
Roleplay Availability
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Curious Kurona submitted a new role play. @Curious Kurona, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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    This is the character sign up sheet, but first heres the couples activites to be scheduled -most are basically dates, for the getting along part of the program, others are actual activites and challenge like stuff- (choose at least three)
    • cooking together
    • Fancy dinner
    • scary movies
    • 1000 peice puzzle and a pizza
    • sole a mystery together
    • board games
    • mario kart (wow no ones gonna get along in this one im calling it) (#how much do you love me #not enough to let you win)
    • movie night
    • writing poems for eachother
    • kareoke (pretty sure i spelled that wrong but you know the singing thing)
    • face your fears together
    • trust triathalon (just a series of trust excercies)
    • baby simulation (like that thing in shows where the highschool students take care of a 'baby' thats a sack of flour)
    • chores, domestic life
    • museum visit
    • park outing
    • beach outing

    Here's the character sign up sheet!~ (you dont actually have to put the stuff in the parenthesis by the way, just go 'Name:___' and thats it when youre filling it out)
    • Name:
    • Age:
    • Why you need an arranged marrige (money, parents wishes, publicity, millions of options get creative!~) :
    • Sexuality:
    • Would you be willing for your character to be arranged to someone of the same sex/gender? (i mean we might have an odd number of girls and guys so id like to know if thats okay in advance) :
    • looks (can be pic -anime or real- or description) :
    • likes:
    • dislikes:
    • fears:
    • Are they willing or Unwilling? (are they okay? Like have they accepted it and might be even eager to do this whole thing, or is someone making them and theyre upset and grumbly and uncooporative?) :
    • Personality (just like a general character description you know, are they quiet, charismatic, annoying, tell us about yourself):
    • History/backstory
    • What activities are they scheduled for? :
    • Anything you'd like to add:


Riley Monfort



Why you need an arranged marriage:

"My dad did something stupid...well I guess it's my fault in the first place but now my family needs to keep up the image of wealth and fame..were losing our money fast and I started it all so I need to fix it."



Would you be willing for your character to be arranged to someone of the same sex/gender?:

Totally wouldn't mind! ^.^ I'm definitely willing too~.




~ The rain

~ Having a good time (a.k.a. Partying!)

~ Breaking the rules (Sadly he has never tried it before, just likes the idea of it)

~ Stuffed animals (Just cause there soft and cute..)

~ Anything that involves horror


~ Controlling people

~ Chores

~ Lying/Liars

~ Being fooled/deceived


~ Water (Can't swim)

~ Arthur Kennel (Read his History!)

Are they willing or Unwilling?:

He went here willingly. He knows it's important but he hates the fact that he has to be here. Though he won't complain; he got his family into this mess anyway.


Riley is the type of guy that's distant at first but once you get to know him he's sweet and nice. He has had a few things go on in the recent past which leads him to now being more cautious around people and even a little fidgety. Riley is somewhat of a flirt but he calls it harmless fun and usually only does it to lighten the mood. He is extremely well-mannered and nice but when he doesn't feel safe around someone he tends to keep a huge distance from them though tries to not make it obvious for he doesn't want to be rude. Riley is a terrible liar but tends not to try anyway. He is a really nice guy and loves to listen. The last thing on his mind is his himself; he's stubborn and impatient but tries to worry about others though knows when to keep to himself.


Riley was raised in a wealthy family of bankers. Yep bankers. His father owns many banks and his mother is a fashion designer who has many glorious lines of clothing. Being an only child he was pressured by his father to be the best at everything and pressured by his mother to be the perfect child she could boast about at soiree's. Riley was the perfect child his parents were proud of and that could do no harm until the age of 15 when he came out of the closet to his parents. That was his first mistake he had made and finally something his parents could be disappointed in. It felt terrible. To be the only child that your parents could think about disowning and couldn't look at anymore.

But there attitude changed when Riley was around the age of 17 and started dating a college student named, Arthur Kennel, who so happened to be the son of a wealthy family who owned many construction companies. There family practically built the whole city! and as for a bonus the family had powerful connections. Riley's relationship went well. His parents were proud of him again and he loved getting to know Arthur's side of the family. Arthur was a really sweet guy or so it seemed. Riley never knew what he did wrong but Arthur just started being really possessive and controlling; it was a bit to much for Riley. Riley soon figured out that Arthur had quite the temper; they always fought, argued, and Arthur wasn't the type to give space. There was always questioning, betrayal, and back-stabbing; Riley grew to hate Arthur. Finally Riley had enough and broke it off with Arthur though the mistake he made was doing it in person instead of calling or texting; Riley left that night with a black eye though he's not one to hold grudges.

So Arthur was finally out of his life but that didn't please his parents very well; what with the money and trust they could have earned in the future. Though there was a problem that arose in the families financial issues. They've never had any money trouble before but after signing a contract with the 'Kennel Construction Company' his father's business plummeted quickly; apparently his father signed off the rights to the Kennel family, the family withdrew money from the business every month and let's just say they were greedy. There mother's fashion line couldn't hold them up forever so he got sent away. Riley started it so he is the one that has to fix it. It's a pain but he can't let his family crumble like this.

What activities are they scheduled for? :

~ Scary Movies

~ Cooking Together

~ Trust Triathlon

~ Board Games

Anything you'd like to add:

Riley is acepted!~ 
Im too tired to post my character right now, making this was a lot of typing already, but ill post it first chance tomorrow!
  • Name: Kira Bacia (pronounced Bah-she-ah)
  • Age: 19
  • Why you need an arranged marrige: Her older sister (who made most of the money) died
  • Sexuality: Homosexual
  • Would you be willing for your character to be arranged to someone of the same sex/gender?: Yes :D
  • Looks:

  • Likes: Cats, the color blue, peace, video games, books, music (rock, metal, pop-rock, and, occasionally, rap), silence, neat people, strawberry smoothies, singing
  • Dislikes: Dogs, people who wake her up, getting up early, people who question her about her piercings, jazz music, loud people, things that smell bad, messy people
  • Fears: Getting a terminal illness, getting murdered, drowning, dying in general.
  • Are they willing or Unwilling?: Unwilling
  • Personality: She's really quiet, in contrast to her loud appearance. She loves to read and play video games. She has extreme paranoia and is somewhat bipolar. She prefers to stay away from people, which is why she hated it when her parents forced her to get an arranged marriage. If you somehow get to know her, you'll find that she is very sweet and kind. She has a crude sense of humor, though. She's also an insomniac.
  • History/backstory: She was born into an okay family; her parents made the money, while she and her older sister were just normal children. As she grew up, she gained a love for reading, which usually made her at the top of her English classes. She hated loving horror stories, as they would always intrigue her enough to read them and gain nightmares. She got her first piercing when she was thirteen, which got her bullied. When she was fourteen, her mother died. When she was fifteen, her father remarried. She figured out her sexual orientation when she was sixteen, which caused her to break up with her boyfriend. Her parents weren't thrilled, but they supported her. Her sister was actually very happy. However, when she was eighteen, her sister had terminal cancer. She died a few months later. Since her parents were out of work, and her sister was dead, she had to either get an extremely high-paying job (which was unlikely), or marry someone who had lots of money. Her parents chose the latter.
  • What activities are they scheduled for?: Mario Kart, Karaoke, Museum Visit, and Park Outing
  • Anything you'd like to add: She has three cats
Here's my character!~ (ill also be acting as the people that work there, not really characters but if an announcement needs to be made by the chairman or something ill do it, plus ill do the orientation speech when we start but thats pretty much it, this is my actual character!~)

Name:Jim Allock

Age: 19

Why you need an arranged marrige: His paremnts wishes / for publicity (explained in th history part)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Would you be willing for your character to be arranged with someone of the same sex/gender? Yes!~

Looks: Dark curly/wavy hair, scrawny, 5'4, straight teeth!~ (just got braces taken off. haha nerd)

Likes: Snails, octopi, jellyfish, dragpons, mermaids, soft things, cute things, superheros, wonderwoman, wonderwomans awesome muscles, books, cooking, stories, books, alone time, quiet, sleeping, daydreaming, going to the park, thinking, just sitting and being quiet, helping people, being helpful

Dislikes: Rude people, especially those rude to people in the service industry come on man, confrontation, CONFRONTATION, yelling, when people are angry or upset with him, big loud scary/obnoxious things, having to take the initiative in things, making decisions, harsh people, mean people, being helpless

Fears: Heights, Claustrophobic, bugs, cant handle scary movies but can handle scary books which he reads all the time, i dunno i guess its not as scary when your not actually seeing it so hes fine with scary books

Are they willing or unwilling: Hes a hopless romantic so hes kinda disapointed that hes has to get an arranged marrige, but he will aquiesce

Personality: Hes a coward, he hates confrontation, a pushover, never one to take charge, fidgety. Kind of likes being told what to do, but not in a masochist way, he just thinks its so much easier. Like, if someone tells you what to do, thats it you do what they told you to and thats it everyones happy. if youre just following orders then you dont have to worry about making mistakes and doing the wrong thing right? it takes the anxiety out of everything, cause you wont mess up and do the wrong thing if youre just doing what your told how your told when your told, its reassuring that everythings okay. He loves helping people and being helpful, he'll do favors and stuff for people without being asked and just loves helping out and being good, kind of agoody two shoes. he gets scared easily and it dosent take a lot to get him to cry, like he wont cry just cause you called him a name, but hes never seen a disney movie and not cried you know? hes like, easily moved, puppy eyes work on him. hes gullible. he likes games. he hates being yelled at. it dosent matter who you are or what he did, if you yell at him he'll cry, he dosent like yelling. even if your not yelling at him, he just really dosent like yelling and will have to leave the room. Hes also really indecisive.

History/backstory: His parents are rich, owners of the post famous publishing company (which is why he reads a lot). Hes not exactly on bad terms with his parents, the time they spend together is pleasant, but he dosent see them often. Lucky for his parents, thier goosy two shoes pushover kid never went through the 'rebelious teenager' phase, but they di get a shock when he came out as pansexual. They decided that they could use it to their advantage though, as a way to say that their company supports the LGBT community. they got a lot of publicity for it and were the face of support for a while, but its died down and now they're looking for another big stunt, so they're making him get married to a boy for more publicity so they can be all ''oh we're so proud of our gay-'' ''mom im actually panse--'' ''whatever, lgbt son!~'' and stuff. hes kind of upset but would never dream of going against them and dosent want to make a scene or anything, so hes just going along with it and trying to make the best of the situation.

What activities are they scheduled for?: cooking together, scary movies, park outing, museum visit, chores/domestic life

Anything you'd like to add: nah thats it. 
Kira is accepted!~ 
Kira is accepted!~
  • Name: Maime (pronounced may-me) Needham
  • Age: eighteen
  • Why you need an arranged marrige: Her parents, while they approved of her sexuality, didn't like the choices she made in girls.
  • Sexuality: lesbian and proud :D
  • Would you be willing for your character to be arranged to someone of the same sex/gender?: yes, actually preferred :3
  • Looks:
    ( *updated* realized I said she likes hair dye and the picture I had didn't even have dyed hair oops.)
  • Likes: loud music, sarcasm, books, dark colors, dying her hair, people who are similar to her, and lizards (she's always wanted one)
  • Dislikes: rules, people who make fun of her, math/science, teachers, and being questioned
  • Fears: not knowing where she belongs, being alone, oblivion
  • Are they willing or Unwilling?: unwilling
  • Personality: Her personality constantly changes depending on who she's around. Around her family and strangers she tends to be the quiet, shy, bookish girl she was raised as. The people she knows well know her true side - loud, sarcastic, sometimes rude, and always breaking the rules.
  • History/backstory: She lived a fairly normal childhood, though she moved around a lot because of her dad's career in the military. Her mom worked as an English professor and early on, she developed a love for words. She tended to surround herself in fiction rather than reality and often got bullied for it. All throughout elementary and middle school, she put up with relentless teasing for being "the quiet one", so the summer before her ninth grade year she decided to change. She became much more rebellious and started going against what her parents said to make herself look "cooler". Even after doing that, she still got bullied because of various things. She became depressed and lonely, though still craved rebellion, which is why she was sent to AMA.
  • What activities are they scheduled for?: cooking, trust triathlon, board games, park outing
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Maime is accepted!~ but heads up, i think you forgot to fill out the personality part ^^;
[QUOTE="Curious Kurona]Maime is accepted!~ but heads up, i think you forgot to fill out the personality part ^^;

Oh oops! I'll fix that hahaha
  • Name: Saturn
  • Age: 19
  • Why you need an arranged marriage : Parents believe it's the way their generation should go..
  • Sexuality: Female
  • Would you be willing for your character to be arranged to someone of the same sex/gender? (i mean we might have an odd number of girls and guys so id like to know if that's okay in advance) : If at all possible, please, no.
  • looks (can be pic -anime or real- or description ) : picture
  • likes: horses, music, swimming, playing nerdy games on the computer, playstation, ect.
  • dislikes: other's that are not trust worthy.
  • fears: being vulnerable
  • Are they willing or Unwilling? (are they okay? Like have they accepted it and might be even eager to do this whole thing, or is someone making them and they're upset and grumbly and uncooporative?) : In the middle, both hoping for the best, and wishing she had a choice.
  • Personality (just like a general character description you know, are they quiet, charismatic, annoying, tell us about yourself): Shy and skittish, but will surprise with her loyalty. She is smart, and willing to take the time to understand anyone, no matter their situation.
  • History/backstory: Will reveal in the RP
  • What activities are they scheduled for? : Park outing, cooking together, scary movie, face your fears together.
  • Anything you'd like to add: let me know if I need to change something!
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/alone-girl-guitar.jpg.55165143d114b8b8916d7b8d501d995b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12773" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/alone-girl-guitar.jpg.55165143d114b8b8916d7b8d501d995b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • alone-girl-guitar.jpg
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  • Name: Sylvester “Silver” Warner

  • Age: 18

  • Why you need an arranged marriage: Older sister doesn't think he can handle life alone because of his suicidal tendencies and sensitive heart.

  • Sexuality: Bisexual

  • Would you be willing for your character to be arranged to someone of the same sex/gender?: If you wish.

  • looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_m10dzjkNIN1rnyp78o1_500.jpg.6239b54bbda5a9566a198d1578b49d21.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12788" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_m10dzjkNIN1rnyp78o1_500.jpg.6239b54bbda5a9566a198d1578b49d21.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • likes: -coffee -photography -sushi -veggies -not talking -watching/studying people -movies -clothing -books -being alone -cats

  • dislikes: -crowds -judgement -special attention -the dark -junk food -feet

  • fears: -being surrounded by people -darkness -heights -rejection -dogs

  • Are they willing or Unwilling?: Silver isn't really a people person, and he is not looking forward to starting a life with someone else. However, he feels unlovable and know this may be the only way for him to have a relationship.

  • Personality: Sylvester is known as the typical shy guy everywhere he goes. He has always been a deep-thinker ever since he was a young toddler, and he has a habit of daydreaming for hours. Silver loves to watch and study people, and he has a deep love for psychological ideals and reasoning. His imagination is rich and his brain is curious. Silver is often viewed as mysterious and childish. Though he is strange, his innocence is impossible to ignore. Sylvester is similar to a small fuzzy animal, like a puppy. Not only is he short and owns a “baby face”, but Silver also very sensitive to human reactions and never tries to cause harm to others on purpose. He is clumsy, and his gullible nature can often lead him to follow a bad crowd. He is very sweet and lovable, once you accept his silent, observant, secretive ways. He loves being around loud, outgoing people, so he doesn't get much attention. He usually disappears if the crowd is too large. He has terrible self-image and confidence.

  • History/backstory: Sylvester grew up in abusive, single-parent home. He never knew his mother, so his older sister was always a mother figure to him. He has attempted suicide three times, and the last one was almost successful. His sister is afraid for him to live on his own, so she set him up for marriage, hoping someone will be able to love and care for his innocent soul.

  • What activities are they scheduled for? : movie night, chores, cooking together, board games

  • Anything you'd like to add: Sylvester always has his camera with him at all times.



  • tumblr_m10dzjkNIN1rnyp78o1_500.jpg
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Hi everyone!~ Sorry this hasnt been active, i kinda had to go to the hospital and yeah that took a bit, but im back now and, as i dont think we'll be getting anymore characters and its always open anyways, do you think we should start soon? All i have to do is put up the pairing sheet and we can get started, what do you think, are we ready?
I'll get to finishing the pairing sheet, but i think we're just about ready, yeah! So we'll just start as everyone is seated listening to the orientation speech and everyone goes to their rooms from there? I think thats a good place to start. 
Okay! Im about to post the pairings sheet in the Role Play Overview tag!~ Im gonna put it there cause if we get new members I can just update that list at the front and stuff yeah its a lot easier I think. Okay well yeah im gonna go do that!~ 
I put Maime and Kira together cause they both like girls so that one was easy, but Saturn wanted to be with a guy, and none of the guys were straight but Jim is Pan and Sylvester is Bi, so they were options, but I decided on pairing Saturn with Sylvester cause he needs someone to take care of him and Saturn's descrition says that shes loyal and caring and stuff, so there we go, and then Jim and Riley both like guys so that works out too!~ Well that's it!~ (The real pairing list is still on the first tag, this is just my reasoning behind the pairs!~) Sorry if you didn't get the person you wanted, but I figured that this was the best way!~ So, those are the pairings, I'll make an opening post that sets the scene and stuff and make the orientation speech, and then yeah!~ Thats it!~

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