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Fantasy An Otaku Life!

Aha! No, it's fine. I am just finishing up the cs part and then it will be kinda open.
"Kinda" xD

Here at Otaku Life there's no such thing as open, we all just wing it until failure.
Yeah, like slide through the door at the last second kind of open. But now it is completely open. For the most part. I might add more
@Stamper in regards to everyone being Japanese, I wanted to have the foreign exchange student that is an heiress. That one that just carries herself and comes off as a prude, but at the same time is like the school idol. Permission to have this character ma'am!
Kiroshiven said:
@Stamper in regards to everyone being Japanese, I wanted to have the foreign exchange student that is an heiress. That one that just carries herself and comes off as a prude, but at the same time is like the school idol. Permission to have this character ma'am!
Permission granted sir!

Thatonechillgirl said:
Can I enter a Saitama-esque otaku character? @Stamper
P.S I'm also from Florida
Sure that would be okay :)

Ah! Someone else who understands what its like to live on the sun... but not actually live on the sun.
Agh, I don't know what Dere to choose. -currently debating over Himedere, Kuudere, and Dandere-

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[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]Agh, I don't know what Dere to choose. -currently debating over Himedere, Kuudere, and Dandere-

Why not do all of them. A Polydere (I just made that up)
Stamper said:
Why not do all of them. A Polydere (I just made that up)
I think that'd be hard because Kuudere are the sarcastic/cool type and Dandere are the shy quiet type. That makes it a bit of a challenge to play both in one.
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Kiroshiven said:
I think that'd be hard because Kuudere are the sarcastic/cool type and Dandere are the shy quiet type. That makes it a bit of a challenge to play both in one.
True, true. Unless there are multiple personas. Something I do not recommend.
Stamper said:
True, true. Unless there are multiple personas. Something I do not recommend.
oh god. Please no. So, I know this follows the rules for RPN, but characters that like to instigate sexual scenarios and use innuendos are okay right? Because I have a trolldere planned out for the two characters AFTER my little princess. And I just want to know the limitations on things.
[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]Alright, Dandere and Kuudere then...I guess now I can flip a coin.

You do you boo boo. I was just giving you a heads up.

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