Amber The Diceless System


Hello Operator?
Really wondering if anyone of this forum has played or even heard of the system Amber. To those that don't know it's a very minimalist system using only a few base stats(Strength, Warfare, Psyche, and Endurance). On top of that it is a multidimensional game the player's powers allowing them to go practically anywhere.

I've been in a few games myself, but they were heavily homebrewed doing away with the point auction system and adding in 4 other power sets; however, before I get any farther into that just interested to hear other people's views on it.
I've always been VERY interested in trying this game. But, I'm sorry to say I won't have the time to commit to it. I will definitely be reading it if it gets played, though.
How much have you read on it. Also the 5 great races you'd have to choose from

Fire - Artificer(Master Crafter with part of their soul in form of a tool)

Water - Shaper(Pretty similar to Lunars)

Air - Loremaster(Access the Lore of the world/universe they are in and can imprint it onto his or her self)

Earth - Amberite(Probability shift, nullify other abilities, create destinies)

Spirit - Mage(Interact with spirits and is either a Naming Mage, Ritualist, Shaman, or Priest)
I have the main book and read it through COMPLETELY once. I've read it in bits and pieces since. I love the idea of diceless, and the Amber settings seems like a really neat concept. I also really like the way the game sets up conflict so that, even though it's diceless, it's not quite as loose as freeform.
Yeah if someone is even 1-3 points heighter then you in something unless you can somehow think of a why to use a heighter stated attribute against it you're pretty well screwed. Oh also the honebrew in my area added in another stat.

Acumen - Pretty much where psyche is strength acumen is warfare. Mental judo.
Personally I've only ever played as a mage, but I have local friends who understand the system like the back of their hand. If enough people show interest I might try and run a game, but I would make sure to get their expert help on it.
I've never read the RPG, but I read the first 6 books in the series and really liked the setting. I might toss my hat in the ring for this if the interest is there.

Edit: Looks like the PDF is about 12.00USD, which would be doable. Count me interested.
Don't worry I haven't read the books either. Also I wouldn't bother shelling out for the main book. With the homebrew I'd be using you wouldn't need much from the book. Honestly better off searching for rules and such. I know that the wiki is pretty detailed.
I briefly played a meatspace game of Amber, but the GM was not all that up on the system, so although it was interesting, it up and fizzled and died before we could really get into the meat and bones of the system. My character was a shape-shifter/enchanter type.

Captain Hesperus
That is one issue with Amber in an Online setting. It would be a bit hard to do the mental components to make all the powers work. Since in most cases with Amber you go in with little to no understanding of how anything really works, but if it got a bit more interest I'd be willing to set this thing rolling.

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