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Fantasy American Freaks In London

(I think she might have just passed out at the computer, that's why she's not responding.)
(We need more people in this RP)

Darkness and Ayakashi get to the mountain like areas of England. Big houses were everywhere. There it was, A for sale sign in front and a giant castle like house. It looked like the inside was huge. "This is amazing, it would be perfect..I wonder if we can go look inside my love!"
(I dont know what too do thats why i dont reply...im actually wating for the right moment)
((Do iiiit Yons))

Ayakashi smirked up at Darkness and rubbed his cheek. "Why should we wait for permission from these mortals, my love?" she cooed. Without another word, she turned herself invisible and swiftly ran across the massive green lawn. Her footsteps barely shifted the grass beneath her foxlike feet. She jumped onto the stony wall and scaled its surface until she reached an open window at the top floor. The demon struggled to pull herself over the windowsill until she fell into the bedroom with a loud thud. She chuckled to herself. It's been too long since she could sneak her way around without getting caught. Her invisibility disappeared as she waved a single hand in front of the window, trying to get her lover's attention.
((I dont know what too do!!!...Um....I will post in a moment....let mi get writing somthing))
Darkness laughed and thought to himself. God she is amazing..I love you Ayakashi. "I'm coming!" He transforms into his angel form and flies up to the window and looks inside. "This place looks amazing!!" A soft kiss was planted on His lovers lips before he flew inside of the giant building and landing beside Ayakashi. The bedroom was incredible. It looked a bit small though, maybe a guest room. The walls were an eggshell color and the floor was carpeted with a very soft material. It was a dark green. "Let's go look around" He locks his hand into Ayakashi's and they continue out of the door.
As yuri would have Finish playing black jack with his friends and hase eaten and drink his tea at his Favorite restarunt he headed home,as he would open the door of his house and get his trench coat off and place it on the hanger near the door and he yawns and make his way too the bathroom and close the door behinde him and would start too take a bath as he has bin gone for sometime and aswell he has No idea that there is people in his house..Not even the smallest bit
Darkness hears running water and stops right where he was. "Babe wait..did you hear that..I hear water running..is..is someone in here. Dekurozu" Rose appeared to his hand and he was ready for anything. Ready to protect his love.
Ayakashi rolled her eyes as Darkness took up a defensive stance. She loved him for his compassion and care for her, but his protection over her was annoying. She wouldn't let herself depend on anyone in combat. Not when she was perfectly capable of protecting herself, she thought. She brushed past Darkness and placed a hand on the door where the sound of running water was coming from. "It's most likely a homeless man or a robber who also managed to break in here," she assured Darkness. "The house has a 'For Sale' sign, but the owners have done a terrible job locking it up. I can take care of our troublemaker with ease, darling."

She twisted the doorknob and slowly pushed open the creaky door. She froze midway as her eyes spotted a tall man bathing before her. Blood rushed up to her cheeks. He didn't look like a poor homeless man... He appeared like the owner of the estate.
As he hears the door open he would look behinde him and see trough the courtan a Figure as he would amidiatly get a mad look and would yell "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MI HOUSE GET OUT!!!"he says as he cuts the water ripping the lever Off and would snap his finger and Pure Black Cloath would appear on him,as he would grab the side of the Courtan tightly and would open it madly and a angry face on him and step out as he waited for this Lady too get out of his ouse and see the face of ho is inside his house as he was not happy at all
Ayakashi's eyes widened as the demon stumbled back. She grabbed onto the designed doorway as she backed away from the pissed off man. She didn't expect the homeowner to be so agitated - and dressed - so fast. She waved a hand in front of her, trying to calm down the man. "H-hold on now, homeowner," she stuttered, trying to hold her ground. She wasn't going to leave so easily. "My special other and I saw your estate was on sale. There's a sign on the front of your castle that said so. We simply wanted to... ah, look for the homeowner! We'd like to buy this plot of land from you; we didn't mean to intrude on your privacy," she finished with an uneasy smile.
Yuri would sudently eyes wide open as she says Plot for sell....That mother-...as he would sigh and would say "Hold on a moment"He says as he would reach for a windown in the bathroom and stick his head out and yell out too the house infront "HECTOR YOU B**** STOP DOING THAT!!...THIS IS THE THIRD TIME YOU F***!!"he yells as wen he finishes would get his head back in and slamm the window close,as he would Rub his eyes and would be a moment of silens and then say "Look......Im sorry...stupid kids theas days...but mi property is not for sell Ma,am"he says politly and then would realise how he is acting and would stand straight as there were visitors in his house and he better act like he dose and would say "Sorry for mi acting but lets continue on the living room shall we?"he says as he would walk out pass beside her and make his way towards the living room
Darkness looks to the man as he walks out the door. It was him. The man from the other day. "It's you! You're the guy that I saw the other day talking to my friend on the bench by the bar. I don't know who you are..But I felt it. I know you are like us. You are a supernatural being like the rest of us aren't you." He walked to Ayakashi and put his arm around her. She was a very dependent woman, which i another reason why he loved her
Ayakashi sighed. She was hoping for the homeowner to be selling the land, but it seems that they've been tricked at the end of the day. "It's fine," she sighs, standing more upright. "I apologize for the intrusion."

Before she could follow the homeowner down towards the living room, she found herself wrapped up in Darkness's arm. She turned up to him and nuzzled him on the side of his cheek. He's so sweet, always watching out for her. "C'mon sweetie, let's not throw accusations around now," she said, tugging Darkness along towards the ornate living room.
"Its Fine Mi,Lady pleas have a seat you two"he says politly as he sits down on one of the large chairs and gestures too other chairs and look back at them as wen the man he says they are supernatural as he cant belive it as he has not seen any of a SN in long time,as he would say in a imprest tone "Yes i am....i never thought i would have found others-....wait....Proove you are supernaturals first...I whant too see"he says as he would face them as he was imprest they know he is a SN but he was not sure about them as he was alert as last time he mostly got in troubel from Ghost hunters thinking that he was posses or a demon and whanted too make sure
Darkness smiles and sits down, very surprised to see how polite the man is. He then looks over to Ayakashi and smiles. "Why don't you go first baby, Show him the real you. The Demon inside of you that I love so much!"
Ayakashi playfully punched Darkness on the shoulder. His compliments always made her feel lighthearted. "I'm glad you asked, my precious Darkness. I shall be honest with you; I haven't been able to show my true self for a while now..." she muttered with a sly smile. "This is the first time you'll see the real me."

Ayakashi fixed on her white-and-red kitsune mask over her face and stood up, facing the homeowner. The eyes holes of her mask increasingly darkened until only her crimson red irises flared through the pitch black darkness. The small black line on the mask that represented a mouth widened into a menacing teethed grin. The mask's eyebrow markings furrowed, the vicious mouth opening and closing, until the demon whipped around to face Darkness. "I'm so glad you still love me," she growled towards her lover through sharp fangs. Her voice was twisted and distorted now, stripped of any sort of soothing tones. "Unlike before, where I simply speak through an unmoving mask, my mask has taken the form of my true face. I look divine, do I not?"

With a sudden stomp of her foot, 7 shadowy tails protruded from her shadow and lashed out evenly away from her shadow. The tails knocked into the shadows of nearby tables and mirrors, knocking them up in the air and shattering them with ease. Ayakashi slowly turned around to the homeowner and bowed. "My name is Ayakashi. My host is June Shizuko, and I am a demon damned into a mask." She stood up and grinned menacingly at the man. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
(Where did Fallen go?)

(Where are you Christmas, why can't I find you?)
(I am speechless, I have a desire to know what happened but a common sense that's saying "pls stap")

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