari." He scratched her neck, earning a low cooing sound from the beast. The cracking of sticks turned his attention from his friend.

(not very detailed, sorry
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When Jessabelle got back to the bookstore, her father smiled at her happily.

"Welcome back Je-...Oh my god Jessa what happened?!" He exclaimed, rushing over to her. Jessabelle waved her father away.

"I'm fine papa..."

"Like hell you are, what happened?" He asked, leading her to the back of the store. He guided her to one of the chairs and crouched down in front of her. Jessabelle sighed

"This guy....he....he was a tarot card reader.....he um....he was hounding me for a reading so I um....I let him do a reading but he only got two cards in before he stopped. He was freaked out by something, I don't know what. When he ran off I went after him, and I used my powers but he had powers too and he flung me against a wall. I'll be okay papa..." Jessabelle's father sighed and stood. He kissed her forehead.

"I'll go get the doctor from down the street." He said, and left the store.


Leo opened his eyes after sitting for a hour to find Lupin sitting patiently at his feet. He chuckled and reached down to pet Lupin on the head. "You ready to go home buddy?" He asked his pet. Lupin stood and patted his feet on the ground excitedly. Leo chuckled and stood up from his place on the rock. "Alright buddy lets get going." He said, and they both headed back towards their home in the city.

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