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Fantasy An Adventurers' Adventure

The Drunken Tavern

A small tavern in a small town. Generally seen as a rest stop for travellers, this area is located at an important crossroads between three powerful nations, and sees a lot of business. A small village with only a dozen buildings, consisting of a few amenities and residential buildings.

It's nearing winter, the outside is cold already. People can be seen walking about in light furs, not quite cold enough to bundle up yet. Horse drawn carts carry merchandise throughout the village as everyone carries about their day in this fairly uneventful place.

Inside the tavern is packed. As you walk in you can see a bar at the far end of the tavern, five of the six stools filled. On the way, most of the half dozen or so tables are also occupied. (Some of these may or may not be your characters.) On the far right wall hangs a giant bear skull. A prize of the tavern owner from his adventuring days.
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At a glance, one would be able to see Tarjac, the tavern owner, chatting and laughing with the patrons at the bar. A shady pair, garbed in black cloaks slink in a corner table. A back hallway, with a door leading upstairs on the right, and to the basement on the left. Tarjac himself is half-troll. He stands at a massive 8 and a half feet tall, pale green skin, with tusks visibly sticking from his lower jaw. His face is kind and gentle, but he's also the type that when he says he wrestled the giant bear, whose skull rests on the wall now, with his bare hands, you would tend to believe him.

A maid walks around, cleaning various things, including the bookcase at the back left wall, and various painting and scones. The sun is starting to set and the maid begins lighting the scones. A soft light begins to emanate from them, creating a relaxing atmosphere. The maid isn't too stunning, a traditional black and white outfit indicates her job, her short, brown elven hair sticks slightly out of her cap.

There's also a barmaid walking around, bringing people their food and drinks, made behind the bar. The men love talking to her, quite a sight to behold. A human woman. Her hair is long and burgundy, flowing as she walks around the room, draping about her as she stops to chat. Her pale skin, almost elven in color, shines with the moody lighting, bringing a glow to her smiling face. She has a curvy figure that most would kill for, and to those that aren't entranced by her looks would swear she's using a charm spell on the others.
Kit walked into the pub known as the Drunken Tavern that one fairly uneventful day, pulling her hood back as she entered the room. She let out a slight sigh as she glanced about the room, noting how many people were present. Being in an environment such as this with so many others around her often made her feel slightly overwhelmed. She made her way to the bar and took the last remaining stool at the bar and resting her arms against the bar's surface. She tried to herself for the most part, avoiding any unnecessary eye contact from the people next to her. Being in the village for about two days now, Kit had spent nights her making camp just outside the village, since enjoying her space away from other people. During the day, she had been out hunting and making profit off of the hides she had harvested. This time of year had always the most lucrative for her services, with the cold just starting to come from the north and the animals just starting to burrow themselves. But it was also tiring, since there was also usually competition she need to keep up with.

Kit looked around the room once more out of boredom. She saw several drunken male patrons swooning over the tavern's barmaid. She wondered how someone could bring a grown man with a smile and a few words- though she would probably never know. The massive bear skull on the wall caught her attention. Kit herself had seen beasts as big as that in person from her travels and even back home, so she knew besting one was no easy feat.
For several days Oliver had been traveling through the cold weather, searching for the next town that he would take plenty of jobs in before eventually leaving and finding yet another town that required his services. A paladin such as himself was needed throughout the land, being used as guards for those that couldn't protect themselves or just felt safer with some extra muscle around. Sometimes the town mayors even came to him, asking him to clear out the dark corners of the area in hopes of making the place generally peaceful. Oliver rarely ever complained about any of the tasks he did, gladly helping out others, as that is what his god Kyne would want.

Finally the large man made it to a small town, inhabited by quite a few people roaming around the roads to get from point A to point B. Since the sun was setting, he figured that he would quickly find the town's tavern and settle in there, assuming that it even had one. It was likely since there were hundreds of travelers that had no official place to call home. Going from one town to the other would be disheartening if the only thing that awaited said traveler was a back alley with a spot to lay in besides other homeless strangers.

Sure enough, the fighter walked into a building with the name 'Drunken Tavern. His size and the suit of armor he wore, along with the great sword and shield attached to his back attracted many eyes. Many of the people watching him would probably be scared if the images on his armor were of holy origins. Now the people could relax knowing that there was an extra paladin that would probably be sticking around for a few days. Oliver waved at everyone sitting on the tables as well as those at the bar with a smile, and he got a few waves back as well as a smile in return. He took a seat at a table with a few men telling about their adventures across the land, waiting his turn.
Serna was always the type of guy to never skip out on a good time. He came here from the warmer south, not quite prepared for the heavy winter to come. He should be gathering up supplies for the road, like any good soldier. But- those days have long since passed. Now, he's just a traveler, having really no purpose but to see the world and write home about it.

He stopped at this small town because it reminded him of home. After a long and lonesome journey, he needed most a chance to sit back and relax, not having to worry about anything else but the moment. The daylight was dimming, and he wanted to sleep in an actual room tonight. So- he paid a visit to the most fun sounding place in town, The Drunken Tavern. Here- he sat drinking, chiming along with the party, and flirting with the bar-maid. He was just a typical guy at first glance, having a typical definition of a good time.

Of course, the tavern was packed at this hour. People of all skins settling in for the night, having a drink before bed, and sharing experiences before facing the day. One thing he appreciated about places like these, was the warmth of the air and the disorder of the patrons. Everybody got to share one hectic night. And it was loud in this little joint. He loved the 'good vibes' and mingling with people whom he may end up never seeing again.

A big guy walked in- huge. Everybody seemed to know this guy, Serna thought. Following the crowd, he smiled and waved, as jolly as he could be, at the fellow. He took another sip of his drink and continued rousing up noise in the already boisterous throng of people.
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Tarjac saw the large man, clearly a man of the gods, walk in. Matching the man's cheery attitude Tarjac waved and greeted him. Tarjac also noticed another new patron sitting at his bar. She seemed a bit sad, but Tarjac made a living not on his tavern, but his social skills. He tried to strike up a conversation, asking the newcomer what's got her so down.

A clatter could be heard downstairs, which is saying something during this busy time. Tarjac motioned the barmaid over and asked her to go check it out. A quick whisper and she left, disappearing into the basement. A moment later she returned, again whispering with Tarjac. The half troll raised his hands, and slammed the bar in front of him, causing a loud cracking noise as the wood splintered, a new dent left in the bar. His loud voice boomed over any voices left.

"Here here! Free drinks for all, and a hefty gold reward to anyone willing to take care of a pest problem for me."

Tarjac showed no sign of worry, so as to not alarm the patrons. Though smarter individuals would figure that a pest problem isn't something to ask of adventurers. Immediately, one table of three dwarves stood to accept, clearly companions, clanging their beer mugs in cheer. Lightly armored and carrying axes, not unusual for a dwarf. The rest of the patrons waited to see what would happen, as more clattering could be heard from below.
Kit looked at the giant bar owner with a somewhat surprised look when he approached her. "Oh, well.. everything's fine. Nothing here's gotten me depressed or anything" She said to him, trying to smile and waving her hand dismissively, "I'm just not the type who usually hang around large gatherings of people." Though she still was her more shy self, this man seemed like a truly genuine kind of person, and Kit found herself taking a natural liking to him.

Their conversation was cut short when both of them stopped as the strange noises coming from under the floor clattered below them. If that noise was able to be heard over all the voices and sounds of people drinking away, there was certainly something of decent proportion causing it.

She turned and gave her attention to the bar owner right away as he called to everyone in the tavern. She studied the dwarves who immediately accepted the offer to deal with the "pests". They didn't seem very qualified for the job at hand. Kit didn't see a reason why she couldn't go; she had dealt with creatures much larger then something that could hide in the basement of a tavern and the promise of being paid certainly helped convince her too.

"I'll take you up on the offer as well." Kit said, raising her hand.
Oliver was just about to tell one of his favorite stories about an adventure he went on when the owner of the tavern slammed the bar table violently, the loud sound being heard from all across the tavern. He then began to speak of a pest problem downstairs, asking brave men and women alike to handle the problem. The reward made the task worthwhile, but then three dwarven males and a woman who's race Oliver could not decipher rose up to the challenge. The paladin figured that four warriors were more than enough to handle a small problem such as pests, but that reward...

"Ah well, I guess the more the merrier," Oliver said to himself before raising his hand to get in on the action. He got out of his seat and then began to approach the bar table, putting his hand down after he was sure that everyone was able to see it. "So, what kind of vermin do you have down there?" Oliver asked with a curious facial expression.
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Some obvious commotion could be heard coming from the basement of the Tavern. However, Serna paid no attention to it.

He was just about to try his luck with the barmaid when she was signaled over by the owner. Again, he paid no mind to this either and continued conversing with all those around him instead. He was laughing and shouting when a thunderous voice boomed over all others, interrupting Serna's turn in story-telling. Those around him wouldn't miss much, he was mainly just looking for an opportunity to put himself on the spotlight.

And then he found it!

"I'll take care of your 'pest' problem, sir." Serna spoke, loud and clear, standing up from his seat and breaking away from the cluster of individuals at his area. He was barely even tipsy, and Serna, being the guy he was, was hands-down willing to do anything for a quick cash grab and a free drink.

He peered over to those who had stood up to the offer before him. Except for the dwarves, the other two looked to be no ordinary travelers. This intrigued him and he grew more curious of what sort of 'pests' he would be dealing with.
As the six travelers volunteered, a red being crashed through the floor from the basement, through thick wooden beams and concrete, tables and patrons flying in various directions. It came through in a spiral before opening it's wings to stop it's twisted flight. It was a deep red demon, slightly larger than the half troll, and more built. It's eyes were black, seemingly infinite in their depth.

The troll, oddly calm about the situation said, "Well, that kind of pest." The troll seemed completely unfazed as he gave a lazy gesture towards the demon, simply relaxing his body and waiting to see what happens. Meanwhile, to only those paying attention, the bar maid tensed, as if she was ready to join the fight. Meanwhile, the smallest of the three dwarves gave a hand gesture, signaling the other two to attack.

With a grunt, the largest of the dwarves slammed his great axe's hilt on the floor, seemingly igniting the doubled bladed weapon in a cold blue flame. The second actually discarded his weapon, a smaller hand axe, tossing it towards a nearby wall in case he needed it later. He chanted a few words, and with a hand sign, lightning began crackling in his hands. The smallest dwarf, and seemingly the leader, doffed his cloak, revealing what seemed like a bit too many axes on his back. He prepared two of them, aiming towards the demon.
Kit instinctually ducked down as debris came flying her direction. She looked back up and saw the cause of the destruction, some kind of flying demon. This certainly was not what one would call an "average" pest problem.

She looked to the half-troll owner as he spoke. Her eyes narrowed. The owner seemed so calm and uninterested that it pretty much made him suspicious to her. Either this sort of thing was "normal" or someone was up to something. She looked around the room and with her keen persception noticed the bar maid, who looked as if she were about to do something; but was something stopping her? Kit, still suspicious about this situation, turned her attention back towards the real issue at hand, though she still kept the bar owner in her sights.

Taking out an arrow from her quiver she loaded it into her bow, aiming it towards the demon flying above them. She had trained herself to be able to shoot birds it of the sky, so hopefully a large demon confined under a roof will be an easier target. She aimed for the demon's more prominent feature, its deep black and empty eyes.
Serna ducked down as well until the air was clear of projectiles.

"Certainly not the kind of pest I was thinking of. Is this a regular problem, sir?" Serna spoke, remaining calm and unsheathing his two longswords.

Regarding the similar tone of the barkeeper, he chose to believe so.

With a blade in each hand, he readied himself for a dodge if an attack were to be directed towards him, although being indoors put him at a disadvantage due to the small field of action. He chose to survey the demon before he would try any sort of attack, focusing very closely on its behavior.

The three dwarves were fully prepared for this fight, and it looked like the half-breed, of races which Serna could not distinguish, was going straight for the offensive. Because of his ex-soldier background, he felt slightly responsible for their individual safety. However, he was not going to try drawing aggro until he learned the demon's fighting-style first, and whether it was intelligent or mindlessly acting on instinct. He also knew that these folks were no ordinary denizens to be unfazed by the creature and to jump straight into the fray.

He looked over to the big guy on his side and predicted that he would need no looking out for in this skirmish.
"Well then.... this is going to be fun," Oliver said aloud as he noticed the large red beast that flew through the basement, destroying several objects around it until it found a spot in the air, above all of the people that it set it's eyes on. Oliver was in the middle of the tavern now. The first thing that Oliver thought about before charging however, was the safety of the civilians.

"Don't worry people! We have everything under control, so if you all could please run out of the place, that would be nice!" Oliver shouted, his voice booming over all of the others. He needed to ensure the safety of those around him who couldn't fight, and this was the best decision. Him and the other fighters could have drawn the beast outside, but that meant that he would be much harder to deal with. They didn't know if he had any long range attacks.

Oliver drew his sword and shield while eying the beast. The thing was in the sky, so the paladin couldn't do much until he came down. There wasn't any reason to use his chant to cast aggro yet either, since the tactic could get him killed for all he knew. He needed to see some of the opponent's movements first.
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