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Realistic or Modern American Revolution With a twist (always accepting)

Lordvader59 said:
Name: Joshua Adams
Age: 25

Race: Human


Bio: Born in Boston, Adams was a big fan of the Rebels from the beginning. So, he sought out the Indians, learning and mastering the art of Guerilla Warfare. He spent a while traveling around the world, going to places such as Vietnam where successful guerilla was had been waged. Becoming a master of combat and strategy, he quickly climbed the ranks in the Rebellion. Now, he sets his sights on the Crown, ready for war.

Extra: Perhaps a Rebel Commander?
Lordvader59 said:
Name: Joshua Adams
Age: 25

Race: Human


Bio: Born in Boston, Adams was a big fan of the Rebels from the beginning. So, he sought out the Indians, learning and mastering the art of Guerilla Warfare. He spent a while traveling around the world, going to places such as Vietnam where successful guerilla was had been waged. Becoming a master of combat and strategy, he quickly climbed the ranks in the Rebellion. Now, he sets his sights on the Crown, ready for war.

Extra: Perhaps a Rebel Commander?
I don't think they did guerilla warfare during dynastic Vietnam xD (I'm just giving you a hard time BTW)
Tonstad39 said:
I don't think they did guerilla warfare during dynastic Vietnam xD (I'm just giving you a hard time BTW)
(IK I just realized that... although iirc they may have done a bit of precursor Guerilla against China... idk for sure tho)
Name: Arnold Watkins

Age: 18

Race: None

Magic: none

Bio: Arnold was born in Britain, but his family immigrated to the American colonies. He, like many other young men hungry for adventure, was lit up by the sparks of rebellion, and, being from a Patriot family, joined with the local militia first chance he got. By being a naturally exceptional soldier he rose to the rank of Corporal and was assigned to the staff of a militia commander, Joshua Adams.

Extra: This guy is the messenger
Lordvader59 said:
Name: Arnold Watkins
Age: 18

Race: None

Magic: none

Bio: Arnold was born in Britain, but his family immigrated to the American colonies. He, like many other young men hungry for adventure, was lit up by the sparks of rebellion, and, being from a Patriot family, joined with the local militia first chance he got. By being a naturally exceptional soldier he rose to the rank of Corporal and was assigned to the staff of a militia commander, Joshua Adams.

Extra: This guy is the messenger
You don't have to sign in every character you introduce, but thanks
Name: Eden

Age: 15

Appearence: Small, frail build. Messy brown hair and green eyes. 5 foot 4 inches tall.

Race: Human

Magic: None


Eden grew up alone in the colonies. He was separated from his parents upon arrival. He was essentially forced to grow up by himself, alone, teaching himself lessons and surviving. From this, he has learned to be very quick and crafty. He can think on his feet and is extremely fast. He does lack in physical strength as he is a small boy with an almost frail physique.

Role: Possibly a spy for the rebels?
[QUOTE="Eden Smithe]Name: Eden
Age: 15

Appearence: Small, frail build. Messy brown hair and green eyes. 5 foot 4 inches tall.

Race: Human

Magic: None


Eden grew up alone in the colonies. He was separated from his parents upon arrival. He was essentially forced to grow up by himself, alone, teaching himself lessons and surviving. From this, he has learned to be very quick and crafty. He can think on his feet and is extremely fast. He does lack in physical strength as he is a small boy with an almost frail physique.

Role: Possibly a spy for the rebels?

Name: Andrew Bates

Age: 21

Appearance: Tall and muscular with broad soilders, 6ft tall

Race: Human

Magic: Lighting

Bio: Andrew was born to an upperclass family in Kent. His farther served during the Seven Year's War, which is were he got his knighthood, and trained his son to become an esteemed General. He eventually earned it and when the war finally broke out, he was deployed with 20 regiments of Hessians and began his adventures in America.
Andros said:
Name: Andrew Bates
Age: 21

Appearance: Tall and muscular with broad soilders, 6ft tall

Race: Human

Magic: Lighting

Bio: Andrew was born to an upperclass family in Kent. His farther served during the Seven Year's War, which is were he got his knighthood, and trained his son to become an esteemed General. He eventually earned it and when the war finally broke out, he was deployed with 20 regiments of Hessians and began his adventures in America.
Now you can be accepted

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