Other An Apology To My Roleplay Partners and Potentials


I'm gonna try to make this as fast as possible because it's kind of a lot. Uh, I stopped roleplaying and dropped off the face of the earth about two months ago. Basically, my mental health got really bad for about two weeks, and then as soon as I was feeling better, my grandma started having symptoms of COVID-19 and went to the hospital, where they found out she did not have COVID-19 but did have liver failure and she then went into a coma for several weeks. The doctors told us that she had such high levels of ammonia in her brain that if she did wake up she'd be a vegetable and that she was suffering horribly and dragged us into a meeting every single day for a while to tell us how we're all cruel and terrible for letting her suffer, even though she would have wanted to fight. I wasn't allowed to attend those meetings because I yelled at a nurse. He fucking deserved it. Anyway, as a kind of last ditch effort they asked me to stay the night with her and read to her to see if she would wake up. And then in the morning they woke me up and told me, "Oh, we're going to extubate your grandma right now, and she's probably going to die, so you should go." So I yelled at the nurses and doctors and kicked them out of the room so I could say goodbye to her and also so that MY PARENTS AND THE REST OF HER FAMILY COULD SAY GOODBYE!? Why the fuck they thought killing her was appropriate before the 9 people who were in our house during the pandemic specifically to see her got to say goodbye, I don't know. (I'm still mad.) Anyway they extubated her and instead of dying she woke up and started talking and over the past couple weeks has started not thriving but she's definitely gonna live. By the end of the year, she'll be eligible for transplant.

So why didn't I come back a few weeks ago when it turned out she'd live? My best friend and I got into a massive fight and then she disappeared. Where did she disappear to? Jail. She got arrested for a crime she didn't commit. We had to get her. Now we're dealing with that. Her situation started improving about ten days ago. I didn't come back then because aside from still dealing with trial stuff.

I'm also MOVING. Packing things because I'm being forced out of my childhood home. Yay...

Also, my mental health sucks right now. I've started experiencing visual hallucinations which is new and unpleasant.

I know this sounds unbelievable. I ALSO don't want this to be happening.

I'm sorry I skipped out on y'all. My life just turned into a soap opera and I...I'm not having a good time. I'm like decidedly having a bad time. And I don't think I'm going to be able to get back into roleplaying anytime soon. If at all. If you'd like to take the ideas for our roleplay and do them with someone else, that's totally fine with me. Someone ought to be happy and it's clearly not gonna be me, so.

Sorry. So sorry.


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