• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Anayian Revolution

Lily Moriya

Lady of the Worlds
Guidelines for Character Submission:

We are currently CLOSED to new people. I have reached a nice number of characters and will be holding here for a little while. Perhaps, in the future, I will reopen when I can handle more.

*You can be anything you wish. It is recommended to be something similar to a humanoid, but not required.

*Use a character you have created. Do not submit a character from another original work, as they will be immediately rejected. Though, you may use an image of a character from another work to portray yours.

*Again, DO NOT GOD MOD. Do not be so overpowered that a single finger can destroy someone in a single movement. Keep it fair, okay?

*A backstory is required. Even though it doesn't have to be really long, it does have to be decent. It helps develop your character in the RP and I like to read about peoples' characters.

Fill out this easily copy and pastable template and submit it in this tab.


Description (Physical & Mental): (An image can be used for the Physical description) (Mental refers to personality and mental traits)


Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers:

Weakness(ess): (Something beyond regular mortality, like a phobia, or being weak against something)

Additional Information: (Anything else you would like to add before joining)

Once you are accepted I will add your character into the next update and we can go from there.

Current Roster ~ The Wonderful Characters of our Universe:

Mezbet, the Forgotten Ancient {Active}

aquaInferno said:
Name: Mezbet
Description (Physical & Mental): Physical:

He stands at about 6 feet tall, has dark skin, dread locks, and is broader than most.

Mental: Kind and supportive. Due to his amnesia, he is curious and optimistic about the world.

Bio/Backstory: Mezbet was the Old God of Life in his universe until one day the Gods noticed that his worshipers were not dying. Mezbet refused to allow those who he cherished to die. He lived along side the people as a high priest, not letting them know of that he was a God. When Death came to bring about an end to the people, Mezbet misused his life energy and raised the dead, then in a fit of rage he killed Death. This was the first time a God had killed another God in this universe. His powers became twisted and corrupt as he had now dropped from the race of a God to a Fallen. He was cornered by the other Gods and trapped in a Tome. Thousands of years have past since then and something has freed him in his Human Form. He does not remember much except for his strange healing powers that seem to only work on corpses.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers: Necromancy and undead healing. Although his Godly form is forgotten, Mezbet feels as if his body may change when his emotions are tugged (meaning he has some forms that he can change into at certain times). More unholy magic may be (re)learned as time progresses.

Weakness(ess): Healing spells have an inverse effect, damaging him instead of healing him due to his corrupt nature. Although he doesn't look it, he is old and does not understand the technology of this world. Eons of imprisonment have left Mezbet as weak as any other mortal. His human form has never been used to fight anything before so he lacks skills in combat.

Additional Information: N/A
Epatus, the Fallen Soldier {Active}

Bluesunnyday said:
Name: Epatus
Description (Physical & Mental): Epatus is constantly clad in a t-shirt and shorts, no matter the weather he's in. The t-shirt is a solid, uniform black, and his shorts are a pair of cargo shorts. He's rather tall, and his hair is long and light brown. His eyes are a solid white, and his teeth are pointed in his mouth. He wears a pendant around his neck at all times, depicting what seems to be a large guillotine blade, studded with rubies to resemble blood. His skin is deathly pale, resembling the skin of a dead man. In Valkrus form, he gains at least a foot of height, his eyes glow, and his t-shirt becomes a black robe. His battle-axe's blade resembles that of a guillotine, constantly stained red with blood. As a Valkrus, he gains a scythe with two blades, also eternally bloodstained, the blades glowing with a pale green light.

Bio/Backstory: Epatus is, simply put, not human. He used to be, and he misses it a lot, but he's not human anymore. Epatus was a former soldier who died in a long ago war. However, as he lay dying, he was visited by a spirit of great power, a Valkrus, a spirit of death in honorable combat. It saw his great prowess in battle, and offered him a deal. Meld with the Valkrus, and live forever, in exchange for always acting against the forces of evil. Epatus, not willing to die, agreed to the deal, and was given new life as an undead. Now, he travels the world, combating evil forces and claiming their souls in the name of Honor.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers: Epatus is technically an undead. Despite his Good nature, he is harmed by traditionally "Holy" energies, and healed by necrotic energies. His weapon of choice is a large battleaxe with a constantly blood-stained blade, activated by slicing his finger open on his pendant. If he loses the pendant, he can will it back to himself, but this requires several minutes of uninterrupted concentration. Epatus also has the ability to briefly take on the form of his Valkrus half, his battleaxe becoming a double-ended scythe and his skills greatly increasing. However, taking this form for extended periods of time leaves him exhausted. He can never die of old age, but any other form of death is still effective. Devouring raw flesh also speeds up his natural regeneration, leaving him capable of healing almost any wound if he eats enough of it.

Weakness(ess): Epatus is undead, rendering him harmed by holy energies. His pendant is his only method of summoning his weapon, and if he doesn't have the opportunity to resummon the pendant, he's relatively defenseless unless he's willing to enter Valkrus form. Due to the way his specific form of being undead works, silver burns his skin where it makes contact.

Additional Information: Epatus' skin is cold to the touch, and his breath is constantly fogging
G.A.R.Y, the Gray Goo {Active}

Maurj said:
Name:Gelatina Armada para Reduccion de Yullitum

Description (Physical & Mental): He's a puddle of gray goo itself, but can opt to take whatever shape he desires, granted he has the mass to do so. He is able to change colors once he has adapted a form for a couple of minutes, and for a period of time he remains gray. The form that he usually opts to show, is a bidpedal, 5'7 human, who wears a labcoat with fluerecent, gray strips along it. they are placed on the hips, wrists and through shoulders and along the back to the floor. He wears black shorts that show of his scraggy legs and a plain white shirt

Mental:He's more often than not calm and concentraded, but he does leave room for error, and when he does make an error, he often becomes extremely nervous and exhalted at his mistake, to which he tries to fix but more often than not, ends up digging a bigger issue. He is somewhat caring for others, though he needs to have their resons to care for them

Bio/Backstory: Originating from his universe, to where the effect of the gray goo was reversed, to which matter began generating out of thin air and causing suffocation of all living beings G.A.R.Y was created with the purpose of absorbing this specifc called of matter called "Yullitum" and no other type of chemical components, however, those compounds that had yullitum on them, would end up being absorbed aswell. G.A.R.Y once succeeded with his mission would be erradicated and elimnated. Once he had finished his job and there was no yullitum left, he was being seeked for elimnation, awaiting patiently, G.A.R.Y awaited and embraced his removal, until he was transported through dimensions into quotzul

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers:G.A.R.Y Is able to control density, color and shape of his own body/mass, he uses myriad things, such as mimmicking objects-other people, the ability to copy certain attributes of events (such as some climatical happenings). He also has the ability to absorb and gain mass out of yullitum, a rare and highly unstable piece of matter that generates through certain specific means, this gives G.A.R.Y the ability to empower his forms, become bigger, etc

Weakness(ess): If gary is exposed to a certain radio/magnetic frequency, his mass becomes unstable enough to maintain consistency and all sentience is removed from him until the anomaly stops.

He also becomes exalted and angry to lack of organization and un-tidy spaces and places
Anna, the Silver Knight {Active}

Neow46 said:
Name: Anna of Aria
The Heroine has Appeared!

Appearance: Anna stands about 6'1" in height, rather common for female Wolves where she comes from, Her body is covered in a single color of Slate grey fur, her white hair is cut a little short, much like a boy's hair, however it's styled in a more feminine manner, her Eyes are a bright blue like her Father's eyes. She's decently built and has a semi-muscular body underneath bulky, but highly protective, shining silver, full plate body armor and a two-handed great sword to match.


Personality: Anna is very Tom-boyish (for the lack of a better word.) Having grown up and working with mostly males throughout her childhood and training.

For example, Anna prefers to rough house and wrestle over attending boring banquets and fancy dinners, would rather physically punch someone over an argument rather then talk it out or let someone else walk over her, and most importantly she claims;

"Don't have any time to show off my beautiful body, those skimpy outfits a lot of other female warriors wear don't offer much protection (or practicality), and I would honestly be more interested in dueling you or arm wrestling you then showing off my body for potential lovers when I could not be bored and be fighting on the battlefield, rather then pretend to be some brothel worker or damsel in distress!"

Bio: Belonging to the far away Kingdom of Aria (Another world actually), Anna serves as a mercenary for other Kingdoms and provinces as her final part of training as Loyal knight to her home Kingdom. She's devoted her life to becoming a Famous knight like her Mother and Father both, having been through rigorous training and conditioning, she now stands with the Hyacinth Rosa faction for three reasons; Fame, Chivalry, The finalization of her training as a true Arian Knight.

Weapons: A Big ass Silver colored Sword which Anna wields with both hands.

Pretty mundane really, But thanks to her Heritage as a Wolf, Anna has Keen senses of hearing and smell, her training as a Knight's sure as hell gives her some additional bonuses of stamina speed, and especially strength to carry around both a huge sword and wear heavy armor all day long.

Additionally, thanks to Squire training prior to becoming a full fledged knight, Anna is indeed literate, and has some knowledge in Combat/Battlefield tactics and strategies at her disposal beyond "swing big sword at this person i don't like."

Weaknesses: Anna is Mortal, but she has a rather deep Phobia of Rats Of Unusual Sizes, no matter how brave she boasts to be, they still freak her out, almost to a point of such adverseness that Anna will actually seize up and become paralyzed... Additionally, Anna also has a strong phobia for slimes, particularly the squishy and enticing kind. Also the Rapey kind. Along with her keen sense of hearing and smell, they can also be very sensitive to loud sounds and extremely strong odors.

(Tell me if this isn't enough)

She's heavily based off of Garen from league of legends because i thought why the fuck not.

Melpomene, the Elegant Mare {Active}

[QUOTE="Thorn of Discord]

Mlle. Melpomene

A lean 6' 4'' mare of a snow white coat, and jet black hair, (sound familiar?), Melpomene carries herself with the grace one acquires from years of high society living. As unicorn of high status, she follows the latest styles in fashion, opting for a new chapeau over armor, and takes the utmost care in her appearance.

(I'll probably draw her soon)



(Melpomene's Armor)


While many a mare of her status are simply air headed and silly, Melpomene is truly a cunning and perceptive mare. She rose to her level of importance not through wealth or blood, but rather her shrewd and charming personality, among other things. Though an introvert at heart, she has an uncanny talent for all things social, be it communication, intelligence gathering, public speaking, etc. Melpomene keeps herself reposed to the best of her ability, but, as the saying goes, hell hath no fury like a mare (woman) scorn'd.


An upper class lifestyle, striking beauty, bountiful wealth, one would assume she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, (or in other places). Many believe these this, and Melpomene does not correct anyone on this matter, for fear of losing her status. She was instead born into a meager, but adequate home. At a young age, Melpomene developed an unnatural tendency to know lie from truth, in addition to other things. Sadly, this talent tore her family, her home, and her entire life apart. To hasten this tale, Melpomene used her talents to rise through the social ladder from nothing, vowing to, and this might sound childish, become a princess. These days though, Melpomene tarnishes and bankrupts corrupt officials, CEO's and other individuals that take advantage of the poor.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers

Despite being a unicorn capable of a few mundane arcane talents, (telekinesis, color magics, hair magics), Melpomene's true powers are something akin to being psychic. Melpomene has the ability to implant thoughts, ideas, even emotions in others, through either physical contact, voice, or eye contact. In social environments, she can 'persuade', confuse and otherwise manipulate others; In combat, she can present the illusion of clones, and mask which one is her, in addition to her semi-impressive skills with a rapier.

(Let me know if I need to gear her towards combat more, it wouldn't be farfetched)


-A resolute person dead set in their path would be resistant, though not immune, and most people range from putty in Melpomene's hooves, to heartless statues.

-Melpomene is not a warrior, mage, archer or any other combat specialist; She generally avoids combat, as a diplomatic environment is her choice of battlefront.

-While Very few 'normal' people are immune, those trained to protect their minds will have to be on their guard around her, should the situation arise.

-Melpomene will steadfastly refuse armor, weapons, etc, unless it's stylish (within reason)

-Melpomene can overexert herself mentally, bringing about splitting headaches.

-Melpomene has phobias for: Swimming, Falling, and Crowds

Additional Information

-Melpomene prefers mares over stallions (Yes, in that way)

-Melpomene has a distinct Hooflock Accent, (Akin to a Trans-Atlantic English accent)

-Melpomene prefers to avoid physical exertion, though not out of laziness. (Maybe a little bit)

Taiga, the Twin Tail {Active}

Raizel said:
Name: Taighanim "Taiga" Ashari
Description (Physical & Mental):

Taiga is a kitsune, the fox-people of Shrouded Isles. He stands in about 1,80m, and weight about 69KG. He has a fine fur, brown and black in coloring. His face is sleek, with large hazel eyes and white muzzle. He is usually seen around in a white and blue kimono, covering the studded leather armor and his trusty rapier, latched in his belt, near the twin brown tails. His face is always decorated with a smile, bearing the large fangs in his mouth.

Taiga is a happy-go-lucky, always happy to help everyone around him. Often going with the diplomatic approach instead of going to fight, he's a charismatic guy, prone to make friends in the most unexpected places.

Bio/Backstory: Taiga hailed from the Shrouded Isles, the kitsune settlement near the continent of Zephyr, the greatest continent in the world of Aurora. In Zephyr, the main continent of Aurora, he traveled along the Alchemist Icarus and the dwarf Runaan in his quest to create the Adventurer's Guild, his dream of making a place for everyone in the world to take hold of his destiny.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers: As a Kitsune, Taiga has natural magical affinity, specially because of his two tails. But his best abilites are often found in his tonge and his feet. Charismatic, he has a natural way with words, and as a swashbuckler, he's agile in combat, with acrobatics and quick thinking. He also has a shapeshifting ability, turning into a full fledged fox at will.

Weakness(ess): His magical affinity is also his weakness. He often feels the effects of magic more than others, and is specially weak against lightning magic. In his fox state, the only way he can defend himself is with his fangs, and he can't change while under magical strain (Snares, curses or magical attacks).

Additional Information: Taiga gets irritated easily with jokes about his race.
Elizabeth and Mak'bael, the Guardian and the Guarded {Active}

Bluesunnyday said:
Name: Elizabeth (and her Guardian, Mak'bael
Description (Physical & Mental): Elizabeth is a young woman with long black hair, slightly tanned skin, green eyes and glasses. She's clad in a green sweater and white pants, and she wears a red shirt underneath her sweater. Mak'bael prefers to remain invisible, but in combat or if it chooses to take a physical form, Mak tends to take on brightly colored, non-threatening forms.

Bio/Backstory: Elizabeth is the only child of the latest Generation of the King family, a family that has been protected by a guardian spirit for centuries. This guardian spirit latches onto the children of each generation, protecting them and teaching them as they grow older. As Elizabeth is an only child, and has not had kids yet, Mak'bael is still protecting her. However, Mak still has a tendency to treat her like a small child at times.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers: Elizabeth, for the most part, is completely mundane. Her most outstanding skill is her minor amounts of training in pistol usage. The main offensive force of the pair of Mak'bael, who can summon fire, heal Elizabeth, create lightning, and shoot ice as a projectile.

Weakness(esses): Mak'bael's only concern is Elizabeth's safety. It prioritizes protecting her above all else, and will literally drop everything if she is in danger. If Elizabeth is captured and he is unable to rescue her, Mak'bael will do anything the capturers ask in order to ensure her safety, with no concerns for who he may hurt or inconvenience.

Additional Information: Elizabeth is plagued by horrible "nightmares" where Mak attempts to teach Elizabeth Sesame-Street style "lessons". However, due to being a spirit with warped views of the mortal world, said lessons quickly spiral out of control. Occasionally, others sleeping nearby may be brought into these nightmares as "special guests".
-This is the second OC I've ever made

-Melpomene sheds some light on Thorn's past

-I combined a unique bio and personality with two characters from MLP:FIM itself, (Rarity and Fleur De Lis), because no one can stop me. (Nyeh nyeh nyeh)

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Name: Mezbet

Description (Physical & Mental): Physical:

He stands at about 6 feet tall, has dark skin, dread locks, and is broader than most.

Mental: Kind and supportive. Due to his amnesia, he is curious and optimistic about the world.

Bio/Backstory: Mezbet was the Old God of Life in his universe until one day the Gods noticed that his worshipers were not dying. Mezbet refused to allow those who he cherished to die. He lived along side the people as a high priest, not letting them know of that he was a God. When Death came to bring about an end to the people, Mezbet misused his life energy and raised the dead, then in a fit of rage he killed Death. This was the first time a God had killed another God in this universe. His powers became twisted and corrupt as he had now dropped from the race of a God to a Fallen. He was cornered by the other Gods and trapped in a Tome. Thousands of years have past since then and something has freed him in his Human Form. He does not remember much except for his strange healing powers that seem to only work on corpses.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers: Necromancy and undead healing. Although his Godly form is forgotten, Mezbet feels as if his body may change when his emotions are tugged (meaning he has some forms that he can change into at certain times). More unholy magic may be (re)learned as time progresses.

Weakness(ess): Healing spells have an inverse effect, damaging him instead of healing him due to his corrupt nature. Although he doesn't look it, he is old and does not understand the technology of this world. Eons of imprisonment have left Mezbet as weak as any other mortal. His human form has never been used to fight anything before so he lacks skills in combat.

Additional Information: N/A
Name: Epatus

Description (Physical & Mental): Epatus is constantly clad in a t-shirt and shorts, no matter the weather he's in. The t-shirt is a solid, uniform black, and his shorts are a pair of cargo shorts. He's rather tall, and his hair is long and light brown. His eyes are a solid white, and his teeth are pointed in his mouth. He wears a pendant around his neck at all times, depicting what seems to be a large guillotine blade, studded with rubies to resemble blood. His skin is deathly pale, resembling the skin of a dead man. In Valkrus form, he gains at least a foot of height, his eyes glow, and his t-shirt becomes a black robe. His battle-axe's blade resembles that of a guillotine, constantly stained red with blood. As a Valkrus, he gains a scythe with two blades, also eternally bloodstained, the blades glowing with a pale green light.

Bio/Backstory: Epatus is, simply put, not human. He used to be, and he misses it a lot, but he's not human anymore. Epatus was a former soldier who died in a long ago war. However, as he lay dying, he was visited by a spirit of great power, a Valkrus, a spirit of death in honorable combat. It saw his great prowess in battle, and offered him a deal. Meld with the Valkrus, and live forever, in exchange for always acting against the forces of evil. Epatus, not willing to die, agreed to the deal, and was given new life as an undead. Now, he travels the world, combating evil forces and claiming their souls in the name of Honor.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers: Epatus is technically an undead. Despite his Good nature, he is harmed by traditionally "Holy" energies, and healed by necrotic energies. His weapon of choice is a large battleaxe with a constantly blood-stained blade, activated by slicing his finger open on his pendant. If he loses the pendant, he can will it back to himself, but this requires several minutes of uninterrupted concentration. Epatus also has the ability to briefly take on the form of his Valkrus half, his battleaxe becoming a double-ended scythe and his skills greatly increasing. However, taking this form for extended periods of time leaves him exhausted. He can never die of old age, but any other form of death is still effective. Devouring raw flesh also speeds up his natural regeneration, leaving him capable of healing almost any wound if he eats enough of it.

Weakness(ess): Epatus is undead, rendering him harmed by holy energies. His pendant is his only method of summoning his weapon, and if he doesn't have the opportunity to resummon the pendant, he's relatively defenseless unless he's willing to enter Valkrus form. Due to the way his specific form of being undead works, silver burns his skin where it makes contact.

Additional Information: Epatus' skin is cold to the touch, and his breath is constantly fogging
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Name:Gelatina Armada para Reduccion de Yullitum


Description (Physical & Mental): He's a puddle of gray goo itself, but can opt to take whatever shape he desires, granted he has the mass to do so. He is able to change colors once he has adapted a form for a couple of minutes, and for a period of time he remains gray. The form that he usually opts to show, is a bidpedal, 5'7 human, who wears a labcoat with fluerecent, gray strips along it. they are placed on the hips, wrists and through shoulders and along the back to the floor. He wears black shorts that show of his scraggy legs and a plain white shirt

Mental:He's more often than not calm and concentraded, but he does leave room for error, and when he does make an error, he often becomes extremely nervous and exhalted at his mistake, to which he tries to fix but more often than not, ends up digging a bigger issue. He is somewhat caring for others, though he needs to have their resons to care for them

Bio/Backstory: Originating from his universe, to where the effect of the gray goo was reversed, to which matter began generating out of thin air and causing suffocation of all living beings G.A.R.Y was created with the purpose of absorbing this specifc called of matter called "Yullitum" and no other type of chemical components, however, those compounds that had yullitum on them, would end up being absorbed aswell. G.A.R.Y once succeeded with his mission would be erradicated and elimnated. Once he had finished his job and there was no yullitum left, he was being seeked for elimnation, awaiting patiently, G.A.R.Y awaited and embraced his removal, until he was transported through dimensions into quotzul

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers:G.A.R.Y Is able to control density, color and shape of his own body/mass, he uses myriad things, such as mimmicking objects-other people, the ability to copy certain attributes of events (such as some climatical happenings). He also has the ability to absorb and gain mass out of yullitum, a rare and highly unstable piece of matter that generates through certain specific means, this gives G.A.R.Y the ability to empower his forms, become bigger, etc

Weakness(ess): If gary is exposed to a certain radio/magnetic frequency, his mass becomes unstable enough to maintain consistency and all sentience is removed from him until the anomaly stops.

He also becomes exalted and angry to lack of organization and un-tidy spaces and places
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Name: Tam Borgnino


Personality: They're a rather solitary kind of person who prefers to stay on the side lines, when asked about their opinion they'll go out of their way to not sound too strongly about one option or the other. Science or magic? Well... They're rather similar actually! Science and magic have both achieved great things, have been used for good and helped many, but at the same time both have also caused great suffering and destruction. They feel the same about both really. What do they feel about them? Well, you see they're quite similar... And so on.

Bio/Backstory: Simply put; they're just a human. A plain ol' human. What? Not everybody in every possible universe and dimension is all that exciting or powerful, right? Tam is just a normal person who sticks their nose into a book and quietly sits in a corner peacefully. A huge battle between science and magic going on over there? They'll go over and try to negotiate peacefully, though often failing due to the fact that they give under pressure easily and can't hold their ground very well, often just kind of letting themselves become a doormat. Deep down behind that shell of constantly being on the fence... Maybe they're just a scared kid who doesn't want anybody else to die or suffer?

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers: Tam mostly has skills in studying, literature and having extensive knowledge about both the cultures of worlds built upon magic and worlds built upon science. I mean, they do have some social skills but they aren't usually taken all that seriously or even listened to.

Weaknesses: They're mortal, they have no powers, they have no magic or any real talent with science. In fact they refuse to touch either with a ten-foot pole unless it's just studying and discussing it. They'd never actually use either of them though. Tama is also, again, kind of a push over.
I am afraid that I am not going to be able to accept Tam into this RP. They seem like the kind of character that would not function in an RP like this. I am sorry.
Name: Anna of Aria

The Heroine has Appeared!

Appearance: Anna stands about 6'1" in height, rather common for female Wolves where she comes from, Her body is covered in a single color of Slate grey fur, her white hair is cut a little short, much like a boy's hair, however it's styled in a more feminine manner, her Eyes are a bright blue like her Father's eyes. She's decently built and has a semi-muscular body underneath bulky, but highly protective, shining silver, full plate body armor and a two-handed great sword to match.


Personality: Anna is very Tom-boyish (for the lack of a better word.) Having grown up and working with mostly males throughout her childhood and training.

For example, Anna prefers to rough house and wrestle over attending boring banquets and fancy dinners, would rather physically punch someone over an argument rather then talk it out or let someone else walk over her, and most importantly she claims;

"Don't have any time to show off my beautiful body, those skimpy outfits a lot of other female warriors wear don't offer much protection (or practicality), and I would honestly be more interested in dueling you or arm wrestling you then showing off my body for potential lovers when I could not be bored and be fighting on the battlefield, rather then pretend to be some brothel worker or damsel in distress!"

Bio: Belonging to the far away Kingdom of Aria (Another world actually), Anna serves as a mercenary for other Kingdoms and provinces as her final part of training as Loyal knight to her home Kingdom. She's devoted her life to becoming a Famous knight like her Mother and Father both, having been through rigorous training and conditioning, she now stands with the Hyacinth Rosa faction for three reasons; Fame, Chivalry, The finalization of her training as a true Arian Knight.

Weapons: A Big ass Silver colored Sword which Anna wields with both hands.

Pretty mundane really, But thanks to her Heritage as a Wolf, Anna has Keen senses of hearing and smell, her training as a Knight's sure as hell gives her some additional bonuses of stamina speed, and especially strength to carry around both a huge sword and wear heavy armor all day long.

Additionally, thanks to Squire training prior to becoming a full fledged knight, Anna is indeed literate, and has some knowledge in Combat/Battlefield tactics and strategies at her disposal beyond "swing big sword at this person i don't like."

Weaknesses: Anna is Mortal, but she has a rather deep Phobia of Rats Of Unusual Sizes, no matter how brave she boasts to be, they still freak her out, almost to a point of such adverseness that Anna will actually seize up and become paralyzed... Additionally, Anna also has a strong phobia for slimes, particularly the squishy and enticing kind. Also the Rapey kind. Along with her keen sense of hearing and smell, they can also be very sensitive to loud sounds and extremely strong odors.

(Tell me if this isn't enough)

She's heavily based off of Garen from league of legends because i thought why the fuck not.
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Name: Elizabeth (and her Guardian, Mak'bael

Description (Physical & Mental): Elizabeth is a young woman with long black hair, slightly tanned skin, green eyes and glasses. She's clad in a green sweater and white pants, and she wears a red shirt underneath her sweater. Mak'bael prefers to remain invisible, but in combat or if it chooses to take a physical form, Mak tends to take on brightly colored, non-threatening forms.

Bio/Backstory: Elizabeth is the only child of the latest Generation of the King family, a family that has been protected by a guardian spirit for centuries. This guardian spirit latches onto the children of each generation, protecting them and teaching them as they grow older. As Elizabeth is an only child, and has not had kids yet, Mak'bael is still protecting her. However, Mak still has a tendency to treat her like a small child at times.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers: Elizabeth, for the most part, is completely mundane. Her most outstanding skill is her minor amounts of training in pistol usage. The main offensive force of the pair of Mak'bael, who can summon fire, heal Elizabeth, create lightning, and shoot ice as a projectile.

Weakness(esses): Mak'bael's only concern is Elizabeth's safety. It prioritizes protecting her above all else, and will literally drop everything if she is in danger. If Elizabeth is captured and he is unable to rescue her, Mak'bael will do anything the capturers ask in order to ensure her safety, with no concerns for who he may hurt or inconvenience.

Additional Information: Elizabeth is plagued by horrible "nightmares" where Mak attempts to teach Elizabeth Sesame-Street style "lessons". However, due to being a spirit with warped views of the mortal world, said lessons quickly spiral out of control. Occasionally, others sleeping nearby may be brought into these nightmares as "special guests".
Mlle. Melpomene


A lean 6' 4'' mare of a snow white coat, and jet black hair, (sound familiar?), Melpomene carries herself with the grace one acquires from years of high society living. As unicorn of high status, she follows the latest styles in fashion, opting for a new chapeau over armor, and takes the utmost care in her appearance.

(I'll probably draw her soon)



(Melpomene's Armor)


While many a mare of her status are simply air headed and silly, Melpomene is truly a cunning and perceptive mare. She rose to her level of importance not through wealth or blood, but rather her shrewd and charming personality, among other things. Though an introvert at heart, she has an uncanny talent for all things social, be it communication, intelligence gathering, public speaking, etc. Melpomene keeps herself reposed to the best of her ability, but, as the saying goes, hell hath no fury like a mare (woman) scorn'd.


An upper class lifestyle, striking beauty, bountiful wealth, one would assume she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, (or in other places). Many believe these this, and Melpomene does not correct anyone on this matter, for fear of losing her status. She was instead born into a meager, but adequate home. At a young age, Melpomene developed an unnatural tendency to know lie from truth, in addition to other things. Sadly, this talent tore her family, her home, and her entire life apart. To hasten this tale, Melpomene used her talents to rise through the social ladder from nothing, vowing to, and this might sound childish, become a princess. These days though, Melpomene tarnishes and bankrupts corrupt officials, CEO's and other individuals that take advantage of the poor.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers

Despite being a unicorn capable of a few mundane arcane talents, (telekinesis, color magics, hair magics), Melpomene's true powers are something akin to being psychic. Melpomene has the ability to implant thoughts, ideas, even emotions in others, through either physical contact, voice, or eye contact. In social environments, she can 'persuade', confuse and otherwise manipulate others; In combat, she can present the illusion of clones, and mask which one is her, in addition to her semi-impressive skills with a rapier.

(Let me know if I need to gear her towards combat more, it wouldn't be farfetched)


-A resolute person dead set in their path would be resistant, though not immune, and most people range from putty in Melpomene's hooves, to heartless statues.

-Melpomene is not a warrior, mage, archer or any other combat specialist; She generally avoids combat, as a diplomatic environment is her choice of battlefront.

-While Very few 'normal' people are immune, those trained to protect their minds will have to be on their guard around her, should the situation arise.

-Melpomene will steadfastly refuse armor, weapons, etc, unless it's stylish (within reason)

-Melpomene can overexert herself mentally, bringing about splitting headaches.

-Melpomene has phobias for: Swimming, Falling, and Crowds

Additional Information

-Melpomene prefers mares over stallions (Yes, in that way)

-Melpomene has a distinct Hooflock Accent, (Akin to a Trans-Atlantic English accent)

-Melpomene prefers to avoid physical exertion, though not out of laziness. (Maybe a little bit)

-This is the second OC I've ever made

-Melpomene sheds some light on Thorn's past

-I combined a unique bio and personality with two characters from MLP:FIM itself, (Rarity and Fleur De Lis), because no one can stop me. (Nyeh nyeh nyeh)
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Name: Taighanim "Taiga" Ashari

Description (Physical & Mental):

Taiga is a kitsune, the fox-people of Shrouded Isles. He stands in about 1,80m, and weight about 69KG. He has a fine fur, brown and black in coloring. His face is sleek, with large hazel eyes and white muzzle. He is usually seen around in a white and blue kimono, covering the studded leather armor and his trusty rapier, latched in his belt, near the twin brown tails. His face is always decorated with a smile, bearing the large fangs in his mouth.

Taiga is a happy-go-lucky, always happy to help everyone around him. Often going with the diplomatic approach instead of going to fight, he's a charismatic guy, prone to make friends in the most unexpected places.

Bio/Backstory: Taiga hailed from the Shrouded Isles, the kitsune settlement near the continent of Zephyr, the greatest continent in the world of Aurora. In Zephyr, the main continent of Aurora, he traveled along the Alchemist Icarus and the dwarf Runaan in his quest to create the Adventurer's Guild, his dream of making a place for everyone in the world to take hold of his destiny.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers: As a Kitsune, Taiga has natural magical affinity, specially because of his two tails. But his best abilites are often found in his tonge and his feet. Charismatic, he has a natural way with words, and as a swashbuckler, he's agile in combat, with acrobatics and quick thinking. He also has a shapeshifting ability, turning into a full fledged fox at will.

Weakness(ess): His magical affinity is also his weakness. He often feels the effects of magic more than others, and is specially weak against lightning magic. In his fox state, the only way he can defend himself is with his fangs, and he can't change while under magical strain (Snares, curses or magical attacks).

Additional Information: Taiga gets irritated easily with jokes about his race.
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@Thorn of Discord & @Raizel : Melpomene and Taiga have been accepted and added to the roster. They will be introduced in the next upcoming update.

EDIT: We are currently CLOSED to new people. I have reached a nice number of characters and will be holding here for a little while. Perhaps, in the future, I will reopen when I can handle more.

NOTE: Currently Existing Players may apply additional characters if they so wish, just remember the limit of 2 Characters per person.
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