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Fantasy Ancient Gods


Maid Of Doom
After keeping the secret under wraps for several good long months, the Dives Kingdom finally officially announces the disappearance of Princess Alvera. Though a few rumors spread in the upper class during the time, this was a total shock to the citizens. As well as a shock to the neighboring kingdoms.

Fowl play is suspected. Fingers have been pointed at Mineralis. While officials in Mineralis, and those who trust said officials know they had nothing to due with the Princess's disappearance. Some either suspect Dive's of lying for political gain, or of Vestibulum being the real culprit. No matter what people think, the outcome is not good for Mineralis.

Mineralis, being a mining kingdom have little in the manner of soully sustaining themselves. This being said, Dives completely cutting off all direct trade with them has already hit them hard. While Vestibulum is still trading with them, and independents are still in trade. It is unknown is Mineralis can coop from this sudden loss of goods.

There is currently a large reward posted for the safe return of the princess.

Many of those in the Mineralis kingdom have set out to find her, to prove both their innocence and to stop any major damage from affecting their people as a whole.

Not everyone is so passive, a good lot of citizens have been bitter either to those in Dives or Vestibulum. Purposefully striking up fights with others.

Last God sighted- Columna Aeris.

At the base of the Adtonitus Peak, as is often seen of this god.

A group of warriors assembled of men and women from all kingdoms attempted an attack on this God.

Eleven were killed. Two went missing and are presumed to be dead. The rest were injured either moderately to severely and are currently being taken care of.

Many more groups have assembled/are assembling. All seem to be looking bleak in their futures. Less and less people seem apt to join in attacks.
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Margot's leather boots crunched on the frosty ground, the sound some-what comforting. The road she had been traveling for what seemed like weeks now was deserted, and she would often lose track of time. More than once she had fallen over, startled to find that her foot had gone numb, and a fire was needed to warm it up. More worrisome than that was the lack of other humans. Seeing another person was almost a treat.

Cupping her hands to her mouth and breathing warm air on them, she decided to break at the side of the road for a moment. She was heading north- towards Frigus Town, as far away from Valland City as possible.


Jem was in quite a different position than Margot, but that didn't mean it wasn't any more enjoyable.

He had spent his morning in the catacombs under the city, having hushed conversations with Rosamund about the missing princess, and their lack of a formal meeting place besides the tunnels underneath Valland.

This led to his rather sour mood as he trudged the just waking streets, barely able to enjoy the sunrise.
Nephele stepped lightly through the heavy snow, bag tight in hands and eyes searching. Days ago she was traveling the outskirts of Frigus and she lost her jug of warm water. By now the water surely froze and shattered the jug, but she wanted to be sure. Soon enough she was to be leaving, going to Vestebulum to trade her weeks finds in for someone willing to find the Princess. She had been thinking of it often. The cut off from Dives was particularly harsh on her family specifically. And though usually she would get in trouble for taking something belonging to all of Frigus and selling, her intentions were validated. Now if only she could find her canteen. She knew the area well enough, but everything was still all white.

Nephele found herself in a place where the snow was reduced to frost. She could see the layer of frozen clay reminding her she was out of Frigus land. The white haired girl no longer blended into her background, keeping her cautious. She spotted it. A clay jug covered in a fur. She silently cheered as she saw no cracks, and quickly undid the stopper. It must have been half full when she lost it.

She heard shuffling and quickly looked up, afraid is was not human or friendly. She felt relief when she saw the taller but lithe figure of a woman approach. She seemed freezing had most likely been traveling for a while. Nephele jogged up to the woman, whispering "vapor" to her jug until it felt warm and she heard sloshing again. The lady might be thirsty.

"H..hello!! Are you alright? Do you want water? Or wait.." She removed her coat and offered it to the woman, herself not bothered by the temperature.

"Where are you headed?"


Ligneum Town

Sindyle stood in front of an information post, sighing at what he read. Princess Alvera of Dive was missing, Mineralis was being blamed, and eleven warriors were killed in battle against Columna Aeris, the Light God. He scratched his head as he thought about his next move. According to the post, there was a reward for anyone who brought the princess home safely and there was also a reward for anyone who defeated Columna Aeris. Of course, Sindyle chose the princess because he was not so reckless that he would challenge a god by himself, though he was well known for his fighting skills. Sin was still young and not an idiot at that.

The 16 year old set out for his new quest, his feet crunching against the leaves under the town of Ligneum. The town was a strange one. Everything, including the houses and businesses, were in the trees, all of which were connected by bridges. There was an information post, however, that was ground level for travelers such as Sindyle.

A whistle escaped the boys lips, earning a cry in response from a large Red-Tailed Hawk. Hawks in general were a rarity since most were hunted for their beautiful feathers and beaks. Sindyle thought it was a miracle he came across the the baby eyas. When he had first found her, her wings were damaged and she was clearly unhealthy, due to the dullness of her coat. The young boy spent months nursing the creature back to health.

"Hello, Maribel," the ash-haired teen whispered, "Are you ready for the journey?"

The female hawk made a low screeching sound in return as she propped herself on Sin's left shoulder.

Margot looked up, her face barely registering that another person had approached her. It was a girl, a little younger than herself, who had been wearing a fur coat, which she was now offering to her.

"No, no, I'm fine." She waved her jeans at the girl, and pointed up at the sun, which was just beginning to appear. "Today might be a little above freezing."

She shivered, and turned around to look in the direction the girl was heading, which was towards Vestibulum. The thought of going back there made her feel dizzy.

"I'm going towards Frigus."

@Bea Delaine
Alabaster was a very tired woman, scratch that, she was shivering, cold and tired. She silently trudged towards Frigus with her cart as she had her steed stolen from her a few days ago. The only thing that kept her company on her lonely journey to Frigus was a tiny orb of light and fire, a small star that floated gently next to her head. She then saw people on the road, hope! "Hello there!" She shouted from afar as she strode once more with renewed vigor. @themediocregatsby @Bea Delaine
Margot glanced nervously at the new woman approaching them. It was incredibly odd to see one person a day on this road, let alone two. Even worse, this new person seemed so...invigorated. She could feel the palms of her hands getting sweaty, and licked her lips, before pressing them tightly together and looking at the ground.

Nephele shook her head as the girl shivered and denied warmth. It was a mistake made often here that leads to frostbite and hypothermia. She handed her the now warm jug of water. Without question, and smiled as to say she was free to take whatever Nephele had to offer. Just then she heard another woman's voice. The poor lady was lugging a cart by herself.

Nephele motioned for the first girl to follow her to the other. She placed her coat on the woman's shoulders and took a side of the Cart.

"I don't mind going back to Frigus if you are, to make sure you have a free and warm place to be. And I don't care where you are headed.." She said to the other. "It would be best for you to get warm as well." She smiled at the two and changed her direction back to Frigus. She was small. The cart was really heavy to her. She had no idea how the first woman managed.

"It's odd to see people out here.. But when we do, we help."
Margot shrugged at the girls display of kindness, a bit uneasy. She wasn't sure if she trusted this woman or not. Going with her might be an easy way to get mugged.

"This coat is warmer than it looks." She replied, unused to speech. She accepted the jug of warm water anyways, as she watched the woman with the cart approach.

"Thank you for helping, I've been pulling my cart for days." Alabaster said tiredly as she pushed the cart alongside the girl. "My steed was stolen a few days ago which has led to this dilemma, I hope that I;m not being a bother at all." She said. The small star floated away from her and went ahead of them as if it were leading the way. "My name is Alabaster and once again thank you for your help." She added. "So what brings you two here to Frigus?" She asked the two.
Margot shrugged at the with the cart- Alabaster, and tilted her head back towards Vestibulum.

"Away." She cleared her throat, and fell into an uncomfortable silence, still uneasy around Alabaster and the girl who had offered her water. She wondered if these people knew anything that had been happening with the God's recently that she had missed. Margot had bee taking back roads in hopes to avoid anyone that might convince her to go back to Valland. She wasn't in the best state, and she was pretty sure if she was pushed, she would go.

"I think.. If you have any money on you, you could probably get a steed in Frigus. We have a heavy problem with muggers in the south.. I'm sorry you had to experience that. I'm from Frigus. I'm leaving to Vestibulum as soon as I can, but I still have to get some stuff together. The roads aren't so safe, you know?"

She got to the heavy snowed area and saw dark clouds overhead. They hung ominously, ready to shower them with ice and snow. The white haired girl felt her smile drop into a calm and grim expression.

"Donec Glacies has been restless as of late. That and Dives have this place at its mercy. I would be more happy to have guests but this place isn't as nice as before."
"Nothing's been nice." Margot interjected suddenly, breaking her silence. "Not since the God's showed up."

She sniffed, the cold air made her eyes water. The storm clouds gathering on the horizon certainly looked ominous, and she decided it was a good time to try and find shelter. She had been sleeping on the side of the road for a couple weeks now, and had been fortunate to a solid any large storms. It looked like her luck had run out.

Nephele kept moving forward, in silent agreement for a while. The snow started falling lightly, coating her bare skin and cheeks, though she never had an issue with this sort of weather. She sighed to the first one she met and finally nodded, pausing as they were approaching one side of the snow covered mountain.

"Yeah.. But its more than just the gods interference that caused things to be grim.. Humans in panic are almost as bad I think.."

She pointed ahead and stuffed anything in her pockets or jewelry into her bag .

"Okay. Not everyone is as welcoming here. They don't like strangers and it's not unusual to get stollen from so hide anything you have on you and keep an eye on it. Anyone stops you and asks you why you're here, say you are a guest of Nixalté. Oh and you may call me Nephele. Understand?"

Without another word, she brought the cart into the cave on the other side of the icy natural wall. Inside was warmer. The walls were carved out and mined away mountain lined with stone for support in some places. Few home like structures and people resided so close to the entrance.

Nephele did not look away from her intended destination to greet anyone, and she assumed the others were following. She came upon a series of doorways slightly sticking out from the wall of the entrance, and opened one up to reveal heat and dim yellow light. Inside was quaint. It was evident she lived alone now as there was a single bed, cushions and many many blankets as a sort of guest bed, and a small table with three old looking chairs.

"I will heat up some stew from the other day, you are free to settle in, get some rest, get warm?"
Most of Margots suspicions were gone, but hugged her backpack protectively just in case. Who knew what kind of monster lurked underneath Nephele's sweet facade.

"Thanks." She eyed both of her companions with suspicion, before sitting down in the chair closest to the wall, and fixing her gaze on the wall across from her.

Nephele put down her stuff on the table and started the wood fired oven. Running outside and getting a tin of frozen stew, she placed it on the heat and placed a lid on it. The heat of the house might seem comfortable to the guests, but Nephele felt a bead on sweat on her forehead and tiredness which followed. It was a subtle and usual thing, and she didn't mind discomfort if it meant no frost bite.

She began to busily move about her small home, gathering portable food and filling her water jug with water that was also on the heat.

"Make yourself at home in any way needed.. I might need to leave soon, not sure if I can wait out the storm."

She took a couple tiny sacks of alexandrite, an expensive luxury to own, and carefully slipped them in as well, then her chain on her pickaxe head. Looking at the girl carefully, wiping at her forehead to feel cool she realized something.

"You can stay here until the storms over.. And I won't be back. Might as well die on this so after I take what I take, the rest is up for grabs. I won't complain. No point in having stuff if you're dead.. Hm? So what's your name?"
Jessabelle quickly trotted down the stairs into the bookstore below the small loft she lived in with her father.

"Jessa! Jessa I need you in the store!" Her father yelled out to her. Jessabelle smiled at her father as she came into the store front from the back room. She hugged him and looked around at the empty bookstore. She raised her eyebrow at her father.

"Papa there's no one here." She said. Her father chuckled and nodded

"That's right my darling." Her father turned and went back to putting books away. Jessabelle made a small confused noise.

"So why do you need me in the store?" Her father turned and smiled at Jessabelle

"Oh I don't need you in the store. I just didn't want you to sleep all day." Jessabelle gave her father a pout and crossed her arms.

"Very funny Papa." Her father chuckled.

"Go out into the city and pick up some groceries for dinner Jessa. And maybe meet someone?" He said, hinting to Jessabelle's lack of husband. Jessabelle rolled her eyes.

"I will get the groceries, however the someone might have to wait." She said, picking up a satchel from the back room. She gave her father a kiss on the forehead before leaving out into the huge city of Valland.


Leo quietly made his way through the city, trying to get the outskirts so he could get to the forest. Lupin walked beside him; passerby stared at the pair as they walked through the city. Leo didn't mind. He was used to the stares. Mainly because he was so out of place growing up but that's beside the point. Once to the forest, Lupin took off, happy to be back in the brush. Leo smiled softly to himself, knowing Lupin would find his way back to Leo. For now Leo was focused on learning more about the animals around him. He sat down on a nearby rock and closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. He let out his breath and let the forest around him speak to him and teach him.
If it's one thing that The White Witched Hated, it was the sun. While she had power over light, she despised the light the ball in the sky provided. It proved to be bothersome on more than one occasion. It only beginning to rise and it had already begun to annoy her. She had only decided to wander the streets because she was bored and figured she'd walk around. While she normally kept her "Bored walks" limited to the area of her house, she ventured out all the way to Valland and she was beginning to regret this. She didn't like the looks she was receiving. She was fairly dark and wearing all white, has banadage over her left eye and is carrying a staff, she stuck out pretty bad.

With an annoyed sigh she stared at the ground as she walked but this proved to be a mistake as moments after she decided the ground was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, she bumped into someone and took a few steps back before gazing up and into the person she bumped into. She bit her lip for a moment. "Ah...My apologies. I was not paying attention to where I was walking." She mentally cursed to herself. She should have just bumped into them, stepped to the side and went on her merry way. No, of course not. Her mother's teaching of manners suddenly kicked in and she apologized.

"Ah-" Jem was startled from his moping by a small girl clad all in white bumping into him, after which she hurriedly apologized.

"It's no problem at all." He flashed a charismatic grin, never one to miss an opportunity for recruitment. As she started to walk away, he gently touched grabbed her elbow to stop her.

"I've never seen you in my morning walk before. What brings you to this part of town?"


"My name?" Margot replied with some hesitance, before deciding that the girl was being honest.

"It's Margot." She sighed. "Margot, um, Dressler." She gave small, darting glances around the room.

"What do you mean you're not coming back?"

@Bea Delaine
The White Witch feared this. This was what most people called 'small talk'. She sighed lowly and cleared her throat before she spoke again. "I was bored." She answered bluntly. She stared at the man for a moment and during her staring, she noticed that he appeared to have just woke up and was walking his grogginess away. The White Witch closed her eyes for a moment and then bowed politely before she began to move past him without disappearing into the crowd of people. "Don't let me disturb your morning walk any further. I'm fairly certain that aside from walking, you do have other things to attend to otherwise you wouldn't be living here in Valland."

"Amazing..." The woman before him said as she gazed into his eyes. Rylo had to try extremely hard not to laugh at her exclamation as he silently reached forward. The woman's eyes immediately went to his hand as it reached for one of the many tarot cards laying face down. As her eyes left his he whispered, barely audible, "Visum". The golden film receded from his eyes as the magic seized its effect.

Without further hesitation Rylo swiped up the card furthest to the left. Then one a few from it. And then the final.

"The maiden. The knight. And finally the coin." Rylo said in a deep monotonous voice, slowly with suspense. "The future of your child holds beauty... she will meet her knight in shining armor some day and fall in love, and fortune shall grace her and he until the end if their days..." Rylo explained, biting his tongue to keep from laughing at what he knew was utter horseshit. The woman though gasped in surprise and jumped up in down for a moment before looking down at her extended belly with a long caring look. "Thank you! I'm so overjoyed to here that." The woman thanked gratefully, laying the requested fee on the table with a warm smile and a nod of respect before walking off.

Rylo grinned when she was gone and swiped the coins up. It was so easy to woo the women of this city with either fortunes of grandeur, love, or riches. But that woman had been so caught up in her expected child's future that she practically ate from his hands. Sucker...

Rylo chuckled quietly and leaned back with a sigh before a form caught his eye. Another woman passing by, one who looked young and beautiful. Two categories for the ultimate sucker were filled...

"You there! Aye, you! Would you care to to see what Destiny has planned for you? A small fee will earn you things knowledge of your future!" Rylo called out to the woman.

@Jess Buck
"Well miss Margot Dressler, you've heard the rumors of Mineralis hold captive the princess, right? I don't believe that, or the Mineralis side of the story.. But good proper people with trades cut for

dives are starving.. Independent miners."

She placed her bag on her shoulder and took a bowl, pouring stew into it over a bed of grains. She reached to hand it to the other and burnt her hands. It wasn't that hot.. She took a cloth and used it to hand it to the girl.

"It's... Warm I think? Not steaming but warm enough if that's alright. Feel free to get more later." She sighed and placed her jacket on the bag for when it got colder. Below zero later.

"Anyways, I'm recruiting some mercenaries who believe me. Selling some precious pieces of stone for money to pay the ones who don't care, but everyone dies."

She opened the door to feel a great wind and icy mix.

"Are you running away or toward somewhere? Sorry to pry.. Today has just proved to be less usual."
"Oh, come on. Valland isn't that busy." Jem's amicable smile was broken by a yawn, which he did his best to unsuccessfully stifle.

"I mean, I feel bad about running into you." He added sympathetically, perfectly aware it wasn't his fault. "Can't I give you the courtesy of a little small talk?"


Margot nodded, eagerly eating the stew Nephele had set before them, barely letting it cool between bites. She muttered a thank you.

The girl was definitely on a suicide mission, one that probably wasn't in her best interests. But who was she to judge.

"Away." She replied after some thought.

@Bea Delaine
The White Witch's unseeable brow twitched slightly at his words and she tilted her head to the side. "No need. After all, It was I who bumped into YOU so the courtesy of small talk is not necessary at all. I do appreciate the offer oh so very much." She offered the man a small wave before she adjusted her hat. "Ah! That's right! I need to pick up some more vials for my alchemy." She blurted out, suddenly remembering the other reason she came all the way here to Valland. She had broken her an important vial and wanted to get it replaced alongside getting some new ones.

"Feel free to take more, I can see you must've been starved when traveling.. But I must warn you that away is also a scary and unforgiving place." She said this with a bit of humor. She looked out at the ominous and dangerous weather and addressed it with a look of calm and affection. She felt her sudden exhaustion melt away as the cold refreshed her.

"Well I should be off. Make yourself at home for as long as need be? And if you need anything, don't ask the neighbors."

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