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An Arranged Life

Ashton didn't really know why he was getting all dressed up. I mean, there's not much to dress up for in this small town. Except Church, which his family didn't attend. Again, they really never had time to. But over the years, Ashton did pick up a few suits. Tonight he was instructed by his mom to put on his best suit and look "presentable" This was two red flags. One, obviously the suit. Two, when did his mom care about how he looked? He quickly decided combing his dark hair was probably a good idea if he had to look "presentable." Though, he could've rocked the bedhead look if he tried.

His mother yelled from downstairs, "Hurry, Ashton! We're going to be late!" But for what was the real question. In compliance with his mother's demands, he dashed downstairs. Reaching the bottom, his eyes glanced upon his parents, instantly doing a double take. Both of them, dressed in the best clothes they had, waiting at the door. "Finally. We're heading to the Akerman's for a dinner party." His mother Ada casually told him, fiddling inside her purse, no doubt trying to find the keys, "Be on your best behavior." She looked up from her purse and narrowed her bright blue eyes, before finally finding the keys and leaving the house.

When they were in the car, his mother kept reminding him of table manners "Do this, do that, don't do this" and so on and so fourth. By the time they got there he was tempted to just stick the steak knife in his eye. Though, Miyako was going to be there, obviously. So maybe he'd chat up with her and save the knife stabbing for later. Upon arrival, the luxurious house was lined with different cars, all from different rich people Ashton really didn't know too well. Their parents were kind of on the outskirts of that, and probably were only invited because of the close relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Akerman. Or, so he thought.
"Papa why are we having a dinner party. And why am I attending. You know I do not like them." Miyako picked at her nails nervously while her maid Natalie fixed her hair. Why was it so important for her to attend, anyway? "Miyako, my darling. Do not worry your mother and I are just celebrating a new deal with a client." the British accented voice of her father comforted her as her anxiety rose to higher levels.

Don't worry her father said, how could she not? She would would be in a room with a group of people she did not know and truthfully did not care to get to know in the slightest bit. Before she was not require to attend these event due to her fear of well everyone but her parents and children. Hell, she still did not enjoy working with Susie at her daycare, and they have been working together for years. Nodding to her father she looked back to the mirror on her vanity.j

The figure in the mirror was not one she thought she could be. Her long midnight black hair was styled up into a elegant bun held with green jade chopstick, that complimented well with her dark jade green Chinese dress with gold trim. She has never looked this beautiful in her life, so why did it feel as if she had a lump of lead in her stomach?

"Miyako?"only silence answered Hana's call as she walked into her only daughters room. "Koishii?"hear her mothers' s pet name for her Miyako responds to her mother's worried call.

"I'm alright Mama, just nervous" her mother just exhaled a deep breath at her daughters reply. "My koishii, your father and I will be their. Along with the Coopers. Maybe you can get to now their son. I hear he is a real catch." Miyako just shook her head smiling amused at her mother's reply. Why would she care, she would be stuttering to much to talk to him anyway."Now, we are keeping out guest waiting. Come we will make a grand entrance. You look so lovely." Confuguring a smile on her face, she connected her arm with her mother and allowed herself to be dragged out of her room and towards the grand ballroom. Well her goes nothing.
Ashton wanted to ditch, but both his parents knew this and were careful to keep the car keys locked away in the Narnia that is his mother's purse. His parents were quickly swept away by different people, all wanting to know how the business was going, or how much they invested in the market, or a bunch of stuff Ashton really didn't care about. He found himself drifting toward the ballroom, where the majority of the party people were dancing and all that jazz. Realizing the mistake he made, he quickly turned around, only to find his mom behind him. "I don't think so." She grabbed his shoulders and somehow managed to whip him around and gave him a hearty shove into the crowd.

The shove landed him almost immediately in front of two women he quickly realized were Mrs. Akerman and Miyako. Uh oh, time to turn on the Cooper charm. "Hello, ladies." He said with a warm smile, sticking his hand out to Mrs. Akerman and Miyako. "Ashton Cooper, pleased to make your acquaintance." After shaking both their hands, Ashton's mother came over, and began chatting with Miyako's mother. Ashton wasn't really paying attention so much as he was trying to figure them out. Miyako was a beautiful woman, no doubt. But was she into all this kind of stuff too? He imagined going on and on about "stocks and bonds" with her or something boring like that. But... maybe he was wrong.

"Why don't you kids get acquainted?" His mom suggested, talking to the two.

"Sure," Ashton told his mother, a smile returning as he looked back at Miyako. "Let's go over here, and maybe give them privacy."

He walked a short distance away, more near the wall of the ball room and away from the large crowds of people. "So, are you liking the party?" Ashton carefully started, ready to engage in a full on conversation, unaware of what was going to happen very shortly.
Jesus, there were so many people. Why was their so many people? Well Miyako's mother and father were very important people. Her father head of a technology company, Her mother a international clothing designer. But wow, the normally empty grandiose ball room was filled to the brim with musicans, party goers, waiters and waitresses.....people.

She could literally feel many eyed staring at her and her mother as their luxury heels tapped on the marble steps. She felt her mother grab her hand in comfort as they walked down preventing her from making a grand escape.

"No you don't Miya. I need you to meet someone important" Miyako glanced around nervously, Her breath quickening. She could not do this! It felt as if her heart was about to burst. Hana see her daughter's mild panic attack she and place a hand on her daughter chest right on the priceless jade necklace from both her and Miyako's father. "Please dear do this for me and Papa." Of all things to ask! But it is her mother, and she never asked much from Miyako, neither did her father. Nodding she allowed her mother to once more drag her across the chaos that was a party.

Almost immediately the mother and daughter ran into who Miyako recognized as Ashton Cooper. Goodness...did her heart just stop for a moment there? Uh oh here comes the nervous hand twitch. She barely shook Ashton's hand as introduction were made between the two parties. Wait was her mother leaving her for Ashton's mother, leaving her with Ashton Cooper? This could only end badly.

Unwillingly she followed Ashton to give her parents and his some space. She was so zoned out she almost did not hear him ask her about her preference about the party. "O-Oh i-i-its g-great...yeah g-great." She stuttered out praying to whoever was listening that she sounded coherent. Her mental pleas were disrupted by the sound of expensive silverware tapping and a luxurious crystal wineglass, accompanied by her father's thick British accent.

"Everyone could we have your attention please. My wife and I, along with the Cooper have a glorious announcement. Mr.Cooper if you please?"
Ashton could tell she was nervous, that was apparent. What was there to be nervous about? They were both adults, nothing wrong there. As he curiously pondered her actions, he gave a small chuckle and guessed "Not a fan of large crowds?"

Before he could begin trying to befriend her, the microphone blared and the British voice of Mr. Akerman boomed across the room. He asked for his father to join him on stage, and Michael more than obliged. After joining him, he said into the microphone: "We are proud to announce the engagement of my son, Ashton Cooper to the lovely Miyako Akerman."

Claps and whistles roared from the audience, but Ashton heard nothing. His mind blanked, and the color drained from his face. What did he just say? Miyako? Announcement?
Engagement? To Ashton Cooper? What?

Miyako's mind was in shambles. For a minute she thought she could feel her own heartbeat throb in her throat. Her mind clouded as people started to come over to the wall where she and Ashton was. The feeling of dread and anxiety started channeling through body, as everyone started to come closer and closer. Her throat started to close up and her breathing became erratic. And as if someone turned on a light switch, her mind mind did a total 360.

Before her and Ashton could be closed in by the crowd, Miyako sprinted out of the closest opening she could find. "Miyako! Sweetheart!" "Koishii"The distant calls of her mother and father could be heard as she ran in the hall towards her room, her mind racing.

Once she entered and locked her door, Miyako fell to her knees. Her erratic heartbeat was starting to turn into irregular heart murmurs. However her own heartbeat was the last thing on her mind. Engagement? What were her parents thinking? She can't stand people, let alone be able to marry someone. she could only pull on her styled hair in fustration. Why her? Once her mind worked through the information, she started to notice little black dots dancing around her vision. It was then she started to notice the irregular beats of her heart.

"Miyako! Sweetheart open the door! Are okay?!" "Koishii? Thomas,I told you she wasn't ready! Miya!" "Mrs.Akerman please calm down I'm sure Miyako is ok" "No Michael you do not understand she has a weak heart! Miyako open this door right now!" her parents and Ashton's parents was the last thing she heard as she hit the ground and her vision blacked out.
Everything that happened seemed to fly by in a few meer seconds. Before he knew it, she had sprinted off in a erratic panic. He knew why she was freaking out, but he didn't know it would be this bad. Roars of nothing but yelling down the hall prompted Ashton to run to meet them. The door was locked and he heard something about a weak heart. and it was then Ashton got kind of an idea of what's going on. He turned to his mother and in a stern voice said "Mom, give me one of your bobby pins." Ada reluctantly agreed, handing over the bobby pin to her son. "Stand back everyone." He announced, and began picking the lock.

Growing up, Ashton became a master lock pick. His mom used to lock up his favorite cookies as a child, and managed to pick the lock at the small age of seven. Within a few seconds the lock was undone and the door opened. There, an unconscious Miyako lay on the floor. A wave of urgency rushed over Ashton and adrenaline took over. "Somebody call an ambulance." Ashton said in a stern tone again, though his mind still buzzed about this whole engagement thing, Ashton knew her life was more valuable than getting mad at his parents for something stupid they did. Oh, they'd talk later, but now was not the time.

Ashton knew CPR from his days as a lifeguard, and began doing the steps of CPR. She was definitely unconscious, check. Next was to see if you can get her conscious, "Miyako? Are you okay?" And after no response came, he began CPR.
An awful throbbing pressure erupted from Miyako chest as she came to conciousness. She cough a couple times trying expel the pain. Suddenly the pain withdrew as she could hear her mother's frantic voice. "Miyako! Oh thank God. Ashton thank you so much."

A dull pain settled in her chest as see opened her eyes to see Ashton warm honey brown eyes. She could only stare at them as she heard her mother hollaring at someone outside, and the sounds of a cart being rolled into her room.

"Miss Akerman can you hear me?" Of course she could he was so loud how could she not? She mumbled her response, and gave a small nod of her head. "Ok, Miss Akerman we are lifting you on to the gurney now" she then felt her body being lifted onto the gurney, and out of the room. "Her heart rate is stable. Let's get her to the ambulance." What a horrible dinner.
A hospital visit was a great way to end the dinner party. All of them gathered in a waiting room while the doctors made sure Miyako would be okay. Ashton knew she would, but he understood that they just needed to be sure. He cast his honey brown eyes over to his parents who just kept their eyes in front of them. Finally, Ashton decided to break the silence: "What the hell was that? Saying we were engaged? Where'd that come from?" He had just held in his anger in for so long, that he just couldn't stand it. "I mean, a heads up would've been nice, dad."

Michael stood up immediately, "Don't you use that kind of tone with me. Ashton."

The tension was close to boiling over before Ada decided she better jump in before WWE Smackdown happened in the middle of this waiting room. "Boys. Sit down. Michael, let's calmly explain the situation to him, shall we?" Michael muttered something under his breath before Ada cleared her throat and began to explain the story: "See, since the Akermans have a successful business and your father is such a successful scientist..." Go ahead, Mom. Keep boosting his ego. "We just thought it'd be best to do a merger between our companies; the best way would be to have our children marry."

The load of crap meter was off the charts for Ashton. He didn't really had anything intelligible to add, so he simply mumbled something about someone else determining his future.
Waking up after a heart attack was never fun for Miyako. What happened anyway?.......Oh yeah the announcement...The announcement!

Miyako bolted up from her bed looking around at the unfamiliar room. She sighed in relief seeing no one in the stark white hospital room. A knock interrupted her observance of the room, as she look over to the door anxiety building.

"Dono yō ni dekita anata, otōsan?"("How could you father?") was her immediate response as both he parents came in.

"Miyako,anata no otōsan ni kiitekudasai."("Miyako, please listen to your father.")Hana implored as she came up to her daughter's bed, while her husband was standing stoic in the middle of the room.

"No! Have I not always done what you wanted?! I have only ever want one thing! To be alone! And yet you want me to marry a man I have not met! I-"


Her father has never raised his voice to her, never. Even Hana could only stare at her husband's hardened face and stiff stance. "Papa.....I." Miyako began only able to stare at him. "Enough Miyako. You are marrying Ashton Cooper. Our agreement when you built your daycare, that you would do what you must for the business. And this is it. And if you don't, then I have no choice but to take the daycare from you." An ultimatum. How could he? Her own father?

"Get out."

"Kioshii, please try to undestand we are look out for you and the company." Hana couldn't believe the turmoil her family was going through. "Honey, please-"

"Please, just go. I need time alone." Miyako felt so defeat as she watched her mother's heartbroken trek, and her father's angered stomp out of the room. Bringing her knees to her chest she weeped knowing she had no way out of this.
Pacing, Ashton had no idea what to do with himself. He had hoped downing some of the Hospital Cafeteria's cheese fries would calm his nerves, but this seemed like a problem not even cheese fries could touch. Ashton had left his parents in the waiting room in order to clear his head, but the problem was that his head was just too clear! No solution came to mind. Nothing. Occasionally a song would pop into his mind and he'd hum while he paced, but no real help was coming from his brain. It was when he saw Miyako's parents leave the room looking defeated that an idea popped into his head. No solution, but maybe some help.

Ashton waited a few moments before knocking on the door a couple times then gently let himself into the room, careful not to slam the door. Spooking her after what she had was probably not a good idea. "It's just me, don't freak out." He told her, a smile breaking out despite himself. "I just wanted to come in here, make sure you're okay, and maybe have a bit of a real conversation." He cleared his throat, suddenly feeling a bit nervous for the first time since high school. "So, before we get to the elephant in the room, how are you feeling?" Ashton really wanted to avoid the elephant in the room, but it was a friggin elephant, there was no going around it or covering it up. It's still going to be there, no matter how much small talk Ashton made.
Miyako immediately stopped her crying when she hear the door gently open and closed. Didn't she just tell her parent she....Oh it was him. Great. As if she wasn't having enough problems as it was. Now she had to deal with him and her anti-social tendencies.

"I'm d-doing fine.C-could you please j-just leave?" she blurted out as forcefully as her fear stricken body could. She did not want to deal with him or his parents. Heck she did not want anything to do with her own at the very moment. Her only desire was to be along with her thoughts.
Whoa! Okay, so she's fine. The sadness in her voice just seemed to pierce his own heart. Did the thought of her marrying him make her that disgusted? I mean sure, he would like not to marry her, but he wasn't so... he just couldn't word it. It made him mad, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world. There's always being eaten by sharks, going through high school again, watching the whole Twilight Saga. There's always something worse. But to him, it seemed like she'd rather do all three than marry him.

"I know you don't wanna talk to me, I get that. But I had no idea about any of this either, and I'm just as mad as you are" Maybe a little less. Still better than getting eaten by a shark. "But I was just wanting to talk to you, see what you had to say, or something."
Feeling a bit guilty for snapping at the man, she thought it would be good to explain why she has been reacting. "I'm sorry. I-I'm just a bit anti-social. I just don't like......people. Except kids, they are so wonderful." There she talked to him and....actually it wasn't half bad. Still frightening, but not terrible. Finally her thoughts came back around to the marriage. Goodness the poor guy, he seem like a very sociable, popular guy. Just like most of her school bullies. Ok, don't go down that road Miyako you know what it does to you.

"I wish you did not have to be stuck with me. You see like a nice, sociable guy. I'm so sorry your in this situation." was Miyako's only reply as she really thought about the situation.
Okay, good. She did not in fact want him to get eaten by sharks. Just a bit shy, but that was no problem. Ashton dealt with shy people on a daily basis, but he was sure if he could just talk to her, maybe she wouldn't be as uncomfortable and maybe they can find a way out of this mess. Or, if they do have to get married, it wouldn't be an eternity of awkward silences. That'd be terrible.

"Oh, don't worry," he said, referring to her comment on being anti-social, "I can understand that. Kids are just so brutally honest, that it's hilarious." A smirk curled up on his lip as he thought of his cousin, who was barely seven. The kid is just as rambunctious as Ashton used to be, all those years ago. Spewing whatever came to his mind, including telling Ashton's mom what he thought of her. Now that was a riot.

Her last statement, however made him furrow his brow. Stuck with her? It's her that's stuck with him. "Don't say that," he told her seriously, "It's a whole lot better than being eaten by sharks. Don't worry about it." He waited a few seconds before speaking again, "We're both in this situation, and if there's a way out, I'll find it for you. But if not..." His voice trailed off, not knowing what to say to comfort her.
He did not mind her awkwardness? Wow that is a first. Miyako did not know what to do with him. Should she tell him to go? No she probably shouldn't he want to get out of this problem just like she did. "Ok, I can t-try. I guess m-marriage is better than being eaten by sharks" she said amused by his statement. "If you fine a way out, I will help you every step of the way. But if you cannot...I will make every effort to be a good wife"she declare her ambitious side shining through her shyness

"Well you sound better Miya-chan."a middle aged British doctor entered a bright smile in his face. "Uncle Charles." Miyako smiled hugging the elderly gentleman. "I heard about the ah.. marriage. Miyako are you ok? Your heart almost stopped on us. Your parents I swear" he sighed while staring at his charts. He then walked over to Ashton a grateful look wrinkled his face. "Mr.Cooper thank you so much for saving my niece's life after my idiotic brother's actions." He praised before a dressing Miyako. "Miyako you can be released if you feel up to it" "Yes I do not want to be her anymore" she mumbled annoyed. He uncle smiled at her before putting the release papers in her hands.
A gentle laugh escaped from Ashton's lips as he spoke, "And if I can't find you a way out, I'll try my best to be a good husband. I do snore, however, so be warned." Ashton laughed again, an attempt to lighten up the mood. And he did snore, so maybe a warning was in order. Whatever the case was, Ashton didn't want someone that may or may not become his wife to hate him so much. Cracking jokes and making good conversation were baby steps in that process. Plus, she seemed like such a nice girl. So polite, shy, awkward, the kind of people he typically doesn't hang around with. There was just something so intriguing about her. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

It was then another man had waltzed into the room, he half-expected it to be his dad, or Miyako's. After discovering it was her uncle, who then thanked him for saving Miyako's life. "Not a problem, I'm just glad she's alright." He smiled again before her uncle then announced that she can be released. "Awesome. I'll let you get dressed back into your normal clothes, and I'll let your parents know you're being released." He announced, just before giving a small wave and left the room.
"Thank you"she said to Ashton gratefully. There was no way she was going to talk to them right at this moment. "Good kid"her uncle praised as Ashton left the room. "He is interesting. He told me he did not mind my shyness"she told her him. "At least someone sees how great you are under all that shyness" "Uncle please not now."Miyako sighed, her uncle just scoffed. "Miyako, how long are you just going to willingly follow your father's selfish desires. The daycare is in your name and you recieve enough donations to keep it running."he lectured giving Miyako a saddened look. Bowing her head in shame, "I just want to my sure. And to keep from having those children out of the streets I would do anything to keep it that way. Uncle you know my daycare is not only that. It is a youth center for teens as well. I need the money."she replied sadly. Her uncle could only exhale a saddened breath. "My brother. I swear he is a bastard."he cursed, and gave Miyako a hug before leaving the room to talk to his kin. As he walked out as Miyako's mother walked in. Immediately right before the door closed Miyako could hear her father and uncle yell about the situation in the hallway, and Ashton parents trying to calm them down.

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