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Futuristic American Wasteland


Sophisticated Sea Dweller
In 1974, weapons of mass destruction are proclaimed illegal. In 2002, WWIII begins, with Russia, China and much of the Middle East joining together against Europe and North America. Although South America and Africa mostly remain neutral, their lands are often used as battlegrounds. WWIII goes on for many years, becoming a miserable and desperate war of attrition. In 2018, with the war having no end in sight, the US becomes a Military Dictatorship, in order to divert more rescources to the war effort. All forms of published culture deemed "unpatriotic" are burned, and their creators imprisoned or worse. In 2032, China launched a nuclear strike on London. All nations scramble to burn each other with nuclear fire. In the end, none are left unscorched.

Many years later, America is a shadow of what it was before the war. The only thing the survivors know of life before the war are scraps of propaganda and glorified versions of men and women who make up history, who surly must have been gods. To them, the world was once paradise, free of war between tribes, free of poison air and water, and free of ravenous mutant animals that roam the wastes. In order to gain the favor of the gods, children are given their names to honor them. Hoping he will grow up strong, a mother names her sickly son after Kneel the strong, who flew to the night sky by taming horses of fire. A young girl named Sacka-joe-wea learns how to survive against all odds, and guides merchants on their journey through her tribe's treacherous swamplands. Another woman, Ford, perpares her tribe's wartrucks for an upcoming battle against cannibalistic raiders that call themselves the McDonalds, who paint their faces white and mouths red with blood. This is the world they live in. This is the American Wasteland.
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