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Fandom (Always Open) Fallout: The Iron Wasteland


Three Thousand Club
Character Sheet


Appearance: (If you can't find a good photo that isn't overused, try your hand at putting the description of your character in words)

(Total 30 Points)








Bio: (Preferably short and sweet)

Possessions: (Preferably nothing too amazeballs)
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Character Sheet

Name/Nickname/Alias: Issac Iekat/Issy/[self given.] Dark knight.


except the blue shirt is white.
(Total 30 Points)

Strength: 4.

Perception: 4.

Endurance: 4.

Charisma: 4

Intelligence: 5.

Agility: 6.

Luck: 3.

Bio: (Preferably short and sweet like your dick. Trololollolololol.)

He was raised by his family. At the age of 7 his father gave him his own combat knife and trained him the ways of melee combat. He would be trained everyday at dawn for five or three hours, until the age of 11 when his father died from radiation poisoning. His mother got Ill and he took care of her until the age of 22, when she passed away due to the lack of medical supplies. He buried his parents and had to leave his home. He trained himself everyday in stealth techniques to survive the world, often mainly running, agility, and quickly sliding over rubble if need be, in his personal training zone he designated that was all rubble. He also raised rubble as weights but eventually succumbing to a wound and having to stop for a couple of months. He left the zone, and is devoted to helping people, however if need be or he sees someone as a threat. He will attempt to attack them first should they become aware of his presence.

Possessions: (Preferably nothing too amazeballs. Because too much means you don't have any balls.) Combat knife, Sweater-vest.
Name/Nickname/Alias: Benji "Augur" Augustus


Strength: 4 - Scrawny, but accustomed to lugging heavy ordnance

Perception: 6 - Senses remain sharp, despite often-distorted perceptions of reality

Endurance: 8 - Highly resistant to pain, worryingly difficult to stop once set on a course of action

Charisma: 1 - Inarticulate at the best of times, prone to fits of offensive and/or pseudoreligious babbling

Intelligence: 3 - Uneducated on topics that do not involve chems, IEDs, or macramé

Agility: 3 - Years of chem use has left nerves jerky and imprecise

Luck: 5 - Probably just lucky to be alive at this point

Bio: No particular single event can be considered to be the root cause of Augur's mania. A lifetime spent in wastelands devoid of law or reason, where death is a constant companion and trauma is the spice of life. In an attempt to cope, he turned to religion, drugs, and madness (not necessarily in that order). Not currently a part of any official raider bands, but has drifted in and out of them as necessary, and may be personally responsible for the destruction of one or two, which he insists was purely accidental. Nowadays typically cruises for chems and ammunition, but paradoxically has no trouble getting along with strangers provided they stay and listen to his (post-)apocalyptic rambling.


-Gas Mask, mostly functional. Modified with an injector for quick chem use

-Various explosives, including an RPG-7 and some bottlecap mines

-Some makeshift torso armor, more intended to protect himself from shrapnel than enemy attacks

-Pre-war fur coat (for cold climates)

-Steel knuckles and other fist weapons

-Some stimpacks, painkillers and gauze

-A positively staggering amount of chems, both standard and new ones he's hybridized and invented himself
Ray Irving

  • Total=30

    Strength: 7

    Perception: 4

    Endurance: 5

    Charisma: 3

    Intelligence: 4

    Agility: 5

    Luck: 2

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Pat said:
Character Sheet


Appearance: (If you can't find a good photo that isn't overused, try your hand at putting the description of your character in words)

(Total 30 Points)








Bio: (Preferably short and sweet)

Possessions: (Preferably nothing too amazeballs)
I'll make my character momentarily.
Pat said:
Character Sheet


Appearance: (If you can't find a good photo that isn't overused, try your hand at putting the description of your character in words)

(Total 30 Points)








Bio: (Preferably short and sweet)

Possessions: (Preferably nothing too amazeballs)
Name: Joseph Rodin

Appearance: Blond, Brown eyes, 5'7, Soldier-like posture, handsome, not-muscular, but lean.

Strength: 4

Perception: 7

Endurance: 5

Charisma: 5

Intelligence: 7

Agility: 5

Luck: 3

Bio: Joseph was born into a family that lived in a cabin in the middle of no where, they had some neighbors, and largely stayed secluded. However, his parent's ancestors were Liberals, as such, Joseph had been taught to accept ghouls, and blacks. And the like. Throughout his life he saw the events that had gone on in the area, and began to really know that War Never Changes. He is kind, but quite a bit of a smart-ass. He struggles with Nihilistic thoughts about life, despite having been raised a Unitarian Universalist. He dated a girl turned ghoul for a period of his life, from the time he was 18 to the time he was 22. They were deeply in love. However, after an incident with radiation, she was irradiated. And she was being persecuted, so she forced herself into exile. From this he became heartbroken. His family still resides in the same little community. He is now 24.

Possessions: A Clean pre-war shirt, along with pre-war pants. And a change of those in his satchel. Aswell as a suit of leather armor. He has a 10 MM pistol and hunting rifle, aswell as kitchen knife that he carries with him. Rarely does he use them. He has 2 stimpaks, some food, and a rad-away.
AGustOfWind said:
I'll make my character momentarily.
Jesus Christ Goku. I'm trying to keep this thread clear of non-character sheet messages. If you have to say anything, we have an OCC for that.
Name/nickname: Allen Vendell (The Masked Stranger)

  • latest

    Height: 6ft 2in

    He has brown short hair brown eyes he has scars and burns all over his chest and face he is missing his right eye and part of his flesh where his mouth is on his left.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.94308b5de76dfc0fe9ebd35aff94bf8e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149343" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.94308b5de76dfc0fe9ebd35aff94bf8e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Micheal "Killshot" Avery

Faction: Himself

(Total 30 Points)

Strength: 5







Yes, he is a ghoul.

Bio: Born before the Great War, Michael lived a simple life with his parents until the bombs fell. In the wake of the apocalypse, his family was murdered by scared survivors. He took several jobs over the years, until becoming a rouge outlaw in several parts of the Iron wasteland, which he is to this day.


- 9mm Pistol (New Vegas)

- Cowboy Repeater

- Bowie Knife

- One picture album from before the war.

- 135 caps.​



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