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Fantasy American Freaks In London

Wraps nods and steps to the side to let Darkness in,

"Yeah, she's fine, see?" He motions to her admiring the clothes that Wraps got her.
"Darkness!" Emarni beamed, "I hate you so much right now but I'm going to resist the urge to punch you because I don't wanna upset you!" Then, she returned to admiring shoes. She didn't wanna hurt her brother- he was easily hurt, being the weakling he was.
Darkness looks to his sister. "Weakling aye? I heard that. And Wraps bought you clothes huh? Hehe good job dude." He pats Wraps on the back.
Wraps smiles,

"Thanks. I'm glad that me and Em are back together." He looks over at Em.
"You are a weakling, Darkness." Emarni said, "You cry all the time. You're a big baby." She stuck her tongue out at him, "Did you want something else?"
"I am not a weakling! I get sensitive, so what. I'm one of the strongest Vampires in the world and you know that!" Darkness sticks his tongue back out at her.
Emarni rolled her eyes at him. Sensitivity was feeling bad for abandoned puppies. Crying every time someone brought up your parents was just stupid.

"Right." she said, "Like I said: what do you want, Darkness? I'm busy. With shoes and all things girly."
"I just came to make sure you were getting better. I was worried that's all" DarkNess speaks in a soft voice
"Oh." Emarni said, "Well, I'm fine now! Aside from the whole telepathy thing, it's kinda freaking me out. But I'm fine!" She smiled.
"Well good. But I do have something else to tell you. You might become an angel of death as well..im not 100% sure yet.." Darkness stares at his sister with a serious face.
Emarni thought about that for a second and started laughing.

"That's funny." she laughed, "Real funny, Darkness. Oh my god, your sense of humour is amazing!"
( -_- ) He has this look on his face. "Okay then. Here. Hold rose and then ull see." Darkness holds rose out for her to take it.
"Fine!" Emarni snapped, standing up, "Gimme the woodwork project." She snatched it from his hands, shaking it violently in her hands, "Come on, magical stick. Tell me my future or somethin'."
Rose glows in side of her hands. A white aura emits from her. This was new. It costs emarni inside. It relaxed her mind and made her mellow. The white fades and she appears a bit taller and she had white wings coming from her back.
(Wow, Emarni's going to be so happy about this -.-)

"Darkness..." Emarni said, in a dreamy voice, "What's going on? Why aren't I evil anymore?" She pouted. She liked being evil and psychotic; it was fun! Being all nice and happy was dull.

"Darkness..." she looked at him, "I don't like it..." But she couldn't be annoyed, not really. Not when she felt so incredibly powerful.
"You are still evil. You are an angel of death. You have the power of dark magic now. Your telepathy is stronger now. And so is your telekinesis . If you want to change back just think about it. And if you want to go into that form again. Well..we will need to get you a weapon and imbune it."
"I don't wanna be an angel of death!" Emarni whined, "That's your thing! I don't wanna be like you, Darkness! You're pathetic!" She burst into tears then, falling to her knees, "I don't want any of this!" She shifted back to her normal form and sobbed.
Emarni..its not like I meant for it to happen, It's in your blood, we were the next in line. I con't stop it. Do you think I wanted to be an angel of death? N0! I wanted to be a normal vampire with friends and family. Because of our abilities we lost our family. I'm sorry dammit okay?" Darkness charges out of the room slamming the door behind him
"Fine! Run away 'fraidy-cat!" Emarni snapped, "I don't need you... I don't need anyone.." She sniffed, wiping her eyes. She slumped forward onto the floor, landing on her stomach. She was going to stay here forever and ever and nobody could tell her otherwise.
Wraps comforts Emarni,

"Shh, it's ok." He picks her up and hugs her,

"Listen, ok, you're going to be fine." He reassures her,

"As long as I love you, you'll be ok, ok?" He looks into her eyes with a tender look.
((Woo back in the freakshow @KroNicc115 ))

Ayakashi sat on the edge of the windowsill, overlooking the overcast city before her. Dark rolls of clouds lazily moved across the sky as humans below the demon moved about their boring, miserable lives. She pressed her forehead against the chilly glass. "Such a depressing nation," she muttered. "Why Emarni was so excited about this country will forever be a mystery to me."

The demon gazed down at the people walking on the bleak streets, then suddenly sat up with wide eyes. She noticed Darkness storming down the road with his luggage in hand. Without hesitation, Ayakashi rushed down the stairs and out into the streets. She yanked Darkness by the back of his shirt and faced him. "And where exactly do you think you're going off to, Darkness? You are not leaving me alone with those turbulent lovers," she growled.
Darkness set his bag down and then took the backpack off of his back. "I actually grabbed your stuff too baby, I've had enough of this. We are going to find a place of our own right now." He pulls her close him him and kisses her softly. "And i'm not taking no for an answer." He smiles brightly.
Ayakashi blushes as the vampire stopped kissing him. She turned back to face the hotel, and then shifted her red eyes back to Darkness. "Did something happen? Is Wraps acting like an idiot again?" she questioned, curiously looking up at him. She wouldn't be surprised if it was; he always manages to cause trouble.
Darkness rolls his eyes. "No..Well..Ayakashi..My love. I do need to tell you something first before I explain what is going on" He pulls her into a near by alley way and sets all of the stuff down. "Dekurozu!" Rose appears into his hand. He flips her around and suddenly he becomes covered in a black aura. The air was hot and energy could be felt all around. Out came Darkness with his black wings flapping and his Deep red eyes. This was his angel form. "My love..I'm an Angel of Death." Darkness landed to the ground

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