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One x One ALTERNATE UNIVERSE WITH PHEONIX: if the strawhats universe were in school

Mihawke sighed. “As you can’t tell I live here. You missed a spot.and you” he said looking at Kiri on his arm and wiggles her off his arm making her slide off. “Don’t you have homework?” “Done” “training?” Done” “meditation?” There was silence and a stare down and a groan as she went back inside. Mihawke sighs. “She is worse then monks near rats.”

Law found her and sighs..he went over and hugged her. “Listen..I’m gonna sign up for a graduation earl degree and sign you up for home schooling. I can tell you’re afraid and as much as I want you to have friend. That isn’t gonna happen.”
Zoro growled inwardly as when he tells him to clear up a bit of the algae he left behind. He begins to clean up while listening to kiri and her uncle's conversation and chuckled lightly at mihawk's complain " well she is your niece " he grinned like an idiot. Well he was kind of shocked at first when he found out that she was his niece mostly because she didn't looked anything like her uncle. She is sweet, gentle and kind while he is serious, menacing and also threatening but this doesn't stop zoro from commenting on him.

Oniyuri sniffles as she lifted her head up a bit just to look at him and whined " but they're super scary, I don't wanna make friends with those girls. I wanna go hoooome" she cried like a miserable wolf while clenching on to him. " I wanna see bepo-kun "
Law sighs “ I guess we can go home.i won’t force you..I’ll just deal with them later..” he gets up and helps escort her home. The last thing he needed was another confrontation with that woman. He could tell that woman was one of the hopefuls wanting his money.
mihawke sighed “I married into this chaos..and so are you if what I heard is true.you already know the women get.” Then he walked into the house “Also if you know what’s good for you..keep her away from the suitors her father wants her to marry. She portrayed you as this perfect loyal husband.” Then Kiri walked over holding what looked like fish steaks “zoro Chan when your done I’m cooking.” She said smiling.
" okay " She sniffled before getting up on her feet and followed him. She kinda felt stupid for running off like that crying like a baby rather then facing the situation but what could she do? Oniyuri looked up at law " law-chan, do you still have some classes to attend? "

When mihawk went inside telling him about the suitor, he went silent for a moment. Wait...she has a suitor? Since when? But she never told me about it...i have to know. He was lost in thoughts that's when he heard kiri's voice and blinked before looking up at her and saw her there with something that look like fish steaks? " hey i need to know something..." he paused for a moment before sighing " never mind... Anyways i'll be finishing up soon " he lets her know. He didn't wanted to ask her just yet so he kept it to himself.
Kirk nodded but Mihawke whispered in her ear. She looks scared and angry..then back to scared and then sad nodding. Mihawke then goes to the table with her following. She didn’t want to talk about it but knew they would find her.

”I can take them at home and the major ones are at the college.“ He looks at her. “Wanna go book hunting?” He had to find something to make her happy. Maybe a hobby she might like. Anything to make the tears go away.
Zoro after finishing up the cleaning got out of the pond and sat on the ground wiping his sweat off from his forehead with his bandana." Why am I cleaning a dirty pond today? " he questioned himself. He got up and goes inside to tell them that he was done with the pond.

She felt bad that he would even take his his classes at home only for for her. She looked down un till he brought up something new." a book hunt? " she asked curiously with a sparkle in her eyes.
“To reflect on your past. Must I repeat myself” Mizore was quite annoyed with this boy. “The 1st rule of my dojo is facing your past to clear your mind. Yous is so clouded i could mistake it for pea soup..As a dojo master I can see it in your body movement..as a therapist...I can see your scared to live up to something. What if I told you...someone wants her as a trophy wife..to only have her to make heirs and abandon her?”

Law nodded “ we can go to the book store and find books. Maybe even buy a few you might use.“ He found his car and gets in and saw a dent..typical another thing to report. And his voicemail going off.
Zoro was was not paying much attention to what she was say but when she told him that someone wants her as a trophy and that someone wants to use her. " what do you mean? " he said in a rather bothered by what she told him.

Once they got to the car, oniyuri sat in the passenger seat besides him. She started out by the window of the car, watching people go by " law-Chan how come you and my brother never get along? Do you not like each other? "
“It was like that at first..”Law started. “During introduction I told everyone what I wanted in the rooms in order for us to get the RAs off our asses and how it effected our health..and I would do inspections before they arrived. That was when I discovered some things. Sure I let his side go a little cause he was majoring in engineering and had blacksmit tools and was looking up how to make Cast iron poop emojis. I thought he was bored. But it also reeked of baby diaper! I told him to properly dispose of them but he said they were the washable ones....and out of spite..I threw them out and replaced them.We still got the 5 but he almost wanted to murder me. To this day if I ever begin my inspection he rants about me in his room.“ At a red light he dec to show an example by texting ‘Hey coming by for inspection after book hunting ’ and handed the phone over so she sees his reaction

Mizore nods “the heirs of a gang called Orrochi have tried to court her cause of her grace, beauty, and singing, but just want her as a baby machine..saying a woman can’t fight” Kiri looked away shaking and trying not to cry. She knew Zoro hated seeing her cry.
Oniyuri scratched the back of her head when he explained the whole story. " well, I guess he has a thing for tinkering around with stuff " she said when he gave her the phone after texting him. Oniyuri blinked twice when he her brother texted back immediately ' OI! YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY STUFF!!! I'LL KILL YOU IF I SEE ANYTHING MISSING MISSING FROM THERE! ' " oh... " she gave him his phone back after seeing her brothers reply.

Zoro looked at kiri with his eyes widden, he hated the idea of theirs for using her for their own benefit. " but we can do something about it right? I mean we aren't just going to sit back and let them do whatever the heck they want. " he asked looking towards the Dojo master.
Mizore nods “marry her.” Kiri squeaked and Kiri looked at mizore “Auntie!“ she said blushing and Mizore looked at her. “You know they won’t touch a married woman unless they want cops on their reputation. And it’s not like you’re doing anything nasty. Just moving in together and wearing promise rings is enough to cover the idea of it.” Kiri nodded but she wanted it to be special for both of them “can we think about it?” Mizore sighs “fine..but it won’t be long till he tries again”
Zoro flinched when mizore told him to 'marry her' as he just akwardly stared. But once she started explaining that if they try to get their hands on a married woman, they would have deal with the cops. Zoro thought for a moment about what she said as he then looked at Kiri when she spoke up that she need to think about this. " I too want to talk about this to Kiri first and then I have to inform my sensei back at home as well. "
they nod and let them stay the night since it was a weekend. kiri was shy about the topic and didnt want to force it on zoro. they just got reunited after all and she would only say it if they did find her. Promise rings would be fine but other then that she would never push him.

When there law was seeing quite a sight and covered Onis eyes. A pair of book worms making out and snuggling. when susami noticed the mood was almost killed and she hid under the blankets. "Oh dont let me interuptt you love birds im just here to pick up a few things and help with inspections."
That day when they let him stay, Zoro was training with wado ichimonji in the dojo all alone as he swings his swords in the air. His movements were abit stiff then usual, he was surprised, confused but also worried that someone else other then himself was also interested in his Kiri and he hated the sound of that because he doesn't want anyone else have her.

Oniyuri made a curious him when law covered up her eyes. " Wha-what? What happened? " She pulled his hand off her eyes only to see a couple who were snuggling and also making out. She made a weird face before turning away from there." That was weird..." She spat out.
susami was red and trying not to cry as law checked each room and smelled the smell AGAIN he went to get bags and heard the growling "Heh hes on time this time" he mumbled as he grabbed the garbage bags.

kiri texted him on his phone trying to get some type of positive energy out of him "zoro..im sorry that i hid that from you..mommy wanted me to have a fresh start and forget daddies antics. i understand if youre mad at at me.."
When oniyuri noticed the weird smell as she looked at him thinking about what he told her in when they were in the car. " Won't big brother be mad if you throw away his stuff like that? " She asked blinking curiously.

Zoro flinched slightly when he heard his phone vibrating his pocket, he stopped what he was doing and reached to get his phone, only to see her text. He sighed and text her back after thinking about what to really say to her after a few minutes.'hey, let's go out for a walk and talk about this.' he stared at the screen now waiting for a response from her.
kiri smiled and nodded "Yes meet me at the mice shrine where the messenger mice are.." and she walks over there worried that he was upset with her. she sat by the mice and they gather around her not hurting her but aceptting her offering of bread the smallest with the longest tail taking a big piece and hiding in her clothes.
Zoro saw her text as he puts wado ichimonji in it's sheath before heading out to see her. He wanted to talk about everything she didn't him about. He was on his way and that's when he realized that he was lost and didn't know where to go. He felt a few droplet on his forehead and shirt, he looked up to see a few rain clouds. " What the- the sky was just clear a while ago ". He tries to find the shrine before it starts to rain.
she sees him and tries to call him over "Zoro!" she called out and when he came over she tried to dry him off..she hid so much for reasons and now he wanted to know..she had to show him she just looked at him with her eyes her eyes saying "If i show you..what he did to me..you promise not to explode?" she just needed a reasurring nod to show him the marks..she wont do it until it was okay.
When he heard kiri's voice calling, he started to run towards her. He was a soaked because of the sudden rain but she help him dry off. " So why did you wanted us to meet at the shrine? " he asked but stayed silent when she told him not to explode on what she was about to show him. He just glared at her with his good eye, he wanted to know what all this was about.
she sighed and just turned around and exposed her back and there it was..the whip marks, the scars,cuts she cried remembering his word "YOUR NOT WANTED! AND IF YOU THINK THAT BOY WILL MARRY YOU AND MAKE YOU WANTED ILL MAKE SURE HE DOESNT AND YOU FINALLY BE SUBMISSIVE TO ME AND DO AS I SAY..YOU WORTHLESS GIRL!." Kiri began shaking and was mumbling "im useless...worthless...no man would marry a scarred woman..he wont love me now..i wont hate him if he is gone when i turn around.." over and over.. all the trauma and almost complete brain washing starting to get to her and her about to break down and cry right then and there..
Zoro's eyes widened when he saw the whip marks on her back. They even looked really painful. He looked at her still in shock when he heard her mumbling words he would never think of using for her. It made him feel horrible " don't you dare say another word! " He said in a Stern voice. He said before wrapping an arm around her to pull her near and reached his other hand to cover her back once again. " I don't care about that stuff...scarred or not. I would never leave like that...so don't cry, I will keep you safe " he tries to calm her down so she won't panic.

Meanwhile back at home oniyuri was watching it rain outside with bepo playing around with his toys near her. " Bepo-kun, why do people always try to bully e at school? It's not like I forget them or something...maybe because I run away Everytime? " She said before looking at the little bear who didn't seem understand a thing " yeah...I get it you don't understand what I'm even saying , he..he " she scratched the back of her head. She heading up to her room but freaked out when she heard the loud thunder and the lights flickered.
she was shook a bit by his stern voice and the lighting and thunder..it combined made it sound like he was an angry tigerbut his actions made it feel like a worried protective one. she clung to his arms and began breaking down crying happily that he wouldnt leave she flincked at the thunder again mumbling "Its just a tiger...hes just growling..." over and over like he remembered cause she was scared of thunder as a kid

Law was looking for her and bepo and saw them near the window.."What are you two doing awake? do you two want to be lighting victums by that window?"He saict strictly but you can heat the worriedness in his voice. "Come on lets go to bed. i already filed the papers and have a tutor for you..as much as i didnt want to hire him.."
He kept her close to himself as he lets her cry it out. " Just Relax...I want you to explain everything to me. Just so I know what's this about and who did this to you. " He said in a rather serious voice. " I won't let anyone lay a hand on you because you're only mine " his possessive was taking over as assured her that no one will harm her anymore.

Oniyuri and bepo looked down like guilty puppies when law suddenly appeared and told them to go to bed but her ears perked up when he said something regarding a tutor. " A tutor? But I thought you were gonna help me with homework and stuff "she tilted her head before walking up to him. " who is this tutor anyways? Is it big brother? " He was happy at the last part.
"can...we....shelter.." she barely got out as they ran to the bigger shrine where te cats and mice were in harmony and the cats only ate the elder mice and not the sick out of mercy. she shook from the cold but spoke. "w-when you left when my sickness was gone..i announced i was gonna be a dancer to father and mother and when i meet you again i would marry you..mother was pleased cause she cared about you...father...was not..he said i would marry whom he approved of with an actuall degree or better and that you were a definition of a failing spawn cause you had no family.i tred to defend you and then....and then..." she brokw down crying again..the fact she stayed loyal for him just to take his last name to spite her father.

law groans "Well it is gonna be me but, someone thinks im gonna teach you 'other things' so to 'keep an eye on me' yes its your stupiod brother and his family."

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