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One x One ALTERNATE UNIVERSE WITH PHEONIX: if the strawhats universe were in school

kidd growled angrily at her statement "buddy it would better if you leave...your out numbered or else you and your shitty gang will be beaten to dust " takeo said calmly leaning against a wall with his eye hidden because of his Fedora hat. " ALRIGHT THAT DOES IT! You punks don't know whom are ya picking a fight with! I AM EUSTASS 'CAPTAIN' KID! And I am NOT going to have pity on you only because you just some women " he tells her before charge at her out of anger.

Zoro sighs in relief " that's just fine, even if you did broke your request, I wouldn't have done something horrible like that. " he reaches to hold her hand in his big ones as he slightly smiled. " you're such an idiot ya know, but that's okay it won't make me leave you... if anything I would want to protect you even more " he looked at her softly as blood dripped down from his scared eye on to his shirt and on the floor.

" Yeah! To the the onsen! " she shouted cheerfully pointing her index finger outside. She giggles childishly " also...law-chan why do these girls looks act like they're gonna kill me? " she whispers in a low voice so they won't heard her. " they're super scary"
Kiri smiled and when at the office she began helping mend his bandage while the nurse gave him stitches and gave them the all clear to leave early to get it double checked by a doctor and not to come back till it stops bleeding.Kiri smiled and gently pulled him in the direction of his car. “I’ll be your eyes for the doctor and then we can go to the dojo. Auntie will be so happy to see you. She loves to see new students interested in ice dancing.” That was the hint that this was no normal dojo. And how mihawke lost. He lost to a blade he couldn’t see.

Charlotte smiled calmly and swiftly went to the left...then punched his gut. Taking the wind out of him.the men of Kidd’s gang were shook. Any woman brave enough to punch Kidd was a keeper.but taking his literal breath away in a fight! “Your about a spunky as a firecracker..just don’t let me catch ya near my bosses sister in law. Come on boss I’ll lead you to the daycare. I show you the culprits that dare to run a kingdom.” They leave and they knew she was powerful but they didn’t know much...but someone that tamed genji the killer did.

Law sighs “there just women that want something you have and earned fair and square. They want it but can’t cause I’m not interested in fake love..I want the real deal.” He handed her the textbook for bio chem. “We’re dissecting owl poop. I got you an doctors note so your excused from the frogs.”
zoro had suddenly gotten excited when kiri told him about where they would be going when she mentioned something about ice dancing. he blinked twice looking at her " ice dancing? what are talking about? weren't we headed to a dojo?" he asked dumbfounded.

zoko chuckled at kidd who now laying flat on the ground trying to compute what just happened to him." yo guys lets get back to our businesses everything is under control here now." zoko tells his friends whom just parted ways from each other going back to their business. " join my gang! " zoko demanded to her with a childish grin plastered on his face.

oniyuri made a disgusted face as she made a bleh sound " but do i have to? i don't even wanna be a doctor, beside why are we even dissecting an animal's poop? " she asked curiously.
Law nods “it’s just for a grade. Survive this and you won’t be bothered by it again.You can be a house wife all you want however, I want one with confidence that she knows she’s smart when others call her weak. She should know that I believe in her brains. Even if they meet halfway with me..as long as I know my future wife is smarter then them..” he says gesturing to the fan club, “I would spoil her rotten and give her anything within reason.”

Charlotte laughed and glanced at Kidd then back at Zoko “I technically already have since my boss is your wife..” she stops at the daycare door and sighs. “Brace yourselves..my dad at least tried.” When she opened it a bunch of kids were swarming a stressed and defeated chubby man and akira and his sister Luna
(fair note to the audience the bunny Luna is actually called Yomi but her nickname is Luna due to her birthday being on a full moon)
Kiri took him to an arena like dojo where half of it was an ice arena and the other half was the dojo. “Welcome to the oxen dojo.when people learn the way of the ox.” She walks in and a woman early 30s was skating on the ice. Her hair was snow blonde and her eyes grayish but not blind grey. She was skating with grace and balance. “That’s her..” Kiri whispers excitedly. The woman noticed and skates over. “My my little Kiri. What a pleasant surprise to see you here.” She sees zoro and smiled mischievously. “You come for couple package?” “N-no auntie..we’re here cause he wants to know that story.” Both of them each gave looks and the woman laughed. “Of course you brag about me. I did wound the hawk after all. And..” she showed wedding ring. “He live up to word.”
Oniyuri silently listened to him, she didn't know that he expected that much from her and she felt even worse when she realized that she had been acting like nothing but a lazy slack. But she smiled determinedly as she nodded " I can become strong but only for you law-chan." She said in a low voice.

As she opened the door of the day care, he saw a really drained men in the swarm of little childern including luna and akira. Zoko blinked " who's that guy? He seems so drained out of energy " he said bluntly.

When zoro saw the dojo he was so awestrucked. It seem to different and cool at the sametime. As the women told them that she wounded Hawkeye and even manage to marry him. his eyes widden founded out that she was his wife. " wait you two are married ? "
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“That’s my father.. Known as sutwaeji Bakugami or bomb hog. And he’s the sub caretaker of this class.” She claps her hands and the kids scatter and the old man looked up startled. “Ah Charlotte. Are any of them being picked up soon?” He asked exhausted. Charlotte nods. “Just the king and queen of the wolf pack. Are they ready to go?” He shook his head. “They still want Lucas to be punished and akira is in time out for punching him in the eye..” he looked at the parents. “According to Luna, Lucas grabbed her...well” he made a gesture to the Nono square and Ammy was very angry.

Law smiled and then noticed one of the fan girls walking over “head down and ignore anything she says.” He whispers and looked up. “Ah Heather. What brings you to my table...again..” “Law I heard a rumor you were married already but me and my girls didn’t have a chance to-“ “Yes you did and I told all of you you were disqualified cause I have video evidence that you were all breaking into my house, stealing my things and on occasion...trying to cut locks of my hair..now do you all want restraining orders?I chose my lover and I am happy about my choice.” Heather growled and walked back to the club not happy with what she has to tell the boss.

The woman nodded “I am Mizore Itegami Mihawke now. But you two can call me Mizore if you want dears.” Kiri smiled. “He wants to see your dojo too.” Mizore looked at him up and down and smiled. “Give me your sense is name..I’ll tell him you’re here for special training.” As she was skating away she says “by the looks of you...you need this.”
When zoko heard that some kid just tried to harass his little luna. Zoko angrily growled and was about go in and kick the boy's teeth but stopped suddenly, when he heard his little princess's voice and saw her running towards him with opened arms as she hugged his leg and looked up with big teary puppy eyes. " papa...lucas touched me..." zoko picked her up and placed a kiss on her forehead before patting her back " you just let me who that brat is " he cracked his knuckles as luna sniffled and points where that kid was. a twisted evil grin took over his face as he passes luna to ammy and started to stomp towards the kid.

oniyuri stayed put as he told her to and was hiding her face from the book he gave her earlier but she listened to it all and honestly, she got a bit freaked out about the fact that these girls had broke into his house and even stole his belongings. she definitely does not want to bump into any of them anytime soon. as she saw the girl walking away she poked her head out of the book and looked at law " law-chan you need to lock your house or else they might try to take away bepo-kun or worse hurt him!" she panics.

zoro looked at her with his eyebrows raised as he watches the very first person to have lost to the mighty swordsmen of at time. he was very curious of how was she even able to wound mihawk in first place. when she told him what he was lacking he blinked his other eye.
Law sighed “they are the reason I considered adopting dire wolves.” He let’s oni lean on his shoulder while writing his notes. He also put in the adding more security just in case. “After this wee gonna go to the registry..we need to plan the wedding.” He noted just loud enough for the queen bee of his fan club to hear. He more prefers to call her a hornet that thinks she always gets what she wants but not him. He already has a queen.

Ammy smiled at oni “don’t worry dear...he’s not gonna hurt Lucas..just make him go to the bathroom early.” She saw the boy with Akira punching and hurting each other cause Akira was trying to defend his sisters honor and wasn’t strong enough as Lucas kept pushing him down and the kids stepped away seeing a man walk over and Akira looks away from his dad in shame.thinking he disappointed him.

“Balance.” Mizore said proudly as she replaced her skating shoes with kendo ones. “It’s in us all and ever since you lost your eyesight you lost half of it but now you found something...” she looked at Kiri and smiled.”you’re desperate to get it back. Now..” she takes her kendo stick and looked at him. “Hit me.”
She completely ignored the marriage part because he mentioned about getting wolves. Oniyuri gasped childishly " we're getting wolves? We're getting wolfys!~ " she sang sillily but remembered what he said something about marriage " who's marriage, law-chan? " she asked once again leaning against his back while he took his notes.

Zoko stared at the boy who kept beating akira down. He had his eyes darken because of his head slash giving and a big grin on his face made him look like a demon with a frightened aura. He puts a hand over the other kids shoulder. " I heard you mistreated my daughter... and i see that you even hurt my son as well " he knew about perfect painful and embarrassing punishment for a kid like him. Since he did used that method once when he was a bully at a little age of 14 or 15. He turned the kid around roughly and yanked his underwear up from behind painfully and kept him up from the floor as zoko kept the evil look on his face, as he gives the kid a wedgie. He wasn't really the most nicest guy in world but if someone hurts his kids he doesn't even care who does it. Be it a kid or a man or even a women, he or she will face the consequenses.

Zoko nodded and goes to get the kendo sticks, he held one in each hand and one in his mouth And stood ready. " i'v been trained the Dojo master Koushirou of isshin dojo, i have been training since a very little age in order to become the world's greatest swordsmen. I am looking forword for your guidance in order to achieve my goal." he bowed his head before charging towards her with his santoryu technique wit the kendo sticks.
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Law sighs. She was THIS sheltered? He heard the girls laughing at her and he glared and she looked at her. “It’s more of a what is marriage. It’s when two people who really like each other want to be with them in harmony and vow to never break their vows cause they trust each other.”

The kid began crying and begged to be let go. Akira was shaking thinking he was next and ran to his mother and Ammy whistled for him since to him she was his voice of reason. “Dear that’s enough. Let’s leave before Karen arrives..” Karen or Ken was their code word for an entitled parent that doesn’t deserve a child. “Also I think Akira and Luna earned video games today.” The kids gasped and looked at their mom “does this mean we get them!” They said in unison and Ammy just slips them a coupon that said ‘Pokémon sword and shield’ “write what you did good today and we will see in the car you’re father has one preordered copy as well. And has to return the shooting game he borrowed.”

“As I suspected.” Mizoram said dodging him “sure you are a hard as a rock” she hit her blade to his “Impressive...firm as an cherry tree.” She dodged two more blades.” And you cut quick..but..you aren’t calm...and you are to stiff..you aren’t afraid when you know that it’s okay to be afraid. It heightens your senses.” She looked at Kiri. “Kiri go into the tiger chamber..” Kiri had a look of fear in her eyes and nodded knowing she’s demonstrating. “Yes auntie.”
oniyuri smiles at him, completely ignoring the girls who were laughing at her " trust each other, huh? i like the sound of that. " she got off from his back as she open the back of her notebook and started to scribble on the paper, when she was done. she pokes his back with the back of her pen . " law-chan, look! look!" she giggled as a pink hue could be seen on her cheeks as she shows him what she had written on the paper ' i love you ' was written in blue bold letters and there were also some old scribbles of wolves and flowers here and there. she didn't wanted any of his fan club to here this.

zoko snickered at the kid who was now crying, he puts him down and stood up as he walked off without a word and was back to his normal self. he yawns " come on kids. let's head home now, you two have to take those wolf pups out on walk... besides, you both did promised me to take their responsibilities" he rises an eyebrow at both of them.

when she told kiri to go to some tiger chamber. he goes guard as he stared at her confusingly " are you trying to get her killed or something?" he certainly did not liked the idea but he thought maybe it was some trick maybe? he was just too curious.
Mizoram then laughed at zoros assumptions “No silly if I was doing that I would had asked her to go out in the thunderstorm next week.” There was a pause then “KIRI YOU LITTLE SHIT GET OUT OF MY ROOM!” “But sensei told me to come in here!” “If this is about those photos I TOLD HER IM NOT GAY IT WAS FOR A CLASS! Now GET OUT BEFORE I BODYSLAM YOU INTO NEXT TUESDAY!” “Make me you loser!” Then there was slams and a scream “Then again how they show affection worries me..” Kiri ran out dodging a few daggers and comes back with only a few scratches. “Ah personal record dear 15 minutes.”

Law smiled and says “after class I’ll order us takeout while I find us puppies. What are you in the mood for?” He asked nicely and then saw a text from her brother. He assumed it would be just about her and not that one room he told him not to go in.
After hearing the ruckus and seeing kiri walking out of there, he looked at mizore " who's in there? " he asked dumbfoundedly. Before going to kiri and sees if she was okay or not. " I don't what that was all about but why did you sent her in that room? " he asked curiously.

Oniyuri kicked her feet as she sat in her chair." Well I wanna go to a park if that's okay. " she asked shyly. she loved going out doors but because of her uncle she couldn't go out for anything, he didn't allowed her to leave the house unless it was school.
“Oh just to get her older brother up to do his chores.Just be lucky you’re an only child” an arrow flew by and Kiri barely dodged it. “Jotaro no weapons in the house!” A man that looked like a warden of a prison walked over snarling. “Auntie for the last time I’m not gay. Those photos were for class. If anyone is gay I got obey on that dragon cousin susami hangs out with.” Then there was a ringing in his ear. A ringing of dread. “Auntie can you give him a few lessons pleaseee?” Kiri asked and Mizoram looked at him. “He’s gonna be some work. I can contact his teacher about this and see if he approves.. but for the moment.” She walked over and tossed zoro a pond filter spoon. “The alge in the pond is getting aggressive. Use the stepping stones.”

“Okay..I know a park that’s also a Nature reserve.Perfect place for picnics and quiet. No crotch goblins to bother us on our date.” Law blushed when he said it but only a few can see it.
When zoro saw her older brother he had a funny look on his face. " that's her brother? " he asked himself.but blinks twice when he was given a pool filter. " hah? You want me to clean the pond? Why? " he pointed out, he was here to train..not to do some chores and besides why algae? Was she making fun of him like sanji?

" what's a crotch goblin? " she asked curiously, with a cute look on her face." Why are you blushing? Come on oni wanna know! Oni wanna know! " she chanted while throwing her hands to his sides as she tried to tickle him like an idiot.
Law sighs “crotch goblins are spawns of people who shouldn’t have kids.And I’m blushing cause I’m going on a date with you. And can you calm down the childish behavior? People can take you away from me by assuming dumb things.Like thinking I’m dating my sister or a minor.” He looked away

Mizore smiled “you lack balance. You are never calm you never bend with the winds. I bet you thinking being unafraid is how to survive but let me ask you. How many sleepless nights did you have when you had to leave your soulmate behind? Think of that as you clean the pond.”
She pouted sadly at the last part and sat down quietly " okay..oni's sorry." she didn't know how she was acting could draw negative attention towards them. She looked down playing with her index fingers. " oni didn't know " she then looked around the class nervously to see if anybody wasn't looking at her.

Zoro hesitated to agree but then gives in before going over to the pond as begins the work only to looked over to kiri as his expression changed a bit. Only she could even see the regrets in his eye for leaving her on her own for his ambition...and for some reason he felt horrible. 'Was it okay to feel that way' he thought to himself.
Some were looking at oni but looked away when Law looked at them. Law just grumbled holding on is hand with a freehand as he wrote his notes. He wasn’t mad at her..he was just worried in his own way. He didn’t want to lose her. She was sheltered and if it wasn’t for his mom working for CPS, she would be gone.

Kiri wanted to help zoro but mizore interrupted and got in her way. “Nah ah ah kitten. The 1st rule of my dojo is facing your past to clear your mind. His is so clouded could he wouldn’t face something.And I know you being loyal you want to help him but, this is something he has to do alone..cause it was his fault..not yours.” Now just to test him she says aloud “Kiri be a dear and feed the Oxen.” Kiri gave a look of worry but nods. “Yes lady Mizore..But isn’t one of them in season?” “Yes. But he’s in isolation till we find him a girlfriend. It would be dangerous if he got loose right now.” And it’s that Kiri left to the pens. Mizore just watched zoro for his reactions. Was Kiri put under this training before? Yes.Has she been through worse? Yes and she has the belt marks to prove it.
Oniyuri watches him taking notes as she lowers her head down to the table as she lays her her head against her arm. " law-chan why do you study so much? Can't you take a break? " she whispered to him. " i would like to spend time with you..ya know so i can get to know more about you " she smiled toward him calmly.

Zoro looked towards Mizore with a 'are you crazy women!?' look as he jolted up " oi! Kiri have you gone made, we don't even know if the damned thing is tamed or not! Back off from there " he yelled at kiri. Zoro was going back to his hothead behaviours just like when he was training with mihawk who made him do the most frustrating and intensed things during the training. He trained with his master in the morning and with mihawk in the evening." why are you trying to get her killed? " he asked manecingly just like he something did with mihawk or his sensei only to get punished in the most weirdest ways.
Kiri sighed “I trained with lady Mizore remember!The oxen love me I just need to stay away from one.The rest are sows.” She walked over and the sows mooed happily welcoming her and talking to her. Like any ox would they were gossiping. “Uhhuh...I seee. No!The vet said that!” She said dramatically as she fed the girls.

Law looked at her and grumbles “later to many people around.” And went back to writing. It was subtle but her request showed his shy side about showing his true self. What if there were people around that can blackmail him?
A sweatdrop appears on zoro forehead as he sighs before going back to work. He was still a bit worried about her well being because he didn't wanted her to get hurt in anyway. Zoro was grumbling about not getting to train using swords as he tries to clean the pond.

" okay " Oniyuri yawned as she puts her head down on the desk and was about to fall asleep only to get startled by an eraser hitting her in the back of her head. " ow...hey, who did that ? " she looked behind and saw a short blonde haired girl whos hands were being held back by a raven haired boy with messy hair. " yo! " the blonde girl said with a greeting smile while raven haired guy smiled awkwardly at oni " hello?... " oniyuri blinked twice at the two not knowing if they were nice or some jerk like the other girls.
Law gave a cold stare to them both as he stopped writing. He could tell the blonde was entitled and a cultist of those pyramid schemes.. if he had to take a guess it would be Makeup with how much was on her face. The boy on the other hand.. he guessed was just another victim of being a trophy boy.
" we're really sorry about that " the boy said where he gets smacked in the head by the blonde girl. " scary " oniyuri said in a low voice. " so you're the lucky girl who gets to be law's partner huh?" she said leaning near her deck as oni backs up and squeaked before getting up ran outside just to hide from the bully girls as she runs off straight into the cafeteria. Just to stay away from those girls.
Law glared again and goes to find her making a faie note to make her doctor appointments super expensive. It was time to leave anyway and he needed to get her dinner.

mihawke walked in and saw zoro near the pond. There was silence for a moment and he smirked. “She got you to huh?” He said trying not to chuckle. “Relax pipsqueak I’m not here to fight..I got kids Something you’re to young to understand.“ then he was glomped. “UNCLE HAWKE!” Mihawke just gave a look that says “oh I forgot your Dating this one.”
Oniyuri panted once she had reached entrance to the cafeteria, seeing less people around made her sigh a bit comfortably. She goes inside to just sit on an empty table in a corner where nobody could notice her the only people who were causing a commotion were skyla, bennett and Takara who were being a loud bunch as usual. Oniyuri lays her head down on to the table over her arms. She was starting to feel scared from the other people around her.

Zoro was a bit surprised and also bit startled by his sudden appearance. Mostly because poor guy was cleaning a pond full of algae rather then training and that he was a complete mess with his clothes mostly wet." what are you doing in here? " he asked him with a raised eyebrow. How could he not be here? Well...obviously it's his wifes dojo. So, can come here whenever he wants.

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