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An Endless Summer

Eyebrows knit and lips a thin line on her face, Alexandria maneuvered her Black Civic on an empty space in front of her friend's house. As she knocked on his door, she could feel her anger draining out of her. His presence, even just hos house, had always a positive effect on her.

Her bags were ready, placed securely on her car's trunk. Her ticket was on her bag. The only missing now was her best friend.
Luca got up off the couch and opened the door, smiling uncontrollably from the excitement of traveling and seeing his best friend. His bags were sitting in the hallway by the door and he nudged them closer to the wall with his foot before opening it and moving aside incase Alex wanted to come in.
Alexandria entered the room and saw the bags. The anger from earlier was totally eclipsed by the excitement she suddenly felt, Luca's feelings were infectious. "Hey, rrady to go? Let's load your bags on my car and we're good?"

Alex reached for a bag. "Where's your Dad and Arwen anyway?"
"Dad's at work and Arwen's at a friend's house, I think," Luca told her, picking up his bags and walking them out to Alex's car. He went back to the door, grabbed his keys, and locked it once she was back outside. "Now I'm ready." He smiled again.
"Ready as I will be!" She declared. After locking the trunk and makings sure that Luca was comfortably settled on his seat, Alex turned on the engine as she positioned herself properly. "Let's go!" The black car was soon traversing through the traffic.
Once they had found a parking spot, Luca helped Alex get their bags and carry them into the airport. The lines weren't that long, but it would still take a few minutes to get to the front.

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