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Fantasy An Element For A Warrior

Dyril Glitch

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Please let me keep my patience, and follow my instructions specifically. I would greatly appreciate if you try your best to add the minimum of five sentences to each subject, unless it's name, gender, or age. Also, erase my tip sentences when you go to fill out the page. Thank you very much.


Name: Middle name or initial is optional.

Age: Please make it between 16-35 if you could, or something believable, nothing God-Modish, like 100,000.

Gender: Male and female only. No futas.

Sexuality: I don't care what you choose on this.

Appearance: A picture would be greatly appreciated, preferably anime, if not, some kind of art.

Weapon: A sword is greatly recommended, but you can go further. No guns or cannons.

Likes: Just a few facts on what your character likes.

Dislikes: Just a few facts on what your character dislikes.

Skills: Four to five skills. Anything your character has that either strengthens him/her.

Weaknesses: Add four to five weaknesses. Don't overrun your skills by two. We don't want any Mary sues.

Nationality: Where is your character originally from?

Any other things?: If you'd like to, you can add some random facts here. You can totally erase this one if you like to.



The Eight Warriors.

Choose one of the elements to be. You can be one of the eight that haven't been taken: Lightning, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Darkness, Light, and Nature. You have to protect the light kingdom from the Dark One's wrath.


These are the people who work under forceful orders of the Dark One. Some are treated carefully, others, not so much.

The Dark One

The most evil of them all, the Dark One controls all of the world, tipping the balance of Dark and Light.

The Light One

The one who's trying to reform the balance of Light and Dark.


The ones that work for the Dark One like mindless Minions.

Create your own role!

Go ahead, be creative, just create your own, logical role.

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Rue Alis

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Weapon: Pins

Likes: Sewing, fabrics, yarn, pins, needles, stuffed animals, cupcakes

Dislikes: Seriousness, guns, sour things


Quack Witch Doctor Rue's whole aesthetic is being a witch doctor and most people believe it. However, it is actually a charade, and she usually makes people do what she wants by threatening to pierce their heart by stabbing a stuffed bunny via voodoo.

Telekinesis Rue can use telekinesis to an extent. She can control multiple little things like pins, can control medium sized things one at a time like boxes or chairs, but cannot control larger things like buildings.

Deception Rue is good at deceiving people. She regards herself as an actor or a professional spy. She's quite talented at espionage as well.

Cleverness Rue can come up with something on the spot if she's in a tight situation. She's smarter than she looks, and can fool people into thinking she's not.


Lack of Mobility Rue cannot run or maneuver well due to her dress and all of its decoration, so she usually stays out of the danger zone in fights and attacks from afar.

Weak Hand-to-Hand Rue cannot physically fight well at all. The most she can do is slap.

Unenthusiastic Sometimes Rue isn't enthusiastic to do things, and would rather stay at home. This is usually because she needs time to consider what she's actually doing, and whether it's worth it or not. Or she just can't be bothered and doesn't like the people she has to work with.

Loneliness Rue has learned from childhood to stay away from people. This causes her to try not to build connections with people, and instead rely on herself and only herself.

Nationality: Outskirts of the Dark Kingdom

Any other things?: I'm thinking she can either be the Warrior of Darkness, the Dark One (if so, I'll buff her up a bit), or a random Witch.
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Aurthur "Husky" Weeper

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Weapon: Yew longbow, a variety of arrows, silver rapier, claw gauntlets, a boarding axe, and to an extent, divine magic.

Likes: Children, protecting the helpless, preaching the good word of Saronrae. dried fish and berries, foxes, singing, playing the lute.

Dislikes: Werewolves, furs used for display or in clothing, injustice, dishonesty, arguing, having to hide his heritage, hemp rope, wielding large weapons.


->Combat Finesse-
Aurthur has trained his entire life with weapons that require a bit more... Care than weapons that are "oversized."He is particularly skilled with the bow, but his skill with his rapier and gauntlets are nothing to laugh off either.

->Paladin of Saronrae- As a Paladin of Saronrae, he has a skill with divine magic of all sorts, but not with the potency or variety of a cleric or a priest. This divine magic includes that which is used to heal, smite evil or to inspire allies. In simplest terms, he is a holy warrior of Saronrae, with somewhat limited restrictions on his divine casting magic.

->Kitsune Heritage- He is a fox person, to those who actually learn of who he is. He has an inane ability to look like a human or to look like a fox person. He tries not to bring up his Kitsune heritage, as it is usually more trouble than it is worth. Kitsune tend to be incredibly fast runners and highly athletic. Aurthur is extremely athletic, able to climb trees and evade quicker than many of his kind.

->Charismatic- Able to carry a conversation easier than most, people tend to gravitate around him. He is kind to all and never will leave a man behind. He has often functioned as a party "face" on his past ventures. The man can dance like a prince at a wedding, sing with the strength of a small choir, and can play the lute... Passably


->Vengeful Spirit-
He desires few things more than to cleanse the world of its unneeded evil. He is always looking for a single man, however, and is paranoid that he'll ever show up. A darkwraith whom Aurthur knows only as the man who captured him, tortured him, and marked him with the emblem of a lesser evil deity. As to pry family secrets from him.

->Mama's Boy- Aurthur comes from a long line of Kitsune priests, paladins and the like. And as such, is required to leave whatever his current post is occasionally to work with his family for whatever the period of time may be. Could he ignore them and get away with it? Most likely. But he loves to see his family, even if it is only because of a why from his father to post an extra guard at the temple to protect from raiders.

->Unwise- While he is an book smart as anybody as you may pull over on the street, he is occasionally accused of having a child's mind. His curiosity occasionally becomes a detriment to himself and his group. He tends to sprint ahead of the party occasionally when something stikes his eye. Once running into a shop called "Wise Fox's Provisions," assuming there would be other Kitsune in there, only to partially impale himself on a dull display sword.

->Lean Muscled- Although he is regarded as somewhat strong, he is not on par with warriors who prefer to fight in hand to hand combat. He has great, at times crippling, discomfort when wielding heavy weapons or carrying a heavy load on his back.

->Fear of Large Canines- Although this primarily means that he is profoundly afraid of werewolves, actually dropping his human form out of fear upon his second encounter with one, he is in general fearful of canine's with teeth that are bigger than those that he has when he appears in his natural, fox person form.

Nationality: He is from the Forests of Dunsinaine. Which is where his little known enclave of Kitsune are from. Numbering around ninety as this point in time.

Any other things?: I'm unsure of where to put this, but I'd prefer to be a warrior of light over anything else.
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Name: He does know what his original name was but he was given the name Spirit due to his ghostly appearance

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: He no longer is emotionally attracted to anyone however he will take physical pleasure from anyone, no matter the gender.

Once he would have been described as attractive but now that beauty is hidden by bandages. He is missing his right eye which was ripped from his head during torture and the rest of his body has not turned out much better. From constantly fighting and being tortured he is covered in scars and wounds that are given no time to heal. That is why most of his body is covered with bandages ranging from brand new to blood soaked. His hair has become as pale as his clothing due to not seeing the sun in a while and his remaining eye has been stained red from a past injury.

Weapon: A pair of medium sized chakrams which are charmed to always return to their master, blood magic (magic that requires blood sacrifices) and on very rare occasions, necromancy.

Likes: Storms, solitude, sweets/higher class foods, calm music, animals, and sunlight (even though it makes him uncomfortable)

Dislikes: Bread, pitch black darkness, confined spaces, soldiers/ fully armored people, sleeping on the ground


· Magic- Blood magic is a rare, and dark, skill to have, necromancy being even more unusual. He was taught by his commanders and ‘educators’ in order to better serve The Dark One. The spells may take his or another’s blood to use but in the end it creates highly powerful spells and curses.

· Stealth- As his name suggests Spirit moves like a ghost, silent and unnoticed. It has become a habit and he can’t really turn it off, to the dismay of those he accidentally scares when he sneaks up on them. It does become useful when he is spying or assassinating however.

· Past Service- Spirit has been trained by the Dark Ones very own soldiers and commanders, so he has an inside look on their techniques and way of thinking. He has a limited mental map of the insides of the palace and prisons as well. Useful knowledge to have when going against the Dark One. The training has also giving him similar skills in hand to hand as well as other melee.

· Connections- He has met many people in his life, slaves and soldiers from all parts of the kingdom, so because of that he has experience in a few languages and knows stories from far and wide. Also, should it be needed, he can use the connections he made while in the Dark Ones service to his advantage (highly risky) or use knowledge from the other slaves he met to connect with the family members who have not yet been captured.


· Fear- He is scared of many things that have haunted him through his life such as armored soldiers, complete darkness, confined spaces, and above all, The Dark One. Even her name can send shivers down his spine and make him crumble to a persons will. Although he wants to, it would take a lot for him to do anything more than bow while in her presence.

· Triggers- He was brainwashed for years to become a mindless machine that would kill on a word from either his superiors or the Queen herself. He has not overcome the trigger so if he were to encounter a person who knew the key phrases he would be practically helpless to do anything else but kill those closest to him/ who he was told. This is only one of the triggers he is subject to.

· Inexperienced- This does not mean in battle, he is inexperienced in everyday life and friendly social interactions. This makes it hard for him to make contact, connect with, or even carry on a civil conversation with people he has met. He also is not used to ‘civilized’ society, such as he does not know proper table manners or that fully stripping in front of others is taboo. Violence is the main solution to all of the problems he has faced before and will fight without even thinking about talking first.

· Constitution- Years of abuse may have made it so that his body could take a beating without Spirit noticing but that does not mean it doesn’t affect him. His body is covered in bruises, scars, and fresh wounds that hold him back from unleashing his full power. He has a permanent limp and occasionally feels pains from battles past, not to mention he is likely to collapse from blood loss if someone doesn’t point out his wounds.

Nationality: He does not remember much of his past; he has been rotating from ‘reeducation centers’ and the battle fields ever since his youth. All he remembers is a dangerous and stormy sea surrounding him on all sides, so he figures that he lived on an island once upon a time.

Any other things? The Warrior of Lightning. He has spent much of his life as a slave/ prisoner of the Dark One but was eventually brainwashed and turned into a solider, specifically, he is a part of the MW (mind wipe) Unit and was raised in the trigger branch, the second of the three branches . He has escaped a few times but was always tracked down, only to be tortured and brainwashed until once again he was ‘agreeable’. This time however he has successfully gotten away and wanders, lost, in the forest which surrounds the Dark Ones palace trying to get away before he is caught again.
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