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Fandom An Unlikely Duo (Sgt Gomez & Dovahkiin)

Uto looks behind her towards the voice. The voice seemed extremely familiar and different from the others who seemed to be making derogatory statements about putting something somewhere and other things like that. Vera? Uto thinks and freezes. Before finishing her dance, Uto rushes off to the clean room causing some of the onlookers to become outraged. They complained to the manager.

Some of the guards come to the room and walk in. One pins Uto against the wall. "You will finish your dance and earn money or else the boss will have to punish you."

Uto nods and agrees. She was not wanted to get punished since he had her such a tight leash on her. The guard backs off and leaves with the others. Her first objective for Mr. Wolff was to get the trust of the detective to see what she knew.

Uto leaves the clean room and goes back out to the stage and finishes her dance. She had received almost 500 credits during the dance which was not bad for a first time dancer. After the dance was over, Uto scans the crowd from behind the curtain and tries to find Vera.
Vera Strunner

Vera watched Uto as she ran offstage, then sighed. Well, shit. The crowd gave a collective groan, spewing curses while fistfuls of money waved in the air, demanding she that come back onstage, but she'd already disappeared behind the curtain. Chewing on the inside of her cheek, she delved into thought.

Her eyes scanned the area, and past the angered faces, she spotted what seemed like an entrance to the stage, guarded by a bouncer. After a moment spent calming her nerves, she made her way over to the Turian guard.

"Job applications are that way," he grunted, tilting his head to the right as his arms folded over his chest.

Pursing her lips, Vera fought off the wave of anger she felt. "I'm not here for a job," she explained. "I need to get backstage. My friend's a dancer and it's urgent."

He scoffed. "That's what they always say." He shook his head. "'It's urgent,' give me a break. I let someone in, and next thing I know, there's a girl screaming backstage because a damn patron's got their grubby hands on 'em."

Vera sighed. "A moment. That's all I need."

As Vera talked to the bouncer, several guards walk past him into the back to "talk" with Uto. Soon after they walk into the back, Uto walks back on the stage and continues to dance. Uto glances over at Vera and thankfully no one could see behind her mask because she was blushing. Something about Vera interested Uto and she hadn't felt this way in a while! Was she developing feelings for the cop!?! That was impossible. The cop was her target and you can't get feelings for a target!

After her dance had ended, Uto walked off the stage into the back. "Remember private dances are available for extra credits but look and don't touch," the announcer says.
Vera Strunner

"Remember private dances are available for extra credits but look and don't touch."

Vera cocked a brow, then rummaged around in her pockets. She held out her hand and Turian reached out his in return, Vera letting the credits tumble into his palm. "How's that?" She crossed her arms, and although it was likely unwise of her, sent the guard a challenging glare.

After a beat of silence, the Turian spoke. "Go." As Vera attempted to slide past the bouncer, he caught her by the elbow. She stopped, but didn't look at him. "But I've got my eyes on you. You're nothing but damn trouble." He released his grip without another word. Vera continued backstage.

Before she could get far, though, she was stopped by what seemed like another guard -- a Batarian. "You here for a dance?"

"I already paid the Turian."

"No," he said, "You pay here." Furrowing her brows, she eyed the Batarian. A sigh of frustration slipped through her lips as she dug through her pockets again and handed the Batarian a fistful of credits. Although she knew she was getting scammed, she complied. The last thing she needed was a bar brawl. "Whose got your eye?"

"Uto." With that, the Batarian wandered off to escort Uto back to Vera.
Uto'Saylo nar Rayya

The batarian walks off and grabs Uto. "You have a private dance," he says unemotionally.

"What?" She says scared.

"You have a private dance. What are you stupid?"

They arrive at a room in the back where her "client" was already seated. "I...I can't do this..." She says right before the batarian shoves her in the room. "Deal with it princess."

Uto stumbles in and looks at Vera. "W-What kind of dance are you l-looking for?" She asks before starting to do a slight dance with her back turned to Vera so they didn't have to make eye contact.

The batarian stood outside of the door and set a timer for 10 minutes.
Vera Strunner

Vera made her way into the darkened room, lit only by a single strip of light hanging overhead, seemingly on its last leg. Scanning her surroundings, she spotted a chair set off towards the back of the room, and after a moment of hesitation, she sat. She tried pushing thoughts of how many grimy patrons have sat in this chair out of mind.

Moments later, Uto stumbled in, wide-eyed and stuttering. She asked what kind of dance Vera wanted, but before she could do as much as open her mouth, she turned away and began dancing. It was almost otherworldly to see Uto like this, compared to the near-to-death quarian she had on her couch only a day ago.

"Uto," Vera spoke softly. "Uto, you don't have to dance. I'm just here to talk."
Uto'Saylo nar Rayya

"I have to or I get hurt," she whispers without turning around. She closes her eyes behind her mask and sighs.

"What do you want from me, Ms. Vera?" She says quietly while continuing to dance. She knew the woman was there to talk to her about something about the club. She had come into contact enough with C-Sec officers she knew all of them had some sort of crutch like drugs or alcohol. They cal all be bribed or "convinced" to do something for a small fee. Vera though, she was different, her crutch seemed to be her job. Uto guessed that she couldn't get away from her job so her fiance left her.

Before Vera could respond, Uto says very quietly so only Vera could hear, "Let me guess, you want me to be an informant?"
Vera Strunner

Hearing how blunt, and frankly correct, Uto is catches Vera offguard, and she sighs. "Looks, I know it can be a dangerous job," she murmured, lowering her voice to match Uto's, "but I'll try my best to keep you out of trouble." Her gaze lingers on the dancer's form for a moment before it shifts to the ground. "I'll pay you."

A moment passed, and she feared Uto would say no. Her mind drifted back to the nights she found Uto laying on the ground, nearly dead, and a notion sprung into her mind. "You can live with me." The words fell from her lips before she could catch them, and she pursed her lips to keep anything else from slipping.
"I have a job and I have food. Do I really need more credits?" She asked. She was so shocked by the next question that she force half way through her dance while bent over with her hands on the ground. "W-why?" She had no idea what else to say.

The Batarian knocks on the door. "You got 2 minutes. Either finish the dance or pay for longer!"

Uto looks at Vera and an overwhelming feeling of wanting to take her up on her offer. One reason was that Vera had been so nice to her and cared about her. The second reason was that Mr Wolff would punish her if she did not take this offer for more information. And the third reason was because Vera was very attractive.

A week later they had moved Uto in and gotten her comfortable. Several weeks later, she found out she was pregnant which was a surprise to both of them. It had been 3 months since she moved in and Uto was beginning to show her baby bump.

Uto was currently cleaning to house while Vera was out of the apartment for work. She was listening to music loudly blaring over the speakers in the apartment and dancing.
Vera Strunner

Over the three-month course of them living together, Vera found herself settling into a comfortable acceptance of Uto's presence. She hadn't expected to become so fond of the quarian, yet even as she was at work, she found her mind wandering back to the woman from time to time. Whenever thoughts of her heart would pound or palms would sweat when Uto would speak to her crept out, she tried shoving it aside, cursing herself to even let them wander into her consciousness in the first place. She knew this feeling, and it was terrifying.

At Home

Robyn raises a hand to knock on the door, but when he sees his shaking, unsure hand, he halts. He shakes his head. How do I feel like a stranger to what I once called home? It's just Vera. She knows me. With a deep breath, he rasps on the door with few knocks, all but holding his breath while he waited for the door to open after it'd been slammed behind him almost a year ago. He couldn't count the nights he spent lying awake with nothing better to look at than the ceiling, mind on a seemingly endless loop over their final fight; the cutting words they hastily threw at each other, clenched fists, and teary eyes were just as vivid as they would've been if he endured it again. Despite their fallout, Robyn wants to reconcile. She's the only woman he's ever been in love with, and he'd be damned if he was going to let that slip from his fingers.
Uto walked over to the speaker system and turned down the volume as she thought she heard someone knock on the door. There is a doorbell for a reason! She thought as she walked to the door and opened it. "Hello?" she asks while standing there. Her suit was currently representing short shorts and a tank top which was weird to see on a quarian, but it gave anyone a good view of her legs and arms. Her belly was nicely accented by her suit as well. "May I help you sir?" She asks again as she sees the nervous man standing in front of her.

Without giving him any more time to speak she says. "Are you trying to sell me a holo vacuum? I already have one sorry..." She slowly begins to close the door. This man didn't seem threatening at all to her.

Thoughts began to fade into her mind as she thought about Vera. Uto forgot to tell Vera that she had her appointment this morning about finding out the gender of the baby. She put a mental note to herself to send the omnisound images to her. The doctor gave her an app on her omnitool to allow her to perform an omnisound on herself by holding the omnitool over her baby bump.

Before the door could close, she saw the man stick his hand on the way.

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