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Fantasy American Freaks In London

(Darkness, you gotta tone it down with all the angel of death stuff, you've done this a million times, dude.)

(I was never upset to begin with, in fact, you were the one yelling. I even tried to soothe your soul with the ogrelord.)
Ayakashi shielded her eyes and backed up against the cold brick walls as the hot air rushed against her. She let down her arms as Darkness finished his transformation. She simply raised her eyebrows as she inspected the new Darkness, crossing her arms.

"And I was a fox messenger for the gods. Your new form doesn't surprise me at all, love. In fact, I think it suits you very well," she complimented with a smile. "I don't understand why you have to run away about this. You should know that Wraps is very open to abominations like us."
Darkness smiles. "Well it's not that. I want to find a place of our own because..well..I like being with you, A lot. And I'd love to just be alone with you. And also the fact that my sister hates learning about her new powers.." He sighs deeply and just falls into her arms with a hug.
Ayakashi rests her head in his chest and hugs him back. His body was comfortably warm in the chilly weather... The demon hugged him tighter. She let out a long sigh and said, "New powers... She'll learn best on her own. That's how I discovered my own powers. Don't worry about it, Darkness. I've been longing to spend more time with you, too."
(You guys do realize that Wraps is going to have anxiety because they left, right?)
(He will be fine, ull see what Im gonna do in a sec)

Darkness smiles brightly. "Come on my love, Let's go find our new home." He turns back into his normal self and gently grabs Ayakashi's warm hand. He felt happy again, She made it all seem so much easier.
Ayakashi smiled back at Darkness as she let him grab her hand. Her cheeks warmed up. She was glad to have a caring and loving man like him. The two of them walked into the street, hand-in-hand. "What place did you have in mind, my dear?" she eagerly asked.
Darkness thought as he looked around, England was a beautiful place with a lot of nice homes to live. "Well Price isn't an issue, the thing i'm contemplating is if we should bring the others with us or not, We have all been through a lot and I don't know if we should all stick together or not. What do you think sweetie?"
Ayakashi tapped her lips as she pondered about Darkness's question. "I don't have that much of a strong bond with the rest of the freakshow, but you still have a sister. I want you to invite them along, Darkness. Emarni will miss you in the future if you leave her for good," she said, staring up at him. "And if you can buy us a large estate, we can have time to ourselves while we can easily keep in touch to your kin."
"It's not OKAY! My brother hates me! I'm part freaking angel! I can read minds! When has that ever qualified as OKAY?!" Emarni crossed her arms; then, she took a deep breath and added, "You might wanna back away, Wraps. Or I might hurt you by accident. Please." She wriggled free of his grip.
Wraps gets a concerned look,

"I-I'm sorry!" He blurts out, Wraps blames himself for making Em upset. He walks over and sits on the bed,

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." He says again as he puts his head in his hands.

(Wraps is starting to get Anxiety, poor guy.)
(Emarni is a bitch. I really don't know what else to say about her. She doesn't even have a reason to be a bitch anymore. Wraps is dumb for putting up with her. Like, dude, she tried to fucking kill you. Loads of times.)

"It's not your fault." Emarni said, standing up, "It's just... I can't- NYAH!" She stamped her foot in annoyance and the window shattered.

"Crap." Emarni muttered, "That was unintentional."
(He doesn't really have anyone else to go to, just think about it.)

Wraps recoils at the window shatter,

"I-I.... I-'m so sorry." He says again, is that all he could say now,

"I'm so sorry for annoying you!" He states as his eyes start to water.
(Candy could prostitute for him)

"IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!" Emarni screamed, "STOP BLAMING YOURSELF ALL THE TIME. When it's so obviously... All my fault. You're not one causing problems here; I am. So, stop blaming yourself and start blaming me. Wait, don't blame me! I... I don't even know anymore. I'm so confused!" She was trying her hardest to calm herself down, "Wraps... Please don't blame yourself for any of this. You're wonderful."
(Ok, hold your horses there, Fallen.)

Wraps starts crying quietly,

"I'm trying; I'm trying to stop." He hugs his knees to his chest,

"E-Emarni, help!" He says softly.
(But.... Wrandy is real xD )

"Look..." Emarni sighed, "I'm... I'm sorry." She went over to him and flopped down beside him, "Hey, Wraps, don't cry. It's pathetic and it... It makes me sad. I love you and I don't wanna see you upset. I just got angry for a second there. I'm sorry."
Wraps sniffs and stops crying, his eyes are now red,

"I think I need help." He lays down next to her and snuggles up next to her,

"I hate myself, I worry about everything constantly, I want you to help!" He nuzzles his face into her shoulder. 
(No Wrandy, only Wrapsarni)
"I'm not the best person to seek help from, sweetie." Emarni said, "In case you haven't noticed, my unlife is in shambles too." She smiled sadly, "If you want help, go to Ayakashi. She'll give you some ancient Japanese wisdom." She stroked her boyfriend's hair, "Don't hate yourself."
Wraps hugs Emarni softly,

"In my life, I love you more." He croaks out; Wraps quotes songs when he's feeling emotional,

"I love you more..." He mutters again as he rests his head on Em's shoulder.
"See? It's all okay, Wraps. Emarni's here to look after you until you feel happy again." she put an arm around him, "Love you, m'kay?" She pressed a kiss to his forehead, "Now, where's the happy Wraps that I love so much? Is he gonna be making a come back today?" 
(I've got school now and then latin after, but I'll definitely be back later)

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