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Realistic or Modern Amalgam, an original rp. (In-Search for Long-Term and Active Partners)

Kameron Esters-

Fear my godly wrath!
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello, My name is Kameron Esters I'm about to turn 20 sometime this years. I've been roleplaying for the better of 6 years and I am currently looking for active, long-term partners for an original plot I had in mind but a few things you need to know:

1. Please be 18+ as some of the content in these original plots are very mature.
2. Communication is very vital in and out of rp. If you're gonna be gone for awhile please let me know and such so I'm not just waiting. And in terms of in-rp, if there's on your mind feel free to address them in a friendly manner. Every roleplayer is and idealist, so fill free to say what you're thinking.
3. I don't mind playing as secondary characters as I often find them almost as enjoyable as playing as primary characters.
4. I believe in both quality and quantity, but I only require 1-2 paragraphs though. If you wanna do more, you most certainly can. Be as descriptive as you can, but don't push yourself if nothing comes to mind.
5. Grammar. Is not a big issue for me as we all make mistakes. Just go back and fix them. Plain and simple for me.

Another thing, for any roleplayers that have certain characters they're looking to use in a roleplay, you are most certainly welcome to use them here. Now for the plot I have in mind (Note: This might come off as incomplete and/or ridiculous but I want as much creative freedom as we can to make world-building and story telling that much better.)

"In Las Animas, Colorado...The county, not the city. Though I live in the city, I'm currently in the county. For what reason? Thank you for asking, but I cannot say. In Las Animas County, Colorado, a young man is held at gun point in a...a...Darn, where am I? Oh wait, a parking lot! I'm in a parking lot!...Darn it, you weren't supposed to know I was narrating...Ok! In Las Animas County, Colorado, a young man who is, I, the nararator is being held at gun point by two police officeerrrrsss...Ok, um, these two cops right here are having it awkwad right here. Here let me paint the picture. Ok there's a car infront of me ,right.? One on each side. On the right side (my right, his left) the first has is holding his gun sideways, his head leaning to one side, his bottom lip puckered out, his legs spread out, and is pulling up the crotch of his pants. Now the other police officer has his gun sideways too, only difference is, he looks like he's about to drop some dude than shoot one. Hell, this man is pulling up the side of his pants, yet he's wearing a belt! Why would you need to pull up your pants when you are wearing a belt?! But! I digress. It doesn't even help that these two cops are white and I'm Hispanic. So I don't even know why they're even doing this, but it won't matter; cause what you're about to witness is sheer badassery. Watch as time resumes as I literally just stopped it just to narrate."

The two police officers fire at the same time only for the swipe of a sword, to cut through their bullets. Everything is quite for a moment before blood gushes out from the their necks and the fall down. Their entire car has a noticeable clean cut through it aswell. The person wielding the sword returns it to its sheath and makes his way out the parking lot. This young man is wearing prescribed tennis shoes for the elderly, black jeans, a beige shirt with a design of snake coiled around an eagle, a brown jacket, a pair of cyclist shades, and long raven-like hair with a single fringe.

"My name is Modesto, and yes, I cut two bullets, two cops, and police car before they cold even blink."

Modesto makes it to the middle of the road and as soon as he does he sees a blue armored vehicle with a turret speeding towards him aswell as a helicopter following behind it. Modest simply turns towards their direction. Slowly draws his sword again and holds it in the air. The armored vehicle is closing in on him and just as the it's about to collide with his body, he swings the word down in a lazy cut; and two fiery halves fly past him.

"And yes, I just cut an armored pseudo-tank...in half"

The helicopter begins firing at Modest but misses every shot. Modesto looks up at the helicopter and draws his sheath from his pants loop, then chucks it at the helicopter like a spear. The sheathe impales the helicopter and it explodes. Modesto looks at the fiery spectacle before him before raising his free hand in the air and catching the smoking sheath.

"And yes, I speared a helicopter with my sheathe and yes, my hand is now suffering from 3rd degree burns."

Modesto sheathes his sword and puts the smoking sheathe back into his pants loop. He turns the other direction, puts his hands in his pockets, and begins to walk down the empty road to nowhere.

"And yes, the Sun has a face...Of a baby"

And just like Modesto said, the sun does have a face of a newborn infant as it smiles at nothing.
The plot itself will start off being character centric and shifting to our liking, as multiple plotlines can happen as I'm all for new adventures and such. If this seems like a type of rp you would like to try, let me know. And I only require only a few partners to rp for this story.

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