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American-itis CC

Error 420

One Thousand Club
(This is also being posted on the Modern/Realistic Section, I'll direct them to build their characters on this page.)

Although, technically, the name of the specific parasite is Emericellopsis Romeris, the general consensus among the scientific community is that, upon asking the name, the response it's fucking zombies, why do you care? is apt. Exact taxonomy aside, it's fucking zombies, why do you care? is a mind-altering parasite that causes people to become fucking zombies. A strange affect of the fungus though is that it appears to only affect living creatures in the Americas. Which is lucky for the people of Tuvalu, but not lucky for you: a survivor of the zombie apocalypse in Kansas City.

Your goal is simple: Survive.

You can either do this like a complete idiot and try to start civilization up in the middle of a zombie-riddled hellhole or actually think like a sane person and get the hell off of this continent.
Stat Rolls:
Think DND. Roll 3 d6 eight times, and remove the two lowest sets of rolls and assign them how ever you want. These stats affect various dice rolls determining how not bad your life will be throughout the game.

You will roll "against" these throughout the games with a d20. You can choose two skills to tag in, and only two (for now). These are the things you're good at, and you'll have a better chance are not screwing up when you have to use these skills.
Acrobatics: Based on dex, how well you can leap, run, do sick free-running.
Guns: int, when you know the difference between a SIG Sauer and an AK-47.
Athletics: str, it's how well you can climb, punch something, and teach that beach bully a lesson.
Deception: cha, how well you can trick humans with functioning brains.
History: int, when you know the exact altitude of the Mason-Dixon line
Insight: wis, how well you can figure out a functioning brain's true intentions
Intimidation: cha, when you can scare the hell out of somebody, functioning brain or not.
Investigation: int, finding out details about what you can see
Medicine: wis, doing first-aid
Nature: int, finding the bear necessities
Perception: wis, looking for things you can't see
Persuasion: cha, persuading functioning brains to do your bidding
Scrounging: int, how well you can find stuff in the ruins of civilization
Sleight of Hand: dex, how much of a sneak thief you are
Stealth: dex, how stealthy you are
Survival: wis, what you can make from the wilderness

Tag Skills: (2)

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