An Arranged Marriage. (Closed to Nen and SeverusX)

Artificial Sugar

Plus Ultra

Atropa is a slender girl with an hourglass shape.

She has pale blemish free skin, and a splash of freckles over her nose. Her hair is a deep red color, and often pinned up, though when let down, reaches the middle of her back.

She has bright green eyes framed with thick black lashes.

Atropa Trist


Atropa is the eldest daughter of the Trist family.

She has a younger sister, and an older brother, leaving her in the middle.

She's very intelligent, and enjoys reading and learning about most things, as well as sewing and baking. She can speak and write German, and she's quite skilled at the piano and violin.

She enjoys gardening and painting, as well as taking walks out in nature.

Atropa, as stated before, is intelligent, and enjoys intelligent conversation above all else. She's usually serious, but not without a sense of humor. She's polite and reserved, unless you know her well. Ever the sensitive one, Atropa hates showing her feelings, though she gets hurt often. Usually she reacts with anger, often bold and brash in her replies when hurt.

She hates any type of injustice, and fully believes in women's rights, and will argue for them until she's blue in the face.

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Edward Hawthorne.


Edward is tall and slender, with broad shoulders and tanned skin from working outside.

His eyes are dark blue, and always twinkling with happiness. Despite being poor, he has wonderful teeth, giving him a lovely smile.

He's been the best friend and gardener of the Trist family for years.

He's intelligent and well read, though not wealthy. He cares for his mother and younger sister since his father's death when he was sixteen.

Edward loves nature, and animals, as well as adventure books, though he seldom has time to read them.

He has a great sense of humor, and is often joking or laughing.

Edward has a lot of pride, and when it's hurt, he'll often avoid whatever or whomever hurt it.

He'll never accept charity or anything he views as such, instead opting for getting things his own way.

He's not the jealous type, instead he feels happy for those who have what he cannot afford.



Dahlia Trist


Dahlia, named for a flower much like her sister, is a slight girl, petite and porcelain-skinned. She has a mane of chestnut brown hair that, if left to its own devices, tumbles in errant curls down her slender back, a few inches below her tapered waist. Her eyes are the same forget-me-not blue as her father's, while her sister and elder brother seem to have received their coloring from their mother's side.

A precocious girl ever since she was a child, Dahlia isn't one to leave her curiosity unsatisfied. It seems as though Atropa got the lion's share when it comes to putting on a polite, docile visage – not that Dahlia isn't charming in her own way. She's just…a tad more blunt than is considered perfectly ladylike. Dahlia has always been the type to leap before she looks (to the Trist family's everlasting chagrin), and she oftentimes ends up being chastised for her actions at the end of the day. Easily excited, she can chatter on for hours on any subject that interests her, and her enthusiasm is usually contagious. She cannot stand sewing, but enjoys painting – as long is it isn't a portrait of fruit in a bowl. With an affinity for French and German, as well as a lovely, songbird's voice, the young girl certainly has her own allure, those of which her mother hopes to improve quickly, as she is the next in line to be married off.



Henry King


For someone who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Henry is surprisingly fit, his form lithe and well-muscled from the time he spends on both his horses and hunting dogs. His hair is thick and black, heavy brows and full lashes framing gunmetal grey eyes.

Henry has always been a popular fellow, with his pick of friends and girls always trailing after him with hearts in their eyes. Rather than relishing in all of the attention, however, it only served to make him somewhat standoffish, perhaps even coming off as rude. Truly, Henry isn't a bad person by any means – he just enjoys quiet time alone and doesn’t speak if he has nothing to say. Unfortunately, this habitual quietness tends to leave many people flustered and searching for words to fill what they feel are awkward silences.

As for hobbies, Henry is interested in breeding horses as well as hunting dogs, and has a penchant for losing himself in reading. He's the type of person who'd rather observe from a quiet spot than be the center of attention, though the fact that he comes from such a well-known, wealthy family means he's often dragged into the spotlight.


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