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Fantasy (ALWAYS ACCEPTING) Αιώνια Νύχτα; an adventure between men and angels


One Thousand Club
And for the first time the race of men were able to look upon the wings of 'angels'. Traditional lore in the cities, although ranging from winged beasts that sang soldiers to their gory deaths to the grace of angels that blessed one human as a guardian. It wasn't until now that these myths became a reality, and the race of men (bridging on the verge of a war that could shake the earth to its core) uncovered the creatures of the sky lands.

Old sketches depicted roughly three tribes of angels,

First, the angels of the high cliffs. These are terrifying, and somewhat mystical, beings; tall, graceful, and beautiful. Their wings span massive lengths, and they may be the 'biggest' as well as the most regal. In their elder years they are wise guardians, as opposed to strong warriors. The tales of guardian angels most likely originate from elders with abilities beyond natural means. Usually blonde or fair colors that blend with the clouds and stone, which they have carved into elaborate houses. They have a definite hierarchy.

Second, the angels of the darkness. They travel primarily by night, unable to see in the light particularly well; nocturnal and allegedly demonic. They resemble night-like creatures, owls and bats and shadows in the night. Possibly outcasted angels long polluted by the greed to rule the race of man, or merely cast out by their nocturnal behavior. They usually incite the stories of children snatched in the night, or herds of sheep slaughtered and picked, and even the occasional shadow creeping through the night sky. Usually darker colors, live in the sides of mountains or beneath them in caves and elaborately hidden caverns.

Third, angels of the forest. There is less of a 'one size fits all' with these angels. They are the rarest to come by, but the most common in breed. Most of these have dull colored wings, depending on the forest they inhabit, but there were once brilliantly colored angels in the tropics; but likely died of hunting in the habitat or from the native tribes. There is little indication they ever existed, spare the legends of the most distant removed tribes of men. The two most common variations of forest angels;

burrowers; the smallest angels, never growing to be bigger than young children. They have the softest feathers and the most delicate skillsets. They can hardly be detected, with such a quiet tread and quick speed. They usually burrow and hibernate during winters, thus the name. Staple ways to recognize other than size is soft neutral tones, curly hair, cherubic features. Although their location is unknown, they have been rumored to have an underground network leading to a central home.

woodland; slightly larger angels, extremely dull wing colors with dark earthy skin tones. Gather around the water, travel in small packs; useful hunters, and by far the most commonly found. While burrowers are hardly heard of, they are the 'staple' kind of angel; about the size of a normal human, possibly a little smaller than average. Are more rogue than these other angels, and tend to migrate as a nomadic clan when men travel near. They have the ability to grow winter feathers, but prefer to avoid the mass deforestation when men need firewood.

All of these angels are said to held mystic powers, powers of the gods, and abilities that could (if enslaved and harnessed) create enough power to give one section of men control of the world. The great kings believe the angels of the sky harness the power of the sun, the dark angels the power of the moon and the stars, and the forest angels the power of the earth and the spirits.

... And that is when the war between angels and men started...
Starlord stood at the edge of the highest cliff, the wind gently touching his skin. Each feather on his out-reached wings bent slightly under the wind.
Apollo was getting his annual nap in his cave, listening to the crows that flew around his cave make a loud noise occasionally. The shine of the moon woke him up from his slumber as it shone against his eyes. He moaned as he stood up and stretched out, making his black wings look bigger than usual. Yawning, he walked out from his cave and looked over at he amazing view of the city. He gazed at the city for awhile, glancing up at the sky and thinking about his mother. He quickly snapped out of it and flew off towards the sky, hovering over the bad part of the city and scanning to see if there were any humans he could kill tonight. @The Reaper Of Souls

As Apollo was flying above the bad neighborhood, he decided that he could really get more work done if he flew above the forest. If there were any camps full of humans then it would really quicken up the pace. He swooped to the other direction and quickly flew as low as the top of the trees. Slightly hovering above, be began his search. He finally saw a very small girl. He couldn't tell if it was a human that just wondered into the woods or a burrower. From how easily it could be to take a soul from a little girl in the forest, he decided to take that opportunity. Tucking his large black raven-like wings close to his body, he made sure his wings wouldn't get or bump into any trees, just in case she started to run. He landed on one of the thicker branches. It made a lot of noise, but Apollo didn't mind it. Sometimes it's more fun of they're scared. @TheHarlequinnCat
@No More Galaxies

The small burrower had been walking in complete silence, her little green cape giving away her location to the sky beast. All three feet and nine inches of her body drew back in immediate shock at the prior sounds of the wings getting closer, and the massive tree branch resulted in her immediate panic response. As she had been known to in a situation like this, she ran, except she was far quicker than a girl would have been. In fact, that speed was remarkably quick, and not to mention she bounced from foot to foot in a zig zag so she could not be captured easily. He must've figured something was interesting about her, because she was followed, and as soon as she felt cornered she let out the most blood-curdling high pitched shriek; it sounded like a whistle of sorts the note was so far off the grand scale. This was her alert for trouble, to call a kin her tribe to help her; which translated to any winged beast, although the intense high frequency was deafening at close proximity, men went deaf after being in front of her. Their ears would bleed and they would feel as though they were going insane and pins scraped the insides of their hide. However, to an angel, it would be more distressing on a primal level and irritating.
Apollo saw the small girl dash away, only this wasn't any ordinary run. She ran so fast that she almost became a blur. He smirked, knowing that she was a burrower, as he flew up above the trees and sped towards her direction. His wings flapped so vigurously that you could hear it beat in the air from a mile away. She was so fast that he was starting to lose her. He had no choice but to fly down lower to the trees. He swooped down, dodging and weaving through the trunks and branches. Apollo was just within arms reach before his wing hit a tree, completely putting him off balance. He crashed to the ground hard. His left wing had gotten stuck in a bundle of branches, and he quickly tried to get up and pull it out. It was no use though. He saw her dart away before he finally heard her distress call. "Damn burrower..." He cursed under his breath. The trapped angel didn't want to make a scene by catching the branches on fire. Ashamed of himself for letting her get away, he grunted as he continued to pull on his wing. @TheHarlequinnCat
@No More Galaxies

The burrower hopped on its most nimble feet to safety, and watched the bigger winged beast struggle with his dilemma. After quite some time, as she had watched him struggle, she crept out of her hiding place. "Are you in need of any assistance?" Her voice sounded like tinkling wind chimes in a summer breeze, her massive green eyes deeply cautious, and her wings poised for flight. She had been able to hear his distress, and her alarming cry had sent out the indication for her people to hide wherever they may be in the forest. She wasn't the only burrower with this talent, they all did it to locate danger throughout the woods over a distance of many many miles. It had become a communication, the easiest to recognize of their long ancient tongue of chirps, clicks, and squeaks; little trills and songs without any words. It was an entire language devised throughout the forest, so far developed that the burrowers were the most rare of all angels. The tactic was incredibly clever, but humans thought such small 'domestic' winged creatures to be easily enslaved, a lovely little songbird, and the closest link to the possibility of a domestic angel.
Apollo was struggling to get his wing free from the branches, but everytime he seemed to pull the branches would get even more tangled. His anger started to get the best of him as his eyes starting glowing blood red. He quickly looked over at the small woman as she faintly offered to help. "I GOT IT!!" He barked, his eyes shining even brighter in the dark forest. He gave it one last pull before all of the branches snapped and half of the trees roots pulled up from the ground. Part of the wing was scratched from the tugging, small drops of blood dripping on the dirt. A few large black feathers lightly dropped to the ground. Apollo looked at his wing in disgust. "You're a skilled hunter for dark angels, and you made yourself bleed in front of a small burrower," he thought to himself. The blow from his fall and his anger started to make him dizzy. A small moan escaped from his mouth, getting down one knee, he closed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair. "Coward..." @TheHarlequinnCat
@No More Galaxies

Gina-Meiri stayed very still, as though that would ease the parting blow of rejection. She was very alert, acknowledging his pain as well as his shame. "I am the only one here, do you want help?"

(sorry it's short i'm in a super major rush)
Apollo knew that he needed help. He needed to take a lot more souls before sunrise. His wing just had a few scratches, but his energy was drained from his outburst and the pulling of the tree. Plus, he knew that he would never catch her even if he wanted to. She seemed like a gentle angel. I just tried to kill her, and she still wants to help me? Apollo knew that other borrowers would be coming to help her soon, so he leaned back on a tree and accepted. His red eyes faded back to his regular blue as he took a deep breath in and calmed down. "Sure..."

(It's alright!)


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